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The Electric in my village has is being manged by the local government now making it a lot more reliable but the water is still controlled by a few village people .

I'm sick of them turning off the supply when they feel like it and want to install a tank and pump.

How much roughly am i looking at? Infact i probably don't need to put it underground as it could sit on the concrete outside my wet room.

Any replies welcome.


I would say under 10k. Believe small pumps are about 3k and good tanks probably about 5k. You want to avoid the blue tanks as sun can enter and grow algae. I like SS tanks but many like the plastic sandstone type. Have the water feed tank with a float valve and a bypass to allow direct feed to home in case of electric outage - have the pump from tank to home.


A lot depends on how much water you use and how long the water is unavailable normally.

Normally at home there are 4 of us but holidays and the like can increase that to 10 or more.

Where I live in central region my moo ban has had no water for more than 5 weeks.

The normal price from the water company is 2 baht cu/m.

Now I need to buy it and clean water will cost me 50 baht cu/m.

Its called the law of supply and demand (also daylight robbery) but unfortunately water is something you just can't do without.

My project for this year after the rainy season is to dig out an underground tank of 6.s x 4.5 x 3.5 metres.

Line the base with 25cm of concrete, the walls at 15cm and slab the roof and concrete over the top.

I already have 20 ongs of about 1,500 litres but they are almost empty as foolishly I did not keep them topped up as I should have done.

There is a report that next year will be hotter and the drought more widespread and longer than this year.

My advice to you is to work out what you think you need and then double it at least.


I buy water for drinking anyway but it's just for showering and washing the dishes,clothes.

The water can be interrupted 3 or 4 times a day sometimes all day sometimes 30 mins and almost everynight after 9 or 10pm but rarely is it for days so probably a 1600litre tank is more than enough and i can sit it on the concrete outside which is as well.sheltered from the sun.

It's just so annoying when you want to shower etc and you can't especially before bed at night.


Don't forget to put in a one way check valve in the system so your neighbors cant drain off your water. As Lop says avoid the blue water tanks. Sandstone or ss is best if you don't want to be buying a new blue beast soon.


Normal water usage in the average home is about 250 to 300 liters per day per person. Wife and I average about 400 together but it all depends how much laundry and toilet flushing is done in a day. Friend down the street has a 1000 liter tank and family of 5. They may get 2 days out of the tank when the city is off.


Actually there is no reason for an SS tank to be out of the sun as it helps a great deal in heating the water. Although on the other side a heavy rain quickly cools it.

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