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You may leave Thailand but forever lust for the Thai girl.

This is not untrue. thumbsup.gif

.......and it's certainly not true. Western women every day of the week thanks :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Its true you can not trust people in Thailand and especially

the women who are more devious.

The girls might love you at the start but one viewing of a certain

soap opera or a remark from their friend could turn your

once pleasant girlfriend's mentality into that of a evil fuc_k.

I think women are easily influenced all over the World, but in

'the land of smiles' they lack complete focus <snip>

Make up your mind already. Are Thai women devious or are they so simple minded that they are easily influenced and lack focus?

I think women are easily influenced all over the World

Clearly. Women should never have been given the vote, let alone allowed to run for office.

Apoligize for my nasty post, I have met some nice Thai ladies

to be honest.

I did not say they were simple minded but a lot of them are

devious and by the way you can be easily influenced and devious.


I think women are easily influenced all over the World,


The nineteenth century called. They'd like you to return home.

My friend I love women but They are easily influenced, (not all I know)

They are not as single minded as men and can be heavily influenced

by what their friends say or what was discussed on a silly soap

opera. just what I have noticed anyway.


The OP really dwelt on the negative, didn't he?

And after 15 years, that's the worst that he's had to put up with? It didn't seem so bad. His wife and family are well provided for, which is as much as anyone can hope for. I imagine he's enjoyed the weather, the food, a number of relationships with ladies, quite possibly sexual in nature, as well as getting married.

I would suggest he's had as much fun as he's likely to get without repeating himself here, and if its not exactly the lifestyle he wants, maybe its time to move on. I'm sure he has plenty of fond memories to draw on from his time in Thailand, if he can only let the resentments fade. My advice is try to avoid raking over the resentments, and let them go cold, but share the joys with your friends.


Ive been here only 7 years and have not experienced any of the things he is ranting about....

I love posts like these. :)

You pay "falang price" for many of the things you do, regardless if you know it or not, and you especially paid "falang price" and then some your first year or so here.

That is one of the things on his list. :D

Sorry mate - but BULLSHIT!!!

My girlfriend of 6 years is a nurse here on Koh Samui.

I've known guys who marry good girls with college educations, work good jobs, married for 10+ years and then she takes everything from him when he leasts expects it. Whammo!

Her profession means squat. Yes, a nurse is 1000x better than having a bar girl as a GF but women are women and if you get a bad one, it's only a matter of time. The longer she stays with you, the easier it is to get more of your stuff.

The best thing you can do is protect your assets, don't let her know about them, and make her believe you don't have much to begin with. That way if she tries a move, you don't lose much.

Sorry mate - but BULLSHIT!!!

My girlfriend of 6 years is a nurse here on Koh Samui.

I've known guys who marry good girls with college educations, work good jobs, married for 10+ years and then she takes everything from him when he leasts expects it. Whammo!

Her profession means squat. Yes, a nurse is 1000x better than having a bar girl as a GF but women are women and if you get a bad one, it's only a matter of time. The longer she stays with you, the easier it is to get more of your stuff.

The best thing you can do is protect your assets, don't let her know about them, and make her believe you don't have much to begin with. That way if she tries a move, you don't lose much.

Easy to say Tokay, and yes, duely noted

What we dont often hear on TV is these "bad girls" side of things

Of course if you are on the piss allnight, playing around all about town pooying 1,2,3, come home at odd hours stinking of whisky, rarely shower, let yourself go (fat farang) and are generally a rude pr!ck..

and you do this day after day..what would you expect?

Yes women are women..but it works both ways :)

On behalf of Thai people we are so sorry please don't go, BTW can you lend me some money before you leave? Gib me your credit card number and exp date. we are so poor and hap no money.



Kick a man if you choose when he is down (assuming he is not a Troll) but his situation may very well come to most of

us sooner or later,as you all know deep down,but will never admit it,especially to the people back home who told you:

"you are mad" to pursue your dream in Thailand of all places,and will be back with your tail between your legs,like a

dog that's made a mistake in moving next door because he thought the food was better.

Happiness is an illusion in Thailand,fleeting at best,here today, and gone tomorrow,and of course she (your beloved)is different from the rest.

Again as you all know very well it can happen to you,unless you are a Newbie who thinks he has got it all sussed out

over his Lunchbreak and knows better than the "Old Timers"in Thailand.

Good game though and a wonderful experience,but dont take it too serious!

Sweet Dreams! in Disneyland.

I suggest the OP try mexico instead. Similar climate. Similar favorable exchange rate. Alas, the natives are a tad bit more radical in demanding financial compensation. But you can hire armed guards to protect your villa from the other cartels.

....and get a divorce cost 5000$. That is the price to hire a hitman to take her down. You keep the house, cars and the kids!

(and please, there in not only people who are english native spoken here. If you need to be, please moderator, remove me from access to the forum).


While it is easy to make fun of the op's situation and roll out the tried and true "if you don't like it...", I think in light of the recent situation there are many people re-evaluating, including myself.

As a foreigner you are not allowed to own land in Thailand.

If you try to find a loophole to evade the law, you are likely to lose your money.

Buying a car in someone elses name is not only lazy but stupid.

If you gave the money to your wife as a free gift, then it is hers to do with as she will.

Sorry, no sympathy.

Don't give/lend your money to other people, you can't trust anyone ever, how hard is that to understand?

(generally you can trust your parents but you can't trust your wife or children)

impeccable post!

can only add one thing..

Ok to trust your mother,Yes, but as for your father, being male, is probably the same sort of bastrad you are :)

(It is more than, not more then…) :D

Oh dear.......................

If a guy can't even sort out the title of his own thread, how can he be expected to sort out the tricky stuff in life? Seems a lost cause to me. :D

Apart from anything else, he doesn't appear to be a Native English speaker

and yet they ALWAYS produce the funniest threads :):D



15years and your brain is still at Bangkok airport.You have made the right decision on leaving,you havent learnt anything from your long stay.

Sorry mate but only 1 person at fault in your little mess



The difference between a Woman (any woman) and a Typhoon?


They both end up getting your house.

Here's an abridged story of a Farang I once knew who did a 'job' on his Thai Wife, taking off with the bloody lot! They opened a Thai Restaurant on the Mornington Peninsular, Victoria, Australia. BTW He was having an affair, in the same house, with her niece, who was brought down to Oz to help out, but that's an aside. His wife was 'Dingo Dumb', no Education, from an infamous Patpong (Upstairs) Bar and trusted him implicitly. After a couple of years of being in total control of the business, money and finances he had accumulated a considerable sum. They then sold the Restaurant (which he pocketed) and returned to Thailand for a 'sabbatical'. They went back to her home village. He bought the in-laws an AirCon unit even. Then, after a week, he said he had to go to Bangkok on 'business'.

She never saw him again! Nor any of the hard earned cash.

She returned to Oz, desperate and destitute. She was devasted. We put her up for a while.

He became another unqualified 'English Teacher & Private Tutor' in the LOS, somewhere up north.

She stayed in Aust and embarked upon revenge. Ripping off a string of Oz Blokes. including a couple of successful Sexual Harrassment claims. Talk about a woman scorned!

Life's rich tapestry.

Its true you can not trust people in Thailand and especially

the women who are more devious.

The girls might love you at the start but one viewing of a certain

soap opera or a remark from their friend could turn your

once pleasant girlfriend's mentality into that of a evil fuc_k.

I think women are easily influenced all over the World, but in

'the land of smiles' they lack complete focus and basically

you will be wasting your life with what most people would

call a leech or scumbag.

I think the ones who have won when it comes to Thailand

are the ones who come here for holidays, have lots of fun,

enjoy the sights, shag lots of girls and go home at the end of

it alone or with the friends they came out with.

Personally I think they are the ones losing out. Just my opinion.

On behalf of Thai people we are so sorry please don't go, BTW can you lend me some money before you leave? Gib me your credit card number and exp date. we are so poor and hap no money.

I'm so sorry my friend but as i've had to say a million times here over the years i hap no money also.

On behalf of people who wish not to be treated like an ATM machine. :)

why are people having a go at this guy,he got ripped off he was stupid for that but could happen to everyone,why are farangs in thailand so quick to put other farangs down,worst expat community ive come across in the world.

I second your statement, expats in Thailand are unsympathetic but I suspect that most forum members who speak people down don’t even live here but consider themselves as ‘expats’ because they visit LOS a couple of times a year and financially support some Issarn female in their absence.

Over the years it hasn’t gone unnoticed that the guys that speak Thailand up tend to be the expats who are 'STUCK' here having pumped their life’s savings into buying land and houses for their tilacs, not forgetting the 4x4, two motorbikes and supporting the out-laws and educating some Thai guys two minutes of pleasure.

I have two friends who have done the above and now regret it.


The best advice wherever you are in the world is to stick with the winners if you wish to succeed. Admittedly in Thailand this leaves one in a bit of a quandary if ones tastes lean towards loose women, beer Chang, hanging out with like-minded individuals and speaking pigin English to the natives.

I think the current political troubles will be a nice excuse for many to bail out of the country. Their real reasons for leaving being marrying the wrong person who fleeced them for every satang their worth whilst cultivating behavioural and alcohol addictions along the way.

I've found the Thai people in general (more so than westerners) to be very kind, helpful and generous if they know their boundaries.

(It is more than, not more then…)

Isn't there a thread on this somewhere? :)

Actually there's a Face Book page on their, there and they're, I think they cover then and than too! But as to the OP, I put all of MY motorbikes and my car in my name. I lease a house, in my name. UBC, cable, internet, my name. I don't make problems, I don't have any... But I do maintain a house in my home country, as well as a car, etc, just in case I want to leave.

Best of luck, Jimi


The best advice wherever you are in the world is to stick with the winners if you wish to succeed. Admittedly in Thailand this leaves one in a bit of a quandary if ones tastes lean towards loose women, beer Chang, hanging out with like-minded individuals and speaking pigin English to the natives.

I think the current political troubles will be a nice excuse for many to bail out of the country. Their real reasons for leaving being marrying the wrong person who fleeced them for every satang their worth whilst cultivating behavioural and alcohol addictions along the way.

I've found the Thai people in general (more so than westerners) to be very kind, helpful and generous if they know their boundaries.

A very good post mate. ( I have'nt seen too much generosity though :) )


The best advice wherever you are in the world is to stick with the winners if you wish to succeed. Admittedly in Thailand this leaves one in a bit of a quandary if ones tastes lean towards loose women, beer Chang, hanging out with like-minded individuals and speaking pigin English to the natives.

I think the current political troubles will be a nice excuse for many to bail out of the country. Their real reasons for leaving being marrying the wrong person who fleeced them for every satang their worth whilst cultivating behavioural and alcohol addictions along the way.

I've found the Thai people in general (more so than westerners) to be very kind, helpful and generous if they know their boundaries.

A very good post mate. ( I have'nt seen too much generosity though :) )

I can second the genorsity bit, as my landlady lent me some money recently whilst the banks were closed.

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