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Thaksin's Latest Interview: It Is Possible To Come Back This Year


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If the international community (and therefor also the US) wanted to arrest Thaksin, they would have done so a long time ago. Meanwhile he's been in the UK, Russia, Germany, UAE, Saudi Arabia, among other countries. All of them have extradition treaties with Thailand but none of them have any interest of joining Thailand's politically-motivated "Banana Circus".

Sure they do. He has been banned from major countries, I believe he will be arrested in Germany, and other countries have banned him from pursuing political activities from within their borders.

Extradition is a complex legal process and hard to pursue as long as T is jet hopping between "less honorable" states looking for passports, which is probably why he is doing that???

If the Thai government revokes his Thai passport, and he returns, he will have to do border runs like the rest of the farang and pay the exorbitant visa fees he himself implemented.

greece,hungary and several other EU countrys ,have made a complaintto the EU comission,why Montenegro is sheltering a criminal.

No Menyenegro membership in the EU,a save heaven for criminals and taxgodgers,like that alpine country S.

This is my last Post,as I revoked my membership with Thai Visa Forum,too many wanke_rs around

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It Thailand goes into meltdown and massive violence erupts, where will all the beer drinking farang go?

I know you guys have a fallback plan.


I predit chaos is coming.

crazy daves pattaya will do to start with

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greece,hungary and several other EU countrys ,have made a complaintto the EU comission,why Montenegro is sheltering a criminal.

No Menyenegro membership in the EU,a save heaven for criminals and taxgodgers,like that alpine country S.

This is my last Post,as I revoked my membership with Thai Visa Forum,too many wanke_rs around

Erm...not true.Strait forward lie to be precise :) .

Greece and Hungary are especially not in position to...bah-can you give us some source please?

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???

who said "most" Thais will vote Red....That is pure speculation and should read "most Isaan people" will vote red because they will be paid to...


Wasn't Mr. "T" voted in by "popular" vote? Yes, many were bribed, but according to a couple articles I have read the majority of the voters are from the rural areas. When we expats live in BKK, Chonburri, or another big city we may get the wrong impression that there is another side of Thailand.

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If he came back, maybe we could start all over again: Instead of an illegal military coup which further fragmented the country, throw him out by way of the democratic process--elections. IF they could muster the numbers. :)

A lot of you have bought the government's and PAD's demonizing of Thaksin--hook, line and sinker. They just want to put a face on the multi-faceted social problems to give everyone an easy target. If Thaksin didn't exist, there's a lot more grievances among the disenfranchised millions of the north and northeast for this social fragmentation just to vaporize. The problems are much, much deeper than a renegade billionaire PM who used his position to line his pockets.

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Hey... Can I get his phone number please? I would like to chat with him, but I wont be quite so polite as a Thai, after getting an earful for a few seconds he WILL want to die!!! :)

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Shutting down community radio stations? If they are indeed coordinating a violent insurgency intent on overthrowing the government, why shouldn't the government ethically be able to shut them down? I am not sure if they are or they aren't, but I do know even in the US which has very good levels of freedom of speech and the press, a communication vehicle actively coordinating the violent overthrow of the US government would indeed be shut down, and legally so, even if millions of people supported the insurgency. Again, if they are guilty as charged, the better question is why is it taking so long to stop these violence inciting communication organs?
Calling for elections isn't the same as advocating violent overthrow of the government.
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If he came back, maybe we could start all over again: Instead of an illegal military coup which further fragmented the country, throw him out by way of the democratic process--elections. IF they could muster the numbers. :)

A lot of you have bought the government's and PAD's demonizing of Thaksin--hook, line and sinker. They just want to put a face on the multi-faceted social problems to give everyone an easy target. If Thaksin didn't exist, there's a lot more grievances among the disenfranchised millions of the north and northeast for this social fragmentation just to vaporize. The problems are much, much deeper than a renegade billionaire PM who used his position to line his pockets.

If he did come back he will be either jailed or killed by one of the many millions of people who now hate him with passion. So yes Taksin come back and meet your fate.

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???

who said "most" Thais will vote Red....That is pure speculation and should read "most Isaan people" will vote red because they will be paid to...


Wasn't Mr. "T" voted in by "popular" vote? Yes, many were bribed, but according to a couple articles I have read the majority of the voters are from the rural areas. When we expats live in BKK, Chonburri, or another big city we may get the wrong impression that there is another side of Thailand.

He wasn't voted in by popular vote, he was bribed in by popular vote! There is another side of Thailand, a side which proves that Thailand is not ready for full-fledged democracy. People are still too influenced by money, not values.

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If he came back, maybe we could start all over again: Instead of an illegal military coup which further fragmented the country, throw him out by way of the democratic process--elections. IF they could muster the numbers. :)

A lot of you have bought the government's and PAD's demonizing of Thaksin--hook, line and sinker. They just want to put a face on the multi-faceted social problems to give everyone an easy target. If Thaksin didn't exist, there's a lot more grievances among the disenfranchised millions of the north and northeast for this social fragmentation just to vaporize. The problems are much, much deeper than a renegade billionaire PM who used his position to line his pockets.

Thaksin no longer requires the PAD to demonize him amongst the general public. He's done a fine job of it nowadays by himself. Perhaps the true colours are a little bit easier to spot when they become obvious.

Suggest you have a read of the Pasuk/Baker book on Thaksin, but unlikely you'll be able to get a copy up north (if that's where you are?).

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???


Does anyone really think that the roadmap to new elections doesn't include constitutional reform? Given that the "thugs" will be out vote buying again. If you know anything about the N and NE you know they will. It's a given. So even if they get a plurality (which is not a lock), then are able to form a coalition (big if) they'll be back out on their asses.

vote buying and executions of opponants are the norm in the south. you not know because many of you falang never leave bangkok to see it and anyway don't like to listen. this why democrat so strong here

ok clever falangs, ask your thai friends what is famous in surathani and nakorn si tammarat and they will tell you HIT MEN. 100% of thais know this and most bangkok falang not know anything about country away from tourist bars. people in south might want free election as well and if democrats all go to jail, maybe they vote free.

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???


Does anyone really think that the roadmap to new elections doesn't include constitutional reform? Given that the "thugs" will be out vote buying again. If you know anything about the N and NE you know they will. It's a given. So even if they get a plurality (which is not a lock), then are able to form a coalition (big if) they'll be back out on their asses.

vote buying and executions of opponants are the norm in the south. you not know because many of you falang never leave bangkok to see it and anyway don't like to listen. this why democrat so strong here

ok clever falangs, ask your thai friends what is famous in surathani and nakorn si tammarat and they will tell you HIT MEN. 100% of thais know this and most bangkok falang not know anything about country away from tourist bars. people in south might want free election as well and if democrats all go to jail, maybe they vote free.

I'm not disputing what you say but if that's thecase bring charges.

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"They want to crack down on the people, but there are a million red shirts"

1/60 = % ?

Please come back Mr. T.

Thailand's cabinet has held emergency talks after another grim prediction that the country could be on the brink of civil war without international mediation.

Leading global think tank the International Crisis Group says Thailand's political system seems incapable of ending violent protests that have gripped Bangkok for two months.

The think tank suggests international mediation to broker a solution.

East Timorese president Jose Ramos-Horta has already visited and spoken with the Thai prime minister.

The crisis group suggests that he could lead a mediation team.

However, in his weekly television address prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government had already decided how to deal with the crisis paralysing Bangkok.

He has declined to reveal what the plan is, but he says he needs to make sure it succeeds.

After that, he says, he will reveal a timetable for the dissolution of parliament.

Meanwhile the government has managed to convince protesters to dismantle a key barricade to allow access to a hospital in the protest zone.

The anti-government Red Shirts have now been protesting for eight weeks and central Bangkok is still largely shut down.

Associated violence has killed 27 people.

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Didn't he said in a phone conversation with a reporter just today that he was not behind the current uprise.And only a few hours later he gives a complete opposite statement.I assume he suffers from brain cancer instead of prostate cancer.

Seems time to REALLY adjust the meds.

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For one thing, the hospital incident seemed to give him discomfort. When Naya asked him about it, he said he did not know details and suddenly hung up.
Yes, it was definitely Thaksin. The hero of the so called pro-democracy, pro-freedom movement ... It's basically an insane situation and he's basically the cause of it.

Nothing much rational he can say about it that doesn't seriously undercut his troups on the street,

Any one have a list of PTP MP's 'quoted criticizing' this hospital take over...

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Shutting down community radio stations? If they are indeed coordinating a violent insurgency intent on overthrowing the government, why shouldn't the government ethically be able to shut them down? I am not sure if they are or they aren't, but I do know even in the US which has very good levels of freedom of speech and the press, a communication vehicle actively coordinating the violent overthrow of the US government would indeed be shut down, and legally so, even if millions of people supported the insurgency. Again, if they are guilty as charged, the better question is why is it taking so long to stop these violence inciting communication organs?

IN USA the Air Waves are public space administered for the people by the government.

EVERY station over 5w MUST be liscened and subect to wattage and antenna directional checks

and ANY violation of these is subject to instant shut down.

Using the public airwaves, to criticizes the government is legal, talk radioj does it nightly.

BUT using the airwaves for sedition or to incite insurrection as grounds for

loss of license, forfeiture of equipment, and possible prison terms

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???


Does anyone really think that the roadmap to new elections doesn't include constitutional reform? Given that the "thugs" will be out vote buying again. If you know anything about the N and NE you know they will. It's a given. So even if they get a plurality (which is not a lock), then are able to form a coalition (big if) they'll be back out on their asses.

vote buying and executions of opponants are the norm in the south. you not know because many of you falang never leave bangkok to see it and anyway don't like to listen. this why democrat so strong here

ok clever falangs, ask your thai friends what is famous in surathani and nakorn si tammarat and they will tell you HIT MEN. 100% of thais know this and most bangkok falang not know anything about country away from tourist bars. people in south might want free election as well and if democrats all go to jail, maybe they vote free.

Us "clever farangs" pritty well invented everything civilised on the planet from democracy to flush toilets (oh sorry you dont know about that one yet)

So YOUR hit men are our best bet for Thai democracy then ?

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Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???

Well wasn't that the plan with Samak and Somchai government?

Seems he had to scarper off while he controlled the parliament and the executive,

because the judges finally grew some balls. The police will do squat,

but the army will move on his fuzzy butt should it appear.

They no doubt know who is ultimately responsible for

their guys getting shot April 10th. No forgiveness, no remorse...

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"They want to crack down on the people, but there are a million red shirts"

1/60 = % ?

All government has to listen to minorities.

Is that too much to ask for?

yes, but they claim to be majority. :)

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could be the reason the US intelligence can't find him??

US intelligence can't locate OBL, why the <deleted> would they care about a fugitive charged with a 2 year sentence in a different country.

Thaksin is not in some contemprary fascist, al Quada cave among the deranged faithful in an area the Pakistan goverment hasn't any control over. Thailand is the oldest US ally in Asia. Anyone who thinks US intelligence can't locate TSW of Thailand in the interests of the Thai Government would be kidding himself. If US intelligence presently wanted to locate any of us in Thailand, you think we wouldn't be located? Or in Dubai? Mongenegro? Uganda? Etc?

The truth is the photo is of Thaksin secretly meeting with his gang of Red posters of an internet forum we all frequent. :)

A Thaksin return to Thailand is his own version of psyke ops that none around here in his right mind could or possibly ever would take seriously. It's sort of like the second coming (or now a fantacised third one) we've been hearing about for 2,000 years.

Actually, Thaksin in 2 000 more years (!) would be most welcomed back as he couldn't conceivably pull off his past, present or planned future shyt.

10 minutes after the NSA was told to talk with you,

your phone would ring.... anywhere on earth if there is a signal.

And 4 hours later they would MAKE a signal appear overhead.

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I'm sure the majority of Thais would welcome Mr Thaksin's return to Thailand............in a pine box.

I know I would!

I don't think they use pine boxes here.

An urn would be much more appropriate.

There won't be throngs of red shirt supporters at the airport to greet him, because there would also be throngs of anti Thaksin demonstrators there to counter them. The confrontation would quickly turn violent, and the authorities would be forced to disband both sides and bring the fugitive into an undisclosed location for his own safety.

The red apologists here often forget that while some may support him, millions also loathe the fact that he is allowed to breathe the same air as them.

If he does return to Thailand, he won't be long for this world.

Airplane lost at sea in a giant electrical storm.

No ashes, no return, no place for Jim Morrison style cemetary visits.

Just gone and done with would be the best for Thailand as a whole.

Best for all to be forgotten except in history books.

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