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OK Here's my story ... at 16 my parents divorced (in the UK). Couldn't live with either Mum or Dad so I was on my own. The first year was spent working on a construction site and mixing with 20 yr olds and I noticed that nearly all the adults I met were unhappy with their lives. They had basically compromised and could live with it by comparing them selves with others who were worse off!!

So at 18 I got a passport and decided to see what this world had to offer me. Armed with a good backpack and about 60 quid I set off into Europe and worked my way south, Then I began to realise that the more I went out on a limb, the more wild things happened to me. I also noticed that a door always seems to open just when you think its hopeless. As time went by my theory of doors opening stayed true and there was one time when I did something even I regarded as insane!!!!

I was on a bus from Elat in southern Israel to Cairo, again with less than 50 quid to my name. The bus was two hours into the desert and all you could see was sand and one long straight black tarmac road. At this point something "took hold" of me and I demanded that the bus be stopped. The driver thought I was nuts to want to get off telling me that there was literally nothing here. But, get off I did and as I watched the bus moving away in the distance I suddenly thought "Oh no!! You've gone too far this time!!!" After an hour or two, I was sat under the only palm tree in sight, smoking a cigarette and wondering what was going to transpire, when I saw a group of camels coming over a sand dune. They approached me and one of them handed me a tin of peaches. He then smiled and they left, leaving me thinking that this was like something out of a Woody Allen movie. A short time later they returned and took me and my backpack off to their camp. I stayed with them for 3 months and they taught me how to live in their world. Then they gave me the bus fare to Cairo and I was back on the same bus (you should have seen the driver's face when he saw me!!)

From that time to now, I feel that I am somehow protected and that things are always working out for me. I might add that I am active, positive and always trying so I think that has a lot to do with it. I am now living in Thailand (have been for 27 years) with a wife and two kids and even though I have absolutely no savings, assets etc, I never worry about the future. How can I be wrong when I look back at all the amazing things that have happened to me"

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Ow my goodness!!!!! What an amazing story! Only you know if it's true or not. It sounds like it's made up but if it's not then I can understand as to why you are so confused as to why you always seem to land on your feet.

I too lived and worked out in the desert. Only for me I was working for an oil company in the Sahara in Libya.

I have heard of many men driving out in their cars for them to be found dead (car broke down) eyes would be missing, birds eating them and all. As they do :)

So if what you said is true, then God certainly is looking out for you.

Apart from that I have no idea, just don't start thinking your immortal or something and contemplate jumping off a building to test your theory. :D

Well done mate for keeping your marridge going especially that you have 2 kids.

Nice post man!


Good story... however rather then being true i suggest it was a dream you had that you've now decided to pass off has true...

Its ok... ive had some funny dreams too... however they dont normally involve camels :)


You were lucky, I did a bus trip through the infamous Rafah border crossing in the Gaza Strip to Cairo once, there was an army escort and a convoy of vehicles, apparently that was the only way to travel due to the bandits operating in the area. The army escort was several trucks of soldiers, they were well armed and seemed to take the security serious. This was maybe 14 or 15 years ago. A busload of tourists were gunned down in Cairo just a few weeks before, the terrorists thought they were Israelis but they were in fact Greeks, the bus had been switched, apparently about 18 or 19 died in the incident.

Good story... however rather then being true i suggest it was a dream you had that you've now decided to pass off has true...

Its ok... ive had some funny dreams too... however they dont normally involve camels :)

I'm smiling cos it's all true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I ask how you cab stay in Thailand when you are basically broke?

I earn enough to support my family but no more than that

Good story... however rather then being true i suggest it was a dream you had that you've now decided to pass off has true...

Its ok... ive had some funny dreams too... however they dont normally involve camels :)

I'm smiling cos it's all true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm well that being said, its not totally impossible...

This german guy has been riding a 3 speed pushbike aroudn the world since the 70's on next to nothing... worth a read...


Can I ask how you cab stay in Thailand when you are basically broke?

I earn enough to support my family but no more than that

There's a lot more. Only a few people who are close to me know. I stopped telling others a long time ago cos I was met with the same disbelief as I know will surface on this forum. Dunno why I decided to speak out here, it's my 54th birthday today and as I sit here drinking a gin and tonic, I started to reminisce and then it struck me just how much I have experienced in my short time on this earth. I'm surrounded by guys my age who have the financial security now, whereas I never looked further than tomorrow. I feel honoured to have had the life I have had. My mother grieved for 20 years with guilt about me until I managed to make her understand that their separation was the best thing for me. I am now the proud holder of a PhD from the University of life. You could drop me anywhere in the world without a passport or money and I know I'd survive.

And what was it again that you were smoking under that tree?

Happy Birthday Geronimo!!

Been doing that since I was 16 too. Perhaps that's got something to do with it!!!!


I should write a book (actually I did once and it got published Learning Thai: Just enough to get by and more ISBN 974823733) about all of my experiences.

I saw a group of camels coming over a sand dune. They approached me and one of them handed me a tin of peaches. He then smiled and they left...

Didn't know camels were that clever :)

And what was it again that you were smoking under that tree?

Happy Birthday Geronimo!!

Been doing that since I was 16 too. Perhaps that's got something to do with it!!!!

Well done... and happy birthday! :)

Just curious about how you can stay in LOS with no income to speak of? What type of visa are you using? Or are you now a Thai citizen?

Define "No income to speak of"

I make enough money to support me and my family and I borrow the money to get my annual visa.

That's a tiny hurdle when you've been where I have !!!!!!!


"I was sat under the only palm tree in sight, smoking a cigarette and wondering what was going to transpire, when I saw a group of camels coming over a sand dune. They approached me and one of them handed me a tin of peaches."

Which hand did the camel use when he handed you the peaches? I lived in the Arabian desert for over 15 years and the one thing that always stuck in my little brain is that you expend about a gallon of body fluids every hour just sitting under that palm tree you found (which I also never saw anywhere in the deep desert except at an oasis) which makes water pretty important. But good story, add some sex and send it to penthouse.

"I was sat under the only palm tree in sight, smoking a cigarette and wondering what was going to transpire, when I saw a group of camels coming over a sand dune. They approached me and one of them handed me a tin of peaches."

Which hand did the camel use when he handed you the peaches? I lived in the Arabian desert for over 15 years and the one thing that always stuck in my little brain is that you expend about a gallon of body fluids every hour just sitting under that palm tree you found (which I also never saw anywhere in the deep desert except at an oasis) which makes water pretty important. But good story, add some sex and send it to penthouse.

Who said I never had water? And yes, upon reflection I did emit that there were bedouins on the camels. Lovely people who made a living trading with the various settlements.



Great story!

I have to admit I would like to have done something similar, but I've never had the nerve to live that close to the line.

I have however. worked all over the world. I make enough to support those I love...a family of five, plus myself... but I'm far from rich. I'm 64 years old now, and will be retiring from work this year. I will be coming to Bangkok to live with my family soon.

Since I was 19 I've worked/lived in Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Ethiopia (well what is now called Eretria),Saudi Arabia, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Turkey, and now Greece. In addition I've spent a lot of time in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. I'm originally from the U.S.A.

Even though I've been working in those countries I regard Bangkok as my "home". I've seen a lot of things and have a lot of memories from all of those places. In that regard my life has been a happy one. (mostly)

I can't imagine spending all my life in one place, one country, one home town. I think I would go insane (if I'm not already) living that kind of life.

But like I said I always wanted the security of knowing where my next paycheck was coming from...even if I spent it all as soon as I recieved it. I guess I never quite had the nerve just to go off somewhere without a few dollars in my pocket just in case something happened.



Can't you share some of the things you've learned through your life experiences? Other than being able to survive anywhere in the world, smoking, drinking, and only worrying about tomorrow (I thought the idea was living in the moment). I'm assuming your a spiritual person, and have come to realize what's important in life. Please enlighten us.

Quick edit: When you're 20, short of actually getting killed, you feel invulnerable. How do you maintain that attitude?

Can't you share some of the things you've learned through your life experiences? Other than being able to survive anywhere in the world, smoking, drinking, and only worrying about tomorrow (I thought the idea was living in the moment). I'm assuming your a spiritual person, and have come to realize what's important in life. Please enlighten us.

Quick edit: When you're 20, short of actually getting killed, you feel invulnerable. How do you maintain that attitude?

There it is again .... that awful thing assumption. I share many things with many people and I always try to enlighten though quite often I am the recipient of wisdom. OK Then here something for you: Before making any post, one should really digest what has been said and never assume anything. Apart from causing disagreements, it usually leads to disappointment also.

The attitude you're referring to has been there since I can remember. I try not to judge others, not to hurt any living thing ( we all have a right to exist) and not to take advantage. If I see someone who is making an effort and they need help, I'll give it if I am able. Oh and I don't lie for personal gain. That's it.

Can't you share some of the things you've learned through your life experiences? Other than being able to survive anywhere in the world, smoking, drinking, and only worrying about tomorrow (I thought the idea was living in the moment). I'm assuming your a spiritual person, and have come to realize what's important in life. Please enlighten us.

Quick edit: When you're 20, short of actually getting killed, you feel invulnerable. How do you maintain that attitude?

No, he stated " I never worry about the future", Isnt that "living in the moment" ??? :)


This is you I think?

"Special needs children at Meanprasatwittaya" google search from the paper that cant be mentioned.

What was so awful about my assumption? You seem like a spiritual person, and thanks for the insight.

Nothing awful about your assumption, but I feel that assumtion is an awful thing.

Can't you share some of the things you've learned through your life experiences? Other than being able to survive anywhere in the world, smoking, drinking, and only worrying about tomorrow (I thought the idea was living in the moment). I'm assuming your a spiritual person, and have come to realize what's important in life. Please enlighten us.

Quick edit: When you're 20, short of actually getting killed, you feel invulnerable. How do you maintain that attitude?

No, he stated " I never worry about the future", Isnt that "living in the moment" ??? :)

"whereas I never looked further than tomorrow" is what he said.

This is you I think?

"Special needs children at Meanprasatwittaya" google search from the paper that cant be mentioned.

It is. I helped to integrate 200 special needs children into a learner centered environment of 1200 kids. The amazing thing I saw there was the love and unconditional patience the "ordinary" children exhibited.


Ive got to admit many people think like this until one day there luck runs out, I always think "oh something will turn up" one day it wont. No point worrying about it though Im always pretty careful.

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