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Regretting Your Investments / Financial Commitments In Thailand ?


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may i ask what investments you made that have lost you this much?I mean investments always go up and down,so if you not have to sell,just wait for a rebound.If its property,at least you have bricks and mortar,and there's always a buyer sometime.And lastly,as long as you did n't put your eggs in one basket then all is not lost.Hope you can recover soon.

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off so that myself and others can benefit from your experience. That would be positive and useful to others even though, unfortunately not for you.

I have made 1 or 2 bad investments on 1 or 2 women here many years ago, loseing about 500,000 baht altogether, but that was my stupid falt for being impatient and not thinking as objectively as I usually do.

Since then (the last 5 years or so), I think all my investments have been sound or at least reasonable. Of course this may fall into a big hole if ever or whenever , for example, I try to take my (hopefully) profits, particularly in property. I might find that there was less appreciation than I expected. If I never sell then it doesn't matter. But, if I decide to get out of Thailand lock , stock, and barrel then I might be disappointed especially when compared to the various markets outside of Thailand.

It's all fish and pond stuff.

Edited by barky
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with the fall of the pound my house in thai worth roughly 30% more; not that it makes a differrence as i intend on keeping it for ever.

stock market is up on a year ago also but i dont play

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I have very little invested in Thailand...and if it all went away tomorrow it wouldn't mean a thing anyhow.

Like everyone I can into the world naked, with nothing....so if I leave it with only the shirt on my back, I'm still ahead.

The rest is meaningless anyhow.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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tourist business seems to be the place to use / loose the most money for low returns. like "buying" a guesthouse wich you still have to pay rent on to the real owner and then you barely make enough to pay opperrating costs; is it something like this you've walked away from?

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.

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For all my moans about Thailand, Investments etc is one thing i can't moan about ( sorry OP, this might not help you )..

I came here with next to nothing nearly 7 Years & i have earned money here & i'm happy with that..

But to invest here ?? You've got to be joking...

The most truthful thing i have EVER hear about ANYTHING is a saying that " Only invest in Thailand what you are prepared to lose. "

Sure there may be exceptions to the rules but the majority..........................

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.


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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.


and what is a financial comittment? house for an issan ladie?

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.

I guess if you don't want to reveal exactly where your investments were then that's of course your business. We can now speculate till our hearts desire.

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If you want to cash in at current value someone will make the gains when things turn around. If you had a real estate portfolio in USA would you be any better off?

Investing is speculation, doesn't matter what things can go belly up.

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In hindsight, yes. But there is no way I could have timed the market or the political problems here. If I had known, I would not have bought a Thai condo but instead for the same money waited and bought THREE USA townhouses for rental income. I am seeing very nice 2 bedroom townhouses in the US now (foreclosures in nice major city suburbs) selling for one million baht.

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Personally I'd say no, bought our house for 4.5 million THB we live in it so no regrets there, bought about 20 Rai of palm plantation for 1.4 million also no regrets there, our car 1.1 million, well a man needs wheels doesn't he? :)

Rest of the cash is "safely" invested out of Thailand.

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In hindsight, yes. But there is no way I could have timed the market or the political problems here. If I had known, I would not have bought a Thai condo but instead for the same money waited and bought THREE USA townhouses for rental income. I am seeing very nice 2 bedroom townhouses in the US now (foreclosures in nice major city suburbs) selling for one million baht.

do you have any links please? what monthly rate would they rent for each, minus agents fees? 1millbht/ about 20grand english is what i'd have to put down as a deposit in england, but on a 3or4 bed place would return 20-25 thousand pounds per year after costs.

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6 year's ago paid money for a 5 bedroom house. (In the wife's name) The rent at the time was 5 thou: a month. And the woman that owned it was skint, Got it cheap 14,000 pound's then 1 mil:bt Do I regret it not on your life, no rent for 6 year's a few more and Id have got my money back. Investment sure. Last year got a car 1,5 mil bt. Im not crazy that's in my name.

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Im still pleased with my investments in Thailand (in the thai stock exchange)- even now, after the whole red shirt thing- the Thai SET is up about 60% since beginning of last year. And yesterday i got a 90,000 baht dividend check for the money i have in AIS shares- that's a 9% return!. Thailand has some of the highest stock dividend returns in the world:-)

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.

10 mil is nuthin

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.

Of course not!

And I hope the instability/uncertainty will last.

This is exact the climate I need for constant brute profit :) .

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.

You're still being a bit unclear. So the 10 million you have invested was in property or something and you still have it? I invested about 5 million in the house which we have been living in the past 8 years. No regrets. All other money invested in the USA.

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I'd say he's just adding up what he's spent here over the years and calling that 'an investment'. If that's it then he's just plain dumb. You spent 10m so what? If it's a proper investment then dish it up.

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you mean people (farang) actually buy things in thailand that they expect to make money on ?

now ur just being silly .

I started investing in thai stocks in january and have made 6 % return/profit cash in the bank since then- even and during the current red shirt protests. Lots of money being made on the SET (if you do you research:)

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I'm guessing that the OP has, as I have, invested a considerable amount in developing a business here. Assuming that is the case, I'd have to say that in hindsight (hindsight being 20/20 and all that), I probably would have been better off putting my money elsewhere. I alway figured that I was investing for the long term and have been at it here for 28 years. During that time I've made a decent living but it's not what I could have done in some other countries, or pursuing other business models, I'm sure.

On the other hand, quality of life is good and while I haven't "made it rich" I don't really have a whole lot to complain about.

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