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Thai Gov't Renews Threat Of Force Against Red-Shirts Protesters


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getting old by now already .... thread ... nothing ... thread ....nothing in a month time probably still the same and they will start building this overpass and the area is going to be renamed to : little Baghdad

But only after some very serious threads from the government and a zillion more arrest warrants.

5th June....Government thread that it will mobilize the aircraft carrier to disperse the mob....Abhisit guarantees that normality will be back before the new century.....

Government: we really, really mean it this time, the reds sing Key Hoc Baybe Key hoc ta la la. Question How can you tell when Abhisit is telling porkies answer he opens his mouth what a charade....... :D

Maybe he is doing it really this time....and if not now maybe next month

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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I think there is zero chance for a widescale civil war. Certainly there will be terrorist acts. But we have that now. And we have had limited terrorist actions off and on for the last year. So no change there really.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I also don't see a full scale civil war such as Spain, USA, etc. There are different kinds of civil wars though. However I can imagine warring military factions but I reckon that would be settled rather quickly with a coup by the dominant faction taking over.

Edited by Jingthing
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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

People internationally frown on invading hospitals and launching grenades at innocent bystanders. They've seen the payoffs, the intimidation and they've seen through the reds.

Invading hospital yes . wrong and very stupid

Throwing grenades however is not prooven else i think the governement would have

acted already .

Lets stick to what is prooven

It has been proven. They have captured several red shirt guards and a couple of red shirt leaders. They have confessions.

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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

Its a fair question. I assume the goal is to retake the occupied territory which after all is very important economically. Then what? Hopefully, the masses go home and no more territory is occupied. If they want to take over a landfill in the outskirts of Bangkok, that wouldn't be a problem though. The reds are clearly trying to intimidate the country with their outrageous illegal occupation into caving in to MINORITY demands. That is totally unacceptable, in Thailand, or anywhere.

Edited by Jingthing
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^Jing you know full well this is another empty threat. If they were capable of doing so this would already be a moot issue. I think the military will sit on their arse and do nothing because at the end of the day they want no part of this.

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getting old by now already .... thread ... nothing ... thread ....nothing in a month time probably still the same and they will start building this overpass and the area is going to be renamed to : little Baghdad

But only after some very serious threads from the government and a zillion more arrest warrants.

5th June....Government thread that it will mobilize the aircraft carrier to disperse the mob....Abhisit guarantees that normality will be back before the new century.....

Government: we really, really mean it this time, the reds sing Key Hoc Baybe Key hoc ta la la. Question How can you tell when Abhisit is telling porkies answer he opens his mouth what a charade....... :D

I will start to believe the governement when the army brings in some artillery :D

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So many people here on TV cannot absorb that Abhisit is building the confidence of the country in his ability and leadership

To throw that steadily growing confidence into the gutter by instigating bloodshed would rather stupid

Thank goodness Abhisit has more sense and compassion than all you idiots who think you represent him!!!

Edited by 473geo
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^Jing you know full well this is another empty threat. If they were capable of doing so this would already be a moot issue. I think the military will sit on their arse and do nothing because at the end of the day they want no part of this.

Sure, it could be a way to pressure the reds into a REASONABLE compromise deal. However, if the reds won't talk Turkey, I disagree with you, there is a point where the government will have NO CHOICE.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I think there is zero chance for a widescale civil war. Certainly there will be terrorist acts. But we have that now. And we have had limited terrorist actions off and on for the last year. So no change there really.

Going out on a limb, I believe at the most we'll see a sporadic battles between army and police - there is an old rivalry there that may get reignited. You only have to do a comparison of average waistlines to see who will fare best in those battles though.

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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

Its a fair question. I assume the goal is to retake the occupied territory which after all is very important economically. Then what? Hopefully, the masses go home and no more territory is occupied. If they want to take over a landfill in the outskirts of Bangkok, that wouldn't be a problem though. The reds are clearly trying to intimidate the country with their outrageous illegal occupation into caving in to MINORITY demands. That is totally unacceptable, in Thailand, or anywhere.

Tut tut tut Jinthing

Both sides could try to bridge the gap through discussions ......i.e.6 months offer

and you just want to keep stoking the fire !

So you said your only objection to the reds cause was Thaksin, so if he died

would you then support them ? :)

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So many people here on TV cannot absorb that Abhisit is building the confidence of the country in his ability and leadership

To throw that steadily growing confidence into the gutter by instigating bloodshed would rather stupid

Thank goodness Abhisit has more sense and compassion than all you idiots who think you respesent him!!!

Precisely why i start to like the guy !

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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

Its a fair question. I assume the goal is to retake the occupied territory which after all is very important economically. Then what? Hopefully, the masses go home and no more territory is occupied. If they want to take over a landfill in the outskirts of Bangkok, that wouldn't be a problem though. The reds are clearly trying to intimidate the country with their outrageous illegal occupation into caving in to MINORITY demands. That is totally unacceptable, in Thailand, or anywhere.

Tut tut tut Jinthing

Both sides could try to bridge the gap through discussions ......i.e.6 months offer

and you just want to keep stoking the fire !

So you said your only objection to the reds cause was Thaksin, so if he died

would you then support them ? :)

Not my only objection at all. The red leaders that have emerged during this insurgency are just as bad but in different ways than Thaksin. I would support a new movement rooted in sound policies and NON-VIOLENCE. And don't tut tut me; I never said I wasn't for talks, stop distorting my views, please. Edited by Jingthing
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^what is out of the bottle can't be put back. Time the govt does what is right and resigns, dissolves the house and calls elections. :)

Out of the bottle? Are you referring to the reds affection for MOLOTOV COCKTAILS?

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The sad thing is that when the final push eventually comes , I have a feeling that the redshirt hierarchy will hide behind monks,women and children (expendable cannon fodder).

I just cannot see the blackshirts,security thugs and red leaders manning the barricades to protect the innocents in their midst.

It can only be hoped that the militant red /black shirts have the courage of their convictions to front up like men.

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^what is out of the bottle can't be put back. Time the govt does what is right and resigns, dissolves the house and calls elections. :)

Are you trying to explode jings head using the internet????.... :D .

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The sad thing is that when the final push eventually comes , I have a feeling that the redshirt hierarchy will hide behind monks,women and children (expendable cannon fodder).

I just cannot see the blackshirts,security thugs and red leaders manning the barricades to protect the innocents in their midst.

It can only be hoped that the militant red /black shirts have the courage of their convictions to front up like men.

Sad but true. Clearly a reason the government has waited so long, and issued so many warnings. However, at the end of the day, violent insurgents are going to have to be dealt with.

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So many people here on TV cannot absorb that Abhisit is building the confidence of the country in his ability and leadership

To throw that steadily growing confidence into the gutter by instigating bloodshed would rather stupid

Thank goodness Abhisit has more sense and compassion than all you idiots who think you respesent him!!!

Precisely why i start to like the guy !

And me


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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

Its a fair question. I assume the goal is to retake the occupied territory which after all is very important economically. Then what? Hopefully, the masses go home and no more territory is occupied.

My question is based on the premise that in order for this conflict to be properly resolved, some kind of consensus must be reached by all sides on the rules of the political game. If the country wants 'democracy' rather than military dictatorship the rules of the game will need to include tolerance of opposing political views and adherence to the rule of law, without which democratic campaigning can't take place. It may well be that after a bloody fight the masses 'go home' - but how is the political follow-up carried out, and would non-violent and tolerant campaigning in a democratic campaign be possible post massacre? If it's not - then elections in three / six / twelve months would be impossible. So what then? The government postpones elections indefinitely? If they were to postpone a future election (even if it was because candidates could not campaign freely) it would just make the problem worse.

I agree that the government is faced with a big problem. But it's one they need to avoid making worse. The people on the streets are (or would be) for better or worse, their main opponents in a future election. This thing needs to be resolved, if not without bloodshed, then certainly without bloodshed being a policy decision of one of the party's involved.

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^what is out of the bottle can't be put back. Time the govt does what is right and resigns, dissolves the house and calls elections. :)

Are you trying to explode jings head using the internet????.... :D .

Nah jing is quite alright - quite like the lad even though I do not agree with his political leanings. :D

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People internationally frown on invading hospitals and launching grenades at innocent bystanders. They've seen the payoffs, the intimidation and they've seen through the reds.

Invading hospital yes . wrong and very stupid

Throwing grenades however is not prooven else i think the governement would have

acted already .

Lets stick to what is prooven

It has been proven. They have captured several red shirt guards and a couple of red shirt leaders. They have confessions.

You mean Methee ? An actor in search for publicity Who conveniently gets himself arrested with some M16 and explosives in his car .

Arrested by a police who could not find a blind man walking on an empty parking lot at 12 noon on a cloudless day

Do you want to bet with me that they will find anti-monarchist stikers in his appartment if they really look well .

Sounds a bit far fetched to me . And as i said they would had clamped down on the reds real hard if they had valid proof

of them attacking innocent passer-by .

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I want the red leaders, red guards and the black men arrested, brought to the court and have their punishment for what they have done to their home country and their fellow country men.

And then hold elections as the red obviously will be the next government in Thailand. Like it or not that is why cowardly Abhisit wont hold elections.

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Families of protesters killed to lodge complaint against PM

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Families of 21 demonstrators killed on April 10 will lodge complaints against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban in the Criminal Court next Monday under arrangements devised by the Democratic Alliance for Democracy Against Dictatorship (DAAD).

"Dr Cherdchai Tantisirin will lead these families to the court," DAAD leader Dr weng Tojirakarn said yesterday.

He said lawyers were preparing papers necessary for the case.

"We have obtained a copy of Abhisit's order. He ordered the troops to disperse the demonstrators," weng said.

There were violent clashes at Khok Wua intersection on April 10 when soldiers sought to disperse red-shirt protesters (the DAAD). The dispersal was hampered by an attack on government troops by "men in black" and ended with casualties on both sides. Up to 25 people died while more than 800 others were injured.

Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong Nopparit said yesterday he planned to pursue the matter in the Civil Court and the International Criminal Court, although there appears little chance of it going that far.

"The defendants will be Abhisit, Suthep, and all board members of the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES)," Prompong said.

He said the order to disperse demonstrators caused huge casualties and they should be held accountable.

Many injured victims and families of those killed victims showed up at Pheu Thai Party headquarters yesterday to authorise the party's legal team to pursue a case on their behalf.

"I hope such tragedy will not strike anyone else," Suparat Thongphui lamented. Her husband was killed in the April 10 clash.

Suwimon Foongklinjan said she lost her son in the incident and could not understand why the government was so brutal.

"The government should take the responsibility for using war weapons against barehanded protesters," she complained.

Like Suwimon, Sangwan Suttisen did not believe in the government claim that "men in black" from the red-shirt movement killed red-shirt demonstrators on April 10.

"The red shirts didn't have any weapons. How could they kill each other?" Sangwan said. Her husband was shot dead while waving a red flag.

Sangwan said it was unclear who shot her husband. "But if Abhisit hadn't ordered the dispersal operation, my husband would not have died," she said.

The widow said she came to Pheu Thai for help because she did not know to whom she should turn.

Red-shirt demonstrators or supporters of the DAAD have been rallying in Bangkok since March, demanding Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva dissolve the House of Representatives immediately.

Initially, they rallied at the Phan Fah Bridge.

As the rally dragged on, they decided to gather at the Rajprasong intersection too to step up pressure on the government. In the face of the rally, many businesses in the area had no choice but to shut down temporarily.

Following the April 10 incident, the anti-government shifted to the Rajprasong intersection. Thousands of demonstrators have stayed there despite the government declaring a state of emergency and asking them to stop occupying such a central shopping area.

Panitan Wattanayagorn, deputy secretary general to the prime minister and acting government spokesman, said yesterday the government would send a text note to demonstrators' cell phones to tell them they should leave Rajprasong and use other means to express their opinions.

"Via SMS, we will also inform them that we can send them home before we start other operations," Panitan said.

The government will start sending SMS to the demonstrators today after other channels of communication, including leaflets, did not prove effective enough.

Panitan said the government wanted to restore the Rajprasong intersection to normal as soon as possible.


-- The Nation 2010-05-03


Sangwan said it was unclear who shot her husband. "But if Abhisit hadn't ordered the dispersal operation, my husband would not have died," she said.

I especially like this "logic." If your husband wasn't part of an illegal "protest" that was ordered dispersed under an emergency decree, by the internationally recognized Government of Thailand, he wouldn't have died...

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Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I want the red leaders, red guards and the black men arrested, brought to the court and have their punishment for what they have done to their home country and their fellow country men.

And then hold elections as the red obviously will be the next government in Thailand. Like it or not that is why cowardly Abhisit wont hold elections.

No offence intended , but that (red forming a coalition) remains to be seen .

Edited by pornsasi
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Now listen here you pesky red shirts (or whatever color you are wearing now). This is your final, last, concluding, closing, ending warning. Don't make me come down there an issue you our ultimate, absolute, definitive, decisive, irrevocable super final warning!!!!

'Mr Kasit later told journalists that the government must exercise utmost restraint in order to prevent losses of life among the army and innocent people, but that it is simply not possible for any elected government to allow armed people to topple social institutions and the government'.

Two things wrong with that statement; what he says and the person who is saying it.

Could this be the same Khun Kasit who said the violent and economically crippling PAD protests were quote "a lot of fun" and "The food was excellent, the music was excellent,"?

Could this also be the same Khun Kasit who was/is a member of the PAD who along with guns, bombs and 'security guards' occupied the two biggest airports in the country, fought battles with the Police because 'Joining the PAD was not a sin because millions of people had also joined it to help uproot corruption?'

Of course the man is entitled to his opinions, but many in the UDD use just the same 'uproot corruption' line to justify their tactics which they copied from.................yes Kasit and his friends in the PAD.

The hypocrisy of this man knows no bounds....

the PAD didn't had military weapons and did not shoot army officers in the head. They never told to burn down Bangkok to seize power. They wanted to oust an illegal government which came into power by vote buying.

They got shot with M79 every night if you remember. As well the PAD never had bombs....

'Police manned checkpoints on roads leading to the airport. At one checkpoint, police found 15 home-made guns, an axe and other weapons in a Dharma Army six-wheel truck taking 20 protesters to Suvarnabhumi airport.[124] Another checkpoint found an Uzi submachine gun, homemade guns, ammunition, sling shots, bullet-proof vests and metal rods. The vehicle had the universally recognised Red Cross signs on its exterior to give the impression it was being used for medical emergencies.[125] At another checkpoint, about 2 kilometers from the airport, was attacked by armed PAD forces in vehicles, causing the police to withdraw. Police Senior Sgt Maj Sompop Nathee, an officer from the Border Patrol Police Region 1, later returned to the scene of the clash and was detained by PAD forces. He was interrogated by Samran Rodphet, a PAD leader, and then detained inside the airport. Reporters and photographers tried to follow Sompop to his interrogation, but PAD forces did not allow them.[126] PAD supporters were moved from Government House to the airport.' [127] sources; BP, IPS & THE NATION

'Alliance members have since August gone from merely occupying spaces like roads and parks to occupying public buildings, in particular, the Government House. Organised armed "guards" have defended their positions both from opponents and from state security personnel. They have also illegally obtained and openly carried an array of manufactured and homemade weapons, including guns from caches that had reportedly been kept in the government premises. They have illegally detained other citizens. They have vandalised, destroyed and stolen public and private property. In the last day or two it has been reported that in addition to occupying the Suvarnabumi airport they have seized busses, and have refused to allow police into the airport to investigate explosions there during the night. They are now reportedly preparing for the latest phase in the "final battle", which is supposedly being instigated under codenames like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cities on which the United States military dropped nuclear bombs at the close of World War Two.' ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION

'Police Sunday arrested two men, who confessed to be PAD guards, after a lot of bombs and other weapons were found on them.

The two - Thanit Khanurai, 28, and Watana Kijpithaksin, 22, were arrested while riding a motorcycle on the Ratchasima Road in Dusit district at 2:50 pm.

Police found a bag with 3 M67 grenades, 22 ping pong bombs, 1 homemade bomb, 4 shotgun ammunitions, a samurai sword, and three sling shots.

Police also found id cards of PAD guards on them.

Watana told police that he was hired by another PAD guard, identified only as Nok, to carry the bag from a spot under the Rajawat Bridge to put into a garbage bin in front of the Rajdamnone Boxing Stadium'. THE NATION

'One of the many retired generals supporting its occupation at the airport observed that it should be seen as a military, not a civilian organisation.

Behind the "aunties with clappers" and well-groomed young women clutching lap-dogs that are the public face of the movement are squads of hoodlums, armed with batons, metal spikes and hand-guns who man the barricades and hunt down intruders.

One morning I followed them as they dragged an alleged government spy off to an undisclosed location, kicking and punching him'. BBC

PAD guards nabbed with guns

'Troops and police at a checkpoint in front of the Ministry of Finance on Rama VI Road have arrested six men in a pickup truck for possessing guns and a quantity of ammunition, Bang Sue police said on Friday morning.

On searching the vehicle, the security forces found .38 calibre and 9mm pistols, 100 rounds of ammunition and a 5-litre container half-filled with petrol.

They found six identity cards showing that the suspects are security guards for the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD). They also found a number of membership cards for the New Politics Party'. BP 16/04/2553

Now, I'm not defending some of the UDD actions here, but to say the PAD are acting and have acted in the past without the use of violence and military hardware and expertise is clearly false. Surely the government has someone better to speak on behalf of the country than a member of the violent PAD. Kasit should be keeping a low profile....

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