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Mobile Phone Anti Virus Software


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Just treated myself to a new 60 series (Nokia 5800) mobile phone and have been looking at downloading OEM applications. Just realized that I've been on line with it for days without any protection.

Anyone suggest a good anti virus package? Thanks.

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Anti-Virus protection on mobile phones, especially S60, is generally not needed. Waste of money. There's been only one Symbian worm of note in the past two years and it was never found in the wild. Unless you are doing the same things that will get you into virus trouble on a PC -- opening e-mail attachments from people you don't know or accepting files via Bluetooth from those you don't know -- then you're not at risk.

I'm not an expert, but I'd imagine the only real phone platform with any virus risk is the Microsoft or Apple platforms. There have been several well-publicized exploits for the iPhone, but S60 is pretty rock solid.

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Anti-Virus protection on mobile phones, especially S60, is generally not needed. Waste of money. There's been only one Symbian worm of note in the past two years and it was never found in the wild. Unless you are doing the same things that will get you into virus trouble on a PC -- opening e-mail attachments from people you don't know or accepting files via Bluetooth from those you don't know -- then you're not at risk.

I'm not an expert, but I'd imagine the only real phone platform with any virus risk is the Microsoft or Apple platforms. There have been several well-publicized exploits for the iPhone, but S60 is pretty rock solid.

Yep .... What they said !!!! :)

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