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Tell Me Honestly

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When I saw "The Beach" at the movies before I ever came here it made me think hard about living like that.......For 10 seconds, then I realised it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to give up my creature comforts unless I were thrown in Jail

Well Done to ANYBODY who can live without modern day trappings, I would take my hat off to you, but I would burn me 'ead

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get off the council estate where I lived and to have friends who weren't taking drugs or committing crime, or whose dads weren't in and out of prison.

Down to my parents, who persevered despite my being a thoroughly odious little git who always knew best.

Hey Sadman....you come from Ramsgate as well then?

Ramsgate? Ramsgate? We used to dreeeeam of Ramsgate. 'Fraid not, Lamps, I come from Lewisham, SE London. It's now an expensive and fashionable place to live, but it's still a karzi.

Being from Ramsgate, you'll know the places I went to play rugby against: Snowdown Colliery, Betteshanger, Deal, Dover, Sheppey etc.

Ever play against 'Thanet Wanderers'? Now that WAS a rugby team

Oh yes, on numerous occasions. A very good side, and if my memory serves me correctly it was when they were in the national leagues. I haven't played national league rugby for a good many years, but I came across them in the Kent Cup a few years ago. We put up a manful effort and came third out of two.

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My dream was always scoring a hat trick for Scotland as we beat England 6-0 in the world cup final.

Oh well, I ended up with the palm trees, the beach and the beautiful oriental wife, so I can't really complain

Now you are dreaming. Scotland get through the qualifying rounds :o:D:D

Cheeky Bar Steward ! !

It is a well known fact that per head of population Scotland are in fact the most successful International football team in the history of the world ! ! !

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Something I've noticed from quite a few writers on the Forum are things about village life. This post is to question those who write about how they could not live in a village, with no running water,no constant electricity,cooking over a open fire etc. In fact without all the modern day appliences we all take for granted.

How many of you out there used to daydream as a youngster of living in a tropical parsdise,surrounded by beautiful women,eating cocnuts and drinking cool river water, the sun beating down every day, dressed in nothing but a loin cloth,miles from the nearest civilisation. I certainly used to have these visions. In fact it was a very popular schoolboy dream. Come on be honest.

If you go straight from the luxury of city living into an environment as you described, i think thats when you experience the culture shock. As time goes by you begin to become accustome to your surroundings and i think you then can work out how much you like the way your living, gauged by how much you miss the simple things............. me, i like the simple things in life, like running water, showers and electricity......

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