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I Have Been Mugged!


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Hello there,

I am a long time lurker but first time poster. I have been living in Thailand for a couple of years now. But recently I was walking around bangkok when I suddenly got overwhelmed by a bunch of guys. I had walked straight into an ambush. They took my passport, credit and atmcards, mobile phone, money and keys. I was forced to withdraw all my money from the bank. I am dead broke now. They kicked me and almost hit me unconscience. One of them had a gun. I am alright though I only got a couple of bruises. The police told me to go to the hospital and get a medical report. I did all that but they aren't doing anything. Thailand is so corrupt.


they told me that my kind is not welcome in Thailand and that I should tell other foreigners that they are out to get them. They are fed up with the foreigners "owning" and they want to take it back. I just visited the embassy and I am leaving Thailand as soon as possible. I invested in condo's and girls. And its all a waste of money. Now I dead broke

I recommend you guys to get out of here as soon as possible too. Thais are turning against us. I am btw not surprised at all. I am just surprised that it took them this long to figure it out. I mean would you like it if foreigners came to your country bought up all the land and properties, raise all the prices to insane heights, disrupt society with their drunk and rude behaviour and sleep with as many thai girls as possible. And generally just be a proper idiot. I wouldn't take it either. I am really surprised it took them this long.

Thais don't want us here. Its so obvious. You can see it in basically everything. Doubles prices, not allowed to vote, not allowed to own land. This is just the tip of the iceberg. All I am not giving a dime to this country any more. As a fellow "farang" I feel obliged to warn you guys. This is my advice: leave this country as soon as possible.

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I am telling you. It's real!

I just warning you guys. Because I am 57 years old, I got no degree or savings or a wife at all. I kept fooling around with thai girls and living the dream life but karma has come around and bit me in the $. I don't want you guys to make the same mystake. I dont have any credentials at all so its going to be very hard to re-integrate back in western society at all and get a job.

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spot on i think.the guys who replied are just pissed cause its them your talking about.

isn't it funny that in us english 'pissed' means angry, and in uk english it means drunk :)

sorry, what was the op on about again...?

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I must admit the quality of trolling has taken a real downturn recently.

I haven't spent much time outside of the politics threads for awhile .. but if the OP is any indication then you are right!

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I always keep 95% of my money in my US bank account that can't be accessed by ATM. I transfer just what I need into my Bangkok Bank account just in case.. I also doubt I would walk right into an ambush though.

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OMG! someone was mugged! In Bangkok? And 'they' want us out? Sick of us you say? Right that's it, I'm never coming to Thailand again. Mugged! Outrageous behaviour, I'll keep my hard-earned and go somewhere where people don't ever get mugged like...umm...like....ummm...errr The Moon! no, wait, that's where Fanta Rood comes from....

ah <deleted> it, Thailand it is then :)

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