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Thaksin Shinawatra Rumored Dead

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Hmmmmm..... :)

I think we will all find out that this story is true, his wife and childrens arrived in Hong Kong on the evening of the 25th all dressed in Black..... I dont know where they were heading for but the Black clothes were a bit of a give away... Burn in hel_l...........

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Don't you just love Goverment, they'll do anything to make Thaksin look dead, so they can continue their dirty games.

Ha ha - agreed!

The problem that the government has is that it has been caught in so many lies. Any serious statements that they do make seem nothing more than comical.

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From the awful photoshopped facebook pages to the wheres waldo aspect of it

The jury is still out on that one. A good many people were saying that the photos of Thaksin were real, including a poster who pointed out how (by rubberstamping, mirror images) that the most of the photos showing Thaksin were real and the ones that showed the empty scenes were the ones that had been doctored. But at the end of the day, if you work on a pixel-by-pixel basis, it's possible to Photoshop anything.

Shame Photoshop was ever invented - we can't believe what we see photos anymore.

Edited by clockworkorange
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TheNation now reminds me of a British newspaper I once read when I was a little kid ...it claimed Aliens had just invaded Earth as the headline, some proof of Bigfoot and Nessie in the smaller sections. Oh yeah, and there was also something about a woman with snakes growing out of her head.

Sounds like the Sunday Sport.

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Sayonara, Adios, Au revoir, and Arrivederci


A good job, you must like photoshop. That's not Thaksin's end. You changed the photo.

Thaksin is so revered by the reds it would not be unusual for his picture to be displayed in a building where this event is held. At this point if he was dead they certainly haven't told the masses who would not be present at the funeral, which has not been held in Thailand. Just an old picture.

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All these rumors are just wishful thinking. Thaksin knows the reds have lost and is putting distance between himself and the protest so he won't face more criminal charges. His money has likely stopped flowing to the protests as well. The timing of his death would just be too perfect. He'll come back later to make more trouble.

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I am constantly amazed at the hatred that is engendered by Thaksin. Should one accept that his personal avarice exceeded those traditionally in power, that he played many nationalistic game he could (against minorities) to pander to his constituency, paid voters to vote his way (always happens in new democracies anyway), we have to consider:

1. The very existence of the ideas represented in the roadmap for the future. Ideas represented there have never been considered by the rulers in a way so open as to be assured that they be the basis for public debate and voting.

2. Consider this recent report by a present day "establishment" player"

Two thirds of Thai workers - 23 million of the 37 million workforce - are not covered by the social security system, Deputy Public Health Minister Pansiri Kulanartsiri said.

More than half of all workers are at risk of occupational hazards, with about 2.9 million injured or sick annually, the minister said.

This has spurred ministry plans to set up 94 vocational health clinics by 2012, she said.

To mark May Day, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday said his administration had prepared measures to relieve the cost of living, improve workplace safety, provide appropriate welfare, coordinate with the private sector to delay plans to lay off workers, provide skills training and reinstate workers into jobs.

The period for laid-off workers to receive unemployment compensation from the Social Security Fund had been extended from 180 days to 240 days, while their social security contributions were also lowered temporarily, he said.

On Tuesday, the Labour Ministry will ask the Cabinet for Bt387 million to support businesses and workers. The government will also consider a nine-point labour demand submitted on Thursday.

3. To put these issues into the general discussion, to move the horizon of political discussions so far, it took a rich man who owned communications avenues. I hold no brief for Thaksin at all, but to wish for his death is not merely extremist, it is unjust.

Edited by CMX
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I think Drew needs to get out of the bar a little more often. It is funny how Chinese whispers like this can become irrefutable fact however.

Anyone got anything conclusive about Thaksin moving all his baht into USD before the 1997 crash? Maybe true, but as yet nothing conclusive.

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Thaksin isn't dead. Why is this thread still open?

But still no prove that he's alive.

That Robert Amsterdam is making a case in Thaksin's name, is just a smoke curtain, he couldn't confirm or he had recently spoken with Thaksin or not.

Just another think the "president" had up his sleeve, he's now trying to get something out of it for his family, because the inhearitance is not sufficient to live their lives

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I am constantly amazed at the hatred that is engendered by Thaksin. Should one accept that his personal avarice exceeded those traditionally in power, that he played many nationalistic game he could (against minorities) to pander to his constituency, paid voters to vote his way (always happens in new democracies anyway), we have to consider:

1. The very existence of the ideas represented in the roadmap for the future. Ideas represented there have never been considered by the rulers in a way so open as to be assured that they be the basis for public debate and voting.

2. Consider this recent report by a present day "establishment" player"

Two thirds of Thai workers - 23 million of the 37 million workforce - are not covered by the social security system, Deputy Public Health Minister Pansiri Kulanartsiri said.

More than half of all workers are at risk of occupational hazards, with about 2.9 million injured or sick annually, the minister said.

This has spurred ministry plans to set up 94 vocational health clinics by 2012, she said.

To mark May Day, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday said his administration had prepared measures to relieve the cost of living, improve workplace safety, provide appropriate welfare, coordinate with the private sector to delay plans to lay off workers, provide skills training and reinstate workers into jobs.

The period for laid-off workers to receive unemployment compensation from the Social Security Fund had been extended from 180 days to 240 days, while their social security contributions were also lowered temporarily, he said.

On Tuesday, the Labour Ministry will ask the Cabinet for Bt387 million to support businesses and workers. The government will also consider a nine-point labour demand submitted on Thursday.

3. To put these issues into the general discussion, to move the horizon of political discussions so far, it took a rich man who owned communications avenues. I hold no brief for Thaksin at all, but to wish for his death is not merely extremist, it is unjust.


....and Mr. Thaksin and his crew of "honest Samaritans" are the "only ones" who know this and the only ones who did something against it...?

..sorry, get real, it's a global problem since the dawn of time, simplistic, political mudslinging, as if this government isn't doing anything, only the Government oft he Thaksin cronies, governed this country well... :D

This guy and his cronies would tell and do ANYTHING possible to turn the tide to return to power forever - since he's been so close.

No, in fact he was there already - absolute majority in parliament and .... a very promising future, just check how he lined his and the pockets of his cronies - then everyone should know what this guy and his crew are really all about!

Everyone else just closes his eyes - all the "good" this guy ever did was going to the UN meeting in NY...

The rest is history and (hopefully) remains history!

Just look what this guy is spending just to remain in the headlines.... not to be forgotten - out and over!

He's is desperate, very, very desperate, his little ego very, very hungry, power hungry and after all this makes him very dangerous, very, very dangerous!

I say (write) it again: "He will stop at nothing"....

He just said: "i am in good health, not losing any hair yet ..." (Yuk! Shows his "loyalty", so lovely..)

What he really wanted to point at.. gives me the creeps, about his real ambitions!

Edited by Samuian
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Just look what this guy is spending just to remain in the headlines.... not to be forgotten - out and over!

I guess you have your sources with regard to his expenditure.

However my take is that Thaksin now needs to pay little to stay in the news. The government are terrified of him and continually make references to him when ignoring him would be more sensible.

Thaksin simply needs to "tweet" and the media are full of it.

I have lost count of how many threads refer to him just on TV.

The Nation have a story about him every day.

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It has been confirmed from reliable sources on this forum today and yesterday that Thaksin is alive.Even by reporters from The Nation.So why this story from the most unreliable news source in the world?I assume other members still remember the other story about the crackdown on farng owned bars.


If one dies in a foreign country then the authorities inform the appropriate Embassy, who in case of Thaksin would instantly inform the Thai government, and due to Thaksin's political position in this country the government would have to make this public, either officially or otherwise, but this did not take place.

On the other hand if Thaksin is alive then he is bound to be aware of the above rumours and he would no doubt make an appearance on some video conference monitor to ridicule the rumours, but this did not take place either.

Thus the rumours are still wide open, and could be based on the current political impasse.

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Just look what this guy is spending just to remain in the headlines.... not to be forgotten - out and over!

I guess you have your sources with regard to his expenditure.

However my take is that Thaksin now needs to pay little to stay in the news. The government are terrified of him and continually make references to him when ignoring him would be more sensible.

Thaksin simply needs to "tweet" and the media are full of it.

I have lost count of how many threads refer to him just on TV.

The Nation have a story about him every day.

Keep guessing.... after all it is (for some) mighty difficult, mighty difficult!

Some spectators (maybe being buffled) are just simple,

very simple and refer to even simpler argumentum ad persona... that's all!

Others simply get lost and believe that

he has managed to "terrify a government"..

but that is life and doesn't change anything on the facts of life!

And after all this is TV a Thailand related forum so there can be zillions of post's about some political situation,

which looks for a remake, all over the planet, this stuff isn't seen every day on the world stage, even African "leaders"

are lacking his qualities, that is something to be really proud of, a genuine achivement!

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better red than dead!

I tend to think of the future dead,

if we were controlled by the current reds.

now, now twas a joke... anyway reds won't control much as their 'Head of PR' has done such an outstanding job of cocking it up - although I have sympathy for many of their aims (no not Thaksin before you kick-off) to empower the poor etc.

Let's just get the dissolution and elections sorted out - whoever wins (fairly) wins and that's that!

Probably rumours about K. Thaksins death are exagerated - until I see it I won't believe it - he's like a zombie he just keeps coming back from the dead!

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It has been confirmed from reliable sources on this forum today and yesterday that Thaksin is alive.Even by reporters from The Nation.So why this story from the most unreliable news source in the world?I assume other members still remember the other story about the crackdown on farng owned bars.

Because TVF is the place where every rumor and gossip about Thaksin is the most important and most preferred subject of conversation. Reliability and truth can be disregarded as long TVF members can spin about Thaksin. It is the talk that makes a forum vivid and lively. The newest fad seems to be to talk about Thaksins testicles and prostate.

So don't try to come with some sense here, let the fun roll for those in need.

ThaiVisa does not post unfounded rumors <<< That's what I've been told.

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this is getting interesting, really.

It that was true a lot of things would happen but generally we could hope for a quick improvement as the remaining leaders would fight for power and the movement would lose any remaining credibility and of course no deep pockets anymore.

In any case Khun Thaksin did good things too, not only corruption, apparently others did corruption before him he just got caught, you could say was unlucky. Many people would be praying to his portrait afterward I bet, that is why educate educate and educate.

What does not make sense to me is this. If I were terminally sick, or just very very sick I would prefer to enjoy my life more, the remaining days, not fighting, exciting to violence etc.

My bet is Khun Thaksin is well and alive and is still working on regaining the control of Thailand. But if the rumor is spread some followers may indeed believe it, overall not a bad move. Declare the leader dead and make people unsure what is true and what is not.

A nice jumble of poorly put together English from someone who teaches English throughout Thailand. As a class exercise it might just make a D mark if the examiner was feeling generous on the day.

What makes you so sure that the guy is teaching English? That's way off topic. It was about Thaksin. End

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Freedom of the Press in its pure form does not exist in Thailand. Therefore, foreign journalists have found ways to convey information allowing foreign readers to "read between the lines." The article by me (Drew Noyes) about Thaksin is full of many reasons why the current government agreed to new elections and what would happen if and when Thaksin, who suffers from cancer, dies. I also interviewed a possible future successor to Thaksin who said Thaksin is alive. If the article on the front page of http://www.Pattaya-Times.com is read carefully in its entirety new information may be discovered.

The article about "Police Crackdown on Foreign Owned Sex Bars" in a prior edition of the Pattaya Times was a warning with the solution how to avoid arrest simply for owning the bar as a foreigner. Since the article was published in the Pattaya Times only a few go gos have been busted and a French pedophile was arrested. That is good. Information is vital.

The rumor about Thaksin is dead is just that, a rumor. But it is an influence on many people so it is good for us to know. Ask a Thai to Google this rumor in Thai and you will see that it is the main topic of discussion now.

Who is Drew Noyes?

What are his journalistic credentials?

Does he have any previous credible pieces published?

Not heard of him?

He's the "Sifu" of the Journalistic world :)



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