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Thaksin Shinawatra Rumored Dead

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The story starts "The romour that Thaksin is dead"

Given the trash written previously by Drew Noyes there is certainly no substance to this story, I have also checked to see if there is any other news stories following this rumour apart from a reference to a blog in the "Guardian", nothing...

if true:

May he "Rest In Peace"

And May Thailand Unit In Peace

Edited by Basil B
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Don't you just love Goverment, they'll do anything to make Thaksin look dead, so they can continue their dirty games.

Ha ha - agreed!

The problem that the government has is that it has been caught in so many lies. Any serious statements that they do make seem nothing more than comical.

So the government write all the stories that appear in the newspapers?

don't think so somehow.


Edited by davethailand
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If Thai Visa wants tp retain some semblance of credibility it should avoid repeating the rubbish from the Pattaya Times. Ahin to the Sunday Sport for reliabilty. Next thing you will be reporting that Elvis is living on the beach.

Now, if the BBC (not as reliable as they used to be) reported Thaksin's death that would be different.

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....let all of us do a Sherlock Holmes analysis on this thread

In Order

1 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level ego

2 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level liking for Money [Greed]

3 Mr. Thaksin still has money in his various accounts around the world

4 When a person passes on, they take nothing with them

Therefore as irrefutable proof , I submit , unless he has discovered a way of taking it with him, He is still alive. If he still has money , he is still here........ There proof positive

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....let all of us do a Sherlock Holmes analysis on this thread

In Order

1 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level ego

2 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level liking for Money [Greed]

3 Mr. Thaksin still has money in his various accounts around the world

4 When a person passes on, they take nothing with them

Therefore as irrefutable proof , I submit , unless he has discovered a way of taking it with him, He is still alive. If he still has money , he is still here........ There proof positive

a variation on

'I think therefore I am'?

'I spend therefore my heart beats'?

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....let all of us do a Sherlock Holmes analysis on this thread

In Order

1 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level ego

2 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level liking for Money [Greed]

3 Mr. Thaksin still has money in his various accounts around the world

4 When a person passes on, they take nothing with them

Therefore as irrefutable proof , I submit , unless he has discovered a way of taking it with him, He is still alive. If he still has money , he is still here........ There proof positive

Gonzo, you clown. If he is alive, why hasn't anyone seen him video conferencing or on TV talking about current events in Thailand? He did that almost everyday up till the day of his death. Obviously a man with an ego his size as you have suggested would want as much face time as possible.... a CEO does not communicate using Twitter or Facebook! Do you seen Barack Obama doing the State of the Union Adress on Twitter?! hahahaha

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It has been confirmed from reliable sources on this forum today and yesterday that Thaksin is alive.Even by reporters from The Nation.So why this story from the most unreliable news source in the world?I assume other members still remember the other story about the crackdown on farng owned bars.


If one dies in a foreign country then the authorities inform the appropriate Embassy, who in case of Thaksin would instantly inform the Thai government, and due to Thaksin's political position in this country the government would have to make this public, either officially or otherwise, but this did not take place.

On the other hand if Thaksin is alive then he is bound to be aware of the above rumours and he would no doubt make an appearance on some video conference monitor to ridicule the rumours, but this did not take place either.

Thus the rumours are still wide open, and could be based on the current political impasse.

So, should he have died in Montenegro or Nicaragua, there would be no need to call any Embassy!

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He is NOT dead, much as we may wish it were so, he is putting out these roumours while stage managing his return. Picture the scene:-

His plane arrives at Thaksin international airport (aka Suvarnabhumi) but he refuses to let it dock at one of the skybridges as he wants to play to the crowd.

So the plane stops out on the tarmac, the stairs are rolled up, the door opens and a hush falls over the waiting crowds who have magically been let in by security, his security.

Then he appears, looking frail and stumbles at the door. An aide leaps to his assistance but is waived back, this is his show. He straightens up and steps out onto the top of the stairs blinking in the bright sunshine. He stops, look out at the assembled masses and raises his hands to the heavens.

THAKSIN, THAKSIN, THAKSIN chant the exultant masses, a few duly faint with the overwhelming sense of emotion that runs through them. The crowd is assembled behind the ranks of the red guard, their scarlet banners hanging proudly from shafts bearing the spread eagle insignia similar to that the Roman legions carried on state occasions. The black emblem emblazoned in the centre and on the arm bands of his faithful.

He steps unsteadily onto the stairs and commences his slow descent, pausing for breath every third step but waiving aside any offer of assistance.

He reaches the bottom and steps onto Thai soil for the first time since he fled the country. A tear rolls down his cheeks as he kneels down and kisses the tarmac.

The crowd go wild. THAKSIN, THAKSIN, THAKSIN they continue their rythmic chant, almost Gregorian in nature, but working themselves towards a crescendo. This is no mere mortal they have come to worship.

He stands up and is greeted by his former wife and children. Immediately he drops back on one knee, gently takes her hand and asks her to re-marry him.

Now the crown is at fever pitch. THAKSIN, THAKSIN, THAKSIN but now they are screaming his name as if for all the world to hear.

Enough, but you get the substance and that's his style. No sneaking in the back door making concilliatory comments.

Anyway I got the real word from a bloke in the pub last night. He said to me, "Sthakshin, shus hoo sher hel_l ish schtashin".

btw Mr T. if you are reading this and wish to use any or all of the elements I've outlined I am quite well disposed to talking over such details as royalties.

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....let all of us do a Sherlock Holmes analysis on this thread

In Order

1 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level ego

2 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level liking for Money [Greed]

3 Mr. Thaksin still has money in his various accounts around the world

4 When a person passes on, they take nothing with them

Therefore as irrefutable proof , I submit , unless he has discovered a way of taking it with him, He is still alive. If he still has money , he is still here........ There proof positive

Gonzo, you clown. If he is alive, why hasn't anyone seen him video conferencing or on TV talking about current events in Thailand? He did that almost everyday up till the day of his death. Obviously a man with an ego his size as you have suggested would want as much face time as possible.... a CEO does not communicate using Twitter or Facebook! Do you seen Barack Obama doing the State of the Union Adress on Twitter?! hahahaha

I teach courses to government officials who say he indeed has cancer, is going through therapy. I am not saying even that is a fact, but they have credible sources from Dubai (Thai officials there in Dubai).

But as for his death, it's hard to believe and I don't think it could be so easily concealed. It is odd how he has disappeared in terms of being reduced to "twitter" and "facebook" but some of the gov't officials say he's hiding severe illnesses. Who really knows until we get confirmation?

Will it do the country a favor, red shirts going home? Or do you think it will feed a fire and enrage his supporters to get more drastic?

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you're evidence that he was/is a mason?

Erm ... Am I?!!!!  ... Wow, that's more than a shock!!!!  :)

Anyway, to respond to a rather silly question pertaining to a man of the most extreme wealth and power in the mason haven of SE Asia that is Siam, I shall quote a certain mad Scottish Yank (and Scottish Rite masonic douche) Gordon Brown and, in Amerikkkan lingo, shall say (although 'write' is more accurate) ... "Get real! Get real! Get real!"

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He is NOT dead, much as we may wish it were so,

Isn't it amazing that foreigners will come to live, work or retire in another country and get so absorbed in its politics as to wish the death of people.

Do you people really believe that Thailand will become a peaceful, democratic nation upon the death of someone?

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He is NOT dead, much as we may wish it were so,

Isn't it amazing that foreigners will come to live, work or retire in another country and get so absorbed in its politics as to wish the death of people.

Do you people really believe that Thailand will become a peaceful, democratic nation upon the death of someone?

You said it right :)

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He is NOT dead, much as we may wish it were so,

Isn't it amazing that foreigners will come to live, work or retire in another country and get so absorbed in its politics as to wish the death of people.

Do you people really believe that Thailand will become a peaceful, democratic nation upon the death of someone?

You said it right :)

No, but its a step in the right direction. :D

KhunT and his billions of little buddies have wasted everyones' time for long enough already.

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Are we really still debating this? In the last week he gave a phone interview to the Nation, and followed it up by having a conference call with the PTP and commenting on Abhisit's reconciliation proposal?


Or am I missing the joke?

To begin with, I think he's alive.

But what you are missing is how odd it is that this man who thinks of himself as an international man of importance -- during a crisis some attribute to him -- and who is traveling internationally at a stupefying pace lately, cannot manage to hook up with a television crew and do a 5 minute interview. That's all it would take. Speculation over.

If someone from back home calls me and its a real friend of mine, I know by the phone call it's him or her. But if it's a former business associate, I'm not sure my voice recognition skills are so precise that I could state with impunity that yes, that was without question that person.

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Are we really still debating this? In the last week he gave a phone interview to the Nation, and followed it up by having a conference call with the PTP and commenting on Abhisit's reconciliation proposal?


Or am I missing the joke?

To begin with, I think he's alive.

But what you are missing is how odd it is that this man who thinks of himself as an international man of importance -- during a crisis some attribute to him -- and who is traveling internationally at a stupefying pace lately, cannot manage to hook up with a television crew and do a 5 minute interview. That's all it would take. Speculation over.

If someone from back home calls me and its a real friend of mine, I know by the phone call it's him or her. But if it's a former business associate, I'm not sure my voice recognition skills are so precise that I could state with impunity that yes, that was without question that person.

I wonder how many times The Nation reporter has spoken with Mr T on the telephone in the past (or was this the first time) to be absolutely sure it was him speaking during the telephone interview.

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Place your bets (non monetary) on the following:

"Dearly beloved, I'm happy to inform you that the rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated. I am however fighting <insert medical condition> with the help of my good friends and family. The government has graciously granted me amnesty due to health reasons. "

(Heck yeah it's a long shot, but this being a rumour mongering topic, it's no worse than what has gone before this post. :) )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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....let all of us do a Sherlock Holmes analysis on this thread

In Order

1 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level ego

2 Mr. Thaksin has world class maybe even a Gold Medal Level liking for Money [Greed]

3 Mr. Thaksin still has money in his various accounts around the world

4 When a person passes on, they take nothing with them

Therefore as irrefutable proof , I submit , unless he has discovered a way of taking it with him, He is still alive. If he still has money , he is still here........ There proof positive

I would suggest that perhaps we have beaten this rumor to death. :)

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