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Ignorance Is Bliss? Do You Choose The Red Pill Or The Blue Pill?


Blue Pill or Red Pill?  

8 members have voted

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In "The Matrix", Morpheus gives Neo the choice between two fates. Take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole and see how far it goes. Or. Take the blue pill and wake up in the matrix without any recollection of a conflict. Cypher the traitor/ villain definitely would have chosen the blue pill. The real world is terrible for him- he'd much rather blissful ignorance as a movie star. Lately, an issue has arisen not in my life but in the life of a friend. I have knowledge that he doesn't. It's already a burden for me but for him - it would be devastating. He has been in ecstasy for a few months after falling in love. I have news that would shatter that illusion if true. Even suggesting it would be like a napalm bomb in a bed of roses. And I could lose a friend. However, if I stand by silently, my love-struck friend could realize somewhere down the line he has been betrayed and that is an agony unto itself. There is a chance the relationship will just fizzle out - what harm would there be in not knowing and just having a happy memory of euphoria at one time in your life? Should I take that from him? If I force the choice of red or blue pill, of course he'll choose the red - the curiosity of not knowing would cripple him with insanity. So he chooses the red pill and down the rabbit hole he goes. Is bliss so valuable that it ought not be disturbed at the cost of truth, honesty, justice? Is my friend's ignorance and bliss worth more than the likely possibility of pain down the line? Of the most horrible situations, he could lose his life, his savings, his pride... but if I simply deny him the choice of red pill or blue pill - I keep the secrets, his bliss will continue... indefinitely and I will know that despite the fact I carry a cross, my friend is happy and if he learns the Grim Reaper of truth arises, I can rest assured it was not me who invoked him. I don't think there's a right answer. Check out my poll question.

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