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Bangkok's Drawn-Out Saga Is Starting To Get On Our Nerves

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"Thailand was once the regional leader. Due to the political unrest, its status has been deteriorating."

I think this started about the same time as a military coupe back in 2006???

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"Thailand was once the regional leader. Due to the political unrest, its status has been deteriorating."

I think this started about the same time as a military coupe back in 2006???

The unrestful nature of Thai politics has been deteriorating for decades....with 30 odd coups since the 1930s...political stability has been constantly "shakey" to say the least

It appears that now there "maybe".....(very cautiously used).....a leader that has the spirit to actually lead....he has, and will continue to have endless enemies within the system that oppose him and what he stands for.....these opponents will eventually fade away over time....the challenge for Thailand, is for strong leadership to prevail


Sadly, this will not end until martial law is declared, the red shirt leaders arrested, and the protesters either sent home or arrested depending upon their individual circumstances.

THE NATION: Nuttawut: Reds will not accept whatsoever double standard practices regarding all cases. But we will fight all cases under same standard

THE NATION: Nuttawut: If we are to be executed for terrorism, PM and Suthep must be executed too.

THE NATION: Urgent: Nuttawut: We will end rally as soon as Suthep turns himself in.

Alright. No double standards. So when are Thaksin and his wife turning themselves in?

Unbelievable how these law breaker red shirts are now dictating terms and conditions to our government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like we are their hostages!!! What in the world is Abhisit doing... grow some real ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the leader, dude!!!

Reading between the lines of Sah dungs / Abhisit and Veeras comments, it appears obvious that a the reds have become fragmented and disorganised. The road map has split them.

I think the final act could come soon. Veera will lead the reds who can / want to away as well as any other red leader. They will be given nominal jail sentences and instant bail after they publically distance themselves and the red shirt movement from Sah Dung and the reds left (expect Pt MP's to jump on the bandwagon here and join veera and co) . Sah Dung will be free to rant with his hardcore. The gov and army with Veera and co will unify all Thais with a common enemy / backstabbing bast**d. The army goes in with the blessing of the majority. Game over.

Actually, I think this whole protest movement is a bunch of wasteful crap.... it doesn't matter who sides with who, or who is guilty or who is a**kissing.... they should all go to Jail for screwing up the lives of millions of other people and the economy of Thailand... pure unadulterated trash in my opinion.

Redsunset agree with you 100% about how crap the whole situation has become. The protest has (had) some virtue in its original aims of social justice (despite the machinations of external influential people) But the way this situation continually plays out i am always mindful of the old Thai saying "No real friends, no true enemies." Expect the unexpected. It would be better for Veera et al to 're-align' with Abhisit than stay aligned with Sah Dung, in order to achieve their goals.

I remember once negotiating with a Thai Bank.... it was a nightmare... because they took everything literally, they never could see past the words... and to top it off, because their people had very low skill levels, it was like doing a deal with a client who had money but no resources to implement.... so you had to implement for them... in other words, any project you do, unless it is corrupt, may not be profitable... no wonder corruption thrives. Real deals based on minimum performance are rare here.

THE NATION: Nuttawut: Reds will not accept whatsoever double standard practices regarding all cases. But we will fight all cases under same standard

THE NATION: Nuttawut: If we are to be executed for terrorism, PM and Suthep must be executed too.

THE NATION: Urgent: Nuttawut: We will end rally as soon as Suthep turns himself in.

Alright. No double standards. So when are Thaksin and his wife turning themselves in?

Red shirt leaders continue to blurt out utter drivel / nonsense from the stage. Lost count of the number of threats of burning down and killing etc. Verbal incontinence.

It is either : self-delusonal nonsense which nobody with an education can take seriously, OR it is calculated rabble-rousing and stalling for time because they have no intention of calling off the protest, and are waiting for a mindless deadly confrontation to turn things in their favour.

Abhisit is keeping most of the plates spinning so far....


I'm stunned at how weak our government is. The "terrorists are now dictating terms to our Prime Minister!

Of course there were casulties on April 10th, but that is because the red shirts had violated the Emergency Decree and were threatening the City. My God, they had already STORMED PARLIAMENT!!!! What more reason do you need to use force.

I can't believe Nuttawut is setting down the terms and conditions for agreeing the deal....

What it should be is: "Here is the deal. You have two days to pack your bags and leave. Otherwise we will disperse you."

End of story.

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :D but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

A buffoon is a type of monkey? Not according to my dictionary. :D Can you verify that, or was it a wild guess?

I think he meant "Baboon". Not the smartest cookie on the block :)

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :D but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

A buffoon is a type of monkey? Not according to my dictionary. :D Can you verify that, or was it a wild guess?

I think he meant "Baboon". Not the smartest cookie on the block :)

the word 'buffoon" is the direct derivative of the French "bouffon', kind of clowns. 17th Century a lot of "buffoons" at the Versailles Palace for entairtaining Noble people. The French word is itself a derivative of the latin "Buffo", a clown.


Yes it certainly is getting on my nerves - and I thought that the Nation Article quoted was particularly poorly written.

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

The article was more of an opinion piece than a news report.

It was written by a Thai in a language far removed from his mother-tongue.

So it will probably have phrases and grammar included that are a little inconguous in an English-language newspaper. Could you do better in a Thai-language newspaper, if you were back home? - Wouldn't even consider being a reporter for any media if i didn't have a good enough grasp of the language and the grammer

With regard to Singapore - there is a lot of investment going in there that might otherwise have come to Thailand - Sumitomo have large petrochemical plants under construction, Shell (as noted above) are investing heavily. There are new developments of luxury managerial housing on the island and just over the water around JB. The place is booming. Much of this may have gone elsewhere (e.g. Thailand) if the companies involved, plus their bankers, had more faith in alternative locations such as Thailand and Vietnam.

But, whereas VN is training up a workforce at low cost to compete in SE Asia (such as refineries at Dung Quat, oil/gas onshore at Vung Tau and other areas, big developments under discussion around Haiphong, central areas such as Hue and so on), Thailand is shouting from the rooftops "We don't need you! We don't want you" and this is now being taken to heart by the major investors. - Does the reporter make any conotation that they are at this expo to research any of these points? Sounds to me as though this piece was written on the back of a customer entering the offices in BKK. The comments in S'pore were added as an after thought. The reporter was commenting on the fact that the residents of BKK are beginning to get annoyed by the protests.

Better a controlling government that promises less, but delivers, than a country out-of-control, with no strong government. (Like UK at the moment and Oz in a few weeks)

Yes it certainly is getting on my nerves - and I thought that the Nation Article quoted was particularly poorly written.

And perhaps about a month too late!

what's a "buff"?

a red shirt and their supporters :D but also Buffoon - where one may consider this an insult for all buffoons (a kind of monkey - not the brightest one on the block but very aggressive)

A buffoon is a type of monkey? Not according to my dictionary. :D Can you verify that, or was it a wild guess?

I think he meant "Baboon". Not the smartest cookie on the block :)

To get the term "buff" incorrect and then to suggest a Buffoon is a kind monkey...the irony in this simple post is fantastic.

Well done sir.

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

Ah the ex-pat self interest! No concern for their adopted country's pain of going through much needed social adjustments (it took a couple of World Wars for most of Europe and the USA - add the Civil Rights mvement and the Vietman War to the US' list). It will take Thailand at least a couple of generations for meaningful reforms to work their way through. So, either be patient or go elsewhere because this "<deleted>" as you call it will not be over soon.

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

Ah the ex-pat self interest! No concern for their adopted country's pain of going through much needed social adjustments (it took a couple of World Wars for most of Europe and the USA - add the Civil Rights mvement and the Vietman War to the US' list). It will take Thailand at least a couple of generations for meaningful reforms to work their way through. So, either be patient or go elsewhere because this "<deleted>" as you call it will not be over soon.

You're right.


"Thailand was once the regional leader. Due to the political unrest, its status has been deteriorating."

I think this started about the same time as a military coupe back in 2006???

Experts such as Mark Mobius date it back to 2004

I'm surprised that this piece didn't include that the author was drunk at the time of writing. "starting to get on the nerves", is that for real? Not sure about the rest of you but this has been getting on my nerves since it started.

I can only assume that this author doesn't usually get involved with this particular situation with her day to day reports. What a total waste of time, both for the writer and the reader. I am sure all of us who are residents of Bangkok know exactly how annoying and frustrating this situation is and don't need a clueless reporter to tell us. I am also quite sure that anybody who reads that particular newspaper has a pretty good idea how annoying and frustrating it is for BKK residents.

And seriously, do any of you give two hoots about how delegates at that exhibiton, or whatever the hel_l it is, feel about the Big Mango? I know i certainly don't.

Rant over - have a beautiful day everybody and keep smiling :)

This <deleted> has put one of my business ventures in real danger (tourist related) and in another has cost me a hel_l of a lot already - YES this <deleted> is going on my nerves and has been doing so since it started and I don't give a flying fart if any protesters get hurt as long as the government clears this mob from Bangkok's roads before the economical damage it is causing becomes permanent - I have worked my but off and spend a lot of money on those businesses and yes, I'm pissed off and so are millions of Thai's who see their business they worked so hard for being put in jeopardy by those terrorists

Ah the ex-pat self interest! No concern for their adopted country's pain of going through much needed social adjustments (it took a couple of World Wars for most of Europe and the USA - add the Civil Rights mvement and the Vietman War to the US' list). It will take Thailand at least a couple of generations for meaningful reforms to work their way through. So, either be patient or go elsewhere because this "<deleted>" as you call it will not be over soon.

You have invested a lot of money and resources here too I assume?

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