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Why So Many Gay Farangs In Cm


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mince (mns)

v. minced, minc·ing, minc·es



a. To cut or chop into very small pieces.

b. To subdivide (land, for example) into minute parts.

2. To pronounce in an affected way, as with studied elegance and refinement.

3. To moderate or restrain (words) for the sake of politeness and decorum; euphemize: Don't mince words: say what you mean.


1. To walk with very short steps or with exaggerated primness

prim 1 (prm)

adj. prim·mer, prim·mest


a. Precise or proper to the point of affectation; excessively decorous.


Characterized by or exhibiting decorum; proper: decorous behavior.

[From Latin decrus, becoming, handsome, from decor, seemliness, beauty; see dek- in Indo-European roots.]

ah... got it! I thought it must be something more ermmm... dangerous like 'roasting' but maybe that just shows my state of mind :)

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To answer the OP's question I think the reason has chiefly to do with disparities in income between westerners and impoverished hill tribes.

Huh? you suggesting that many Hilltribes are gay? maybe that's the case but just asking - BTW I have not particularly noticed 'lot's of gays' in CM .

TONS of Toms yes... but gays? hmmm - maybe I just don't notice them.

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Well I'm certainly not a bummer... or old for that matter. :D

It's a nice place. Gays who can afford it flock to the pleasant, amusing places in the world. I would live there but I can't stand the air pollution. Mincing about? That's some kind of slur, eh? What do the straight guys do with their young birds then, you've got a word for that?

Does this mean you have come out of the closet?

Don't think ole Jing was ever in one. :)

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To answer the OP's question I think the reason has chiefly to do with disparities in income between westerners and impoverished hill tribes.

Huh? you suggesting that many Hilltribes are gay? maybe that's the case but just asking - BTW I have not particularly noticed 'lot's of gays' in CM .

TONS of Toms yes... but gays? hmmm - maybe I just don't notice them.

No, I'm not suggesting that hill tribes or Shan or Burmese are proportionately more gay than any other ethnic group. They are considerably poorer though.

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To answer the OP's question I think the reason has chiefly to do with disparities in income between westerners and impoverished hill tribes.

Huh? you suggesting that many Hilltribes are gay? maybe that's the case but just asking - BTW I have not particularly noticed 'lot's of gays' in CM .

TONS of Toms yes... but gays? hmmm - maybe I just don't notice them.

No, I'm not suggesting that hill tribes or Shan or Burmese are proportionately more gay than any other ethnic group. They are considerably poorer though.

Yes... so more 'open' to engagement with gays you think? in other words more 'flexible'? for financial considerations? genuine enquiry not vexaciousness

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To answer the OP's question I think the reason has chiefly to do with disparities in income between westerners and impoverished hill tribes.

Huh? you suggesting that many Hilltribes are gay? maybe that's the case but just asking - BTW I have not particularly noticed 'lot's of gays' in CM .

TONS of Toms yes... but gays? hmmm - maybe I just don't notice them.

No, I'm not suggesting that hill tribes or Shan or Burmese are proportionately more gay than any other ethnic group. They are considerably poorer though.

Yes... so more 'open' to engagement with gays you think? in other words more 'flexible'? for financial considerations? genuine enquiry not vexaciousness

Yes, that has been my observation. I have lost a couple of workers over the years to that "scene", neither were gay or drug addicts. Both engaged in gay behaviour for money and subsequently became drug addicts. One is in jail now for drugs. Othhers more familiar with that scene may correct me, but that is what I have observed.

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To answer the OP's question I think the reason has chiefly to do with disparities in income between westerners and impoverished hill tribes.

Huh? you suggesting that many Hilltribes are gay? maybe that's the case but just asking - BTW I have not particularly noticed 'lot's of gays' in CM .

TONS of Toms yes... but gays? hmmm - maybe I just don't notice them.

No, I'm not suggesting that hill tribes or Shan or Burmese are proportionately more gay than any other ethnic group. They are considerably poorer though.

Yes... so more 'open' to engagement with gays you think? in other words more 'flexible'? for financial considerations? genuine enquiry not vexaciousness

First the political threads and now here... :)

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To answer the OP's question I think the reason has chiefly to do with disparities in income between westerners and impoverished hill tribes.


No, I'm not suggesting that hill tribes or Shan or Burmese are proportionately more gay than any other ethnic group. They are considerably poorer though.

Yes, that has been my observation. I have lost a couple of workers over the years to that "scene", neither were gay or drug addicts. Both engaged in gay behaviour for money and subsequently became drug addicts. One is in jail now for drugs. Othhers more familiar with that scene may correct me, but that is what I have observed.

As someone who is familiar with "that scene" I don't think you understand the issues at all. Your original point regarding "impoverished hilltribes" is simply wrong. You then seem to suggest this group of people turn to drugs after "gay behavior" I can assure you that is really putting the chicken before the egg!

Also, the OP talked about old farang gays "mincing about with young Thai blokes". In my experience, most of the Thai comapnions referred to here would certainly not be hilltribe or Shan people. More likely smarter Thai guys waiting to cliam their inheritance :)

In Shan culture gay is NOT accepted; the numbers of openly gay Shan guys are far less percentage wise than for Thais. It's very unlikely you'll see a Shan guy mincing around anywhere.

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