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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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DIS is a fully independent organization (ongan eesara) set up under the department of Justice. They are not the police. They are considered more independent that the court system.

Yes. The DSI is Thailand's rough equivalent to the FBI in the US.


Possibly a factor for the Reds using the childish "well, Somchai took a cookie, so why is it not ok for me to take a cookie? If I'm going to get in trouble, then so should Somchai." .....stalling tactics:

Today, it was reported (in a major Eng.Lang Thai newspaper) that Thaksin's kids will likely get busted a whopping amount for unpaid taxes + interest. A change of gov't could make the difference as to whether the kids are compelled to go to court (to face charges and probably lose lots of loot), or whether they can skip around the world's swankiest shopping malls like carefree golden geese. Plus timing of the court case vs the timing of the election could also be a factor.

Possibly a factor for the Reds using the childish "well, Somchai took a cookie, so why is it not ok for me to take a cookie? If I'm going to get in trouble, then so should Somchai." .....stalling tactics:

Today, it was reported (in a major Eng.Lang Thai newspaper) that Thaksin's kids will likely get busted a whopping amount for unpaid taxes + interest. A change of gov't could make the difference as to whether the kids are compelled to go to court (to face charges and probably lose lots of loot), or whether they can skip around the world's swankiest shopping malls like carefree golden geese. Plus timing of the court case vs the timing of the election could also be a factor.

What does this have to do with Suthep reporting to the DSI? :)

Possibly a factor for the Reds using the childish "well, Somchai took a cookie, so why is it not ok for me to take a cookie? If I'm going to get in trouble, then so should Somchai." .....stalling tactics:

Today, it was reported (in a major Eng.Lang Thai newspaper) that Thaksin's kids will likely get busted a whopping amount for unpaid taxes + interest. A change of gov't could make the difference as to whether the kids are compelled to go to court (to face charges and probably lose lots of loot), or whether they can skip around the world's swankiest shopping malls like carefree golden geese. Plus timing of the court case vs the timing of the election could also be a factor.

What does this have to do with Suthep reporting to the DSI? :)

Adding conditions is a stalling tactic. Today, it's the requirement that Sutep reporting somewhere, tomorrow it will be something else, and so on. Most likely, there will be requests for amnesty and/or being allowed to be bailed out when charged. That too is a stalling tactic, but it's also the Reds' sobering realization that saying (earlier) that they weren't going to ask for amnesty was just plain dumb. Indeed, what they're doing now (by insisting Sutep and Abhisit need to turn themselves in to authorities) is a semblance of asking for amnesty.

What right do the Reds have to make any demands at this time? That's the big question.

Why are you asking for innocent civilians to be murdered? What is your justification exactly?

No one within the barricades is innocent, unless they're children. Even the dummies who can't get their promised payments (for joining the ill-fated rally) and who have their ID's confiscated aren't innocent.

If wouldn't be murder to use deadly force to clean out the threatening, violent mob that's been bolloxing and trashing Bkk for 2 months.

Is there no weapon that can explode after piercing the side of the container the leaders meet in? Till this very minute I've thought waiting it out was for the best, but now I can see horrible future violence if this isn't made to end soon. Hopefully by cutting the heads off the beast.

What you need is a shaped-charge anti-tank round. It focuses the explosion on a narrow point (about 25mm) and blows the molten metal into the tank/container. I'm sure the Thai Army would have something of the sort, been around for years. :):D:D

If the Thai army has a round, it's probably wrapped in plastic bags, past its expiration date, instruction booklet in Bulgarian, and the gun that shoots it is in a fruit stall somewhere in Udon Whatchamakallit in lieu of a loan for 3,000 baht given to the corporal who brought it in straddled to his motorbike.

If it the round were loaded, it might be loaded backwards, and then there'd be an 8 day discussion on who knows how to shoot it, and then permission forms have to be filled out, and then there's a break for a holiday before the bureaucrats can get back with a response on whether it's ok to shoot the darn thing, if the 11 year old computer at HQ doesn't break down in the interim.

LOL!! Good one! You have actually dealt with the Thai Government before! It is truly amazing, isn't it?

DIS is a fully independent organization (ongan eesara) set up under the department of Justice. They are not the police. They are considered more independent that the court system.

Yes. The DSI is Thailand's rough equivalent to the FBI in the US.

I had a run in with some DSI toughs a few years ago. It wasn't pleasant for me, and I let them know, by offending them (wasn't difficult, I asked them to prove they were'nt Burmese). Two of them tried to get tough with me, but they wound up losing face when they realized this skinny old farang wasn't going to be intimidated. It's a longer story that that, but it's off topic, so you'll just have to read the book, where it's described in a chapter: (Lali's Passage)


Looks like every 2nd post will be a parrot squawking, so I'm off to bed. with a little luck, he'll come down with psittacosis by morning. :)

I keep noticing that in a number of threads and various replies the phrase ' government / PM...order the killing of civilians' , keeps cropping up. Does anyone have evidence that at some point in the not too distant past the government sat down and ordered the army to go and kill civilians????

If my memory serves me right the PM ordered the rally to be dispersed in line with International standards.And was at the time very explicit that these were his wishes. Unless international standards include ordering the killing of civilians how has this phrase become accepted as the truth??

The Red Shirt leaders just keep repeating "the PM ordered the killing of innocent civilians" over and over and over again. Eventually, the masses of impressionable followers believe it to be the "truth". Pretty simple actually -- I do it to my primary level students all the time in order to impress on them the value of thinking more critically over things that are presented to them -- even if such things are presented to them by people purportedly in positions of authority or respect.

Simply put, what we are seeing here is a massive failure of the Thai educational system. These red shirt leaders and their minion are acting like schoolchildren that have yet to be truly educated on how civilized people are able to settle their differences in opinion.

What right do the Reds have to make any demands at this time? That's the big question.

Why do Abhisit and Suthep keep playing the game? :)

The Red leaders are squirming like worms on hooks trying to avoid any responsibility for their actions. Suthep surrender? Why? Due to deaths ensuing from Seh Daengs black shirted assassins? The dissolution date for parliament is another charade. Thaksin would never allow this to happen as it means he loses forever when the military succession takes place.

Moderate red leaders, if you have any shred of humanity get women and children to leave as the meglomaniac and psychopath seem intent on setting Bangkok ablaze.

The Red Shirt leaders just keep repeating "the PM ordered the killing of innocent civilians" over and over and over again. Eventually, the masses of impressionable followers believe it to be the "truth". Pretty simple actually -- I do it to my primary level students all the time in order to impress on them the value of thinking more critically over things that are presented to them -- even if such things are presented to them by people purportedly in positions of authority or respect.

Simply put, what we are seeing here is a massive failure of the Thai educational system. These red shirt leaders and their minion are acting like schoolchildren that have yet to be truly educated on how civilized people are able to settle their differences in opinion.

You're brainwashing your students? :)

The question here is ...how do you clear them without violence? Chocolate bulldozers? :D

Run around Soi Cowboy & Nana, round up all the ladyboys. Give them all the Viagra they can eat, and then set them loose at the red shirt encampment. That should send them running. :)

so suthep gave the orders for a security operation which failed badly

and about 20 civilians lost their life (lets not forget) and five army ppl..

shouldnt he be the one held responsible?

Held responsible for what? For not anticipating that his field commanding officers would be assassinated at the beginning of the operation? For not anticipating that his troops would be fired on with live weapons with thrown and launched grenades. This was supposed to be a simple crowd dispersal operation. As it turned out this was anything but simple.

When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

:):D :D


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

This is the biggest problem.

Abhisit will not allow Suthep to be prosecuted.


Looks like every 2nd post will be a parrot squawking, so I'm off to bed. with a little luck, he'll come down with psittacosis by morning. :)

I agree with you again! This must be a recording... The parrot talks... I'm off to sleep! :D

When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

:):D :D

They should also be forced to attend a 24 hour concert given by that Aussie bint who sang all those cheezy songs at the PAD rallies. :D



Abhisit will not allow Suthep to be prosecuted

Prosecuted for what? Are you out of your mind? The Government of any nation is there for the sole purpose of protecting it's citizens from threats both Domestic and International.

Explain to me what right the protestors had to run an attack against the security forces and then open fire on them with live weapons? And then they are surprised wen they are met with resistance. I despair at some of the comments on this site. The lunacy being vomited out on the stage by the red leaders is clearly becoming infectious.

The Government of any nation is there for the sole purpose of protecting it's citizens from threats both Domestic and International.

That's all the government is there for? Who's in charge of running the country then? The army? :) I thought it was the other way around. The army and police are there there to protect the citizens, while the government runs the country.

This Government are very hot on new internet technology

Once again ... :D Can you explain a bit more this "new internet technology"?

When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

:):D :D

They should also be forced to attend a 24 hour concert given by that Aussie bint who sang all those cheezy songs at the PAD rallies. :D

I remember just seeing one of her songs and it was so earth shatteringly embarrassing I would rather have drunk a pint of larks vomit than bear witness to any more :D

Nothing at all? For starters, Che, maybe you missed this:

"The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) announced on Friday night that it has arrested an ex-policeman and another suspect who allegedly confessed that they were hired to attack the Temple of the Emerald Buddha with RPG rockets...Pol Lance Corporal Bandit Sitthitum, 43, and Supanat Ui-yawet, 43, were paid 500,000 baht by Pol Lt Col Supachai Tuikaewkam, whose wife, Juriporn Sintuprai, was a red-shirt leader from Pattaya."

I don't even want to think about what would have happened if the Emerald Buddha was blown up! It's insanity to attack one of the most sacred Temple's in Thailand. And it's very near the Royal Palace. But I can't vote here, still! But please, have some pride in your heritage! And respect for the Kingdom of Thailand...

Two clarifying points.

The Emerald Buddha is THE most sacred shrine in Thailand and it is located WITHIN the Royal Palace grounds:

Wat Phra Kaew ("Temple of the Holy Jewel Image"), also spelled Wat Phra Kaeo and commonly known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, is located on the ground of the Royal Palace in Bangkok. It is the most revered Buddhist shrine in Thailand.

Central to the temple is the Emerald Buddha, a dark green statue standing about 2 feet tall. No one is allowed near the statue except the Thai king, who conducts rituals at the temple throughout the year.


I'm with you, I don't even want to think about if the Reds had destroyed it.

I keep noticing that in a number of threads and various replies the phrase ' government / PM...order the killing of civilians' , keeps cropping up. Does anyone have evidence that at some point in the not too distant past the government sat down and ordered the army to go and kill civilians????

If my memory serves me right the PM ordered the rally to be dispersed in line with International standards.And was at the time very explicit that these were his wishes. Unless international standards include ordering the killing of civilians how has this phrase become accepted as the truth??

The only line they have to pursue is to keep saying that over and over,

and hope their base and a few others believe it. Hopeless.

Jonclark, you're infusing logic in to the debate. The Reds are far from logical. Indeed they're scared shitless about the possibility of being seriously busted for their illegal activities of past weeks. That's why the childish vacillating, adding new conditions, prevaricating, ad nauseum.

On another, possibly related issue: Thai Visa member(s) using the names: cheguevara, redsunset, bangkoklight, pornsasi, 4223 rhodes and theitalian all joined within a few days of each other (2nd week of April '10), and all have about the same # of posts, AND, all echo the Red banter using near identical words. How many of those usernames are the same person? It would further their cause (of justifying everything the Reds do and say), if they support each others' posts - which they do. It would be easy to start multiple accounts by simply applying with different email addresses.

Just wondering.

Good legwork, interesting indeed. I wonder if some posters simply do it to argue for entertainment sake. I wonder which posts are fueled by the logic of alcoholism.

To those who use reason and logic as well as common sense, to what avail do all your efforts reach????

Suthep and Abhisit shouldn't have to face equivalent charges for anything. The reds are convinced that both are responsible for the killing and wounding of many on April 10. However, their "proof" as they call it, is from a video played by Arisiman which shows nothing but shadowy, blurred figures. That's not evidence at all.

The government has no problem blaming grenade attacks on the red shirts - without even blurry video evidence. So where is that evidence? Better a blurry video than nothing at all. :)

Nothing at all? For starters, Che, maybe you missed this:

"The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) announced on Friday night that it has arrested an ex-policeman and another suspect who allegedly confessed that they were hired to attack the Temple of the Emerald Buddha with RPG rockets...Pol Lance Corporal Bandit Sitthitum, 43, and Supanat Ui-yawet, 43, were paid 500,000 baht by Pol Lt Col Supachai Tuikaewkam, whose wife, Juriporn Sintuprai, was a red-shirt leader from Pattaya."

Who knows at this point what information Methi Amornwutthikul has given thus far, but it does seem that Sae-Daeng has been implicated in there.

Time to transfer Lt Col Supachai Tuikaewkam.

When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

:):D :D

You must be really proud of yourself right now. :D


You can see it now. Suthep goes to the DSI and then to the CSB. He leaves after the interviews with the charges dropped or he receives bail. This is perfectly understandable. He had, and still has, a duty to disperse the protesters.

Later in the day or maybe the next day, a caravan of redshirts escort their leaders to the police station es. The redshirt leaders waltz into the police station and present themselves to police. The police file charges and some of the leaders are given bail. Perhaps Natthawud, Veera, and Weng. By rights the police should hold at least Arisman and Kwanchi without bail. So Veera heads out and whips waiting red crowd into a frenzy. Red reinforcements arrive. A new demonstration begins.

The police have two choices. They can continue to deny bail and the demonstration grows in size and hostility. The station might be overrun with the redshirt leaders spirited safely away by their followers. Alternately the police could decide they don't want to risk it and release everyone on bail. Either way large segments of the population will be outraged. The multicolors will be fuming, and the PAD will be incensed. What happens next is anyone's guess.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.


What kind of drugs are you on? I never said a single bad word about the highest institution, quite on the contrary. And in several of my posts I have called Seh Daeng a rogue nut that should be arrested. Nice try at slandering, my friend. But my posts are there for anyone to read. And last ..you realize that I'm posting from Singapore, right? :)

Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

Sorry, the reds are there illegally, and know the dangers of attacking soldiers trying to do their job. Blame Weng et al for putting women and children in the line of fire. If anyone should be in trouble, it should be Weng et al for putting minors in line of fire.

I kinda compare the Red volunteers (women, children, rural poor) much the same as the drinking drivers during Songkran and the other times who climb behind the wheel (or motorcycle) and get killed................ They brought it on themselves and had they obeyed the laws, they would have been alive and well..........

I think the Red Bosses are just sacraficing those people to get something to give them a chance to call the govt. "killers" I actually think they (Reds) are wanting to spill more blood, as long as it is just the blood of some nameless figures and not the leaders....................

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