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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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Nevermind...the reds are nothing but major liars. How can people here believe anything they say! They are a total disgrace to the Thai people.

The Nation: here's latest twist. Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said.

u look like a tourist

You know how I look? When did we last meet, newbie.

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For your first question: look at the words you wrote that I highlighted in red. Now consider that troops (if indeed it was the troops and not red shirts masquerading as troops, or black shirts, whatever) under battle conditions, if they did shoot, would have some difficulty hitting a moving target especially while being jostled by their colleagues in the heat of battle.

Remember, they're using M16s - set to single shot. On full automatic, they can spray out 12 rounds per second. But they weren't attempting carnage - otherwise known as accuracy through quantity. They were using the minimum firepower to accomplish their task. Throughout, the soldiers have shown amazing grace under fire, and in accordance with international standards, only shot at targets that threatened. That some shots may have gone astray is quite normal on the field of battle - be it a jungle or an urban setting.

As far as the second question goes, if you have an update on the sighting at Mount Ararat, I'd love to hear about it - on an appropriate forum.

I guess I should have used the irony smiley - oh, there isn't one yet. You talk about 'innocent' women; I won't debate that point with you. I just find it ironic that your namesake was known as a butcher, and yet you speak about some injuries during a red shirt attack that the troops tried very hard to avoid. Irony... not sarcasm. Big difference. But you already knew that :)

M16's in single shot? There are dozens of videos on YouTube showing the army using FULLY AUTOMATIC assault rifles, nothing about single shots. Yet, I'm aware they've said on the news that they're using single shots only, but videos show otherwise.

The M16 clips hold 10, 20, or 30 rounds. There are four positions on the selector switch: safe, where it cannot be fired; semi, where it will fire on single shot or as long as the trigger is held, generally for relatively short bursts; burst, which shoots three bullets in rapid succession; and full automatic. It fires 12 rounds per second. On full auto with a 10 round clip, it is emptied in less than one second. With the 30 round clip, two and a half seconds.

I didn't know the news said they only used single shots. Instead, I trusted you when you said that videos show otherwise.

I looked for those dozens of Youtube videos showing full automatic rounds. I looked at two from April 10, and one from April 13.

was taken on April 10. Every shot was a single shot; there were some close to each other, but there were multiple soldiers firing. Every weapon has a distinct sound, and these were obviously single shots. At one stage you can detect muzzle flash - there were three separate shots, equating with three muzzle flashes - not sustained shooting.

In this video the narrator on the scene said during the first stage of the confrontation, "I don't think they're [the Thai army] firing into the crowd. If they had been firing into the crowd, half these people would be dead."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ksYZkQeRxA...feature=related Was also from April 10, from a different vantage point. Every shot is obviously a single shot. Interesting to note that the photographer keeps panning to the upper floors of one building, and we see red shirts pointing to the upper floors. The army was ahead, and down the street.

is from April 13. Over some very badly added sound effects and the screeching of whistles added, one can hear that every shot was a single shot.

I searched Youtube on "Thai army shooting." I looked at these because I didn't want you to do my work for me, and I didn't want to say "link, please."

So, even though there were only 60 hits, a lot were of Swedish aircraft, muay Thai boxing, Pakistani weapons, and so on.

So at this point, I've tried to verify what you said. I cannot - not without spending/wasting hours of my time. So I will now say to you - "link, please."

And I really do hope you have dozens of links. I would hate to think that you're just another red apologist who is a prevaricator of that commodity known as the truth.

Nice work indeed :D

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)


The Nation: here's latest twist. Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said.

Of course not, Suthep is basically the guy who runs the DSI. It's like Mickey Mouse surrendering to Disneyland. :)

Well, reds said they will go home when he surrenders?

If he surrenders tomorrow will the reds now man up and go home?

You tell me

If he surrenders to the POLICE, not the DSI which is full of all his mates..!!

Are the DSI not the police in charge of these matters..?

Don't talk about something you only get a small selected part of info and not the real picture. I just had to open my window and I could listen word by word what Nattawut and Jatuporn were declaring some moments ago. Here what I understood from the life announcements:

The red leaders want to have equal treatment and no double standards. If they are to face terrorism charges then PM Abhisit and Suthep have to face equivalent charges for killing at least 21 civilians on April 10. Abhisit and Jatuporn have got parliamentary immunity therefore they can be charged but they don't have to turn themselves in before the house is dissolved. Suthep has no immunity so he has to be charged and has to turn himself in. Once Suthep is charged and turns himself over to the police, they will end the rally and the leaders except Jatuporn will also turn themselves in to deal with the charges. The red leaders demand a level playing field in the judicial process. There will be no reconciliation if the cases for ordering the killing of civilians on April 10 are not pursued against perpetrators.

The fact that Suthep turns himself in to the DSI was known already earlier. This is not enough for the red shirts because there is a very obvious conflict of interest.

Don't shoot the messenger - I stay out of political discussions and will not answer any comment; I just felt it was necessary to clarify and provide more facts of what is going on.

Thank You... welcome comment

When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

:):D :D

You must be really proud of yourself right now. :D

wow, I don't say this lightly, but what a moron. :D

to be honest, I would not really want to live in a country where I couldn't speakmy mind and have an open debate anyway.

The guy does have a point though. The assumption must be that this forum will readily hand over ip information. Always a good thing to keep in mind when posting. :D


Funny and deperate post by a red hater.

I for one, am not afraid.

I have played golf with the generals and most of the military are red supporters. 75%

Are you clueless?

Luv the comments re the "double standard" at work... No standard at all, more like it. Neither Reds nor Yellows in jail, last time I looked.

Normal but true Thai way.

Rich people or powerful people never go to jail.

The reds saw this speech from Sir Winston and liked it.

"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."


Of course it needs to made into Thai and go something like this.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on Sukhumvit, we shall fight on Asoke, we shall fight with or without beer, we shall fight and watch TV, we shall talk to the bar girls and to the girls on the streets, we shall fight even when it is hot and the football game is on TV, we shall never surrender.


I just heard that Obama is going to surrender himself to the Police since there has been a complaint made by Al Queda for unlawful killing of one of their leaders ........

Thailand is now the laughing stock of SE Asia and this whole thing is a never ending Thai soap opera

When will Abhisit finally do the right thing and order the crackdown this is becoming unbearable

When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

:):D :D

You must be really proud of yourself right now. :D


Funny and deperate post by a red hater.

I for one, am not afraid.

I have played golf with the generals and most of the military are red supporters. 75%

Are you clueless?

:D :D :D

Thanks for the funny start to the day, really I appreciate it. So I am a red hater ooooooooh!

You ask if I am clueless, I ask you what about?

So you have played golf with the Generals :D Was that characters on the sony playstation 'Tiger Woods Golf Extreme 3'? or 'Battle Field Golf for beginners'? Are you one of these 2 million ex SAS members who live in the bars out here, I guess so by the time of your posting? I doubt you will read this as by the time you get out of bed at 4pm to start all over again there will be another 10 pages on here. So 75% of the Military are red shirts are they? Makes the coup you complain about all the more silly then doesn't it. It surprises me the Generals would mix with someone who can't spell General with a correct capital 'G', you can't have been an SAS Officer then thats for sure. I know, you were the caddy weren't you? Come on, don't be shy admit it, the forum's anonymous.

I only see the Generals down at the RBSC, but I can't say I recall meeting someone like you. If you play golf with them I assume you socialize with them, send me a PM next time you are going to the club, we can meet up for a G&T with the Generals


I admit I didn't have time to read all the posts on this issue but I think many are missing the point of this red shirt demand. If Suthep gives himself up he then gets bail. So when the red shirts surrender on 15th May they will also expect bail or else they will claim double standards yet again. Very clever move.


Gimme a break.. surrender to the police...the PM of Thailand... that is totally hilarious Micky and Donald will love to hear the news..

Amazing what??

not PM, Deputy PM.

You can see it now. Suthep goes to the DSI and then to the CSB. He leaves after the interviews with the charges dropped or he receives bail. This is perfectly understandable. He had, and still has, a duty to disperse the protesters.

Later in the day or maybe the next day, a caravan of redshirts escort their leaders to the police station es. The redshirt leaders waltz into the police station and present themselves to police. The police file charges and some of the leaders are given bail. Perhaps Natthawud, Veera, and Weng. By rights the police should hold at least Arisman and Kwanchi without bail. So Veera heads out and whips waiting red crowd into a frenzy. Red reinforcements arrive. A new demonstration begins.

The police have two choices. They can continue to deny bail and the demonstration grows in size and hostility. The station might be overrun with the redshirt leaders spirited safely away by their followers. Alternately the police could decide they don't want to risk it and release everyone on bail. Either way large segments of the population will be outraged. The multicolors will be fuming, and the PAD will be incensed. What happens next is anyone's guess.

Here's one likely scenario of what happens next: Whichever Red shirt get popped in jail, whether one or several, will become the focus for rallies. That's essentially what caused the first massacre (Krue Se) of 32 young Muslim men in Thailand's south (under T's watch).

Also, Reds with warrants for their arrest will run from the law and/or slip overseas. Heck, they're already running. The current arrest warrants didn't say "report to be processed on May 15th" ....that was the date the Reds gave, 2 weeks ago - and the meekish/sheepish gov't went along with it.

Another prediction: Shinawatre family will stay overseas.


Child endangerment, plain and simple. Not much different than having a kid in a car with a drunk driver. BTW, ever noticed how there are about 1 child car seat per million drivers in Thailand, and only about 1 in ten are used.

Gimme a break.. surrender to the police...the PM of Thailand... that is totally hilarious Micky and Donald will love to hear the news..

Amazing what??

not PM, Deputy PM.

You are obviously not reading the news. The PM also said he would surrender to the police when the next parliament session ends.


The Deputy PM to surrender to the police ??

Yeah...like that'll happen real soon .

So,the redshirts never had any intention of leaving Bangkok.

Why aren't I surprised ??.

I admit I didn't have time to read all the posts on this issue but I think many are missing the point of this red shirt demand. If Suthep gives himself up he then gets bail. So when the red shirts surrender on 15th May they will also expect bail or else they will claim double standards yet again. Very clever move.


I am not sure it is clever, it just seems desperate. Each person who is charged must then be assessed on a individual basis. Bail should only be granted once questioning is initially complete and when the authorities ensure that whoever is charged is not present a flee hazard. The police have not charged the PM or DPM with any crimes, so they are simply going on a visit to the police station. If they are not charged(and there is no evidence as to why they should be charged) then they cannot be put on bail, they just walk out after saying hello. However for the other reprobates it is a different matter. they have warrants out for there arrest, many of them have broken their pre existing bail conditions, and although I am not a legal beaver I would suggest from a layman's point of view that the Red leaders present a significant flee hazard and some of them are a danger to society, so 'bang em up', do not pass Go, do not collect 20 Million from Toxin.

I admit I didn't have time to read all the posts on this issue but I think many are missing the point of this red shirt demand. If Suthep gives himself up he then gets bail. So when the red shirts surrender on 15th May they will also expect bail or else they will claim double standards yet again. Very clever move.


Would be if the "charges" against each and the evidence for those charges were identical. Since both the charges and the evidence backing them are not identical, the Red's accusation of "double standards" is pretty meaningless.

Rally will end tonight. Finally. PM has shown tremendous statesman skills. Should serve him well in the future.

Source please ?

Watch and see, Spanky.

I wish I share your optimism.....I am very well located to watch and see (Soi Lang Suan), and I have heard this kind of predicament every day for 6 weeks now....

Result: more and more street blockade, more and more troubles to move around, less and less business, less and less potential customers.....

So yes, watch and see......and talk again tomorrow

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

could not agree more - and one wonders why the red shirts are protesting -- nice to see there is balanced justice in LOS - justice and equality for all - well justice if u can afford a good lawyer or have good connections - but poor will always be the underclass here - because thats the way its always been -- total crap - i hope the reds can get what they are wanting and that democracy and fair justice for all not just those who can afford it -- it will be chart na don by by before the yellows ever get a court hearing -

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

SO WHAT ????? Let's get a end on this, that's what matters ! Sorry only my oppinion :D

The way I see it is that Thais are so divided on this whole mess. Reds asked Suthep to surrender and maybe the government should ask Thaksin to surrender... Honey, get the popcorn. The movie is about to start. tonight's theme is "Neverending Sh?t"


iam set in a village up country at the moment after reading many comments i just see how far out off touch many of you are about what's going on

in Thailand

the main concerns are inconvenience caused buy the protests :)

red yellow whatever but lets have a country ruled buy the majority of legally caste votes and when that party fails to live up to the promises then another party will take power without mess that we see today

what you see happening in England is domarcry in action what you saw when Obama came to power is the power of a vote unpopular to many but its healthy to disagree

yellow shirts have held this country illegally and failed to hold a legal election which as caused many thousands to descend on Bangkok you can say they have been paid much like the uk miners strike in the 80.s when money came from soviet russia

but what you see is democracy at work people have the power not the elite :D

power to the people

iam set in a village up country at the moment after reading many comments i just see how far out off touch many of you are about what's going on

in Thailand

the main concerns are inconvenience caused buy the protests :)

red yellow whatever but lets have a country ruled buy the majority of legally caste votes and when that party fails to live up to the promises then another party will take power without mess that we see today

what you see happening in England is domarcry in action what you saw when Obama came to power is the power of a vote unpopular to many but its healthy to disagree

yellow shirts have held this country illegally and failed to hold a legal election which as caused many thousands to descend on Bangkok you can say they have been paid much like the uk miners strike in the 80.s when money came from soviet russia

but what you see is democracy at work people have the power not the elite :D

power to the people


Weng and his minions are just trying to prove that they are worthy of Thaksin's love and re$pect. They know very clearly now that if they aren't up for a proper govt overthrow then there are even more villainous thugs led by Seh Daeng waiting to take over. Their frantic meetings in their trailer are to discuss plans on how to best give Thasksin the 'happy ending' he so badly wants.....

Yes women dont have the right to protest and bring their kids because nobody to take care of em.

Only males aged 19-25 have the right to protest .

Yeah yeah blast them all . Some lunatics here ...

It isn't a matter of simply protesting, but when a woman or child in a crowd starts throwing molotov cocktails at soldiers trying to disperse a crowd, the soldiers then may need to resort to a more violent means to break up the crowd. Hey, you play and you pay....no regrets, the crowd knew exactly what they were getting paid 1000 baht a day for. I feel bad for the soldiers who have to put up with these country bumpkin dimwits who are so easily lead like sheep to slaughter by red leaders and Thaksin.

iam set in a village up country at the moment after reading many comments i just see how far out off touch many of you are about what's going on

in Thailand

the main concerns are inconvenience caused buy the protests :)

red yellow whatever but lets have a country ruled buy the majority of legally caste votes and when that party fails to live up to the promises then another party will take power without mess that we see today

what you see happening in England is domarcry in action what you saw when Obama came to power is the power of a vote unpopular to many but its healthy to disagree

yellow shirts have held this country illegally and failed to hold a legal election which as caused many thousands to descend on Bangkok you can say they have been paid much like the uk miners strike in the 80.s when money came from soviet russia

but what you see is democracy at work people have the power not the elite :D

power to the people


I agree with 'Who Me'.

I do not think the 65000 people who have gone without salaries see this as an 'inconvenience', I do not see the 14000 confirmed number of people who have lost their jobs as an 'inconvenience', I do not see the 1400 companies that have gone tits up see it as an 'inconvenience', nor all the people who have a legal democratic right to go about their daily lives.

Just a thought

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

But why would he want to surrender to the police? As far as I am aware, there are no charges against him, and no warrant against him! Please explain.


I would prefer the Red leaders to submit themsleves to the police first...they are the ones with multiple arrest warrants already, not Suthep. Especially after the Reds decided to storm a hospital for chrissake and threaten sick people, children, and even cancer patients, some of whom died later because of the trauma they inflicted while the reds were threatening them in the hospital!

could not agree more - and one wonders why the red shirts are protesting -- nice to see there is balanced justice in LOS - justice and equality for all - well justice if u can afford a good lawyer or have good connections - but poor will always be the underclass here - because thats the way its always been -- total crap - i hope the reds can get what they are wanting and that democracy and fair justice for all not just those who can afford it -- it will be chart na don by by before the yellows ever get a court hearing -

Yes, one does wonder why the red shirts are protesting.

They have democracy.

- The MPs that ALL the people of Thailand voted for have chosen the PM that they want.

The poor are being helped by the government.

- 30-baht health care is now free, and the hospital system is now actually being funded to support the poor.

- education funding has been increased.

- longer term debt reduction programs have been introduced.

They have the elections that they have been asking for - and they have actually accepted that.

Why are they protesting now? What excuses will they use to continue the protests today?

iam set in a village up country at the moment after reading many comments i just see how far out off touch many of you are about what's going on

in Thailand

the main concerns are inconvenience caused buy the protests :)

red yellow whatever but lets have a country ruled buy the majority of legally caste votes and when that party fails to live up to the promises then another party will take power without mess that we see today

what you see happening in England is domarcry in action what you saw when Obama came to power is the power of a vote unpopular to many but its healthy to disagree

yellow shirts have held this country illegally and failed to hold a legal election which as caused many thousands to descend on Bangkok you can say they have been paid much like the uk miners strike in the 80.s when money came from soviet russia

but what you see is democracy at work people have the power not the elite :D

power to the people

Did you look at the results of the last election? Who has the majority of votes? Who has the majority of seats?

Maybe the reds of the north should look at the election results for ALL of Thailand rather than just for their minority areas.

i hope the reds can get what they are wanting and that democracy and fair justice for all.....

Are you insinuating that the Reds want real democracy and fair justice? Did you just pull in from Jupiter (where people are stupider) or from Uranus (where, ....oh never mind)?

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