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I'm an Australian from brisbane. I'm 20 years old and got meez a problem (it's just like the drug problem younger and younger kids smoking pot, well younger and younger men marrying thais). ohhhh it's those ###### Bureaucrats

My wife and I have been together for a year. We married a month ago, as the 6 month old fetus sealed our fate. So anyhow, i'm tired of Thailand, my wife says she's tired of thailand also (prolly because were living with her 70 year old granny). We lived in China together where everything was good and came back to Thailand because of the baby. I haven't been here long and I really just want to get home and get on with my well new life. At the moment, as you can imagine my "educational level" is quite low, so there an't much opportunity in anything but teaching which i sometimes dread particually now because i travel by bus around 6 hrs a day from ratchaburi to bangkok and back every day. (i must sound like i'm asking for donations) You can also imagine no dosh in my "dolomite account", but a great family back home who love me and my new family.

So my question, the child should be born next year. My plan was to the get the baby, (i was gonna call it "it") citizenship first then apply for my wifes migration visa. Or would it be better if i were to start my wifes migration process now. We're really itching to get back to Australia quick and i heard of the 9 month min wait. You see i thought with the backing of a live child it would give better ground for offering us the visa. Rather than applying now without a child but an enlargening mound on my wifes belly whats your well recieved advice




Start the process now. They'll be susso coz of your age, and probable lack of funds. They'll make an issue about how you'll keep your wife and kid without recourse to the public teat. Go in to the Embassy and see an Ozzie.


Definitely start the process now...Speak with either Grace or Johnson (or Lesley Dalton)...She's just had a child and will understand your situation sympathetically!!.

If you feel you are getting the run around, apply for a medical visa...but first you will need a Doctor to say that they will undertake the treatment and delivery. You won't have to pay for the child's birth, but you will have to pay for your wifes confinement in hospital. Can do all this by fax.

She may only need to stay in hospital for a day and a mid-wife will come to your home each day and look at the child (and of-course your wife..sshhhh) Free!!

Good luck Mate....at least you are not running away from your responsibilities!!


Ok i know my age is shit, and my wallet is a fake. I do know this will be not to my advantage.

Though I thought that i can get an assurance of support ie. rich, long-term employed family member to sign saying that they will supply a nipple of support full of fresh milk for the first 2 yrs, (if my family is in need) therefore not digging into the public's pocket.

The other thing my brothers friend in foreign affairs has been posted to bangkok next year, so i might have a friend in the office

So your advice start now? and start praying to buddah? I bought a lottery ticket the other day.


Ok i know my age is shit, and my wallet is a fake. I do know this will be not to my advantage.

Though I thought that i can get an assurance of support ie. rich, long-term employed family member to sign saying that they will supply a nipple of support full of fresh milk for the first 2 yrs, (if my family is in need) therefore not digging into the public's pocket.

The other thing my brothers friend in foreign affairs has been posted to bangkok next year, so i might have a friend in the office

So your advice start now? and start praying to buddah? I bought a lottery ticket the other day.


Your age is to your advantage :o Forget about your Brother's friend...never rely on that.


>>>Definitely start the process now...Speak with either Grace or Johnson (or Lesley >>>Dalton)...She's just had a child and will understand your situation >>>sympathetically!!.

Who are these people and how can i contact them?

>>>If you feel you are getting the run around, apply for a medical visa...but first you >>>will need a Doctor to say that they will undertake the treatment and delivery. You >>>won't have to pay for the child's birth, but you will have to pay for your wifes >>>confinement in hospital. Can do all this by fax.

>>>She may only need to stay in hospital for a day and a mid-wife will come to your >>>home each day and look at the child (and of-course your wife..sshhhh) Free!!

>>>Good luck Mate....at least you are not running away from your responsibilities!!

I don't understand i've never heard of a medical visa, and the child should be born in less than 2 months so time an't so friendly....



Is Grace Johnson still there ? she wasn't much help to us anyway.

You need to apply for a spouse visa subclass 309 and that is gonna cost about 30000 baht (or more now) up front non refundable.

The normal processing time for this type of visa is quoted at 9 months but can be helped along by someone who is sympathetic to your case.

Try to see Wilson Johnson, he was the acting Principal Migration Officer (could be permanent now)

The other thing to do is get a relative back home to approach your local Politician and get them on the case.

You need to present yourselves as having a serious ongoing relationship so one year together just scrapes into that relationship thing, get plenty of pictures and statements from friends saying how dedicated you are to each other.

I had to show emails, pay slips, telephone bills, stat decs from people on top of about 200 photos.

good luck

Who are these people and how can i contact them ?

I don't understand i've never heard of a medical visa, and the child should be born in less than 2 months so time an't so friendly....


Australian Immigration Officers at the Australian Embassy 37 South Sathorn Road Bangkok

The other thing to do is get a relative back home to approach your local Politician and get them on the case.

You need to present yourselves as having a serious ongoing relationship so one year together just scrapes into that relationship thing, get plenty of pictures and statements from friends saying how dedicated you are to each other.

I had to show emails, pay slips, telephone bills, stat decs from people on top of about 200 photos.

good luck

that is so hilariously pathetic......"here is my photo album sir"...hahahaha.

that is so hilariously pathetic......"here is my photo album sir"...hahahaha.

Most countries want proof of the relationship. Photographs show changes...long hair, short hair, thin, thick. If you go down the same path, you'll do it too.



It may be pathetic in your eyes penelope but that is the way it is, just trying to give the guy some advice, it is the same advice I got from others and it worked.

If you have a better idea I suggest you post something also.


It is a bit childish I think Bronco, but it is the way Immigration Officer's like it to be done ( not just the Australian lot either ) Do it their way, one is, after all, risking a lot of money these days, and it ain't refundable if you are unsuccessful. Like Frank Sinatra, do it your way :o


cheers bronc

I've got photos, pictures of my mum, dad, sis and aunt prayin to phra at the wedding, a childs a pretty big committment isn't it? should suffice no?

The truth is it's all bull shit, givin bureaucrats jobs i say.

I know the list it's extensive and complete rubbish. My crying an't being heard so just gonna do it once and do it right, i cannot see how i can be rejected. And well if i am maybe a bomb is not out of the question. (to anyone from ASIO i'm just joking)

whats your expericence broncs?



Get onto the net to the DIMA site download the book "Partner Migration" and follow it to the tee.

I also spoke to local member and she helped heaps (her secretary did the leg work and was really great) noticed an attitude adjustment in the woman we were dealing with. Things were so different in our last interview, very friendly offered to copy a couple of documents, normally they send you out to get copies. Wife got Visa no problem and quickly.

If you have a relly at home to help get them to see local MP and get MP to contact Wilson Johnson.

good luck

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