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A Warning To Darkside Homeowners


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this is a warning to house owners over on the darkside

yesterday afternoon a group of four men in a black four door toyota vigo pickup attempted to get the gardener at a house off siam country club to open the gate to the premises

the pretext was that the gardeners boss had told them to come and pick up the Honda vehicle parked up the drive

they said that he had given them the keys to the Honda and he showed the gardener some keys

the gardener said he did not have a remote for the gate and so could not open it to let them in

he knew that they were lying so he said that his boss would have told him if a car was to be picked up and that he would phone him right now

he added for effect that the house was owned by a senior policemen and named him (someones name he knew)

the guy looked taken aback and almost ran to the car and drove away quickly

the car was parked across the gates so the gardener could not see the front plate and the rear plate was missing

so thanks to his quick thinking a crime was averted

i am sure the intention was to get the vehicle inside the property

attack him and then rob the house

so please if you leave your house, warn housekeepers and gardeners etc to be aware of this team in the area

it might just save their life.

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :)

as they say in these parts

up to you......

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thats why its called the darkside----------black toyotas prowl about why not live within the safety of the walls

seriously--------------as there is less and less money about this sort of thing will happen more often------------look at phuket------------ the police in pattaya are not really geared up for patrols and stopping suspicious vehicles on estates etc. i hope the gardener was rewarded properly and those guys dont wreak revenge if they find out he was bluffing

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :D

another does of paranoia for your edification....


Thank you for your concern for my welfare but I hope you will not mind if I rely on my 10 years of living in Thailand without ever having suffered a home invasion robbery or even a robbery attempt for my opinion that you are just another one of those farangs who are paranoid about living in a "foreign" environment and don't feel safe unless there is a bobby around every corner.

Beware those black helicopters flying overhead as well...they're sure out to get you too :)

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :D

another does of paranoia for your edification....


Thank you for your concern for my welfare but I hope you will not mind if I rely on my 10 years of living in Thailand without ever having suffered a home invasion robbery or even a robbery attempt for my opinion that you are just another one of those farangs who are paranoid about living in a "foreign" environment and don't feel safe unless there is a bobby around every corner.

Beware those black helicopters flying overhead as well...they're sure out to get you too :)

i do not mind you at all, in fact there is actually very little of you to mind

however as you have attempted to turn it into pissing contest, i can beat your 10 years of living here and i haven't been burgled or robbed either.

this incident occurred at my friends house and my gardener of seven years takes care of his extensive gardens in his absence

he is currently in UK with his wife, taking care of his sick mother, so he immediately knew ''the boss sent us'' line from the Vigo man was a lie

i thought he reacted very well.

i just thought it was wise to alert folks to this possible danger and hoped it might well save someone some problems in the future

obviously you have been here so long and know Thailand so well, that you do need good advise from anyone and presumably will be so well versed in every scam/robbery/violent act ever perpertrated by a Thai on a farang you stand ready to deal with it at a moments notice

as you versed your opinion about me, i think that entitles me to venture one about you, so here goes;

in my opinion you are just another clever dick farang who thinks he is so much holier than the rest of us expats because he has been here longer (every bar has one) and to whom most intelligent people would pay no mind to anyway

so its off to bed now little man, i just heard Mommy calling, your Alphabetti Spaghetti is ready and Barneys on TV.....

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :)

Surely the poster was giving valuable information for those that cared.'THE PRICE OF PEACE IS ETERNAL VIGILENCE"

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Armed robbery and home invasion does happen in and around Pattaya, maybe Beardog will be along shortly to remind us of the hair raising details of his experience when he was attacked by armed intruders inside his home and beaten with a frying pan.

I take this problem very seriously indeed, unfortunately it will only get worse. To help keep our isolated house secure we have a 2 1/2 meter wall around it, motion detectors coupled to sirens, motion triggered flood lights, and eight I/R cameras, plus the normal door and window alarms. also 10 wild cats :)

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Timekeeper was doing so well until the last couple of paragraphs. Don't go down to his level.

These things happen and they are not exclusive to Thai on farang. In fact it is much more common with Thai on Thai. But the warning is timely with these types of scams increasing. You appear to have a sensible gardner.

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Armed robbery and home invasion does happen in and around Pattaya, maybe Beardog will be along shortly to remind us of the hair raising details of his experience when he was attacked by armed intruders inside his home and beaten with a frying pan.

I take this problem very seriously indeed, unfortunately it will only get worse. To help keep our isolated house secure we have a 2 1/2 meter wall around it, motion detectors coupled to sirens, motion triggered flood lights, and eight I/R cameras, plus the normal door and window alarms. also 10 wild cats :)

Great,wild cats should keep intruders out.............the smell alone!

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :D

another does of paranoia for your edification....


Thank you for your concern for my welfare but I hope you will not mind if I rely on my 10 years of living in Thailand without ever having suffered a home invasion robbery or even a robbery attempt for my opinion that you are just another one of those farangs who are paranoid about living in a "foreign" environment and don't feel safe unless there is a bobby around every corner.

Beware those black helicopters flying overhead as well...they're sure out to get you too :)

Why are you being such a ---- to this guy ,he is trying to be helpfull and warn people about 4 guys in a pickup. i have also lived on the darkside for many years and never had a problem ,but it does not mean it doesnt happen ,so if you dont like what this guy has to say dont read the thread

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :D

another does of paranoia for your edification....


Thank you for your concern for my welfare but I hope you will not mind if I rely on my 10 years of living in Thailand without ever having suffered a home invasion robbery or even a robbery attempt for my opinion that you are just another one of those farangs who are paranoid about living in a "foreign" environment and don't feel safe unless there is a bobby around every corner.

Beware those black helicopters flying overhead as well...they're sure out to get you too :)

And when will that be.In the next 9 and a half years?

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :D

another does of paranoia for your edification....


Thank you for your concern for my welfare but I hope you will not mind if I rely on my 10 years of living in Thailand without ever having suffered a home invasion robbery or even a robbery attempt for my opinion that you are just another one of those farangs who are paranoid about living in a "foreign" environment and don't feel safe unless there is a bobby around every corner.

Beware those black helicopters flying overhead as well...they're sure out to get you too :)

Why are you being such a ---- to this guy ,he is trying to be helpfull and warn people about 4 guys in a pickup. i have also lived on the darkside for many years and never had a problem ,but it does not mean it doesnt happen ,so if you dont like what this guy has to say dont read the thread and f--- off.

My point (trying to make in a humorous way and obviously failed...this is a tough room) is that robberies and attempted robberies happen anywhere and everywhere in the world. I don't deny that they happen in our own little piece of paradise of Pattaya...this is hardly news. And posting alarmist messages doesn't really enlighten much when everyone knows this already.

I would venture to say probably 80-90% of home robberies are "inside jobs" with either the moobaan security guards in on it, or an x-girlfriend/wife, or the brothers/boyfriend of a strumpet the person may have recently entertained. Tradesmen who may have recently been out at the home may also be culprits.

It's unfortunate many people are rather lax when it comes to home security...leaving doors/windows open and/or unlocked and leaving windows unbarred. Anyone who takes sensible precautions would have little to worry about, however. [And living in a single house outside a moobaan would not be sensible IMO, no matter how many electronic security trinkets or guard dogs you may have in place.]

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this sounds like one of those conspiracy stories where dude down the road claims he's been followed by unmarked black helicopters. anyway, i'm down with the heads up, it's harmless...

good for the gardener and good for the poster and if it makes people more vigilant then thats good too------------its got nowt to do with who has lived here the longest !!

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :)

Have you always had a negative attitude or has Thailand made you that way?

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :)

I can only assume from that post that you've never had your house broken into?

Stay here long enough and you will, unless you've gone above and beyond the call of duty to secure it FALANG style, not Thai style.

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Sadly as has probably been said it can only get worse, if the economy continues to decline.

They had probably noticed that the car has not moved for a while as the owner is overseas.

Maybe a bit extreme but I have seen used car lots here in BKK where they take one or more wheels off the car and leave it on jack stands. Not 100% but not just a simple "Excuse me while I drive this car away". Even if they find where you have 'hidden' the wheels still not an easy job.

I'm with Rimmer do whatever you can. You may not get 100% but you can get close. I have a penchant for electric security fences :) but.......

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Sadly as has probably been said it can only get worse, if the economy continues to decline.

Actually the Thai economy is doing just fine thank you compared to most of those in the West (just look at your exchange rates).

I'd be much more worried about increases in crime in countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Britain, and the USA than Thailand; as they are forced into years of economic decline due to steps to cut their astronomical debts through reductions in government spending, public sector pensions, and the like and their economies sink into deep recessions and actually shrink 10-15 percent over the next 3-5 years.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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Sadly as has probably been said it can only get worse, if the economy continues to decline.

Actually the Thai economy is doing just fine thank you compared to most of those in the West (just look at your exchange rates).

I'd be much more worried about increases in crime in countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Britain, and the USA than Thailand; as they are forced into years of economic decline due to steps to cut their astronomical debts through reductions in government spending, public sector pensions, and the like and their economies sink into deep recessions and actually shrink 10-15 percent over the next 3-5 years.

Most countries you mention give their citizens social security unlike Thailand

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Thank you for providing the required daily dose of paranoia about living in Pattaya. I hope you will excuse me for not joining in your fear and go about my daily life in a normal manner :D

another does of paranoia for your edification....


Thank you for your concern for my welfare but I hope you will not mind if I rely on my 10 years of living in Thailand without ever having suffered a home invasion robbery or even a robbery attempt for my opinion that you are just another one of those farangs who are paranoid about living in a "foreign" environment and don't feel safe unless there is a bobby around every corner.

Beware those black helicopters flying overhead as well...they're sure out to get you too :D

And every subsequent day you live here you shorten the odds.

Lighten up pal, the guy was just giving us all a heads up.

Now turn your head around, so you can see where you are peddling.

Jeez, another 10 year expert on crime in LOS. :)

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Rimmer got that right. After a not so fun incident I take it quite serious. In the darkside when we lived in soi Kaoh Talo our neighbor had an intruder sneak in through a grated window & some of his possessions ripped off. He had a large following of lady boys so it was easy for one of them to know when to hit the house. Another friend in Kohn ken area said a black Mitsubishi truck Posing to be a contractor with his 3 buddies were spotted tooling around trying to set up home owners for a hit. The scam as timekeeper has mentioned is very real. They have been employing the guise of legitimate successful contractors to gain access & either scope out your casa for a hit later. I have heard of this angle sine 04 when I moved here. Since our occurrence we added a second dog(that stood down a monitor lizard & is fearless on people that don't belong in the area.And the fence was raised 1/2 a meter to 1 meter higher & has rimmer said the angled compound barb wire looks like the fence in Auschwitz.

No problems in the last year & almost a half, but we are much more vigilant & have police security that has no qualms about unloading his service revolver if needed.

I would take theft serious as it could be one of us.


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