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Tukay In My Ceiling


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Not sure if there's a more appropriate place for this topic. If there is, would a Mod please move it.

About 1 month ago, I started hearing the pitter patter of little feet on my ceiling. To be accurate, it's in the attic area. I thought it was just a small lizard & would go off on its own.

First, it's not a small lizard, it's a tukay, you know the ones, about 14 inches long, white or grayish with orange spots. It makes a very load KOP KAAAY sound five times, usually about 4 or 5 times per hour, all through the night & naturally it sits on the ceiling just over my bed.

My 2nd error in judgment was in thinking it would just go on its merry way. Wrong on 2 counts Batman. It has discovered a very cozy abode, where sun, wind & rain do not interfere with it's daily enjoyment of a life that only a farang can provide.

I asked around the village to see if somebody knew how to rid my house of the son of Godzilla & about 12 of the locals came over. Most just wanted to see the inside of the farangs house. (I never tire of being the monkey in a Thai zoo) Anyway, once I explained what the EXACT problem was, they all held their thumbs up & shouted Dee, Dee, Dee. Great, now I find out it's good luck to have a tukay in your house. Then they all leave...no problem here...stupid farang....

So, I am finding it harder & harder to get a good night sleep, with all the kop kaay, kop kaaaay, kop kaaaay, KOP KAAAAAAY all night long. I think somebody gave him a Mr. Microphone. Sure is loud when all the world is quiet (or supposed to be).

Does anybody have any idea how I can convince him to move along to happier hunting grounds, or a good way to trap him, or better still, what do I use as bait on a HUGE mouse trap to dispatch Mr. Tukay on to a face to face meeting with Buddha? Dam_n...there he goes again...doesn't this thing ever sleep?

The photos is not of mine, but I think it's his brother.


Edited by Tagaa
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You just have to become more "Thai", then you can sleep through anything.

Personally, I love their call, though they sound more "<deleted>*k you" to me. However, the ones I've experienced are a lot smaller, so probably quieter, assuming we're thinking of the same lizard.

If it's as big as you say, shouldn't a bird net work, followed by a journey far far away?

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Just got one recently in my kitchen in Bangkok.

Everybody kind of panicked.

Except me, that is, excellent opportunity to take some pictures.

Took a bucket (a pink bucket, we're in Thailand) and put it in it, and it was sure pissed off... :)


Edited by eurasianthai
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Learn to live with your 'F$ck You'. one of ours is 'calling' as I write.

if you kill it, you'll have another in a few weeks, and another , and another.

give it an ocassional '<deleted> you too !' it'll make you feel better :)

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Don't kill them, they eat loads of nasty insects and bugs - one of mine ate an 8 " Jackep! better in its belly than in my bed!

Secondly - they can predict your winning fortune on the lotto - count the squarkes - 5 is bad luck, any more than 5 is a good bet - 9 is the bees knees!

If you fancy a bit of sport, buy an airsoft gun that shoots the little plastic BB's - it won't kill them, but it pisses them off!

Thais on the other hand will tell you that they will jump on you and bite and not let go...mmmmm a bit like every snake you show to a Thai and they will tell you it is deadly.....mmm you should be happy you have them in your home, it is considered in chiang Mai to be good luck, but then again so is giving money to men dressed in saffron dresses!

Edited by billythefish
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You could spray a load of poison up there, that might annoy it enough to either kill it or make it leave.

Yes, the smell of a poisoned, rotting, dead lizard carcass in an impossible to reach corner should be wonderful this time of year. :)

I have the same situation and I was able to "lasso" one with a snake stick I had made and then relocated it. That was pure luck as they usually hide too quickly. I have another one I am still trying to locate. He too, only likes to say "<deleted> you" at odd hours of the evening.

I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :D

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Thais on the other hand will tell you that they will jump on you and bite and not let go...mmmmm

Indeed, this is what they told me also.

So at first I was a bit careful.

But see the photo, how long are its teeth? I'm pretty sure they're smaller than the thickness of our skin... :)

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Thais on the other hand will tell you that they will jump on you and bite and not let go...mmmmm

Indeed, this is what they told me also.

So at first I was a bit careful.

But see the photo, how long are its teeth? I'm pretty sure they're smaller than the thickness of our skin... :)

Its not really the teeth, it is the jaws, they are extremely strong, and if they are anything like other lizards, I wouldn't want their juices in my bloodstream. But hel_l, I have been here for a few years and come across loads of these buggers, never ever has one ever tried to attack me - they just want to be left alone. If you disturb a big one ( as I did a while back moving some rooftiles off the ground) they can give you a heart attack - this thing was the size of a cat - and give me a real scare - hissing and growling - but it was only defensive, it didn't attack - needless to say I left it well alone.

We have loads, as well as the other jakeem, and as I type here on my PC, they are on the ceiling shitting on me every now and again.

But something else must eat the shit, as by the morning it too has gone - isn't nature amazing?

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I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :)

We had rats in the ceiling and used those glue trays to get rid of them. Unfortunately a tokay got caught too. Much to my disappointment the poor thing couldn’t be unstuck and had to be dispatched.

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You could spray a load of poison up there, that might annoy it enough to either kill it or make it leave.

Yes, the smell of a poisoned, rotting, dead lizard carcass in an impossible to reach corner should be wonderful this time of year. :)

I have the same situation and I was able to "lasso" one with a snake stick I had made and then relocated it. That was pure luck as they usually hide too quickly. I have another one I am still trying to locate. He too, only likes to say "<deleted> you" at odd hours of the evening.

I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :D

I've caught a few mice over the years with Rat Glue but never seen a Tokay get stuck. if you do catch it you'll still have to kill it. its feet are sure to stay on the tray , so it wont be able to go about its business as normal. I'm pretty sure you can catch it by offering it your finger :D

seriously though, I do suspect its unlikely to spend day light hours in the roof space. IT'll probably have another hiding place behind a sink unit or such. have a look behind and take it from there.

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Just got one recently in my kitchen in Bangkok.

Everybody kind of panicked.

Except me, that is, excellent opportunity to take some pictures.

Took a bucket (a pink bucket, we're in Thailand) and put it in it, and it was sure pissed off... :)


That is a great photo, and the Toktaw is a lovely colour!

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I've got around 4 or 5 of 'em. Sometimes inside the house, other times outside. Sometimes I can see his big 'ol head sticking out from the side of the roof. He just stares at me.

The beam this guy is on is 6 inches wide.

Nasty disposition and a nasty bite.

I don't phuk with him and he dosen't phuk with me.

The other wives tale here in the 'ville, is that if they shit on ya, it's also good luck. ( besides the tale that it is just really good luck to have 'em around ) But I think I'll pass. ( they do leave the digested bugs on the floor though..and not alittle turd either! )


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You could spray a load of poison up there, that might annoy it enough to either kill it or make it leave.

Yes, the smell of a poisoned, rotting, dead lizard carcass in an impossible to reach corner should be wonderful this time of year. :)

I have the same situation and I was able to "lasso" one with a snake stick I had made and then relocated it. That was pure luck as they usually hide too quickly. I have another one I am still trying to locate. He too, only likes to say "<deleted> you" at odd hours of the evening.

I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :D

My thoughts exactly about the smell...he/she needs to be removed. I thought about the sticky rat trap glue, but what would you put on it to lure him/her onto the glue? Happenstance is not a good bait. I know from experience with mice that once something steps on the glue, YOU CAN NOT get it off. Only option at that point is a swift & hard whack with a hammer. I guess I could put down 5 or 6 of them & see what happens...but still I need some bait to lure him/her onto the trap. Something tells me I won't be able to convince a fly to loiter over the trap for to long. Fly's, unlike some muslims, don't have a desire to end their life prematurely.

Yes, mine likes to say to me "<removed> YOU" over & over as well, but I was trying to be delicate.

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Just got one recently in my kitchen in Bangkok.

Everybody kind of panicked.

Except me, that is, excellent opportunity to take some pictures.

Took a bucket (a pink bucket, we're in Thailand) and put it in it, and it was sure pissed off... :)


I showed my wife. she said lovely picture she likes to eat it!!!!!!

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You could spray a load of poison up there, that might annoy it enough to either kill it or make it leave.

Yes, the smell of a poisoned, rotting, dead lizard carcass in an impossible to reach corner should be wonderful this time of year. :)

I have the same situation and I was able to "lasso" one with a snake stick I had made and then relocated it. That was pure luck as they usually hide too quickly. I have another one I am still trying to locate. He too, only likes to say "<deleted> you" at odd hours of the evening.

I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :D

My thoughts exactly about the smell...he/she needs to be removed. I thought about the sticky rat trap glue, but what would you put on it to lure him/her onto the glue? Happenstance is not a good bait. I know from experience with mice that once something steps on the glue, YOU CAN NOT get it off. Only option at that point is a swift & hard whack with a hammer. I guess I could put down 5 or 6 of them & see what happens...but still I need some bait to lure him/her onto the trap. Something tells me I won't be able to convince a fly to loiter over the trap for to long. Fly's, unlike some muslims, don't have a desire to end their life prematurely.

Yes, mine likes to say to me "<removed> YOU" over & over as well, but I was trying to be delicate.

Maybe they are like parrots? It listens to my wife shouting fuc_k You and copies her! We have a family of adults, two of them seem to like to live in our wardrobe - they don't shit in there - (don't shit on your own front yard) but the odd time you open the doors and get a facefull, it can put the shits up you, but like I say, they never even try to attack!

And, they seem to eat everything - poisonous insects the lot - it all goes down-

Edited by billythefish
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You could spray a load of poison up there, that might annoy it enough to either kill it or make it leave.

Yes, the smell of a poisoned, rotting, dead lizard carcass in an impossible to reach corner should be wonderful this time of year. :)

I have the same situation and I was able to "lasso" one with a snake stick I had made and then relocated it. That was pure luck as they usually hide too quickly. I have another one I am still trying to locate. He too, only likes to say "<deleted> you" at odd hours of the evening.

I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :D

I've caught a few mice over the years with Rat Glue but never seen a Tokay get stuck. if you do catch it you'll still have to kill it. its feet are sure to stay on the tray , so it wont be able to go about its business as normal. I'm pretty sure you can catch it by offering it your finger :D

seriously though, I do suspect its unlikely to spend day light hours in the roof space. IT'll probably have another hiding place behind a sink unit or such. have a look behind and take it from there.

It stays in the attic space all day. No way for it to make it's way into the house...(unless it decides to walk in the front door) ...remember...the pitter-patter of little Tukay feet I mentioned.

As Thais eat anything that moves, that was the reason I asked the villagers if they knew how to catch it. They can snatch a bug I can't even see from a tree limb 40" above ground level, but can't give advice on how to catch a lizard than can maim a small dog. I thought "Free food...they'll go nuts" ...but alas, it was not to be.

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You could spray a load of poison up there, that might annoy it enough to either kill it or make it leave.

Yes, the smell of a poisoned, rotting, dead lizard carcass in an impossible to reach corner should be wonderful this time of year. :)

I have the same situation and I was able to "lasso" one with a snake stick I had made and then relocated it. That was pure luck as they usually hide too quickly. I have another one I am still trying to locate. He too, only likes to say "<deleted> you" at odd hours of the evening.

I am now trying one of those "rat trays" where if they walk on it they get stuck, no poison, and then I will move it out of the house. I don't know how I will "unstick" him though. :D

I've caught a few mice over the years with Rat Glue but never seen a Tokay get stuck. if you do catch it you'll still have to kill it. its feet are sure to stay on the tray , so it wont be able to go about its business as normal. I'm pretty sure you can catch it by offering it your finger :D

seriously though, I do suspect its unlikely to spend day light hours in the roof space. IT'll probably have another hiding place behind a sink unit or such. have a look behind and take it from there.

It stays in the attic space all day. No way for it to make it's way into the house...(unless it decides to walk in the front door) ...remember...the pitter-patter of little Tukay feet I mentioned.

As Thais eat anything that moves, that was the reason I asked the villagers if they knew how to catch it. They can snatch a bug I can't even see from a tree limb 40" above ground level, but can't give advice on how to catch a lizard than can maim a small dog. I thought "Free food...they'll go nuts" ...but alas, it was not to be.

You think these buggers can't get into your home - they can get through the crack of dawn! and still have headroom!

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Personally, I really like these big geckos, howvere, if you really want to make it disappear - get a cat. :)

What is a cat going to do? - I had nigh on 13 cats at one point -cats will not chase a fully grown Toktaw! -a fuc_king dog won't even go near them - AK47?

Global moderator now Soundman - boy you have come up in the world! lets get the bunting out!

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