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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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I jjust show some picture to contrast Tallforeigners quit pictures of old people and small children. and that the reds are not so friendly as it looks on his pictures.

On the picture with the injured soldier, I don´t think the one at the right looks so friendly.

True, and I agree that there is a very dangerous element to the red shirts, no need to look further than a few posts back. Those robes are probably pretty good at concealing a firearm. Wouldn't be shocked to find out that the gun was used sometime in the last 2 months. I'm also afraid that a good number of people at the rally are totally unaware of this element. The women and children in those photos are as real as the mob in your photo and they're wearing the same colors. The red shirts are a political movement with an armed wing, and they've set up camp smack in the middle of an urban city. It's a very tricky situation.

Yes I would agree, very tricky. This is actually a hostage situation, though most of the hostages don't realize that's what they are. Days of brainwashing speeches and a magical benefactor exiled abroad. Shame they can't follow a chain of cause and effect more than two links long.

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Tallforeigners picture are well chosen propaganda pictures of peaceful red shirts, old people, monks and whats make me so sad, small children, who have no choice of their own to be in the red fort. This is the people the red leaders and Dear Leader wants to fight to the death, because of the selfish aim of the leaders. I say shame, shame, shame, one thousand times shame on you!!!!

Why not baa SHAME ON YOU ONE THOUSEND TIMES on the people who support a violent crackdown by a army ready do shot at protesters?

That the reds are terrorists is the propaganda here.


If they are merely protesters, why are they armed? Why do they preach the violent overthrow of the government? Why do they require payments to display their "righteousness"?

Apparently mazeltov missed the "fight to the death" .. and Sae Daeng's Ronin .... and the armed guards ... and the armed reds ... and the gasoline soaked tires ... and the calls for violence and burning down of buildings etc etc etc ...

Apparently he missed the attacks on 1st Reg, the attacks on ThaiCom, the kidnappings, the raids on the hospitals incuding the removal of evidence (bodies). The ritual blood pooring, the attacks on the leaders of groups that oppose the reds, the attacks on businesses that the reds think oppose them, the attacks on Newin's family's businesses, etc etc etc .....

Apparently he missed the grenades, the grenade launchers, the bombs, the military weapons etc etc etc ....

Mazeltov wears Thaksin approved glasses, so he sees what needs to see.


What exactly is happening in that photo? I see both military and red shirts there.

Also, for other people:

graphic image, look at your own risk.

Old Wolf, you have just revealed your intelligence level for all to see.

This is a Red medic assisting a soldier to take care of one of their own. There are many examples of such conduct in photos. If more people had this attitude of loving others, there would be no fight. The murderous comments by the farang warmongers on these forums demanding military action indicate an entirely different sentiment...


We don't know if the red shirt is there to treat the wounds or to confiscate the body. My point is that photo proves nothing without eye witness accounts describing the scene we see.

Here is the full article:


I don´t think the reds were very peaceful at april 10?

The government has a short memory. This crackdown won't work. People will die. It will create further rifts in society. At some point there will be elections and slightly less than 50% of Thais will vote reds. Discussion is best.

LOL discussion is best? :) I thought it has been discussed to death and to what result? You would have this continue for how long?

Violence will not end the conflict, that was my point. Open the last five threads and see how those "crackdowns" went.

Call elections. Keep negotiating. Any deaths on either side tonight will be in vain.

Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

My deepest respect

You've read too many romantic books and not talked to enough real people. Get a grip, your illusions are confusions.

How long is supposed to be this discussion? Especially with monks walking around with loaded guns? What next? Do you live in Bangkok? If you do not then you cannot really feel how upset people are.

I don't live in Bangkok but my Thai doctor friend does. He was born dirt poor in Isaan over 50 years ago. Here's what he wrote me today:

Dear ***,

I work close to the demonstration area, this is very boring and annoying and most of us in Bangkok can't stand for this anymore. The mob has lost their objective and righteousness already. I don't mind if we have to sacrifice someone (30, 300 or 3000) to bring our normal life back.

Best Regards,


The scientific literature reports incidences of celebratoryfiring as a major public health concern internationally. InKuwait, after the end of the Gulf War, the Kuwaitis celebratedby firing weapons into the air—and 20 Kuwaitis died fromfalling bullets [3]. In Los Angeles, between the years 1985and 1992, doctors treated 118 people for random falling-bulletinjuries at King/Drew Medical Center, and 38 of them died [2].Practically all of the injuries were due to happy holiday weekendrevelers [3].Bullets fired into the air during celebrations return at a speedfast enough to penetrate the skin and cause internal damageto other organs in the path of the migrating bullet. The bullet’svelocity required for skin penetration is between 148 and 197feet per second. A velocity of less than 200 feet per second,which is easily obtained by a celebratory gunfire, is capableof fracturing bone and even causing intracranial penetration[4]. Spent bullets have the capability of reaching up to 600feet per second during their downfall, and thus they have theability to inflict damage to multiple body cavities [4]. Thelarger caliber bullets (ie, .45-caliber) reach a higher terminalvelocity compared with the smaller caliber bullets (ie, .30-caliber),because of the proportion of their weight to their diameter[4]. Terminal velocity is difficult to calculate with fallingbullets because wind resistance and updrafts can cause a spentbullet to land miles away from the initially fired site [2].


MCOTEnglishnews: CRES closing roads in Ratchaprasong area tonight; armoured vehicles, live ammunition to be used, asks companies to close offices

Eeeasy now. The armoured vehicles ar being used to protect the soldiers, not to disperse the protesters.

By the way, I only read about using armored vehicles to surround the area - nothing about going in to clear the mob

CORRECT, that is what the goveronment announcement so far, not a hint on dispersal !

of course, could imagine what the reactions would be when reds are surrounded by APCs.

hope not another 'other of control' !


Okay just got off the phone from the boys running the two big rides at Fantasy Island.. They gave their take..

Go in with water cannons blazing in all directions.. FLOOD the streets.. drown all sewer rats and anything wearing red.. then start playing good Led Zepplin Staircase to Heaven..play this music so loud to the point it will break all windows and ear drums..

repeat ... over and over until all the rats are gone and the streets are full of red shirts.... but no people... then bring in the herd of dancing elephants in pink tutus dancing we are off to see the wizard..

repeat ... #1 again.. Then offer free bottles of Jose Cervo to all who will and eat the worms in private... Vodka is only optional..

repeat until are drunk as snunks and do not forget... LONG LIVE TIM LEARY...

Get back Loretta.. get back to where you all belong JOJO.. Go home... Get back

Okay now comes the real sneaky part..

Everyone must wear low neck sweaters.. and everyone must wear those 3in spiked heels Maybe Russian whores as BKK is full of nice Russian whores...

Then this will happen...drop 300 tons of Campball.s pork and beans sing as loud as you can the complete verse of TOMMY..

Are they gone yet????


Non Violent my ass,

THE NATION: DJ Om told protesters that if Rajprasong was dispersed, go and seize provincial halls and arrest governors and deputy govts.

Hope the army actually gets rid of them this time.

You have no right to say that. Thailand is not your home country. I would like to say more, but I would probably be suspended from Thaivisa.

Thailand is my home country. Can I say it?

TV banned anotherpeter and Thailand is not his home country. whybother.

By the way, I only read about using armored vehicles to surround the area - nothing about going in to clear the mob

They have said they will surround the reds. But we all know the reds can't pass up the opportunity to provoke a confrontation. I won't be surprised if grenades are launched at the army tonight. If the reds show some sense of self preservation and keep their heads down the army will likely just sit and watch them till Saturday.

Hope the army actually gets rid of them this time.

You have no right to say that. Thailand is not your home country. I would like to say more, but I would probably be suspended from Thaivisa.

Thailand is my home country. Can I say it?

Free speech, say what you like

History will show that the RED SHIRTS are HERO'S!

Fighting for to keep their country ruled by Thai's NOT CHINESE!

Except if he's Thai chinese like Thaksin.

MRT Suspends Service at Stations in Risk-areas

UPDATE : 13 May 2010

The Bangkok Metro company, operator of MRT underground train service, has announced that it will suspend service at stations located in risk-areas including Silom and Lumpini.

The service suspension will start at 6 P.M. today.


I'm confused about this. CRES says the Skytrain will not be allowed to go through the protest area, while BTS just say certain stations will be closed. Which is right? What the CRES says implies you can only go to stations on either side of Phrom Phong and Phaya Thai, but not actually travel all the way from Ekkamai to Mor Chit, or from Saphan Taksin to Ekkamai.

Certain stations will be closed. You can go from Ekkamai to Mor Chit or from Saphan Thaksin to Ekkami. The trains will not stop at Siam, Chidlom, Ploenchit and Rajdamri. In other words, the train will act as an express skipping these stations, depending on which BTS line you are going on.

Not so sure about that. They may well do what they did last time. Wong Wien Yai to Chongnongsi. Morchit to Vic Mon. On Nut to Nana/Ploenchit. All the rest no transit. I suppose we're about to find out shortly anyway.

History will show that the RED SHIRTS are HERO'S!

Fighting for to keep their country ruled by Thai's NOT CHINESE!

hold on . . . this is certainly a class conflict between poor and the wealthy, not much between different races.

imagination sometime goes too far :-)

Call elections. Keep negotiating. Any deaths on either side tonight will be in vain.

Call elections? Already done. Didn't work.

Keep negotiating? With who? Negotiations were in progress and the reds walked away from the table, saying give us what we demand or else.

History will show that the RED SHIRTS are HERO'S!

Fighting for to keep their country ruled by Thai's NOT CHINESE!

hold on . . . this is certainly a class conflict between poor and the wealthy, not much between different races.

imagination sometime goes too far :-)

Thailand is made up of about 40 distinct ethnic groups, could get messy deciding which are the real thais. If they hate the chinese why did they choose their signature color?

History will show that the RED SHIRTS are HERO'S!

Fighting for to keep their country ruled by Thai's NOT CHINESE!

Nice bit of "racism" there ..... but not a dam_n thing in your statement is accurate :)

Call elections. Keep negotiating. Any deaths on either side tonight will be in vain.

Call elections? Already done. Didn't work.

Keep negotiating? With who? Negotiations were in progress and the reds walked away from the table, saying give us what we demand or else.

Well I guess all the problems will be solved tonight. Lets wait and see.


Live amunition?

Why not use rubber bullets & water cannons?

Its a difficult situation all round because many of the young men in the army & police are Red supporters themselves.

Call elections. Keep negotiating. Any deaths on either side tonight will be in vain.

Call elections? Already done. Didn't work.

Keep negotiating? With who? Negotiations were in progress and the reds walked away from the table, saying give us what we demand or else.

Wasn't it more like, "give us what we demand, and then we'll demand something else as well"?

Monks as protesters,

this is NOT buddha's teaching,

what are they thinking?

They aren't real monks as typified by this red monk at the rally:


this ''monk' is actually Prasit Sawasdee, a 41 year-old man who was later identified as a red-shirt security guard, was arrested for possession of a .38 pistol with laser grip and 35 bullets. Apart from the weapon, police found 50,000 bath in cash, brass knuckles and a membership card for the red-shirt security guards


3rd MAY 2010

Man, this whole thing reads like an Elmore Leonard novel, only even he doesn't have this much imagination.

Not that it would matter but .... isn't there a fairly strong law against impersonating a monk?

Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

My deepest respect

More propoganda from Jerry.

The reds got a concession from the government for new elections. There was a fair and reasonable reconciliation plan on the table that was backed by everyone including their moderate members BUT not backed by Thaksin and his cronies. They spit on reconciliation and continue to hold the entire country's economy hostage. They are armed and violent and have shown this on many occasions. They don't deserve respect at all. They deserve to be removed from this illegal protest site and tried for terrorism, sedition, insurrection, treason, failure to comply with lawful orders etc.

Those found guilty of the big 4 deserve the consequences they have worked so hard for. Those that are only guilty of failure to comply with lawful orders should be given probation and sent home. A condition of the probation should be that they refrain from joining any gathering that is illegal for the next 10 years. should they join another illegal protest they should spend time in jail.

I wish that this could end without more violence but it is my firm belief that Thaksin needs more martyrs to gain his goal ... so he'll spend red lives like water if he needs to.

"The spittle of the toad cannot reach the white dove" French proverb

second that!

nothing more than a strawman attack by jdinasia, a failed one, like so often.

It's now after 6pm, how much military equipment has been lost to the reds already.

Might be after 6 somewhere but still 5:30 here in BKK ... unless I lost an hour somewhere.

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