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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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Terry Fredrickson terryfrd

Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Well, then I hope the government dig up the bloody road in Saraburi coz they should not be allowed to get to Bangkok.

Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Stacking tires and stuffing bamboo in between them is unconquerable? One APV takes down the whole wall.

<br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

<br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

A bonus of this event is that I get to update my ignore list with all the terrorist supporters. One more - check!

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

absolutely agree !

lost of life is nothing to be cheer, either he is a good guy, a bad guy, or an innocent.

hope everyone could learn from this explicit alert, and calm down !

Wrong .......... will gladly say good bye to one to save many others

Especially when the one is a terrorist

sad to loss life, BUT see your point of lossing one bad life saving many many good one !

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

Any time is a good time. At least the world will now know what happens to a Thai terrorist first hand.

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

absolutely agree !

lost of life is nothing to be cheer, either he is a good guy, a bad guy, or an innocent.

hope everyone could learn from this explicit alert, and calm down !

I think we all agree that human life is sacred and that is why the majority here are happy this lunatic terrorist has been taken out of the game.

Some posts are so full of hatred that I am ashamed. Even a death penalty prisoner, even with the most odious crimes on his hands, is respected in the very moments before the death penalty is applied. Also, we know that people like Saeh Deng are the result of an excess of training in special operations. We do know now that we have to limit the utilisation of men in this kind of business to only few years and that there is a difficult reeducation: Saeh Deng is what he is because he has been manipulated and transformed by the Military system, special operations. And during years he was considered as useful: so, now, this guy is struggling for his life in apparently his last moments, we should let him quiet, the responsability to have build such a phenomenom is also the responsability of the Society and belongs to all of us.


Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.

evidently you never saw any of his interviews or videos? If it isn't spelled out to you more clearly, then you must be really dense.

<br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

Lets not be a drama queen.


So much for the plan of him being the Army C&C when Thaskin comes back to take over the country. :)

For such a smary guy, he was just another played by Thaskin. :D

A 5.56 round shut his mouth once and for all. What's next? The Thai's all back to being sub-servant to the elites? :D

Things won't end tonight. Regardless, I am happy I left Thailand long ago..... :D

Can't wait to see the 'after' photos of the Silom area! :D


Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.

evidently you never saw any of his interviews or videos? If it isn't spelled out to you more clearly, then you must be really dense.

Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Stacking tires and stuffing bamboo in between them is unconquerable? One APV takes down the whole wall.

Ah, farangs, you don't understand.

Bamboo and tyres, Thai style, unconquerable.

OMG, The International Outrage!!!! LMAO

Red Shirt leader shot as unrest continues in Thai capital


Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- A leader of anti-government protests in Thailand was shot in the head while being interviewed at the demonstrations, according to the journalist who was with him at the time.

Seh Daeng was in critical condition, according to his guards with the Red Shirt protesters.

Tom Fuller of the International Herald Tribune told CNN he was interviewing Seh at the time of the shooting.

Witnesses said the gunshot appeared to come from a rooftop in a corner of Bangkok's Lumpini Park, where protesters have amassed.

While it was unknown whether Thailand's military or government was behind the shooting, the government has previously made it clear it would shoot at what it called armed terrorists.

A renegade Thai general, Seh, whose full name is Maj. Gen. Kattiya Sawasdipol, is one of the Red Shirts' most radical, hard-line leaders, said CNN's Dan Rivers.

Other, more moderate leaders of the organization, who had insisted the protests were peaceful, had sought to distance themselves from him.

For the rest of the article ... http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/...ests/index.html

I can't speak for the rest of the world regarding Intl outrage but for Canada the only international outrage on the news will come from Sid Crosby not playing for the Stanley Cup! :D

The is no outrage in the province of Quebec, Canada

I was raised in Montreal and I will sing the same song to Sid the kid

as I would to Seh Daeng "na na na na hey hey hey good bye"


Pictures of the man himself from manager website.

got what he diserved...

Breaking news, Seah Deng just left for Dubai, borrowed ketchup from MC Donalds to divert the troops :)

TAN Network: ThaiTV: Red shirt leaders say shooting is not reason to disperse rally; leaders stay in secure locations to prevent snipers

Says it all the cowardly scum are safely ensconced in the background and telling the pawns there is no need for you to disperse.

Come on you Red Shirt supporters justify these tactics from your armchairs.

Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Stacking tires and stuffing bamboo in between them is unconquerable? One APV takes down the whole wall.

I got got told in my army time that if it is mixed with enough razor wire (at least 3 lines) it can stop any tank. I of course don't know myself...just they told me.

Scores of reds have surged into Hua Chiew, confronting troops
At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital
Jatuporn now told protesters that Seh Daeng is safe now

I'm sure he's in good and capable hands now. Maybe those who have surged into the hospital are very qualified medical staff. He will receive excellent care.

Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Stacking tires and stuffing bamboo in between them is unconquerable? One APV takes down the whole wall.

Chunky, this isn't the A team.

Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Stacking tires and stuffing bamboo in between them is unconquerable? One APV takes down the whole wall.

Chunky, this isn't the A team.

or B or C team either


Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.

mazeltov please keep on posting. You give us all a good laugh with each of your postscheesy.gif .

Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

My deepest respect

More propoganda from Jerry.

The reds got a concession from the government for new elections. There was a fair and reasonable reconciliation plan on the table that was backed by everyone including their moderate members BUT not backed by Thaksin and his cronies. They spit on reconciliation and continue to hold the entire country's economy hostage. They are armed and violent and have shown this on many occasions. They don't deserve respect at all. They deserve to be removed from this illegal protest site and tried for terrorism, sedition, insurrection, treason, failure to comply with lawful orders etc.

Those found guilty of the big 4 deserve the consequences they have worked so hard for. Those that are only guilty of failure to comply with lawful orders should be given probation and sent home. A condition of the probation should be that they refrain from joining any gathering that is illegal for the next 10 years. should they join another illegal protest they should spend time in jail.

I wish that this could end without more violence but it is my firm belief that Thaksin needs more martyrs to gain his goal ... so he'll spend red lives like water if he needs to.

"The spittle of the toad cannot reach the white dove" French proverb

"Garlic is not a deodorant!" Australian proverb

hahahaha :)

Some posts are so full of hatred that I am ashamed. Even a death penalty prisoner, even with the most odious crimes on his hands, is respected in the very moments before the death penalty is applied. Also, we know that people like Saeh Deng are the result of an excess of training in special operations. We do know now that we have to limit the utilisation of men in this kind of business to only few years and that there is a difficult reeducation: Saeh Deng is what he is because he has been manipulated and transformed by the Military system, special operations. And during years he was considered as useful: so, now, this guy is struggling for his life in apparently his last moments, we should let him quiet, the responsability to have build such a phenomenom is also the responsability of the Society and belongs to all of us.

You are really missing the larger point Jerry. This gives all of us hope that we may be able to get out of this without having to carpet bomb all of Redland. This is a joyous occasion and time to celebrate. This is the elimination of a huge obstacle to peace.

I only hope that the authorities follow through on the momentum and cut off the other heads of the red leaders so that they can be replaced with more moderate members who will work towards reconciliation.

This is something that should have been done long ago. Death is never pretty, but sometimes when killing one can save millions it is a thing to be applauded.

Scores of reds have surged into Hua Chiew, confronting troops
At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital
Jatuporn now told protesters that Seh Daeng is safe now

I'm sure he's in good and capable hands now. Maybe those who have surged into the hospital are very qualified medical staff. He will receive excellent care.

Those who initially surged into the hospital seemed more interested in taking pictures, filming and reporting. Is this a new type of therapy?


Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.

JDs in CM. and he can look out his back door and determine right from wrong. Killing people is OK if he decides so. His "taken out" line is from many of his conspiracy movies. Maybe bowing 3 times is appropriate now.

<br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

its what the majority wanted and i have no doubt that he would not have wanted to die in bed of old age

So much for the plan of him being the Army C&C when Thaskin comes back to take over the country. :)

For such a smary guy, he was just another played by Thaskin. :D

A 5.56 round shut his mouth once and for all. What's next? The Thai's all back to being sub-servant to the elites? :D

Things won't end tonight. Regardless, I am happy I left Thailand long ago..... :D

Can't wait to see the 'after' photos of the Silom area! :D

nice that u left

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