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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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Some posts are so full of hatred that I am ashamed. Even a death penalty prisoner, even with the most odious crimes on his hands, is respected in the very moments before the death penalty is applied. Also, we know that people like Saeh Deng are the result of an excess of training in special operations. We do know now that we have to limit the utilisation of men in this kind of business to only few years and that there is a difficult reeducation: Saeh Deng is what he is because he has been manipulated and transformed by the Military system, special operations. And during years he was considered as useful: so, now, this guy is struggling for his life in apparently his last moments, we should let him quiet, the responsability to have build such a phenomenom is also the responsability of the Society and belongs to all of us.

What a load of horse shat. He got a heck of a lot more respect than death row inmates in his final moments (if he dies). As far as I know he is not following Thai Visa from the hospital so, stop pretending he is being disrespected.

And what a load of complete nonsense regarding his military training making him a terrorist. It is just such a ridiculous thing to say that it makes no sense to even try to respond with logic or facts because clearly they appear beyond your reach on this topic.

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Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

Any time is a good time. At least the world will now know what happens to a Thai terrorist first hand.

thats what I was thinking. And int'l press can start doing some investigative reporting on whats going on rather then spinning the robin hood theme which the English media still cant let go of

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

absolutely agree !

lost of life is nothing to be cheer, either he is a good guy, a bad guy, or an innocent.

hope everyone could learn from this explicit alert, and calm down !

I think we all agree that human life is sacred and that is why the majority here are happy this lunatic terrorist has been taken out of the game.

Some posts are so full of hatred that I am ashamed. Even a death penalty prisoner, even with the most odious crimes on his hands, is respected in the very moments before the death penalty is applied. Also, we know that people like Saeh Deng are the result of an excess of training in special operations. We do know now that we have to limit the utilisation of men in this kind of business to only few years and that there is a difficult reeducation: Saeh Deng is what he is because he has been manipulated and transformed by the Military system, special operations. And during years he was considered as useful: so, now, this guy is struggling for his life in apparently his last moments, we should let him quiet, the responsability to have build such a phenomenom is also the responsability of the Society and belongs to all of us.

he deserves the same pity and compassion he showed his victims




Major General Khattiya Sawasdipol is carried to an ambulance after being shot in the head behind the barricades at a fortified camp in Bangkok's shopping district May 13, 2010. Sawasdipol, the chief military advisor of Thailand's "red shirt" anti-government protesters, was injured in the head

Its impossible for another Army person to fill the role of Sae Daeng. His bamboo barricade technique was unconquerable and he didn't teach anyone the method. Nope, there is only one Army man who can lead a group of terrorists. The battle is over now. We can rest easy.

Stacking tires and stuffing bamboo in between them is unconquerable? One APV takes down the whole wall.

It's called sarcasm you donut!

Whatever anyone thinks about this guy getting shot, it's not a good thing to happen in the present 'powder keg' climate... if we are looking for a flame to re-ignite things into another possibly much bigger confrontation this could well be it.

It's not my country, so I don't really think it is justified for me to pass judgment on who is right and wrong, the lines blur depending on where you are in the social ladder of life.

Do you really think old Abhisit will be walking around having a normal life from now on... far from it. As soon as he sticks his head up for long enough someone will probably take him down also, as I'm sure there is a queue of people waiting to take a pop at him now. Not a nice situation to be in ... that's for sure, if only people could just get on nicely.



"Old Git ... you should do some more reading. Check out the bit about Thaksin not being elected (democratically or otherwise) at the time of the coup."

So farang, you are so sure! In that case, why not let the Thai people cast their votes peacefully for a resolution of this Schweinerei? But farang, you know as well as I do. The Bangkok Bandits don't want a fair & peaceful ballot, since that would return Mr T's TRT party. Tough on you & the BBs if you don't like it. It will come, since vox populi is vox dei.

Keep howling for the massacre of those who make a stand for democracy & know yourself for what you (& the rest) are. Sieg heil! OGT

You gotta be kidding ... Thaksin and fair election can never be put in same paragraph

Whatever he has or had was stolen or paid for with ill gotten gains ... oh ya .... isn't he

the great leader who fled the criminal system in Thailand ... The country he claims to

love and cherish ... yet he runs like a ....

As bangkok burns the Thaksin sits in a luxury suite ... as Bangkok burns I am sure he

is eating better than MacDonalds .... Then again MacDonalds just ran out of food ...

apparently Arisman went for drive thru

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

Any time is a good time. At least the world will now know what happens to a Thai terrorist first hand.

thats what I was thinking. And int'l press can start doing some investigative reporting on whats going on rather then spinning the robin hood theme which the English media still cant let go of

Are we assuming it was a "TV" interview or is this fact?

You are really missing the larger point Jerry. This gives all of us hope that we may be able to get out of this without having to carpet bomb all of Redland. This is a joyous occasion and time to celebrate. This is the elimination of a huge obstacle to peace.

I only hope that the authorities follow through on the momentum and cut off the other heads of the red leaders so that they can be replaced with more moderate members who will work towards reconciliation.

This is something that should have been done long ago. Death is never pretty, but sometimes when killing one can save millions it is a thing to be applauded.



Its a symbolic victory for the government (assuming he doesn't make it or the hospital is re-seized by the government. But otherwise, its just a single man. You think TS is losing any sleep over this? One Sae Daeng falls down, another pops up. And on and on.

Some of you are quite naive. This is not a film on TV. It does not end when one bad guy disappears.

<br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

Lets not be a drama queen.

oi .. leave my middle name alone please!!!



Pictures of the man himself from manager website.


Well I guess this picture proves that he was shot in the back. Why else would a Thai hospital wrap his head.

Great post. You made my day! Could it have been the back of the head and it was lost in translation?

No one ever saw me.

Not as assuring as something like "that was bad stuff, whoever did it should be punished."

Well, they shut his a_ss up, that's the main thing.

Some posts are so full of hatred that I am ashamed. Even a death penalty prisoner, even with the most odious crimes on his hands, is respected in the very moments before the death penalty is applied. Also, we know that people like Saeh Deng are the result of an excess of training in special operations. We do know now that we have to limit the utilisation of men in this kind of business to only few years and that there is a difficult reeducation: Saeh Deng is what he is because he has been manipulated and transformed by the Military system, special operations. And during years he was considered as useful: so, now, this guy is struggling for his life in apparently his last moments, we should let him quiet, the responsability to have build such a phenomenom is also the responsability of the Society and belongs to all of us.

You are really missing the larger point Jerry. This gives all of us hope that we may be able to get out of this without having to carpet bomb all of Redland. This is a joyous occasion and time to celebrate. This is the elimination of a huge obstacle to peace.

I only hope that the authorities follow through on the momentum and cut off the other heads of the red leaders so that they can be replaced with more moderate members who will work towards reconciliation.

This is something that should have been done long ago. Death is never pretty, but sometimes when killing one can save millions it is a thing to be applauded.

Disagree... we get the point... but no need to celebrate in a life taken, regardless of who... even if it needed to happen to save more lives.

Those of you crying for aimless death, you are no better then the people you wish it upon...

[/b]This is the first guy that should be taken out by Special Forces snipers. The second one is Jutaporn. They are both terrorist plain and simple.

Cut the head off the snake and it dies.


Twitter: Saksith: "Al Jazeera reports that "one red shirt leader has been shot", now in hospital."

in the morgue would be better

it will arraged very soon i bet

I hope not... I'd prefer to see him rot in the "Bangkok Hilton" for the rest of his days...

OMG, The International Outrage!!!! LMAO

Red Shirt leader shot as unrest continues in Thai capital


Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- A leader of anti-government protests in Thailand was shot in the head while being interviewed at the demonstrations, according to the journalist who was with him at the time.

Seh Daeng was in critical condition, according to his guards with the Red Shirt protesters.

Tom Fuller of the International Herald Tribune told CNN he was interviewing Seh at the time of the shooting.

Witnesses said the gunshot appeared to come from a rooftop in a corner of Bangkok's Lumpini Park, where protesters have amassed.

While it was unknown whether Thailand's military or government was behind the shooting, the government has previously made it clear it would shoot at what it called armed terrorists.

A renegade Thai general, Seh, whose full name is Maj. Gen. Kattiya Sawasdipol, is one of the Red Shirts' most radical, hard-line leaders, said CNN's Dan Rivers.

Other, more moderate leaders of the organization, who had insisted the protests were peaceful, had sought to distance themselves from him.

For the rest of the article ... http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/...ests/index.html

I can't speak for the rest of the world regarding Intl outrage but for Canada the only international outrage on the news will come from Sid Crosby not playing for the Stanley Cup! :D

The is no outrage in the province of Quebec, Canada

I was raised in Montreal and I will sing the same song to Sid the kid

as I would to Seh Daeng "na na na na hey hey hey good bye"

haha Good for you & Les HABS! Im still recovering from my Nucks :) again :D



There are unconfirmed reports that some key red leaders are resigning, among Veera and Adisorn. Again that's unconfirmed /via @Warakorn_NBC 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck


OMG!!! I just saw wide angle shots IN the hospital as they were moving him around. No wonder we are not getting any reports from the scene as it looks like every reporter in Thailand is in the hospital. I was in LA during both the OJ and Jackson trials and never saw anything like this. I don't think I have ever seen that many reporters mobbed together like that before. And what kind of dramatic shot they plan to get with an unconscious guy on a gurney?!?!?

For safety reasons the staff should have kept the reporters outside and wheeled the terrorist up to the window for a photo opportunity.

Thai TV just announced Seh Daeng is dead 9.45pm this is a new update.

Instead of having a rogue army general running around, they now have a dead martyr red shirt leader who in their eyes died for the protesters. Well done. I'm sure this will make the red shirts all go home peacefully and happy.

The Thai political crisis has just been solved ...why didn't anyone think of this before? :)

a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

Will you please stop with this "sanctity of human life" crap. It is a Judeo-Christian concept and totally foreign to most people on this planet.

Every human will die, and the only reason some survive is because it is illegal to kill them. When that restriction is lifted, they don't last long.

This man was an @r$ehole who certainly didn't share your views.

As you like quotes; "The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet." Titus Flavius Vespasian.

Some lowlife ran down my dog today. More tears will be shed for the dog than for Seh Daeng.



There are unconfirmed reports that some key red leaders are resigning, among Veera and Adisorn. Again that's unconfirmed /via @Warakorn_NBC 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

# Terry Fredrickson terryfrd

Adisorn, a former prominent TRT politician, is the head of PTV, so if he's out that could be significant. less than 20 seconds ago via TweetDeck

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