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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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Once again everyone here is taking rumor and spinning it into facts.

If Seh Daeng was guilty of all that he has been accused of, and if there is evidence to support this, then arrest him, put him up on charges and prosecute him UNDER THE LAW.

I am not a supporter of either Reds, Yellows or any other color here in Thailand, I just want to get on with living my life with the minimum of hassles. The protests are an inconvenience but I do have a certain amount of sympathy for their 'cause' and it seems that there has been no other way for these people to legitimately air their grievances and actually have something happen.

No one knows WHO shot him, tho it seems more than likely that it was an Army sniper, and if this is the case, this is nothing short of assassination, AND it occurred when he was doing nothing other than give an interview, a clear departure from the Govt's stance:

"authorities must execute measures according to international standards and rules of engagement"

How is this justified under any rules of engagement?

(waits for the howls of condemnation from the other farangs here)

Seh Daeng was facing charges under the law, he was released on bail March 9. A perfect example of why red leaders shouldn't get bail when they are arrested.

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If Seh Daeng was guilty of all that he has been accused of, and if there is evidence to support this, then arrest him, put him up on charges and prosecute him UNDER THE LAW.

Agreed. This is what should have happened.

The protests are an inconvenience but I do have a certain amount of sympathy for their 'cause' and it seems that there has been no other way for these people to legitimately air their grievances and actually have something happen.

As far as sympathising with their cause is concerned, the problem here is that there are two causes. There is the real one - revenge, whitewashing of crime, money and power, for Thaksin and his chums - and there is the pretend one - democracy and helping the poor.

If the red movement actually cared about the pretend cause, their fight would be noble, credible and worthy. But the movement doesn't. Your average red supporter i'm sure does. The red leaders that are running the show don't.

I have consistently posted against all violence by any side - but what has it come to when a guy gives a TV interview and is shot in the head on TV? and we watch on CNN? this is a demonstration of a 'clean' government? a sign of 'law'? yellows on here carp on about 'rule of law' - where is it NOW? it's a disgrace and anyone with a nounce of intelligence and compassion should condemn it outright.

I believe that it was a NEWSPAPER interview, but what does it matter. A target is a target, and best taken out when stationary. Talking to a reporter, taking a leak or picking his nose.....................all good opportunities.

You connect intelligence with compassion. Why? Have you considered that some intelligent people may have discarded the Judeo-Christian BS you were brainwashed with as a child. Most of the people on this planet DO NOT believe that all human life is sacred; there are a lot of complete @r$eholes out there, and the world is a better place when they are removed from the gene pool. And all your sanctimonious preaching about compassion won't change that one bit.

Given the chance to kill Stalin or Hitler in 1935, would it have been morally wrong to take them out?

Put your pig avatar back, it suited you better.

you're comparing Stalin and Hitler with this guy? wow I am humbled by your intelligence - and you think that a comic and humurous avatar of a pig suits me? this is your style? to insult fellow posters? as for your comments about Judeo-Christian BS I find that highly OFFENSIVE and, in fact, I am a practising Buddhist of 30 years and I suspect the person who pulled the trigger is too (in name only like most Thais).

In 1935, who knew how many people would die as a result of Stalin and Hitler's atrocities? Today, who knows what allowing Seh Daeng to continue in his quest for civil war would cause to happen?

I didn't choose your former avatar, you did. I thought it particularly apt, why would you consider that to be insulting? It certainly suited you more than the dove of peace.

I doubt very much if you were brought up as a Buddhist; and your pleas for compassion sound like the result of early-age Christian indoctrination. It is also a christian trait to think that those that don't agree with them are unintelligent - that they haven't seen the light. I personally saw through the christianity BS by the age of 7.

Does thinking that you are a "better" buddhist than others fit in with the teachings? :)

you're comparing Stalin and Hitler with this guy?

Well Pol-Pot would be a closer geographical fit. It is revealing that Seh Daeng in his last interview described other red leaders as bad leaders paid off by the government. This is just the sort of paranoid scapegoating which results with someone eliminating their enemies and then their former friends to cement their position. I believe independence for Issan was another of his little pearls, I shudder to imagine what would have happened if somehow he lead a factional takeover of the army, it could have been the killing fields all over again.

Though I suppose in the cold light of day it is wrong to want anyone dead I must say I'm greatly relived he is out of the way and even if he was on a direct satellite link talking to Obama at the time I'd still think the same.

I think he was a NUTTER - I have never agreed with his outbursts - but the government have really got a 'martyr' on their hands now - it is never right to shoot someone just because you do not agree with their views - its disgraceful and certainley will never help the governments cause - think about it:

the place was crawling with soldiers - they had it ringed - he steps out for interview with New York Times and BANG - so unless proven otherwise the intelligent money will not be on:

1. Thaksin or

2. that it was really aimed at the New York Times guy but they made a mistake OR

3. that he organised it himself

It's absurd

'logical scenario'? 'enforcing the law'?

assasinating someone is 'enforcing the law'? Jeezeeee even in kindergarden law books it doesn't say shooting someone in the head is 'enforcing the law'

Police snipers take out criminals all over the world to protect civilians.

yes that's true... after obtaining a court order and after receiving orders of engagement from a very senior officer - or if that is not possible and it's an emergency (hardly the case in this scenario as he was being interviewed) and every bullet is accounted for and an investigation of any such sniping is subject of intense scrutiny and reporting - this won't happen here.

no court order is neccesary, Swat type teams worldwide have standing judicial permission to act independantly

i find it amusing to think that you think that for example in a hostage crisis, some government appointed lawyer would have to go wake up a judge to get a court order to shoot whilst the hostage taker stood idly by waiting for them to get it.......or not

Besides Bangkok is under a state of emergency which puts normal procedures aside and gives police and the army greater powers to enforce the law.

We have now had 'who shot Seh Daeng'

1 Thaskin

2 it was aimed at a journalist and organised by Seh Daeng himself

is there nothing that some of the yellow posters won't stoop to?

Sometimes a 'cigar is a cigar' and the government side are the obvious first candidates - cummon gimme a break

The only obvious first candidates are 'people that wanted SD dead' - that includes the gov't and certain factions of Reds. Thaksin ('I love im and he'll make a great martyr) and the crazy 'kill a journalist but mind my head' conspiracy plot definitely fall into second place.


You are one sick little Pussy to find puerile humour in this dreadful time for many of us who actually care about the future of this country.


If only the reds cared about the country half as much as you do, they would have accepted new elections and dispersed peacefully.

We can dream.

I am definitely sympathetic about the plight of the working and lower 'class' in LOS, but believe they are being manipulated for political gain, not to have their lot in Life improved....sad but standard form shown daily by too many political 'leaders' in too many places :D

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

I'm not so sure if it actually was an army sniper that took him out. If it was, well done.

Army snipers are trained to aim at the chest. It's a larger target and a high velocity .308 round if hit in the chest is almost always deadly due to shock and other factors. Also, the head is more likely to be moved quickly causing the shot to miss. Those rounds are steel core and will penetrate a normal "bullet proof" vest without a problem. Only a vest with added ceramic plates would stop it.

In my opinion, looking at the way Thaksin and his red terrorists have acted so far, I would not be too surprised if the shot was aimed at the journalist but missed. The renegade General probably came up with the plan and literally "shot himself in the head". Another journalist shot, with him as a direct witness saying - "of course it was the government - would I put myself in danger ?" would have been a nightmare PR disaster for the government. This in itself is another argument against the government having been behind this "execution". The danger of hitting the journalist would have been way too great as Sae Deng found out in person, only in reverse.

Once the machines are turned off and an autopsy is done with forensic examinations of the angle of the wound etc.. we will know more, but my bet is on a scheme by the reds gone wrong

That's a great conspiracy theory and worthy of Seh Daeng's logic - one does have to ask why was an interview taking place so close to a key flashpoint right after the "authorities" (I use the word conventionally, rather than descriptively) launched their operation.

Still, I doubt Seh Daeng would have been up for it simply because it would have showed he WASN'T in control if someone could get shot while talking to him - what would that say to his many fans? The leaky superstitious myth of "Seh Daeng wil protect you" just wouldn't hold any more water.

Frightened red's got to be number 1 suspects, gov't no.2, but frankly I wouldn't credit CRES with either the balls or the ability.

Just looking at facts :

Snipers target the chest for obvious reasons as mentioned above strongly implicating that he was not the target

The close proximity of the journalist and the risk of missing and hitting the journalist with the PR disaster that would follow

Sae Dengs past association with the CIA and there usual schemes which also blow up in their faces - most of the time

The shooting of the journalist on the 10th

Had it worked, he would have simply said "he did not think the government would kill foreign journalists talking to him but it shows how scared they are of him telling the truth or some other bullshit along those lines"

I'm not say9ing that it was the case, but I think one should consider the possibility before jumping at any conclusions.

I have consistently posted against all violence by any side - but what has it come to when a guy gives a TV interview and is shot in the head on TV? and we watch on CNN? this is a demonstration of a 'clean' government? a sign of 'law'? yellows on here carp on about 'rule of law' - where is it NOW? it's a disgrace and anyone with a nounce of intelligence and compassion should condemn it outright.

I believe that it was a NEWSPAPER interview, but what does it matter. A target is a target, and best taken out when stationary. Talking to a reporter, taking a leak or picking his nose.....................all good opportunities.

You connect intelligence with compassion. Why? Have you considered that some intelligent people may have discarded the Judeo-Christian BS you were brainwashed with as a child. Most of the people on this planet DO NOT believe that all human life is sacred; there are a lot of complete @r$eholes out there, and the world is a better place when they are removed from the gene pool. And all your sanctimonious preaching about compassion won't change that one bit.

Given the chance to kill Stalin or Hitler in 1935, would it have been morally wrong to take them out?

Put your pig avatar back, it suited you better.

you're comparing Stalin and Hitler with this guy? wow I am humbled by your intelligence - and you think that a comic and humurous avatar of a pig suits me? this is your style? to insult fellow posters? as for your comments about Judeo-Christian BS I find that highly OFFENSIVE and, in fact, I am a practising Buddhist of 30 years and I suspect the person who pulled the trigger is too (in name only like most Thais).

In 1935, who knew how many people would die as a result of Stalin and Hitler's atrocities? Today, who knows what allowing Seh Daeng to continue in his quest for civil war would cause to happen?

I didn't choose your former avatar, you did. I thought it particularly apt, why would you consider that to be insulting? It certainly suited you more than the dove of peace.

I doubt very much if you were brought up as a Buddhist; and your pleas for compassion sound like the result of early-age Christian indoctrination. It is also a christian trait to think that those that don't agree with them are unintelligent - that they haven't seen the light. I personally saw through the christianity BS by the age of 7.

Does thinking that you are a "better" buddhist than others fit in with the teachings? :)

calling Christanity Bullshit is highly offensive to many people - commenting on people's avatars is against Thai Visa Rules and is HARRASSMENT

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

Sir it's obvious from your comments the depth of your understanding is on par with your wife's family's self described actions and obvious lack of knowledge and understanding.

If Seh Daeng was guilty of all that he has been accused of, and if there is evidence to support this, then arrest him, put him up on charges and prosecute him UNDER THE LAW.

Agreed. This is what should have happened.

The protests are an inconvenience but I do have a certain amount of sympathy for their 'cause' and it seems that there has been no other way for these people to legitimately air their grievances and actually have something happen.

As far as sympathising with their cause is concerned, the problem here is that there are two causes. There is the real one - revenge, whitewashing of crime, money and power, for Thaksin and his chums - and there is the pretend one - democracy and helping the poor.

If the red movement actually cared about the pretend cause, their fight would be noble, credible and worthy. But the movement doesn't. Your average red supporter i'm sure does. The red leaders that are running the show don't.

A sage but sad summary of this un-necessary collection of tragedies.


I'm not religious but I find it hard to celebrate anyone's death especially if it is murder or assassination - what I find equally hard to do is respect someone who believes that killing of anyone is a thing to celebrate.

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

Sir it's obvious from your comments the depth of your understanding is on par with your wife's family's self described actions and obvious lack of knowledge and understanding.



" their fight would be noble, credible and worthy" - WHAT?? - how on earth would you lay down a code for the redshirsts or ANY political faction in THailand???


I'm in no mood for bickering about religion. Either get back on topic or log off. Next post that is off topic or being derogatory about any religion will earn a period of rest.

I'm not religious but I find it hard to celebrate anyone's death especially if it is murder or assassination - what I find equally hard to do is respect someone who believes that killing of anyone is a thing to celebrate.

Then I guess you don't respect Seh Daeng and the red protesters who celebrate the killing of their enemies.

I'm not religious but I find it hard to celebrate anyone's death especially if it is murder or assassination - what I find equally hard to do is respect someone who believes that killing of anyone is a thing to celebrate.

Yes - and more to the point it is totally against Buddhist teaching - and we are, are we not, in a Buddhist environment


I wrongly posted this comment on another thread:

I think there are a number of (ex)military- or police-specialists in this forum, so a question to them: It was reported that the hospital operated on Seh Daeng this morning and removed a bullet. If he was shot by a sniper, assuming from some distance, wouldn't the high-speed bullet have passed through his head and made a sizable exit.wound instead ? Does the fact that he had a bullet in the head imply a shot from a less-powerful weapon, perhaps closer than your typical sniper would use ?


i have to be honest, if i was Thaksin and i was paying this idiot, i would have had him shot too

at every recent media opportunity he drops Thaksin's name, connecting him to everything from tax evasion to murder

Thaksin wants to come back with a clean slate and this guy just opens the door to more and more charges he is likely to face

its not a giant leap to think that if he is this indescreet in public, what will he be like if they ever get him behind closed doors, under a charge of treason and facing a firing squad

for the sake of self preservation, if i were Thaksin, i would make the decision to silence him now and promote the red guard/man in black who does the job, to assume his position and adopt his salary level

maybe we should be looking to who emerges as his replacement?

i bet he is not nearly as vocal about Thaksin as his predecessor.........


He had it coming for a very long time, a volatile temprament like that, it'd be hard not to upset a few people.

Can't say, it's for the better or worse, however, though.

" their fight would be noble, credible and worthy" - WHAT?? - how on earth would you lay down a code for the redshirsts or ANY political faction in THailand???

Who is laying down codes?

And what does that even mean?

" their fight would be noble, credible and worthy" - WHAT?? - how on earth would you lay down a code for the redshirsts or ANY political faction in THailand???

One should not forget the fact that those reds who are demonstrating for "democracy" are the same people who sold their votes to Thaksin in the last election, making a mockery of a democracy and who are receiving money now from Thaksin for holding the country hostage.

Those two facts alone remove any credibility from their actions.

Add to this the fact that they are using weapons makes them terrorists without any moral ground to stand on. Even the ones that do not use weapons must by now have seen and noticed what is going on and by allowing this to happen and continuing their actions are guilty of the act of terrorism. They have become accomplices.

If any of the mob has any brain, they would have asked themselves the question "why have the leaders not accepted the governments offer?" we wanted elections soon and November should be soon enough.

Yet they are still continuing and deserve what ever they are about to receive and I hope they'll receive so much that this thing will be over before the end of the weekend

In my opinion, looking at the way Thaksin and his red terrorists have acted so far, I would not be too surprised if the shot was aimed at the journalist but missed. The renegade General probably came up with the plan and literally "shot himself in the head". Another journalist shot, with him as a direct witness saying - "of course it was the government - would I put myself in danger ?" would have been a nightmare PR disaster for the government. This in itself is another argument against the government having been behind this "execution". The danger of hitting the journalist would have been way too great as Sae Deng found out in person, only in reverse.

Once the machines are turned off and an autopsy is done with forensic examinations of the angle of the wound etc.. we will know more, but my bet is on a scheme by the reds gone wrong

Perhaps when the dust settles it's worth looking on Craigslist for any second hand cut price Jatukarms for sale.



The governement have now arrested him (while he is in a coma) and charged him with terrorism.

It's either dusk or dawn when the troops will go in," said Khattiya, who was shot soon after night fell.

Khattiya was shot while talking to a New York Times journalist near the Silom subway station on the edge of the occupation zone. The station entrance is surrounded by tall office buildings, leading to suspicions a sniper fired the shot.

Times reporter Thomas Fuller, answering questions on the newspaper's website, said he was about a half-hour into the interview when he asked the general, "Do you think the military is going to launch a crackdown, and do you think they'll be able to penetrate the barricades here?"

"And there was a bang as he was answering it, and I think his last words that I heard were, 'The military cannot get in here.' And then immediately (he) just fell, just collapsed," Fuller said. "He was looking right at me. I think the bullet went over my head and hit him in the forehead."


Asked if troops shot Khattiya, government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn refused to give a direct answer. "The operation by authorities was according to international standards and law. So far, we have not found any actions by the authorities that went beyond that," he told the AP.

The government had labeled him a "terrorist" and a mastermind behind some of the violence.


Funny (but predictable) how red sympathizers were all claiming this was a civil war a few weeks back but now cry foul when a common war tactic takes out one of their most violent heroes.

Anyone who celebrates Death is beneath contempt and deserves to be treated in that manner.

But more power to the people who are celebrating all the lives that will be saved by this one death.

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