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What Do I Do From Here?


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I have a small shop that has a small mini mart...and 10 rental rooms. This is what I wake up to. There are security cameras...24 hours security guards. The won't allow the police...are we not allowed to live in peace in our own homes?!




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is this a common occurance or a one off? Since it is not well lit leave a half box of thumb taxes in the area. Eventually the business will go elsewhere. Or rig a timed flash (cheap strobe light) outside your business. They will think you are taking pictures of them. Or just put up a broken camera with a sign that anyone found will be reported for illegal behavior.

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Since I am a female...I wanted to know what other females would do in this situation. Thank you for the ideas. This is front of my little shop 1st floor in the S2 building. It has a sidwalk area in front everyone walks down....of the Rimhat Jomtien Beach condo. There is 5 buildings which all together equal about 3000 rooms. There is a lamp post directly across from my shop, and lights over head. I was going to buy a camera...however the condo does have their own cameras, and security gaurds...only 3 doors down. If it was teenagers...it must have been one hel_l of a party...there were about 25 of them. It happened sometime between 3am and 6am...I only discovered it at 8am...but the security left it there for little kids to pick up!

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Teenagers get up to all sorts of pranks. I get garbage tossed on my front yard all the time from teenagers walking home from school... and I'm in Canada. If it's a one time thing then just clean it up and accept it as part of living there. However, if it continues then someone has a problem with your shop. At that point you WOULD have to take measures to find out who is doing it. Better security cameras would be a start.

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looks to me like possibly these may have been destined for a drugs smuggler's mule's stomach.... each one knotted and maybe that black stuff is a resin of some sort? just a thought.... maybe you should check your letting rooms.

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looks to me like possibly these may have been destined for a drugs smuggler's mule's stomach.... each one knotted and maybe that black stuff is a resin of some sort? just a thought.... maybe you should check your letting rooms.

Haschich... just me thinks

To dark to be opium

OP feel free to PM your address and I will come over for a test :)

P.S.: do you sell large Rizla in your mini-mart?

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looks to me like possibly these may have been destined for a drugs smuggler's mule's stomach.... each one knotted and maybe that black stuff is a resin of some sort? just a thought.... maybe you should check your letting rooms.


Sorry but why would a drug mule want to swallow all those nodders with a little bit in each?

They would surely just put the substance in as few as possible. Can you imagine a mule trying to swallow all that rubber not easy. :D

This looks like someone (maybe a busy bar girl) has tidied her room. :)

Edited by Scully
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I've got to say they don't much look like a block of apartments. In my opinion these appear to be condoms not condos... Now, whilst I wouldn't want condoms on my porch (unless it was because I had a great night!) it is a whole lot better than condos. They can be a bit noisy when in use, but nothing like a condo being refurbished...

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They asked me to clean it up....they have to be joking. This condo doesn't allow dogs...and now I hear our security cameras did not work!

The condoms appear to have been filled with some fetid substance and tied at one end.

These are not regular left over used condoms, but seem to have been deliberately placed in that area to offend.

Maybe you have upset someone or that for some reason there is a grievance towards you.

If your ownership of the business is above board, than bring in the police.

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looks to me like possibly these may have been destined for a drugs smuggler's mule's stomach.... each one knotted and maybe that black stuff is a resin of some sort? just a thought.... maybe you should check your letting rooms.


Sorry but why would a drug mule want to swallow all those nodders with a little bit in each?

They would surely just put the substance in as few as possible. Can you imagine a mule trying to swallow all that rubber not easy. :D

This looks like someone (maybe a busy bar girl) has tidied her room. :)

Drug mules carry as many as possible... not as few. Condoms are a regular container for these drugs..... just google it a bit...

'' post-mortem examination revealed she had swallowed 61 packages of a substance believed to be cocaine. While the exact cause of death is still to be confirmed, she may have died because the packages blocked her intestines. Other mules have died after packets burst.'' (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/cocaine-in-stomach-kills-drugs-mule-404077.html)

''became violently ill on a flight from Cancun in Mexico to Birmingham on February 6, after scores of packets of cocaine that she had swallowed burst in her stomach. She died within hours on an airport runway in the Azores, '' (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/feb/17/drugsandalcohol.drugstrade)

Whilst I accept that there is almost certainly a simple, innocent answer to this item you should remember that BKK is still a major point in the worldwide drug trafficking networks.

Edited by tolsti
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If they are drugs- which could be extremely likely, I could see that they were possibly tossed out the window of a car by someone who thought they were being followed or tracked by the authorities.

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looks to me like possibly these may have been destined for a drugs smuggler's mule's stomach.... each one knotted and maybe that black stuff is a resin of some sort? just a thought.... maybe you should check your letting rooms.

Haschich... just me thinks

To dark to be opium

OP feel free to PM your address and I will come over for a test :D

P.S.: do you sell large Rizla in your mini-mart?


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Since I am a female...I wanted to know what other females would do in this situation. Thank you for the ideas. This is front of my little shop 1st floor in the S2 building. It has a sidwalk area in front everyone walks down....of the Rimhat Jomtien Beach condo. There is 5 buildings which all together equal about 3000 rooms. There is a lamp post directly across from my shop, and lights over head. I was going to buy a camera...however the condo does have their own cameras, and security gaurds...only 3 doors down. If it was teenagers...it must have been one hel_l of a party...there were about 25 of them. It happened sometime between 3am and 6am...I only discovered it at 8am...but the security left it there for little kids to pick up!

I used to own a condo there, bought when the were very few foreigners there. Quiet, clean and almost exclusive use of the swimming pools(except at around 6pm when the Thais would come out lol). I sold up a few years ago and it seems to have become more like View Talay. That new road cutting through the complex will be nice :)

On the plus side, there is certainly more shops/restauarants there now.

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As a short reply to everyone.

Last year at the halfway point on s1 and s2...the condo made a motorcycle parking area...supposly because a drunk person hit one motorcycle and caused a domino effect.

They could not be thrown out of a moving vehicle...it would have had to been a parked motorcycle.

Considering the sec. guard would not touch them...I doubt they were drugs...plus I doubt that they would have made it to morning considering they were thrown between 3 and 6am...and we discovered at 8am. In addition the police I am sure would have been to happy to take them off my hands it they were.

Yes either these were thrown by unruly teenagers...or extremely immature adults. I imagine it took sometime to do...so this person(s) must have had a lot of freetime on their hands...the bar(s)...must have missed them.

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