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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Thaksin's son Panthongtae tweeted: "The government's reconciliation is so violent that real bullets are fired without thinking of anybody. Photographers of Matichon [newspaper], my cameraman [Voice TV] and a foreign photographer were shot. It is speculated that the media is being attacked because they can record pictures of soldiers shooting."

Where is little Oak these days? Still hiding out with his fugitive daddy? Come on, Oak, join your protesters, this is about your future empire!

All those years of cheating in college has finally come back to haunt him. He seems to have forgotten how his daddy's war on drugs ended up with over 2500 innocent people being slaughtered. Yes, Oak, your daddy's henchmen used live bullets against them, including a 7-year old child. Did your daddy's men think about anyone else while they slaughtered people. Good old, Oak.


Coke worker injured in crossfire at Rajprarop

Another gunfight erupted on Rajprarop Road at 9:20 am Saturday, causing a Coke transport worker to be injured in a crossfire.

Now they've really done it. They'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola Company of America! (apologies to Dr Strangelove) :)

Simple, Coke Corp gets Ross Perot and Ted Nugent to unmoor and crank up the Spruce Goose, and fill it with 200 hel_l's Angels from Oakland. Put the bikers at one end of the rally and tell 'em there's all the beer they can drink at the other end, and let 'em roll.

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

It's the taking down of the phone networks which should be most effective, without their life support the women should be going insane with boredom within a few hours.

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :)

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

The same can be said of you for your lack of comprehension

He tried negotiations ... reds refused

They had a road map to start reconciliation - red refused

Well he didnt try hard enough did he ?

He took the decision of a frustrated impotent and irresponsible leader instead of the correct decision which would have been harder negotiations.

Maybe if he was willing to drop his double standards regarding Suthep and justice, perhaps we wouldnt be in this mess.

Its unbelievable that some people on this forum seem to think Abhisits decision (and its consequences - yes, decisions have consequences...) are somehow acceptable. Disgusting is probably the more accurate word.

Let me explain the concept of "carrot and stick to you". Here buffalo, here is a nice carrot. You would like that carrot. No? OK, here is a better carrot with 5 stems. No?



Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

So why aren't they the "blues" or the "whites"? Last time i checked the flag also had those colors. Oh, wait, maybe its because the leadership is stacked with former Maoists? And isn't one of the goals to redistribute the wealth of the elite? (well, exept Thaksin's, and Chalerm's, and Chavolit's.... :) )

In politics, a red flag is a symbol of left-wing politics, in particular, of Communism. It has been associated with left-wing politics since the French Revolution.[1] Socialists adopted the symbol during the Revolutions of 1848 and it became a symbol of communism as a result of its use by the Paris Commune of 1871.[2] The flags of several communist states, including China, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union, have red backgrounds. The Labour Party in Britain used it until the late 1980s, and the French Socialist Party uses it, as well as the Social Democratic Party Of Germany (SPD).


Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

No, red is not the National color of Thailand. Sigh.



AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

It's the taking down of the phone networks which should be most effective, without their life support the women should be going insane with boredom within a few hours.

Some posters here calling Nelson a idiot or inexperienced

"Nelson Rand is an intrepid adventurer. Despite the warnings and threats against his life, he journeyed into the most dangerous parts of Southeast Asia to witness the plight of the oppressed. He hiked through the jungles of Laos to interview Hmong guerillas, the remnants of the rebel army that refused to surrender to the communist government.

In Vietnam, he ventured into the central highlands to document the civil rights abuses suffered by the Montagard people, persecuted by the communist government because they fought alongside American forces in the Vietnam War.

He saw action in Burma where he joined forces with the Karen National Liberation Army and accompanied the insurgents as they mounted full scale attacks on Junta forces. Rand describes the Karen's plight as one of the worst humanitarian disasters of our time. He documented cases of rape, killings, torture and the forced relocation of Karen villages.

His audacious journey also took him to southern Thailand in search of Islamic extremists, who have turned the region into a war zone.

While travelling in Cambodia, he accompanied government soldiers on their final offensive against the Khmer Rouge. Rand's book is a highly informative but sobering portrait of Southeast Asia and its secret conflicts."


Its a very informative book actually and an easy read I can recommend it

Are we promoting books on this thread now.If what your saying is true then he should have known better.In my book that makes him a bigger idiot.

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

what, did he mean those M79, AK47, old goodyear tires, kigolitres of gas . . . OMG

BP just confirmed they can supply 200000 gallons of petroleum evry day... they are just waiting for a big pipe with a opening at Central world...

oh . . . BMA could supply 200,000 gallons of water in one go, that can flush everything :)


"PM's Office Minister: "PM and Dep PM have not been shot. Just vicious rumors."

PM's Office Minister Sathit Wongnongteuy has denied rumors that PM Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban have been shot and that it was merely an attempt to cause panic."

Time to add those that spread the rumours to the little list of clueless then...

Just seen the BBC news and they showed and talked to a brit expat

who is inside the camp with the red shirts,says he supports them.

So what do you lot think will happen to him if he is

caught by the army or police.

by saying his an expat i presume he has property in LOS and possibly works here.

Ps does anyone know him .


Col, was that on the Net or TV?

Can someone capture the clip?

Let's hope someone will point out the error of his ways... in no uncertain terms.

What a moron! :)

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :)

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

The same can be said of you for your lack of comprehension

He tried negotiations ... reds refused

They had a road map to start reconciliation - red refused

Well he didnt try hard enough did he ?

He took the decision of a frustrated impotent and irresponsible leader instead of the correct decision which would have been harder negotiations.

Maybe if he was willing to drop his double standards regarding Suthep and justice, perhaps we wouldnt be in this mess.

Its unbelievable that some people on this forum seem to think Abhisits decision (and its consequences - yes, decisions have consequences...) are somehow acceptable. Disgusting is probably the more accurate word.

Let me explain the concept of "carrot and stick to you". Here buffalo, here is a nice carrot. You would like that carrot. No? OK, here is a better carrot with 5 stems. No?


and few minutes later the buffalo runs over u .. turning u into a piece of meat covered in blood which wud be darker shade of tht carrot.....

thts why the original "carrot and stick" had a rabbit in place of buffalo.... :D

get the WOMEN, CHILDREN, OLD and SICK out of the red fighting zone !

This would be a good time for everyone in the fighting zone to consider leaving.

It would, but rational thought is prohibited in the red zone.

The visual of a bloodied women and children is just too good of a propaganda tool for these creeps to pass up.

When all this is over I wouldn't be surprised to hear of vendettas by the families of red casualties against the likes of the stooges doing TS's work.


well I am seeing more guys willing to die for him thn this govt right at this movement....

Sorry to be a bore, but we have yet to hear just what these people are prepared to die for.

No, really. Let's assume that there will be an election sometime soon, what do they want. What policies do they want enacted? Not one red shirt apologise has attempted to answer this over vthe last two months.

In the meantime, army are moving way too slow. Do it once. Do it quickly and decisively with overwhelming force. Try to minimise casualties but get the job done.

to quote Clint Eastwood -- "it hel_l of a job to kill a man... it takes all he's got.. " may be not the exact words ..still..

Those guys under those Army uniforms are humans as well ... they are no robots... maybe they don't want to do it quickly and decisively...

and stop branding people red/yellow apologist pls... some of us here just want no more deaths... no Reds, no Yellow and no Armymen ...

Fair comment.

I also do not wish to see people killed or injured. However this has gone on long enough and everyone is getting exasperated.

Key ppoint is this though:

Not one red shirt has come on here and explained what they want to ses a government do for them. OK, they want a different government. So what? Please ctell us what they want.

It seems to me that Abhisit and Co have done some very positive things for the Isaan people. I won't bother to list them here but I can if you wish.

So, go on, tell us what peoplke are willing to die for.........

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

Reds will win let me see ...

In China the reds won and 100 million plus got slaughtered ... and the economy took 40 years to recover.

In Cambodia the reds won and a quarter of the population got slaughtered ... and the economy is just now recovering.

In Laos the reds won and a lot of people died and the economy hasn't recovered yet.

In Vietnam the reds won and a lot of people died. Massive famines. And the economy has only just recovered.

Why should we be so happy with a red win? It is obvious the red leadership is of the same stock as those of the aformentioned countries ..... hel_l the were educated in Hanoi during the Vietnam war!


Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

Nope purple is Thailands national colour.

Yellow is the colour of the king

Red is the colour of Thailands former Communist party.

Just because part of the Thai flag is red, doesnt mean it is the national colour.

I am not English btw. I resent that insinuation.


This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


It's also a sober reminder to the drunk drivers speeding towards army checkpoints with kids in the car.

Get the women and children out of there!

Later reports are the child was a bystander.. Not in the car..

Army shooting wildly.. clipped 2 people OUTSIDE the vehicle !!

Can you please link to those reports.


Justmistaken: you mention the army being made up of watermelons.

Interestingly I just came from the grocery store and observed that of all the watermelons on display, approx half were red and the other half were yellow.

The ones confronting the mobs are what colour you think?

Red and yellow. I wonder why that is?

Sorry, I've only ever been shot once,

I accept your apology neverdie. :)

(How a man like you only ends up getting shot the once amazes me. I was thinking half a dozen at the least. :D )


I get slapped down alot, if that helps you feel better :D

I bet this Russell Hantz is from the hills of Kentucky (USA) so he has a lot in common with the rural people from the North and Isaan who believe everything the Red agitators have blasted on their loudspeakers in these small villages. Hey Khun Hantz, why don't you come down to Luphini Park and support your commrades? (plus receive 200 bath to buy seeds for your garden).

He should go stick some toads. Oops.. I wasn't gonna comment...Kentuckians - no offence meant. Ha sip - Ha sip. Sabai.


“The reds don't want reconciliation. They want to be in power. They only want one thing. That's why they don't want to negotiate.”

That may be your take, but things look very different to the Thais in the upcountry villages – which is surely what is more germane than farang opinion. If you doubt me, read the international press, rather than The Nation & BKK Post, which are propaganda outlets for the BKK ‘elite’.

We have no sure idea of what Abhisit wants, or how genuine are his conciliatory offers. Relevantly, the Reds apparently do not trust him. I’m sure he would be very happy if they all went quietly home. But from their viewpoint, what would they have gained, apart from a politician’s promises?

As from the start, the peaceful solution is seemingly for dissolution of a government founded on an army coup & political horse-trading, then a new election. The alternative is more bloodshed & chaos, but that’s just my take.

The farangs who take a violently partisan approach in this crisis are crapping in their own nest, IMHO. This is a very unstable part of the world. Thailand is surrounded by some very dodgy regimes. Not the least problem is the Moslem violence in the south. Inernal strife weakens Thailand. If you want to continue enjoying its benefits, you might do well to tone down your calls for ‘crackdowns’ & ‘firm action’ – the old jackboots & bullets treatment for the ungrateful poor.

It is not impossible that a regime change will arrive. The new bosses might be the ‘Reds’ you so vigorously attack. You might find your position as a farang insecure. Thais are not idiots, & they have memories. You could find it very difficult to renew your visa &/or work permit in the future. Think on’t. OGT

:) Oldgit maybe not, many should reflect on your last paragraph, you write with some wisdom, too many farangs I have heard over the years while living in Thailand, spoke ill of thais and were constant complainers and whiners, I would always say if you are not happy here why not return from whence you came, now they may not hace an option...

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :D

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

:) there you go again.

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

Reds will win let me see ...

In China the reds won and 100 million plus got slaughtered ... and the economy took 40 years to recover.

In Cambodia the reds won and a quarter of the population got slaughtered ... and the economy is just now recovering.

In Laos the reds won and a lot of people died and the economy hasn't recovered yet.

In Vietnam the reds won and a lot of people died. Massive famines. And the economy has only just recovered.

Why should we be so happy with a red win? It is obvious the red leadership is of the same stock as those of the aformentioned countries ..... hel_l the were educated in Hanoi during the Vietnam war!


Red in Thailand is the National color and does not stand for commis you dufass.

Red is the color for the English so do you call them commis too.

God help me

Good afternoon Shitforbrains,

I am Welsh. Red is our colour. England play in predominantly white.

You should choose red to write your posts - do you really think this mob and especially their leaders show any qualifications to lead this country ???? you are probably hoping for Thaksin's return and lots of rewards for anyone who supported him - basically you are a traitor to Thailand

You are really limited and stubborn: I am not a Thaksin supporter... Difficult for you to understand as soon as we are not in line with your thoughts: too much complex??? It is you by your inability to dialog who is bringing Thailand to the verge of a Civil war and are in fact "Traitor to Thailand".

So are you now saying that the reds were open to dialogue. This has to be the funniest post I have ever read.

Typical red changes their position all the time.

Its unbelievable that some people on this forum seem to think Abhisits decision (and its consequences - yes, decisions have consequences...) are somehow acceptable. Disgusting is probably the more accurate word.

It's equally unbelievable that you think otherwise. 'Disgusting' is how I would describe the various factions that are promoting all this violence - often from the comfort of afar. It's wholly inappropriate to use it to describe those that are doing all in their means to bring it to as peaceful an end as can be expected.

So would you consider the 'consequences' of the 'decisions' that the reds have made equally as 'disgusting'? I guess you need a dictionary.

And, exactly how might *you* have handled it better or created a better outcome?!

Three more words to look up - clueless armchair critic. There's actually just one that would cover it, but this is a family forum.



TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

These poor peacekeepers.

who they are - peacekeepers ?

Actually, it was a mis-translation of "piece keepers", as in "I'll have a piece of that!" :)


In 7 days in BKK I took tens and tens of taxi, BTS, eat food stalls, buy stuff for my business and, 100% of the Thai we meet were full against the Thaksin movement.

I have seen with my eyes what a bunch of violent thugs the armed wing of the reds are. Directly and by TV,

I'm not so happy to say this but, I hope the Thai Army and the actual Government will clean the central roads of Bangkok ASAP.

Sorry for the victims, both sides, but the government has to re establish the law, the order and the real democracy

Quit your crying Farang.

You do not like the fight, Thailand does not care what you think.

You want cheap women and cheap beer, go somewhere else.

Thailand has a major fight on its hands and your nonsense about hating this group or that is dull.

Reds will win.

It might be in one week or 1 year or 3 years but they will win.

People who do not run when shot at are highly motivated. The Reds

Since most in the military are Reds, it is only a matter of time before the entire government regime collapses.

Bye Bye old way and hello new.

How dare you suggest in a sweeping generalization that all are here for cheap women and cheap beer. I'm not easily offended but you... Shame.

Sorry to have 'yakked' But you stepped over. I hope your comment was in ignorance.

Justmistaken: you mention the army being made up of watermelons.

Interestingly I just came from the grocery store and observed that of all the watermelons on display, approx half were red and the other half were yellow.

The ones confronting the mobs are what colour you think?

Red and yellow. I wonder why that is?

probably the units favourable to Reds are involved in Southern provinces far from Bangkok, .... just a guess.....

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