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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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It is getting ridiculous the excusses that the Farang yellow shirts are comming up with to justify the shooting of a 10 yr old child as we have seen thoughout these last 86 pages.

1. He was armed and threatend soldiers.

2. He was in a van speeding towards a check point packed with explosives.

3. He was in a van packed full of weapons.

4. he was in a van full of Red propaganda

5. He was outside the van and armed threatening soldiers

6. it was a school night and he refused to go to bed.

Yes these are exact comments made by farang yellow shirts today. I missed one "he was warned by the Army to go home numerous times and he refused". Go back and read these ridiculous comments.
how is this a lie this is what other posters have said. Individual posters have said individual comments it is not a lie. Read back and see for yourself.

Please provide source for each of the very specific statements above.

No interpretations, no allegories, no 'alluding to' - just pure factual sources.

It's all in the daily discussion. read back..... I followed this topic all day with great interest. Every comment was fact from other posters and there for you to see. And by the way Tawp I have always respected most of your comments not all but most.

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Condolensces to the family if the reports that the little boy has died are accurate. What a tragedy.

May he rest in peace.

and may the truth come out about this tragedy, because that's what it is, I can not believe a soldier who even doesn't wants to be there was aiming and trying to kill the new generation.

So easy to be academic in my A/C apartment with plenty of beer. Guess that's what a forum's about. Never been shot but thinking it's not good. Don't mean to patronize.. I'm off to bed with a prayer for those suffering. Right, wrong or in between.


Looks this forum is turning violent, better we part of us wear red part multicolor and meet in the park???

we should keep the topic in head, not our own ideologies

Lots of leg and foot shots. I wonder if the army is shooting shotgun pellets into the ground in front of people in hopes of causing injury instead of death.

yeah seems so .... except if u are a 10 year old kid..

Should 10 year old kids be walking around in a restricted zone where live ammunition, grenades and other missiles are being used?

I might suggest that you cut the bs sir. I noticed you left the children out but Im sure your next post will describe them as willing protestors wel informed of why they are there and what they are protesting for - Im not sure ANY of the reds know why they are REALLY there. Also how many have had their IDs taken from them and are there under threat and intimidation? You had it right mate they are real terrorists and when a ten year old boy gets shot directly from the actions of one of your terrorists trying to run a road block you can stand back and say look how evil the govt is.

In US or Europe i saw many protests having mothers with children . I concurr its a mistake .

They should not do that , just that they are not the only one mvt doing that .

Terrorist are ppl putting bombs in public places to kill tens of innocent civilians , or shooting

at those civilians . I really wonder who are the terrorists here on that account ?

Protesting against perceived injustice is not terrorism.

If the reds were terrorists the foreign press would have said so . None of them did .

Huh? The press have reported on the terrorist attacks in Thailand. Some have laid those attacks at the feet of the reds and some have merely suggested it. Many of the press are loathe to use the word until there is a conviction but it doesn't change the facts. The reds are trying to coerce the people of thailand by the use of violence and the threat of violence and THAT is terrorism.

Your lie about what a terrorist is tells much about how a red thinks.

Threatening to burn BKK down is an act of terrorism. The simple statement itself is terrorism. The calls for violence from the red stage is terrorism. Remember that the reds had used molotov cocktails in the past and had burned many things (mostly busses.) Political kidnapping is terrorism and they have done that. The threats from the red leaders last night were terrorism. The leaders have arrest warrants on them for terrorism.

Even the government and the CRES call them still protesters and does not frame all red shirts as terrorists.

Of course the CRES was saying that around 500 terrorists have infiltrated the red shirts and that the army will only shoot at these terrorist who pose an immediate threat to the life of the security forces or the life of any others. CRES said also that the security forces will aim not to kill them, but at the lower parts of the body like their legs to immobilize and stop the terrorists. Now we have a high number of death and injured. I guess that brought the number of terrorists significant down.

Abhisit on TV, so not dead yet??

Here is something interesting in case any of you think the REDS are really nice people:

Condolensces to the family if the reports that the little boy has died are accurate. What a tragedy.

May he rest in peace.

and may the truth come out about this tragedy, because that's what it is, I can not believe a soldier who even doesn't wants to be there was aiming and trying to kill the new generation.

You don't have to believe it, because it's simply not true. No soldier would purposefully shoot a little boy. However, if you want to twist your mind in to believing that, then you're as much a died-in-the-wool Red apologist as some of the others who post here a mile a minute.

You misunderstood me, I mean that I not believe a sholdier did this knowingly
Lots of leg and foot shots. I wonder if the army is shooting shotgun pellets into the ground in front of people in hopes of causing injury instead of death.

yeah seems so .... except if u are a 10 year old kid..

Should 10 year old kids be walking around in a restricted zone where live ammunition, grenades and other missiles are being used?

NO...ofc not.... but if u find them pls shoot them in the head.... isnt it .... wht kind of human u are...

He wasn't shot in the head.

He wasn't targeted

All reports indicate the shooting was collateral damage.

And yes, he was where he was told not to be but (after midnight) and although nobody predicted the drunk red moron trying to run a military road block, the should have arrested the kid earlier and do what ever they do with Juvi's here instead of letting his presence slide.

It is getting ridiculous the excusses that the Farang yellow shirts are comming up with to justify the shooting of a 10 yr old child as we have seen thoughout these last 86 pages.

1. He was armed and threatend soldiers.

2. He was in a van speeding towards a check point packed with explosives.

3. He was in a van packed full of weapons.

4. he was in a van full of Red propaganda

5. He was outside the van and armed threatening soldiers

6. it was a school night and he refused to go to bed.

are u real

Yes these are exact comments made by farang yellow shirts today. I missed one "he was warned by the Army to go home numerous times and he refused". Go back and read these ridiculous comments.

What kind of parent puts or lets their child be n this position in the first place?

If the parents had and parenting skills there would be no issue

If the reds did not use women and children as pawns this would not have happened

If the child did get shot, do not blame army shooter ... blame parents

Army were protecting themselves

Parents were not protecting their child


I will say again for those of you who have entered this forum after me and think I have a colour. I am niether red nor yellow and sit on the fence and look in. I disagree with reds and I disagree with yellows. I make comments on reds and I make comments on yellows. I will and have offended both sides but this is an open discussion.

PM is on all channels now.... Dunno what he is saying. Anyone?

Guess it's only us lingo deficient folk still at the keyboard. Sure our senior Thai speakers will let us know shortly...

PM is on all channels now.... Dunno what he is saying. Anyone?

He is pleading w/Red Shirt Mob to allow/send women and children home because what has been started will not end and the reds must disperse.


yeah seems so .... except if u are a 10 year old kid..

Should 10 year old kids be walking around in a restricted zone where live ammunition, grenades and other missiles are being used?

NO...ofc not.... but if u find them pls shoot them in the head.... isnt it .... wht kind of human u are...

He wasn't shot in the head.

He wasn't targeted

All reports indicate the shooting was collateral damage.

And yes, he was where he was told not to be but (after midnight) and although nobody predicted the drunk red moron trying to run a military road block, the should have arrested the kid earlier and do what ever they do with Juvi's here instead of letting his presence slide.

thts wht a responsible military act would have been... they shud have taken (not arrested) him to a safer place a lot earlier... neway none of us were there to see what actually happened... I just hope it doesn't happen again.....

I will say again for those of you who have entered this forum after me and think I have a colour. I am niether red nor yellow and sit on the fence and look in. I disagree with reds and I disagree with yellows. I make comments on reds and I make comments on yellows. I will and have offended both sides but this is an open discussion.

I agree with 'reds' and I agree with 'yellows' Is a glass half full or half empty?

Perhaps methodology is the question..


PM says not to believe everything you hear on the news as it is happening and things need to be verified. Lots of innacurate reports coming out ... at least initially

(FYI: GF is translating for me. So, maybe not getting this all exactly right)

Abhisit on TV, so not dead yet??

Of course not, even though a few people continually posted hours ago that he and Suthep had been. Obviously some very misinformed troll posters.

I will say again for those of you who have entered this forum after me and think I have a colour. I am niether red nor yellow and sit on the fence and look in. I disagree with reds and I disagree with yellows. I make comments on reds and I make comments on yellows. I will and have offended both sides but this is an open discussion.

I agree with 'reds' and I agree with 'yellows' Is a glass half full or half empty?

Perhaps methodology is the question..

Then you are an Orange!! :)


I suggest a truce on the case of the 10 years young boy.

It is an obvious mistake, unwanted, that everybody regrets.

Condolences to the family

Rest in Peace.

I think we should stop to speculate on a so tragic error.

thank you

I will say again for those of you who have entered this forum after me and think I have a colour. I am niether red nor yellow and sit on the fence and look in. I disagree with reds and I disagree with yellows. I make comments on reds and I make comments on yellows. I will and have offended both sides but this is an open discussion.

I agree with 'reds' and I agree with 'yellows' Is a glass half full or half empty?

Perhaps methodology is the question..

Then you are an Orange!! :)

or Swiss. Jk


PM says red shirts need to go home and allow the road map progress to begin. Assures all will be good but need to end this ___ (not sure how he described the mob)

Now over ... probably get some better translations once ThaiVisa gets an update on the news thread.

PM is on all channels now.... Dunno what he is saying. Anyone?

Have a good evening,

He said :" Reds go home; if u want to stay here in Bangkok u will all die"

Sure? Tough to believe. Do you speak or was it translated to you. Serious query.

I suggest a truce on the case of the 10 years young boy.

It is an obvious mistake, unwanted, that everybody regrets.

Condolences to the family

Rest in Peace.

I think we should stop to speculate on a so tragic error.

thank you

I agree. RIP young lad.

I will say again for those of you who have entered this forum after me and think I have a colour. I am niether red nor yellow and sit on the fence and look in. I disagree with reds and I disagree with yellows. I make comments on reds and I make comments on yellows. I will and have offended both sides but this is an open discussion.

I agree with 'reds' and I agree with 'yellows' Is a glass half full or half empty?

Perhaps methodology is the question..

Then you are an Orange!! :)

Se Som Kup. That's all my Thai language mate. (Phonetic as it is)

Abhisit on TV, so not dead yet??

As it was out of sync on different channels, it was probably recorded. So there's still hope.

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