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Very Long Overstaying

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I'm in a little bit tight spot here and thought to ask advices from here as well. Hope someone can help. My situation is, that I have been in Thailand last two years and almost past 12 months without any kind of visa due to many kind of personal troubles. I had before a tourist visa which I renewed couple times, but like I said in last 12 months I don't have had any kind of visa. I wouldn't like to speak about my past difficulties much as it wouldn't change the situation anyway. I'm well aware I'm illegally in the country and as I'm going to leave soon out of here I'd like to know what will I face on border? Do they allow me to leave the country if I just pay the maximum fee of overstaying which was at least before 20k baht or will there be something else? Obviously I wouldn't like to get into jail for this or even get the red stamp (or is it black which will keep you out of country forever and forever?), but what can I do to help myself here if that ~20k isn't enough? Is it best to get some help first example from some law firm or consulate before I go to an airport and try to leave the country?

Any kind of help or own experiences are highly appreciated!

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As far as I am aware as long as you make it as far as the Airport then you can just pay your fine and be on your merry way no problems with returning.

If however you were to be picked up for any reason before this then things are by no means as simple, although you have been running this same risk for the last 12 months so I wouldn't start to worry now.

Good luck!

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You should have a bit more just in case you are detained and have to pay extra food/transport or such. They could refuse you boarding and hold you until a background check is made to be sure warrants are not out for you with a stay this long - although have not seen reports of this happening recently.

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An extended overstay can be cleared with 20k at the Cambodian border, you can then come back into Thailand on a 15 day tourist visa. Use a service like Jack Golf International, over and back in one day, the cheapest way and a for sure professional service to walk you through.

I have no connection with Jack Golf but know their service is professional, they will advise you the best way.

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Had an American friend who was 7 years over,when he finally plucked up the courage to get it sorted he rang the US embassy in Bangkok,they advised him to do exactly what you are going to do,have a ticket to leave and just pay the overstay,he is back now after sorting his pension out in the states.

One thing the embassy did give him is a contact number of one official there,that if he did run into any kind of problems he could contact...but he didn't need it.

Maybe you could do the same?

A bit like putting off going to the dentist this overstay thing... once you go you are free from pain and anguish that you let build up!

Just that feeling of getting pulled by someone who will not except tea money is the fear for me.

Edit...just looked at the post above...you can have problems coming back in so i here,is their anybody that has done this successfully that can comment??

Edited by NADTATIDA1
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An extended overstay can be cleared with 20k at the Cambodian border, you can then come back into Thailand on a 15 day tourist visa.

Be careful going to a land border with a long overstay, the buses do get stopped (looking for Cambodians, Laos etc, a farang would be a bonus).

There were reports that Cambodia immigration were not permitting entry to those with overstay stamps (no recent reports of this though).

There is no such thing as a '15 day tourist visa', you will receive 15 days on a visa exemption if you are from a country on the list.

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Had an American friend who was 7 years over,when he finally plucked up the courage to get it sorted he rang the US embassy in Bangkok,they advised him to do exactly what you are going to do,have a ticket to leave and just pay the overstay,he is back now after sorting his pension out in the states.

One thing the embassy did give him is a contact number of one official there,that if he did run into any kind of problems he could contact...but he didn't need it.

Maybe you could do the same?

A bit like putting off going to the dentist this overstay thing... once you go you are free from pain and anguish that you let build up!

Just that feeling of getting pulled by someone who will not except tea money is the fear for me.

Edit...just looked at the post above...you can have problems coming back in so i here,is their anybody that has done this successfully that can comment??

Correct, the Immigration can refuse to give you the entry stamp when there is such a long overstay...safer to get a new passport!

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Thanks a lot all for the replies and advices already. I really appreciate it.

If however you were to be picked up for any reason before this then things are by no means as simple, although you have been running this same risk for the last 12 months so I wouldn't start to worry now.

Yah, I'm well aware also about this, and I won't worry for it either. I know that now I sound like a huge criminal/terrorist here, but I have even been handcuffed twice by police during last 12 months, but fortunately in these cases they didn't really request to see my passport as I told them it's not even in the same city atm.

edit. Just trying to clear my reputation I have to also mention, I called to police in both of these cases and was finally only one who was fined & punished. :)

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Thanks a lot all for the replies and advices already. I really appreciate it.
If however you were to be picked up for any reason before this then things are by no means as simple, although you have been running this same risk for the last 12 months so I wouldn't start to worry now.

Yah, I'm well aware also about this, and I won't worry for it either. I know that now I sound like a huge criminal/terrorist here, but I have even been handcuffed twice by police during last 12 months, but fortunately in these cases they didn't really request to see my passport as I told them it's not even in the same city atm.

edit. Just trying to clear my reputation I have to also mention, I called to police in both of these cases and was finally only one who was fined & punished. :D

Women eh!! :)

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I've known a couple of people over the years who've got into a similar situation. In their cases, they went to the airport paid the 20K and left. In one case they returned, from Singapore I think, a few days later and where stamped in on a 30 day visa waiver! The other had gone 'home' to deal with some issues and then returned with a visa issued outside Thailand and was able to enter with no issue, on same passport.

There was a period of time when a police check was being done, but as always this is at the officer's discretion, and my standard advice is to always dress smart and be quietly polite. Would agree that a land border is not the best choice, and carries a greater risk in my view.



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Several years ago I overstayed by 7 months. Several reasons why, but i took a train to Penang, paid the over stay, they guys at the boarder was a nice as can be. Took me into the office and I sat down with all three guys joking around why I over stayed so long. Paid the money no issues. I went to Penang got a "B" visa with all the appropriate paper work and returned to Thailand 3-4 days later. No issues at all. the guy at immigration could not have been nicer. They did ask me if I wanted a receipt which I said I did not need one just that everything in my passport is correct, they were really happy then so I'm pretty sure they kept the 20K baht.

im sure attitudes can be different at different locations, I would suggest as a above exit via the airport and if you go to a land boarder do not sue a a visa run service, too many times I have heard of them being stopped looking for people on overstay, best to exit via the airport, take the train or rent a car to the boarder.

Good luck

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I overstayed 50 days around 7 years ago. Airport guys pulled me aside and made calls checking me out thoroughly. When I came back in a few days later they pulled me aside again and made more calls until they took my phone number and let me leave. I did not enjoy the situation but do know that multi-year overstayers have had no problems but my personal feeling is that Thailand should blacklist the people

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