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The armchair generals here are simply amazing - no other countries would shoot women and children? David koresh/USA, Londonderry... Bloody Sunday, Tiannemen, do please at least try and set the brain in gear before you post!

Then we hear all the crap about how the army are here defending the country, and peoples rights!

I thought the army was supposed to be here to defend against external threats? Like when the Japanese attacked in the North during the second World War ,and they surrendered within 4 hours! (But the Thais don't like to talk about that!!!!

Go look it up, the only victory the Thai army will ever have is over unnarmed civilians, wanke_rs!

Or in fighting, as when the then PM visited a navy ship off the coast of Thailand and the Navy held him hostage, so the army shelled the shit out of the Navy....yes, they are a great combined force.

The job of keeping law and order on the streets, I always believed, was a job for the police...where the fuc_k are they? This is not a job for the army, but the police don't want to know...and would you for 7K a month????

Putting that brain in gear ??

To start with, the state of emergency has been declared at which point it is the army's job as it would be in any other country.

Second, no Thai policemen makes only 7k a month - they get commission of some 40% on every ticket they write + all the bribes they collect.

Third, they are totally incapable of doing any riot control because there is no special trained riot police in Thailand - there probably will be after all this but not yet - the cops here are at the most traffic cops

Let's hope the army doesn't screw this one up and that the <deleted> is over in a few day's

They wouldn't have needed a stae of emergency if the fuc_king police did their job! So now tell me how much a Thai cop (a seargant for instance makes a month...because my wife has a one in her family) makes a month, never mind the % and the tickets and bribes, just tell me what an average cop gets paid?

basic low rank cops here are like waiters they get some 10k a month but make their real money from bribes and depending where they are stationed can make 20 - 30 k or more a month. The wife/family does of course not allway's know about this since he'll be spending a lot of that on the mia noi

Officers ... well, just look at the car park at any police station

OK. I'll settle on 10K a month, so are you going to risk getting your head blown off in all of this shit for that? Hence, no public order...then the army...what do the average conscript./retards get per month there...less than 7K...a lot less than 7K for the poorest of the poor, they basically get free room and board, but if they don't do what they are told then....................a bit different from the BIB! Plus they have a bonus of being allowed to have a GUN....imagine the Kreng Jai that can score with your mates! Imagine their talking point when they get a home leave after 20 years..."You should have seen the look on that 10 year olds 'face when I made him good "

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If you are a foreigner then the chances are, you can not vote, so therefore it doesnt matter who you believe or which side you take. Either way, nobody can deny that civilian loss of life is a terrible tradegy whatever side they are on, unless they have caused other people to be in severe danger or lose lives, or caused deliberate harm on another person. I believe the red shirt leaders HAVE caused people (protestors and innocent civilians) to be in the situation where they are in severe danger, and need to be dealt with accordingly.

'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

Bail is for when there is trial/verdict/sentencing set for a later date. It seems here that if they already received their sentences, then they must have been put through some super-expedited trial procedure. I'd assume then that their 6-month sentence would begin immediately. If they already confessed and pleaded guilty I don't think there is much chance of an appeal, though I'm no lawyer.

Duh! Unfortunately the Hog's whimsical negative comments and aggressive ignorance are all too common in this forum.


Unfortunately the only way forwards seems to go back 50 years put the army in charge no goverment and no choice to the people problem solved. An election here right now will solve nothing only start the same problem but yellow, uncivilized people don't deserve democracy they need a military junta no more problems

The shady business deals pale into insignificance compared to what Thaksin should have been charged with and that is crimes against humanity, for the murder of between 2500 and 5000 people in the war on drugs. Amnesty International has many cases where completely innocent people were murdered in these extra judicial killings. Of the ones that may have been guilty of dealing drugs, they should have all had a fair trial and not met their demise in this fashion.

He was charged for this already and got acquitted due to lack of evidence. As the war on drugs was quite effective in reducing drug consumption, it was approved by Thais in general, and it was mainly a big issue in the international community.

Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



The most of the so called Red terrorists are just poor people with no future.

The elite is running the parliament. The rich will stay rich, the poor will lose everything.

Take for example the new tax-law that everybody with his own house has to pay taxes for it.

Many of the reds don't even have money enough to buy their daily food, how can they pay the taxes?

Abhisit with his English education will never understand them, he isn't even Thai anymore.

His solution will never work, without killing all the reds.

He was charged for this already and got acquitted due to lack of evidence. As the war on drugs was quite effective in reducing drug consumption, it was approved by Thais in general, and it was mainly a big issue in the international community.

It was probably also a big issue by farangs on this forum that were/are doing drugs, no wonder why they keep bringing it up. :)

So effectively, Thaksin's wife paid MORE money than the land was appraised for, by the Bank of Thailand. Yet she and Thaksin are convicted of buying land for LESS than the actual value? Wow.

Talk about political witch-hunt. :)

I am far from being a Thaksin fan, but I just cannot support the view that "well we know he's guilty of something and we can't find anything else, so this'll do". Similarly I find it rather pathetic that after three years of investigations costing millions of baht, and the non-stop accusations of corruption on a grand scale, so little evidence of corruption has been found and put forward that no specific charges of corruption have been made and the only charges supported by any evidence have been tax avoidance. As I can't quite see him as Al Capone (though some probably can), I can only put this down to those who would be in the frame with Thaksin now being in the present government, which wants to avoid losing their support (and its mandate to govern) at any cost.

facts are facts and he used his influence to cut this deal -

The shady business deals pale into insignificance compared to what Thaksin should have been charged with and that is crimes against humanity, for the murder of between 2500 and 5000 people in the war on drugs. Amnesty International has many cases where completely innocent people were murdered in these extra judicial killings. Of the ones that may have been guilty of dealing drugs, they should have all had a fair trial and not met their demise in this fashion.

Nice to hear some meaningful discussions after a long time here in TV. I, for one, have always been sympathetic/supportive towards anyone opposing the 2006 coup and the events that followed to keep Thaksin away at any cost. Being regarded as coming from the

"thaksin camp", I rarely try to convince others that I actually want to see lawfullness prevail above anythinng else. Some people are

inherently too narrow minded to see anything beyond what they perceive. However, this post made me realize that, while "well we know he's guilty of something and we can't find anything else, so this'll do" kind of thinking gets on my nerves, I do want to see Thaksin

tried to the full extent of the law for the murders he is allegedly charged with, by an impartial Thai court, under a real govt elected

by the people, preferably lead by his own "cronies". Tried not because someone else wants to stay in power or wants a bigger piece

of the cake, but only because it is illegal to kill and anyone who breaks the law should be charged (rather than just be executed or set

scott free)

He was charged for this already and got acquitted due to lack of evidence. As the war on drugs was quite effective in reducing drug consumption, it was approved by Thais in general, and it was mainly a big issue in the international community.

It was probably also a big issue by farangs on this forum that were/are doing drugs, no wonder why they keep bringing it up. :)

Ok birdbrain, if you think that farangs keep bringing this up because we are on drugs, I think you must be on drugs if you think the murder of 1400 innocent people can or should be swept under the carpet.

"Of 2,500 deaths in the government's war on drugs in 2003, a fact-finding panel has found that more than half was not involved in drug at all. At a brainstorming session, a representative from the Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) Tuesday disclosed that as many as 1,400 people were killed and labeled as drug suspects despite the fact that they had no link to drugs. ... Senior public prosecutor Kunlapon Ponlawan said it was not difficult to investigate extra-judicial killings carried out by police officers as the trigger-pullers usually confessed."[

WHF one of my best friends 16 years ago got 15 years in jail for half a kg of weed

sounds like the courts are for the protesters? Well they haven't disrupted tourist travel I missed my flight bcoz the yellows shut down Phuket airport b4, The goverment took billions from Thaksin on the Friday on Monday they made an order to take 5 times the amount from all the ungovernment telecom companies True DTAC and AIS etc. I am sure everyone will see a rise in mobile tarriffs shortly why don't they concentrate on all the employers who pay less than the minimum wage and make life for the people in thailand more bearable

NICE FRIEND, good he got only 15 years!!!

and can you back up the other accusations, by proof??

or are your friend and you too stoned to think now (or have a vegie like SD)

Sad as it is, the parents should not be in a position to endanger there kids. The warnings have been there for weeks.

I agree although I deplore the situation.

These warnings have been been given to everyone, red shirts, press and everyone else.

An emergency decree was issued long ago but everyone ignored it and now that soldiers and police are finally acting within it some folks here seem to be surprised. The reds shirts - or hard core factions plus plain thugs - created all this recent escalation and innocent victims of one sort or another are in the millions not just those few that media publicize. Moralize all you want but what choices exist for a legitimate government with its capital city under siege ?

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

They stopped being protesters the minute they started shooting, throwing petrol bombs and fireworks at the authorities. The soldiers aren't going to stand there and allow themselves to be shot or burned.

Yeah, there has been collateral damage, there always is in armed conflicts, but there's nothing left to do. The reds have held the city hostage for two months, the government tried to negotiate with them. They even sat down together with the leaders on live TV, they worked out a road map for government dissolution. The reds got everything they had been protesting for and they still didn't leave.

When you exhaust every peaceful routes possible then whats left? What's happening now. This is all the red shirt leaders fault, they should have taken the road map and prepared for elections, instead they've shown everyone that they can't be negotiated with and got a lot of their followers killed.

With that said I think the government could have still kept their side of the road map, it would have made them look more legitimate since now people will just say that they never planned to stick to the road map in the first place even if the reds did leave.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

The way I heard it, the soldiers could not see who was in the van. They motioned it to stop, but it came, speeding, right at them. They opened fire and stopped it that way. The report said when they opened the doors they found the driver was drunk, and there was a ten-year-old boy in the car.

Don't start calling people names, most especially if you don't know what actually happened. That is so obviously wrong, don't you see that?

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

You are obviously not a UK Citizen, and considering this is Thai business,what warrant are you talking about???

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

You are obviously not a UK Citizen, and considering this is Thai business,what warrant are you talking about???

And for sure he's not Thai, so the only option is he's from Annoying-stan

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

You are obviously not a UK Citizen, and considering this is Thai business,what warrant are you talking about???

And taxi-drivers are concidered in many other countries as hardline terrorists as well

Liars statement? Are you joking? Who's lying? Tell me which part of my post is a lie:

- The yellows DID violate a state of emergency.

- The yellows are NOT in prison - 2 years on.

- The reds DID violate a state of emergency.

- The reds ARE in prison - in less than 24 hours.

- One of the yellow shirt leaders DID receive the job of Foreign Minister.

- This IS a double standard.

Now, tell me, which part is a lie?

Do you know what the laws were in the SOE in 2008? Do you know what the laws are for the SOE now?

You miss the point justice is not being served by leting yellow shirts bring Thailand to there knees and charging them with loitering and not prosecuting in two years. If they are up on charges why were they not in jail the next day like the red shirts. :)

The protesters that are getting jailed now are breaking a law that was enacted as part of this SOE.

The leaders of the yellows (not the average somchai protestor) are before the courts for their charges. They will probably get a lot more time that 6 months when the trial finally happens.

Different laws and different actions lead to different results. It's not a double standard.

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

I think I would have to change that to:

Same laws, different government = different result

And there you have one of the fundamental problems of the country, irrespective of who is running it.

Why have they never considered trial by jury in this country. They have tried to ape most other types of Western idea and screwed it up, maybe that is one thing they could get right. Oh of course, there is no such thing as a peer in Thailand, someone is either your pee or your nong.

Dear Thai at heart,

may I correct you??

In a lot of European countries Hooligans have been put to emergency courts and been sentenced within 1 hour, without the presentse of a lawyer!!

this might have been the case with these red hooligans as well.

why give them a chance to get a very well paid by Thaksin lawyer who smoothtalks him out as he confesses to his crime???

Actually the way it was handled is standard operating procedure unless you are a privileged yellow shirt. In Thailand they have a set sentence for many crimes and if you plead guilty there is no trial you go straight to prison but you only do half the time.

If I remember correctly there was a man shot at the airport and half a billion Baht worth of damage at government house. The army refused to get involved so there was no mobs shooting at each other. Nice to see the yellow shirts are still as phony as they were two years ago.


I think some red supporters forget that 9 leaders got out with bail 2007 and still not brought to court. 2008 they commited the same crime, but got out on bail again and now it is the third time they commit the same and worth crimes.

He was charged for this already and got acquitted due to lack of evidence. As the war on drugs was quite effective in reducing drug consumption, it was approved by Thais in general, and it was mainly a big issue in the international community.

It was probably also a big issue by farangs on this forum that were/are doing drugs, no wonder why they keep bringing it up. :)

Ok birdbrain, if you think that farangs keep bringing this up because we are on drugs, I think you must be on drugs if you think the murder of 1400 innocent people can or should be swept under the carpet.

"Of 2,500 deaths in the government's war on drugs in 2003, a fact-finding panel has found that more than half was not involved in drug at all. At a brainstorming session, a representative from the Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) Tuesday disclosed that as many as 1,400 people were killed and labeled as drug suspects despite the fact that they had no link to drugs. ... Senior public prosecutor Kunlapon Ponlawan said it was not difficult to investigate extra-judicial killings carried out by police officers as the trigger-pullers usually confessed."[

It is an interesting case like the lotto and sapling etc etc etc. Why is he not facing 1400 counts yet?. Where is the investigation?. Whom is stopping it.????? This would result in an extradition of Thaksin and solve everything. Please press these charges ASAP. If I recall not long ago it was the PM himself making excuses not to move or was it an empty promise to bring it back up and never has, but you seem to know the whole story so explain it to us so even we can understand.

He was charged for this already and got acquitted due to lack of evidence. As the war on drugs was quite effective in reducing drug consumption, it was approved by Thais in general, and it was mainly a big issue in the international community.

It was probably also a big issue by farangs on this forum that were/are doing drugs, no wonder why they keep bringing it up. :)

Ok birdbrain, if you think that farangs keep bringing this up because we are on drugs, I think you must be on drugs if you think the murder of 1400 innocent people can or should be swept under the carpet.

"Of 2,500 deaths in the government's war on drugs in 2003, a fact-finding panel has found that more than half was not involved in drug at all. At a brainstorming session, a representative from the Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) Tuesday disclosed that as many as 1,400 people were killed and labeled as drug suspects despite the fact that they had no link to drugs. ... Senior public prosecutor Kunlapon Ponlawan said it was not difficult to investigate extra-judicial killings carried out by police officers as the trigger-pullers usually confessed."[

Okay, how many more times do we need to post this? Seriously. My name may be parrot, but you're the one repeating yourself over and over.

Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!

Here's the latest I could find..


The ironic thing is that it's probably the red shirts that are delaying the court proceedings.

Please read the last sentence of your ref. it states the PAD request delay because Sondhi was on vacation again. I am thinking that may not be the reds fault, just a guess.

Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!

Here's the latest I could find..


The ironic thing is that it's probably the red shirts that are delaying the court proceedings.

Please read the last sentence of your ref. it states the PAD request delay because Sondhi was on vacation again. I am thinking that may not be the reds fault, just a guess.

Holy sh!t!!!!! :)

The postponement was granted at the request of PAD lawyer Suwat Apaipak, who said Mr Sondhi was still traveling abroad and Maj-Gen Chamlong and some other PAD leaders were engaged in important duties.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

D'ont bring children into a warzone then.

Thats what those idiots are doing.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese government never opened fire on a crowd of protesters? Are you insane? Have you not heard of the Tiananmen square massacre? The Xinjiang riots? I could go on but you're either some Chinese revisionist history beliveving nut or completely ignorant. If this situation were happening in China or most any other country the death toll would be a hel_l of a lot higher.

Copy that.

Early on I found a website w/ propaganda almost identical to viet cong , in the day. the commentator was arguing on behalf of the UDD.

It must be said every viet cong division included a military commander,and a " political" commander. I proved to be effective,along w/a "hit and run" tactic.

I'll try to dig up the link.

I'd like to know how china feels about these events? anyone heard anything?

He was charged for this already and got acquitted due to lack of evidence. As the war on drugs was quite effective in reducing drug consumption, it was approved by Thais in general, and it was mainly a big issue in the international community.

It was probably also a big issue by farangs on this forum that were/are doing drugs, no wonder why they keep bringing it up. :)

Ok birdbrain, if you think that farangs keep bringing this up because we are on drugs, I think you must be on drugs if you think the murder of 1400 innocent people can or should be swept under the carpet.

"Of 2,500 deaths in the government's war on drugs in 2003, a fact-finding panel has found that more than half was not involved in drug at all. At a brainstorming session, a representative from the Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) Tuesday disclosed that as many as 1,400 people were killed and labeled as drug suspects despite the fact that they had no link to drugs. ... Senior public prosecutor Kunlapon Ponlawan said it was not difficult to investigate extra-judicial killings carried out by police officers as the trigger-pullers usually confessed."[

It is an interesting case like the lotto and sapling etc etc etc. Why is he not facing 1400 counts yet?. Where is the investigation?. Whom is stopping it.????? This would result in an extradition of Thaksin and solve everything. Please press these charges ASAP. If I recall not long ago it was the PM himself making excuses not to move or was it an empty promise to bring it back up and never has, but you seem to know the whole story so explain it to us so even we can understand.

Maybe I can SPLAIN it to you in real simple words.

Thaskins wife, Pojaman, was tried and convicted of tax evasion, after the judge got really pushed out of shape, that her cousin (who was part of her legal team) and 4 other people tried to bribe his staff with a candy box containing b2,000,000. She was sentenced to 3 years in jail, (This was in 2007), The he was present in Thailand at that time, and he came to trial and was found guilty and fled the country prior to his sentenced of 2 years in jail being handed down.

Why is he not convicted of more? Well under Thai law you must be present at the reading of the indictment. He has more that 16 cases pending that cannot proceed because he cannot stand before the court for the reading of the charges.

This is the motivation to seize control of the government, amend the laws and get a grant of amnesty.

As to why he was not convicted of the charges when he was PM, well being an X-policeman, a number of witness just disappeared, including a prominent attorney that no trace has ever been found of. And as evidenced by the actions with the candy box (who all 5 of the legal team got to do 6 months for contempt of court (non-appeal-able, non-bailable) and the attorney lost his license.

In short, the entire family should be in jail, and I feel sorry for the red shirts that so believe this crook.

Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



Ah yes POOR RED SHIRTS like THAKSIN, what a poor poor rice farmer he is. He is the one who should have this blood on his hands. This is all about him. Imagine what democracy will look like with that murdering megalomaniac. Imagine for a minute if Seh Daeng was standing by his side triumphantly. The Red leadership or Thaksins proxies are duping these people into becoming human shields. And this crap about the Bangkok elite, my god how many Bangkok Thai's do we know who are just battlers struggling to survive? Why is the whole world expected to believe this is some class war? It's all about Thaksin trying to fight his way back and using these people as his cannon fodder.


It amazes me the "Holier then thou" sentiment expressed by many on this forum against the Thai government and Army, what is happening in Bangkok pales in the face of what European Colonial powers did in bid to stop "Democratic" change in their colonies. Israel killed more civilians in one day than have died in this complete upheaval.

There is a need for change in Thailand the poor need to be given a bigger piece of the pie, via social programs, the elite must see that this is the only way for true peace in Thailand. Social and economic reform.

The Red Shirts do not represent the rural poor in Thailand, They are being manipulated by the revolutionary elite. those that desire to hold the reins of power. The government gave then what they wanted ,dissolution of Parliament, early elections, all they had to do was go home! They failed to live up to their part of the negotiations ,that they requested.

It is sad to see the loss of life, whether red, yellow, police, military etc. , the military was very restrained in addressing other terrorist actions by the Red Shirts ,that emboldened their actions. The government tried the soft humane approach, it failed! Now it must insure the rule of law prevails in Thailand and sadly lives will be lost.

I love Thailand and am sad to see what is happening in Bangkok, but to read all the bleeding heart European and American expressions of alarm because of the governments actions, when they fail to take responsibility for all the murdering of millions by their governments to hold on to their colonies in Asia, Africa, South America etc.

And the statement that China has never fired on its own population, is appropriate in the rose tainted view of the disgusting history of the world revision of world history.

Do any of you never crack open a history book?

Cheers :)


She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

same ol' story...

if there's something wrong, must be foreigner....

from now on, i'll stop ever lady i see with 2 or 3 children clinging to her while driving motorcycles then i'll ask "whel u com flom"..


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