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isnt this the ten year olod that was shot as a bystander when the troops fired on a van carrying supplies to reds did not stop at barricade (checkpoint)?

Bystander or not, a child was murdered by the government forces.

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And I would like to warn the foreigners that are out for a little rush out of their vacation or holiday that it was posted in March here on TV that: Thailand To Jail Foreigners At Political Rallies, Five-year jail term, revoked work permits and 100,000 Baht fines

You have been warned. :)

A lot of people on here have forgotten this government was not elected bythe people !!!!! they were appointed !!!!!

Please tell us how that happened. And to it like we are all 5 year old's.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

So you try another thread Muntergok to make political miles out of the injury to the poor kid.

You know well the full circumstances of his injuries yet you still persist in your sick efforts to make it seem that he was deliberatly targeted by the army.

Considering your cowerdly mates are holding children this age and younger as human shields and have recently bombed a police station where a policemans family have all been taken to hospital (yes woman and children) you have no credability whatsoever.

Wake up mate, they're not 'human shields' they went of their own free will, Jeez, some people are really confused.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

With respect I second that emotion but Iraq and Afghanistan springs to mind. Little has changed from the day the might of the British Army conquered the world defeating people armed with sticks and stones. I think the problem in Bangkok is that the government have neither the will or wherefore to lance the Red Army boil.

A lot of people on here have forgotten this government was not elected bythe people !!!!! they were appointed !!!!!

Please tell us how that happened. And to it like we are all 5 year old's.

With respect, this poster is correct.

The sequence of events as I recall and understand it is very well set out here:


"2008 December - Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat is forced from office by a Constitutional Court ruling that disbands the governing People Power Party for electoral fraud and bars its leaders from politics for five years. Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva secures a coalition within parliament to become Thailand's new prime minister, the third new leader in three months."

What is not mentioned here is that it is known that the coalition was the result of a deal between Newin and Suthep (both unable to hold a seat in Parliament, although Suthep is Deputy PM and Newin is a party leader). The MPs of Newin's faction were kept guarded in a hotel overnight and relieved of their mobile phones before being escorted to Parliament the next day to vote in the new government.

All is not as it seems...

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

yada yada yada

To "Lucky Few" - those few moments you wasted making such an assenine coment will never come your way again.

One of the last acts of the outgoing UK govt was to pass legislation stopping interest groups bringing criminal charges in the UK against foreign leaders. That does not mean to say Mr Abhisit would be welcomed. To avoid a warm welcome from some of his fellow countrymen and some very difficult questions from a free and independent press, he might consider not going to this year's school reunion.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

Hmmmm.....ever heard of Tiananmen Square? If you're going to make comments why not check your opinions with reality first. The government has unfortunately been left no choice by the UDD's continually shifting demands other than to crackdown in order to maintain the legitimate authority of the state.


The truth of a post is often inverted to the size of the font they use.

Oh, and posts that start 'With all due respect' etc rarely have.

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

TRUE munter.

The child can be Cambodian as ozzie pretends (all of us know he's Thai), is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot.

Now, it looks that for Thai people it's not a big deal but in western countries this story would be on the first page.

Far more important than the "one more Abisith speech".

As it looks Thai newspaper does not care about this poor kid, I suggest the western newspapers and all of us try to find the truth.

Who is this boy?

Where are his parent?

Is he alive (I hope so)?

Where is he from?


How did it happen?

If we do not have the answers and if we only speculate, please delete this info. The life of a child (even Thai) is too important to tell fables about it.

There are two equally important questions you seem to have omitted my Friend:

1. Who brought him to the danger zone and left him in it?

2. What was he doing there unsupervised?

As both a Father and a Grandfather I would never, ever dream of putting my Children or Grandchildren in an area that has been so violent and dangerous for several weeks and so well publicised. I squarely lay the blame of this incident at the door of the totally irresponsible parents who knew without doubt that people had previously been seriously injured and killed in the area. This is nothing less than crass stupidity by them. :)

I do not omit anything.

Your questions make sens and I'm happy you ask BUT this was not my questions.

I wish to know

- if the story is real

- where is the boy now and in which condition.

Then we can discuss some more.


The boy was not dead he was shot in the stomach and as far as we know is still in hospital.

Whatever his condition it does not give you reds the right to try to score political points from his unfortunate injuries.

Oh yes you also talk of woman targeted: From what I read the only woman so far killed was killed by one of the grenades fired at the sky train station from inside the red lines, yes it has been proven.


Put them in jail is o.k..

When i see how brutel a lot of the protesterst are; 6 month are not to much.

There are no bystanders anymore. Who stays there takes part! Is part of taxins mob!

Everybody knows this. About this, shame on the parents of the poor boy. who did bring there child in harms way!

The monster is clearly not the democratic electet goverment. The monster is Taxin, who only cares about his money!?

Put them in jail is o.k..

When i see how brutel a lot of the protesterst are; 6 month are not to much.

There are no bystanders anymore. Who stays there takes part! Is part of taxins mob!

Everybody knows this. About this, shame on the parents of the poor boy. who did bring there child in harms way!

The monster is clearly not the democratic electet goverment. The monster is Taxin, who only cares about his money!?

Another person that shoots of at the mouth if you only knew what is fact you would not have made that comment .

and only an idiot would bring their child to a war zone
Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Amen to that.

What information do we have about the 10 year old boy, very little so far it seems.

What if the boy lived in that area, maybe just in the same building where he was shot.

I don't know and you probably don't either so just leave out all the comments about parents.

People shouldn't assume or speculate all the time.

My comments could be seen as speculation so don't read me wrong as I just said I don't know.

So I can't pass judgement on any other than the shooter who did a delibarete action pulling the trigger regardless where in Bangkok he fired his gun.

R.I.P. To the boy and my heartfelt compassion for his parents and relatives.

and only an idiot would bring their child to a war zone
Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Also shot our indigenous Aborigines too!

Women and kids get caught up in the killings which has happened in most acts of 'war' or 'invasion' or 'civil war, whether it be deliberate or from cross fire.

A lot of people on here have forgotten this government was not elected bythe people !!!!! they were appointed !!!!!

Please tell us how that happened. And to it like we are all 5 year old's.

With respect, this poster is correct.

The sequence of events as I recall and understand it is very well set out here:


"2008 December - Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat is forced from office by a Constitutional Court ruling that disbands the governing People Power Party for electoral fraud and bars its leaders from politics for five years. Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva secures a coalition within parliament to become Thailand's new prime minister, the third new leader in three months."

What is not mentioned here is that it is known that the coalition was the result of a deal between Newin and Suthep (both unable to hold a seat in Parliament, although Suthep is Deputy PM and Newin is a party leader). The MPs of Newin's faction were kept guarded in a hotel overnight and relieved of their mobile phones before being escorted to Parliament the next day to vote in the new government.

All is not as it seems...

At the time Suthep was an MP, and didn't resign as MP for several months after.

Newin made a deal with Thaksin to join TRT, then to join PPP, but the deal to join PTP

fell through. You seem to think those EARLIER deals are fine, but not the last one. DOUBLE STANDARD.

Right, MP's in play were isolated without cellphones overnight in luxury hotels,

so better offers might not be taken...

which means Thaksin's side was trying the SAME THING ; buying a coalition...

OK if your side wins... DOUBLE STANDARD if your side loses.

And it wasn't JUST Newin, but other parties, once called Factions in TRT, that ALSO changed sides.

Just as they did to join TRT. but that's also Ok with you... DOUBLE STANDARD.

Doing a deal, SOP in Thailand's political culture is fine if YOUR side gets stronger,

and an abomination if your side gets weaker...

Oh the crocodile tears shed over this DOUBLE STANDARD.

Really pathetic arguments I must say.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

A woman or a child can pull a trigger as easy as a man, or fire a grenade launcher, The Viet Cong proved the effectiveness of using them. Dont judge when you dont have facts

Don't forget about Idi Amin's squads of "Kalshnikov Kids" - mere children that he drew into his madness! It's happened before and will probably happen again. :)


Wasting our time Animatic these sick clowns are so desperate to try to make some points they are willing to clutch at anything.

The red losers have so little credability left they had had a go at politisising the poor kids injuries on more than one thread.

But hay Thai Visa should be proud that the red leaders think this forum important enough to assign (possibly pay) so many to try to push the red line.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

Rouge, you mean, like "Red" in french?

I guess he means Khmer Rouge.

snip<But hay Thai Visa should be proud that the red leaders think this forum important enough to assign (possibly pay) so many to try to push the red line.

Hope you check your wardrobes as well as under your bed before you go to bed at night. :) Jeez! Some people!

Wasting our time Animatic these sick clowns are so desperate to try to make some points they are willing to clutch at anything.

The red losers have so little credability left they had had a go at politisising the poor kids injuries on more than one thread.

But hay Thai Visa should be proud that the red leaders think this forum important enough to assign (possibly pay) so many to try to push the red line.

Wife called home (BKK) today to talk with relatives.

Brother in law (from Chiang Mai), rich and lives in BKK is teaching red mentality and hatred to his 5 year old son, hate everything else he tells him, revered or not. :)

Wife is quite upset. Rest of family is trying to teach the confused little man what is going on.

Thank you Thaksin, see how far your selfish madness is reaching?


I would advise all you keyboard warriors to calm down.

Whatever your opinions are will make no difference at all in the final outcome, so why get so stressed ?

Your opinions are just that, opinions, thats all, unless you are willing to get on the front lines with the people that are actually suffering and being shot at, what do you know, apart from what the government controlled media tells you ?

Really, I would advise some of you old timers to relax a little, you're taking years off your lives with the stress of arguing over something that you have no say in at all, and in fact, unless you are there on the front line, what do you know ?

What the government controlled media tells you.....please.....you have more intelligence than that I'm sure

Calm down...

Repeat after me... ' I'm a Farang, I have no influence in Thailand '

Repeat this mantra 100 times to let it sink in, then relax.

Stop fighting each other, it's pointless.

I assume most of you are not Thai like me. Then, what the hel_l is wrong with you guys? Please read and follow the history of everything and study Thai people psychology before throwing empty judgment. Here are some points to think of:

1- Law and rules are selectively applied

2-Many Thai people do not think of consequences (note bikes driving on platforms, driving wrong way,..etc)

3-Many Thai people are ready to follow (senior roles)

4-Many average people here do not know where to stop and do not see the "by-default" line (Calling you Farang in front of you, assuming you do not know)

5-Thai society on average is very closed, though many tourist but yet they are two categories farang and ka

Mix all of these, adding greed of leaders (UDD,PAD, Govt, Thaksin, you call it) and mingling paid criminals in between, you get what you see. This has been happening here before in different scale. It is just now going to leave a huge crack in Thai society, might not be heald but for sure will be forgotten a year later.Same as the attacks in Payathai last year.

Good luck

What you state here will never stop. Thais are happy with their corruption. Someone in here wrote that 82% respondents to a survey stated that they are comfortable with the level of corruption in their society. They can't have their cake and eat it too. This unrest will always be here. Corruption is taught in schools and thais see nothing wrong with that.

I would advise all you keyboard warriors to calm down.

Whatever your opinions are will make no difference at all in the final outcome, so why get so stressed ?

Your opinions are just that, opinions, thats all, unless you are willing to get on the front lines with the people that are actually suffering and being shot at, what do you know, apart from what the government controlled media tells you ?

Really, I would advise some of you old timers to relax a little, you're taking years off your lives with the stress of arguing over something that you have no say in at all, and in fact, unless you are there on the front line, what do you know ?

What the government controlled media tells you.....please.....you have more intelligence than that I'm sure

Calm down...

Repeat after me... ' I'm a Farang, I have no influence in Thailand '

Repeat this mantra 100 times to let it sink in, then relax.

Stop fighting each other, it's pointless.

Well said.

Regardless if they committed any crime or not. They should have a right to an attourney or lawyer to hear their case. Well that's what happens in a democracy and a country with civil rights. But if this isn't a place why not put the in a concentration camp without any rights? I am hoping Thailand is better than that.

Lets not go backwards. Go forwards. This is not a detterent. The -ankers on here who support any colour would like to see the times of the middle ages, with hands chopped off and branding. If people do wrong by all means punish them. But at least give them a chance to express themselves and have a defence case. What has happened to everyone? Whatever your politics, don't forget your moral human compassion.

Do we know that they didn't?

Well even the best lawyers can't fully get all the facts and information to represent their clients effectively in a day. So I would say yes we do know they were not.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

You are living on cloud 9.... possibly a total F@@k wit

What you state here will never stop. Thais are happy with their corruption. Someone in here wrote that 82% respondents to a survey stated that they are comfortable with the level of corruption in their society. They can't have their cake and eat it too. This unrest will always be here. Corruption is taught in schools and thais see nothing wrong with that.

Majority of 65 million people like corruption?

I think not allthough I haven't talked to the majority of the minority, I will still state you are very wrong.

Try to understand the basics of corruption first before assuming too much.

When I first arrived to Thailand I experienced corruption in the different government offices I had to visit.

The last 2-3 years that have changed.

I have driver license * 2, workpermit, visa, company and tax paper, all legit and haven't paid any extra "coffe" money to anyone so far.

Amazing how well treated I have been at the different state offices to get my papers.

I still haven't had to pay one single baht to any other official or police as I drive with legit driving license, keep the speed limits, wear a helmet when going on a motorbike.

With my car I have driven through big part of Thailand, still haven't been to isaarn though.

Have been stopped by police, military (in the south) to check for alcohol and papers but only met nice police officers/millitaries and officials.

I get more respect and fair treatment than by a Swedish official in any office or police.

These are my experiences but I have friends that have had problems with the above mentioned officials in Thailand, but it has always been something else involved from their part, screaming, trying to bribe their way through the system, no driving license, no helmet, drunk driving, speeding etc.

I'm a forreigner in this land and I try to comply to the rules that exists here, allthough I don't understand most of them and sometimes are confused how they are enforced but that's just how it is.

Like the situation, or not but then you do have a problem.

Would be fun to see a poll that actually went out to the average person in Thailand and where the majority would answer. What would the outcome be?

The only corrupt and scamming people I have come across so far are lawyers, accountants, taxi and tuk tuk drivers, shop keepers and bar/restaurants.

But with them I have a choice so they don't bother me much.

I bet there are Thais that don't have a problem with corruption but there is one thing that can bend morality and laws for all, the level of morality depends on how full your stomach is.

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says


there is no report of a 10 year old boy being shot in bkk. this is some red shirt supporter trying to gain browniie points for the terrorists. shame on you

'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

Bail is for when there is trial/verdict/sentencing set for a later date. It seems here that if they already received their sentences, then they must have been put through some super-expedited trial procedure. I'd assume then that their 6-month sentence would begin immediately. If they already confessed and pleaded guilty I don't think there is much chance of an appeal, though I'm no lawyer.

Didn't they get a deal in exchange for some information? I think in this case they would waive their rights for an appeal when they plea out no?

What you state here will never stop. Thais are happy with their corruption. Someone in here wrote that 82% respondents to a survey stated that they are comfortable with the level of corruption in their society. They can't have their cake and eat it too. This unrest will always be here. Corruption is taught in schools and thais see nothing wrong with that.

Majority of 65 million people like corruption?

I think not allthough I haven't talked to the majority of the minority, I will still state you are very wrong.

Try to understand the basics of corruption first before assuming too much.

When I first arrived to Thailand I experienced corruption in the different government offices I had to visit.

The last 2-3 years that have changed.

I have driver license * 2, workpermit, visa, company and tax paper, all legit and haven't paid any extra "coffe" money to anyone so far.

Amazing how well treated I have been at the different state offices to get my papers.

I still haven't had to pay one single baht to any other official or police as I drive with legit driving license, keep the speed limits, wear a helmet when going on a motorbike.

With my car I have driven through big part of Thailand, still haven't been to isaarn though.

Have been stopped by police, military (in the south) to check for alcohol and papers but only met nice police officers/millitaries and officials.

I get more respect and fair treatment than by a Swedish official in any office or police.

These are my experiences but I have friends that have had problems with the above mentioned officials in Thailand, but it has always been something else involved from their part, screaming, trying to bribe their way through the system, no driving license, no helmet, drunk driving, speeding etc.

I'm a forreigner in this land and I try to comply to the rules that exists here, allthough I don't understand most of them and sometimes are confused how they are enforced but that's just how it is.

Like the situation, or not but then you do have a problem.

Would be fun to see a poll that actually went out to the average person in Thailand and where the majority would answer. What would the outcome be?

The only corrupt and scamming people I have come across so far are lawyers, accountants, taxi and tuk tuk drivers, shop keepers and bar/restaurants.

But with them I have a choice so they don't bother me much.

I bet there are Thais that don't have a problem with corruption but there is one thing that can bend morality and laws for all, the level of morality depends on how full your stomach is.

I think the poster is talking about coruption as it applies to Thais not Thai-farang. I would agree with the post and think it's normal for them and part of doing business, part of life in this part of the world, helps things get done or not done.

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