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For everyday the seige continues the prison terms should get harsher. Six months isn't much time for attempted murder of police, rioting, looting and the long list of crimes they are guitly of. Hopefully lots more will join them in the next few days. I hope that those in hospital are also being arrested.

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What you state here will never stop. Thais are happy with their corruption. Someone in here wrote that 82% respondents to a survey stated that they are comfortable with the level of corruption in their society. They can't have their cake and eat it too. This unrest will always be here. Corruption is taught in schools and thais see nothing wrong with that.

Majority of 65 million people like corruption?

I think not allthough I haven't talked to the majority of the minority, I will still state you are very wrong.

Try to understand the basics of corruption first before assuming too much.

When I first arrived to Thailand I experienced corruption in the different government offices I had to visit.

The last 2-3 years that have changed.

I have driver license * 2, workpermit, visa, company and tax paper, all legit and haven't paid any extra "coffe" money to anyone so far.

Amazing how well treated I have been at the different state offices to get my papers.

I still haven't had to pay one single baht to any other official or police as I drive with legit driving license, keep the speed limits, wear a helmet when going on a motorbike.

With my car I have driven through big part of Thailand, still haven't been to isaarn though.

Have been stopped by police, military (in the south) to check for alcohol and papers but only met nice police officers/millitaries and officials.

I get more respect and fair treatment than by a Swedish official in any office or police.

These are my experiences but I have friends that have had problems with the above mentioned officials in Thailand, but it has always been something else involved from their part, screaming, trying to bribe their way through the system, no driving license, no helmet, drunk driving, speeding etc.

I'm a forreigner in this land and I try to comply to the rules that exists here, allthough I don't understand most of them and sometimes are confused how they are enforced but that's just how it is.

Like the situation, or not but then you do have a problem.

Would be fun to see a poll that actually went out to the average person in Thailand and where the majority would answer. What would the outcome be?

The only corrupt and scamming people I have come across so far are lawyers, accountants, taxi and tuk tuk drivers, shop keepers and bar/restaurants.

But with them I have a choice so they don't bother me much.

I bet there are Thais that don't have a problem with corruption but there is one thing that can bend morality and laws for all, the level of morality depends on how full your stomach is.

I do understand the basis of corruption and I did not say thais "like" corruption. I said they are comfortable and I can further say they have accepted it as a way of life and profit from it.

Clearly, you do not understand corruption and you are just stating an opinion. For your education, try reading this report: http://aceproject.org/ero-en/regions/asia/...in_Thailand.pdf

Although several years old, it still applies and explains the problems. Maybe after reading actual facts then you may understand my initial statement.

I do understand the basis of corruption and I did not say thais "like" corruption. I said they are comfortable and I can further say they have accepted it as a way of life and profit from it.

Clearly, you do not understand corruption and you are just stating an opinion. For your education, try reading this report: http://aceproject.org/ero-en/regions/asia/...in_Thailand.pdf

Although several years old, it still applies and explains the problems. Maybe after reading actual facts then you may understand my initial statement.

So comfortable and like are that different?

I didn't say corruption didn't exist, it exists everywhere even in countries like Sweden. Corruption is also when you pass along a job to a relative, friend instead of letting the position out to someone more eligable.

To my knowledge, normal Thai people don't have money enough to bribe anyone.

Of course people have and do live by corruption but to say they are comfortable with it?

I have no idea what Thai people you know but the ones I know will be real annoyed and angry if they have to bribe someone.

They are absolutely not comfortable with corruption.

That line was the one triggering me.

Regardless if they committed any crime or not. They should have a right to an attourney or lawyer to hear their case. Well that's what happens in a democracy and a country with civil rights. But if this isn't a place why not put the in a concentration camp without any rights? I am hoping Thailand is better than that.

Lets not go backwards. Go forwards. This is not a detterent. The -ankers on here who support any colour would like to see the times of the middle ages, with hands chopped off and branding. If people do wrong by all means punish them. But at least give them a chance to express themselves and have a defence case. What has happened to everyone? Whatever your politics, don't forget your moral human compassion.

the world unfortunately is in the state it is by listening to moral filled do gooders such as yourself,

this is about a country trying to evolve, so let go of human rights for a week or two and all this mess in the world will be settled, without the help of the US and UK,

Billpatt, don't you realise that this whole mess is about human rights, or a lack thereof? Whether the human rights abuses are real or perceived is irrelevant to the actualities of the situation. Do you honestly think that bulldozing any semblance of democracy, for the sake of reestablishing democracy, can ever work?

Wasting our time Animatic these sick clowns are so desperate to try to make some points they are willing to clutch at anything.

The red losers have so little credability left they had had a go at politisising the poor kids injuries on more than one thread.

But hay Thai Visa should be proud that the red leaders think this forum important enough to assign (possibly pay) so many to try to push the red line.

Wife called home (BKK) today to talk with relatives.

Brother in law (from Chiang Mai), rich and lives in BKK is teaching red mentality and hatred to his 5 year old son, hate everything else he tells him, revered or not. :)

Wife is quite upset. Rest of family is trying to teach the confused little man what is going on.

Thank you Thaksin, see how far your selfish madness is reaching?

so you teaching the boy about paranoia and how to hate based on no knowledge of a situation at all.

Ah so, an acceptable form of brainwashing you preach. if only everybody did as you want....

Whatever your opinions are will make no difference at all in the final outcome....

Repeat after me... ' I'm a Farang, I have no influence in Thailand '

Repeat this mantra 100 times to let it sink in, then relax.

Sillyman and other like-minded drones can repeat that mantra until they're blue in the face, if that's how they want to indoctrinate themselves. Yet, there are other farang who reside in Thailand who think we may be able to influence things, perhaps in tiny ways, for the better. It's often said, that "It's a Thai problem, so only Thais can fix it." Well, there's been a gargantuan Thai problem in the center of Bkk for weeks, and Thais could not fix it. Perhaps no one could actually fix it, particularly if there are hundreds of rowdies fixated upon causing as much mayhem as possible.

However, you'll notice the Red leaders, led by "The UN is not my father" Thaksin, were clamoring to get the EC, the UN, ....heck, any bunch of foreigners to intervene to save their skins. So, one moment, Thais and farang-hating farang are saying it's an issue for Thais only, and on the other hand, those same people are fixated on foreign opinion and intervention. Which is more real?

Back to the OP: What's the latest re; detention for rowdies? 'Rowdies' includes arsonists, those impeding firefighters from doing their jobs, and the Red clowns on stage who were getting the crowd to cheer while Bangkok was getting destroyed by increments.

  • 2 weeks later...
Amazing int it.

No PAD in jail.

Talk about double standards

And a hundred standards, changing daily, for the UDD.

In case you hadn't noticed, the current government wasn't in power when the PAD were on the streets. Perhaps the government would get around to prosecuting the PAD leaders if they weren't so busy trying to prevent arson, looting, and violent occupation of civilian neighbourhoods.


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