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The Reds Have Their Say Tonight - Video In English


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Calling Thai soldiers doing their duty ANIMALS. Tsk, tsk. Why are the soldiers there? Because the ARMED reds are illegally occupying Bangkok, that's why. Redman, look in the mirror please for the root of your self induced pain.

Thai citizens illegally occupying Bangkok? The military walking the streets ARMED, why not citizens? Who are you to say?

What would you say if someone was occupying your house for 2 months because he didn't agree with you.Keeping you from leading a normal life.

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Calling Thai soldiers doing their duty ANIMALS. Tsk, tsk. Why are the soldiers there? Because the ARMED reds are illegally occupying Bangkok, that's why. Redman, look in the mirror please for the root of your self induced pain.

Thai citizens illegally occupying Bangkok? The military walking the streets ARMED, why not citizens? Who are you to say?

It is the legal Thai government saying they are illegally occupying sections of Bangkok. Alternatively, check the pictures of their camps yourself. DUH!

Tell me Jing why did the government let them into Bangkok in the first place???

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Its a war situation in parts of Bangkok now. The reds who insist on staying, hopefully, are well aware they are there illegally and that they are risking their lives. Hopefully, any of them that wish to SURRENDER now or simply just walk away can leave the combat zone without getting hurt.

Surrender? There illegally? They will be there as long as it is necessary to remove the illegitimate gov't. All the power to them, go reds go!

It remains to be seen how long they will be there maintaining their illegal occupation. Why does a small violent mob have the right to remove the government? That sir, is insanity.

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Calling Thai soldiers doing their duty ANIMALS. Tsk, tsk. Why are the soldiers there? Because the ARMED reds are illegally occupying Bangkok, that's why. Redman, look in the mirror please for the root of your self induced pain.

Thai citizens illegally occupying Bangkok? The military walking the streets ARMED, why not citizens? Who are you to say?

It is the legal Thai government saying they are illegally occupying sections of Bangkok. Alternatively, check the pictures of their camps yourself. DUH!

Tell me Jing why did the government let them into Bangkok in the first place???

The initial phase of the rallies were legal. Under normal circumstances, peaceful political rallies are legal in Thailand. Next ...

BTW, if they HAD been able to deliver on their promise of a million PEACEFUL protesters, that would have been a very powerful statement and likely would have led to reasonable compromises. However, they had only 100K and they turned into rabid violent Thaksinista groupies clearly intent on overthrowing the government to install their red rule at any cost.

Edited by Jingthing
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Please, gentlemen of course there is doubt

but that does not make the rest of my comment less true

nice try...... :)

The rest of your comment is poorly thought out. The other 100,000 have not been shot. If they had been, then maybe it would be a good comment.

Hypocrites doesn't enter into it unless you ignore the facts or make up your own facts. If that is the case, then you are free to use any of the other words you have posted in previous threads because none of them are relevant anyway.

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So, they bring in one of the world's worst public speakers to present their case in English? They bring in one of the world's worst writers to pen the statement in English? Is this for real?

Whatever message they intended to get across is lost. Looks like a grade school production. A great opportunity to communicate, in English, a message that they think is important, and this dude wasted it. He wasted 12 minutes of my time, also.

Amazing on how you get off on saying anything as ignorant as any rational person can stand. Your blatant insults will not change a thing, but just strengthen the cause of these brave citizens who are doing more to change the corruption that overflows from the seat of the present gov't. I can see that you are too self-indulgent/absorbed to care one iota for another's cause

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Please, gentlemen of course there is doubt

but that does not make the rest of my comment less true

nice try...... :)

The rest of your comment is poorly thought out. The other 100,000 have not been shot. If they had been, then maybe it would be a good comment.

Hypocrites doesn't enter into it unless you ignore the facts or make up your own facts. If that is the case, then you are free to use any of the other words you have posted in previous threads because none of them are relevant anyway.

What you mean like making 10,000 a 100,000

does that make you a hypocrite then.....by your own words?

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He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

Are you joking? The man is clearly lying. He is trying to make the claim that the reds are not armed. The whole world KNOWS that is a lie.

And if they were armed? So what, while the military armed to the teeth protecting an illegitimate gov't? A gov't that has no intention to listen to the protesters, even from the start. Agreed...must be a lot of thoroughly conditioned ex-pats around desperately trying to keep their comfort zone from being disturbed..what a shame and what bad role models.

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He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

Are you joking? The man is clearly lying. He is trying to make the claim that the reds are not armed. The whole world KNOWS that is a lie.

Yes, and the whole world also knows that only the red side lies. The government, the yellows or any other colors (that is not red) would never do such a thing!

Propaganda is a very efficient tool to shape the opinion of the mass. But it is up to anyone to chose to listen to both sides or not.

Lies are everywhere, but I still have respect for those who chose to die for the cause in which they believe.

Hats-off to you and grateful that some in this forum are still...alive from the neck up.

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Lies are everywhere, but I still have respect for those who chose to die for the cause in which they believe.
Like terrorists?

You seem to have perfectly swallowed the government propaganda...

Au contraire. I was ahead of their game on that. I could see this coming even BEFORE the reds arrive in Bangkok this time. Not all reds are terrorists of course, but they have that faction within their ranks and they have already used terrorist tactics. The best word now is INSURGENCY. Any government has the right and obligation to resist violent insurgencies, or they aren't a government that is functioning.

Edited by Jingthing
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Does anybody remember the "Jonestown massacre" a number of years ago?????? It is comparable to the REDs in at least one way...... The leader of this religious cult had a power over his followers which is difficult to understand, but nonetheless they gave their all for this man 'Jones' In the end more than 900 commited suicide, as I recall.

My point is that some leaders can have an unbelievable effect on their followers and what ever that leader tells them is real, they will believe him. So in this case, the upper-crust REDS (clever and cunning as they are) have won the trust of those "northern POOR" and have convinced them that Thailand needs Democracy -- The type of democracy that will help them clear the way for the #1 RED leader, Taksin to get a "get-out-of-jail-FREE-card".

And why do they love Taksin so much? Because he was cleaver enough to figure out that he could win (read "buy") the favor of the most people for the least money if he concentrated on the rural POOR - the ones that on average has very little education and who can be enticed with small amounts of money. (Can account for a massive amount of votes for the least amount of money).

I've said it before, the REDS idea of democracy is where you have 2 WOLVES and 1 SHEEP voting on 'what to have for lunch'.

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Please, gentlemen of course there is doubt

but that does not make the rest of my comment less true

nice try...... :)

The rest of your comment is poorly thought out. The other 100,000 have not been shot. If they had been, then maybe it would be a good comment.

Hypocrites doesn't enter into it unless you ignore the facts or make up your own facts. If that is the case, then you are free to use any of the other words you have posted in previous threads because none of them are relevant anyway.

What you mean like making 10,000 a 100,000

does that make you a hypocrite then.....by your own words?

No. It makes me a typist in a hurry.

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Au contraire. I was ahead of their game on that. I could see this coming even BEFORE the reds arrive in Bangkok this time. Not all reds are terrorists of course, but they have that faction within their ranks and they have already used terrorist tactics. The best word now is INSURGENCY. Any government has the right and obligation to resist violent insurgencies, or they aren't a government that is functioning.

WELL SAID, jingthing

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Lies are everywhere, but I still have respect for those who chose to die for the cause in which they believe.
Like terrorists?

You seem to have perfectly swallowed the government propaganda...

Au contraire. I was ahead of their game on that. I could see this coming even BEFORE the reds arrive in Bangkok this time. Not all reds are terrorists of course, but they have that faction within their ranks and they have already used terrorist tactics. The best word now is INSURGENCY. Any government has the right and obligation to resist violent insurgencies, or they aren't a government that is functioning.

You are starting to make a bit of sense Jing.....you see the one thing that alienates those who support the government is their ridiculous continued enforcement of the belief that somehow the government is not culpable in the deaths..........in short idealistic nonsense!!!....because those who see this from the centre can see both sides have contributed, and accept that.......which allows discussion of current events...cause and effect......not trawling over the old redundant crap!!!

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So, they bring in one of the world's worst public speakers to present their case in English? They bring in one of the world's worst writers to pen the statement in English? Is this for real?

Whatever message they intended to get across is lost. Looks like a grade school production. A great opportunity to communicate, in English, a message that they think is important, and this dude wasted it. He wasted 12 minutes of my time, also.

Amazing on how you get off on saying anything as ignorant as any rational person can stand. Your blatant insults will not change a thing, but just strengthen the cause of these brave citizens who are doing more to change the corruption that overflows from the seat of the present gov't. I can see that you are too self-indulgent/absorbed to care one iota for another's cause

Ah, another poorly thought-out comment.

It isn't my fight, dude. It isn't yours, either.

But just so you know, I am all for democracy. And just so you know, corruption was a big part of the previous government. And the previous one. And the previous one. Why weren't the Reds in the streets fighting corruption during the last government's tenure? Do you have any idea of what is really going on here? I live in the north. I know people who went to BKK to attend the rallies and I know they went there because it was an opportunity for them to make some money. Good on them. They needed the money. They damned sure didn't go there to fight corruption.

Logic tells me that there should be elections. Logic tells me that the Reds will overwhelmingly win the elections. However, elections were going to come anyway. Was there ever a reason for ANYONE to die just to hold them a bit sooner? Can you really not see that THIS particular event is all about ONE MAN and has nothing to do with democracy or fighting corruption? Can you not see that the Reds have had this in the bag all along and certain high-ranking members had a personal stake in seeing that it happened sooner instead of later? They will win when the elections come. No doubt. But no person needed to die just to have it happen a year or so earlier.

I wish "the cause" well. But I cannot wish the leadership well. I wish the individuals well. They needed the paychecks. And when all is said and done, the elections will come and the people will speak. And some families on BOTH SIDES will have lost some very dear members, never to see them again.

But the fact remains, this video is a very poor representation of ANY point of view, whether you like it or not. If you don't like that FACT, then join the Reds and do a better job. IF the video is authentic, they need some help.

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well i saw a unarmed red protestor shot today......he had no gun, just a stick... but he was shot whilst attempting to light the gas tank of a vehical... looked like some sort of gas tanker, or container truck covered in tires,,, try that in the west and see if you dont get put down... just because you dont have a machine gun dosent mean your not out to cause harm to others... Play in a war zone gun or not your asking to be shot..

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