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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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This used to be a good information site with good views and posts... Now all I mostly see is crap posts and how they deserve this and they deserve that....Very few seem to be even slightly sorry that THESE PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED... for mostly nothing more than being in the wrong place or choosing to have an opinion and standing up for it ... I REPEAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE... They deserve LIFE, nothing less it is the so called government who have ordered the army in and started killing in big numbers indiscriminately. The Killing MUST stop and the army pull back this is a sledgehammer to crack a nut and cannot be justified.

This is not accidental shootings mostly this is pre targeted sniper fire ... these people are being assassinated in front of the world and all most of you can do is talk shit about them probably being terrorists or criminals and how inconvenient it is for everyone etc...

Shame on most of you for your apathetic and inhumane attitudes, you make me sick pretending to sit on your moral high ground.... every one of you has a dodgy government not to mention your faults and im sure plenty of you are betraying their other halves etc so spare us the holy insight of what the protesters deserve you bunch of rubberneckers....

then stay off the forum you stupid <deleted>. :)

Thank you 'englishoak'. I thought humanity was finished until I read your post. Actually I am thinking of following the advice of your arrogant responder and staying off the forums myself. There are a lot of better things to do than read the bitter and murderous ramblings of people who grew up in a world that is supposed to have moral and ethical values.

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I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

The only way is to hold elections ASAP


The reds have been announcing a "Guerilla war" from just after they announced a "war" against the government. Sae Daeng has said it. Jatuporn has said it. That of course labelled them as insurgents. The actions label them as terrorists. That there is a VERY small militia that is heavily armed and have training that answered to Sae Daeng has always been clear. (He admitted it and even bragged about it.)

That Sae Daeng also labelled Thaksin as being the reason for the continuance of the violent rally is also beyond dispute.

The answer obviously isn't immediate elections. The answer is to clear the terrorists out and get theor pawns/human shields out of harms way. Then to continue the roadmap to reconciliation (that was accepted by most of the red leaders before threats against them came out!)

Snap elections would not heal the country. Snap elections would further the divide in the country. What will help heal the country is for specific grievances to be heard. What would help the country is to educate people about Democracy. What would help the country heal is having the Democrats continue to show that they are working on making things less disparate in the country by continueing to work with ALL the rural poor and NOT just a minority group that Thaksin bought and paid for their leaders!

Elections can come soon enough AFTER the constitution and budget are dealt with AND after it has calmed down enough that a PTP candidate can run in the south or BKK and a Dem can campaign in Isaan.

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

where were his parents?

wow I congratulate you too ... 100% brainwashed

This used to be a good information site with good views and posts... Now all I mostly see is crap posts and how they deserve this and they deserve that....Very few seem to be even slightly sorry that THESE PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED... for mostly nothing more than being in the wrong place or choosing to have an opinion and standing up for it ... I REPEAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE... They deserve LIFE, nothing less it is the so called government who have ordered the army in and started killing in big numbers indiscriminately. The Killing MUST stop and the army pull back this is a sledgehammer to crack a nut and cannot be justified.

This is not accidental shootings mostly this is pre targeted sniper fire ... these people are being assassinated in front of the world and all most of you can do is talk shit about them probably being terrorists or criminals and how inconvenient it is for everyone etc...

Shame on most of you for your apathetic and inhumane attitudes, you make me sick pretending to sit on your moral high ground.... every one of you has a dodgy government not to mention your faults and im sure plenty of you are betraying their other halves etc so spare us the holy insight of what the protesters deserve you bunch of rubberneckers....

then stay off the forum you stupid <deleted>. :)

Thank you 'englishoak'. I thought humanity was finished until I read your post. Actually I am thinking of following the advice of your arrogant responder and staying off the forums myself. There are a lot of better things to do than read the bitter and murderous ramblings of people who grew up in a world that is supposed to have moral and ethical values.

Agree 100%.

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


One can also go to http://www.freeforums.org/contact.php and write a complaint. Their legal section clearly states that their forums are not to be used for these type of things. While I support the freedom of speech, I do not support terroristic activities which this site is spewing.

i have done both, i urge others to do the same.


seems like they're offline already :)

not for me.........unfortunately

No the two (spotter and shooter) from about 53 onwards.. Those are snipers / sharp shooters.

does it matter?

would it be preferable to have untrained conscripts firing blindly from behind sandbags?

or better to have trained 'snipers' shooting single shots at people throwing petrol bombs?


On Tele now that hospitals are asking for blood to be donated as they are running out.

Didnt I see lots of good blood being chucked around not so long ago? Who would do such a wasteful thing?


The journalist shot yesterday was wearing jeans and a black shirt, and was running between the reds and army shooting each other. Idiot.

It is now part of the job of the security forces to shot at journalists who are not wearing "a bullet proof vest and a helment[sic]"?

The Apologists of this violent crackdown becoming more and more pathetic.

Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

I would tell him to his face that to wear a color that could be confusing to low-ranked soldiers was probably not the smartest choice to wear in that situation. Why, do you think he didn't make a mistake to wear a black shirt among the 'protestors'?


Are you assuming that the security forces who restore peace and nomalcy are on the same level stupid and idiodic as some warmonger falang at TVF and think black shirt=terrorist?

CRES said they shot only at terrorist in self defence and to protect others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury by armed terrorists.

But actually they are not doing this, they shot just randomly at people doesn't matter if they sport a deadly weapon or not. I guess the T-shirt color of the target don't play a big role in such moments. What would they do if the terrorist disguise themself in neon pink and lime green Hawaiian shirts? These days you cannot trust these pesky terrorist that they will wear only black better is to shot at anybody.

Another t-shirt color would had not protect the journalist nor prevent his wounds.

Armed men in black in action

OK. Red shirt supporters. Defend that!!

Obviously a fake black shirt. :)

They won't comment on this. They are in denial. They just regurgitate the same old boring propaganda.

It has been posted on facebook that the red leaders have been telling their "guards" that it isnt the Thai army they are fighting but armys from Burma and Cambodia so its all right to go out and kill them.

No wont post a link because its someones personal page and they could get harrased.

By posting this kind og nonsence they should be harashed

This is the demonstration of what I have stated already several times : Militias are unacceptable in democratic Countries: it brings the level of violence to the highest during social unrests. More it can jeopardise the future of a Country. And if my numerous american friend of this forum continue to think about more tough and military actions, just remember Mogadishio, Somalia.... Militias are a Cancer (Yellows, Newin, Pattayas, Ronin...any militia)

In case of crushing the reds, you should see the consequences on the economy: Spain during Franco period, has been sulked during years in spite marketing efforts. most of europeans avoiding Spain as tourist destination and spanish products.

Anything which can bring Parties to the table of negotiation without conditions is welcome.

Quite true the Reds have created an illegal militia and are using it to try and bring down the government.

This is of course unacceptable. And the level of force they have is beyond the powers of police to control.

That the PTP opposition party is check and jowl with the red leaders, and sharing stages while the most

virulent lies being told. This shows they are utterly compromised and incapable of legitimate governance.

They have shot off both feet up to the knees.


PS Jerry, sulked is not the right word to use.

You have used it twice recently, but it doesn't fit your point.

I know english is not your first language.

<h2 class="me">sulk –verb (used without object)</h2>1. to remain silent or hold oneself aloof in a sullen, ill-humored, or offended mood:

Promise me that you won't sulk if I want to leave the party early.

–noun2. a state or fit of sulking. 3. sulks, ill-humor shown by sulking: to be in the sulks. 4. Also, sulker. a person who sulks.

Spain has not been sitting like a child that didn't get some candy....


'Spain during (or since) the Franco period, had been "avoided / ignored / marginalized / diminished /

during years in spite marketing efforts...'

But, I think more recently the issue for travelers has been the Basques bombing indescriminately.

Illegal militias again... And note Spain and France's responce to them has not been unviolent; no choice.

And the Islamic train bomb a few years back too.

Franco from 40 years back is not near the issue it used to be, except to old people,

but his tenure DID greatly retard Spain's progress relative to Europe.

Thanks Animatic for your help on the language part : I will say Spain has been marginalised during Franco reign".

However, Spain is a very nice Country, I have a spanish ancestor several generations ago, I can speak and read spanish (a little) and I have been working there during a couple of years. I disagree on your interpretation of the Basque issue: it is in fact very parallel to the Southern unrest. Basques have their own language which is classified as "turco Altaic", same group than Turkish, Finnish, and Korean, Japanese (derivative of Korean) languages. So, People very different from most of Spanish (latin language), and maybe you do not know, but Basques are also living in the area of Bayonne, Biarritz in France, the Basques are present on both sides of the Border. Similar situation than Malays in Southern Thailand.

More the unrest has started when the Basque Parliament has lost some prerogatives in a Centralisation attempt by Madrid Government. (Still a similarity with Southern unrest). In France, because there has been a policy of assimilation, the unrest is limited to a very small group.

That is the reason why France and Spain has common issues with the Basques. But the effect on tourism and industry are limited. Because the Eastern (Barcelona to Malaga) coastline and Southwest coast (Sevilla to Gilbraltar) are the main spanish touristic areas.

Basque area is not so developped.

In any case, the Basque issue is loosing steam progressively. It is much more similar to the Southern unrest than to the red Shirt one.

It's true that certain regimes caused their county's products to be boycotted. However I doubt that this will happen to Thailand.

Of course I woulkd like to see more equality in Thailand.

However, the reds can no longer be treated as demonstrators. This is a rebellion.

What happens when there is a rebellion? The government must crush it quickly and completely with overwhelming force. If not you have anarchy. There have been more thyan enough warnings. Now is the time for tanks.



HMMMM funny how we have only seen DEAD CIVILIANS then if they were taking out all those you mention

Misnomer. The ones mentioned are called DEAD TERRORISTS!

No the two (spotter and shooter) from about 53 onwards.. Those are snipers / sharp shooters.

does it matter?

would it be preferable to have untrained conscripts firing blindly from behind sandbags?

or better to have trained 'snipers' shooting single shots at people throwing petrol bombs?

Errrr they have both of what you describe just check out CNN BBC lots of conscripts hiding behind sandbags firing

The murder you are watching is that of Thailand and you are a total fool to think 'elections' will solve it.

So you think the junta should have power until Thaksin dies of old age? - or until the red homelands are smart enough to vote for the correct party?

Elections are the best way yet... every 4 years 'they' get a chance to be booted out of power.

But 'operation save face' must continue. the 'seige' has lasted a whole 2 days now. Enough patience... get shootin'.. yeeehaaww! Waco style!

Thaksin won't die of old age..........

You are truly a fortune teller. I hope it is sooner than later.

This used to be a good information site with good views and posts... Now all I mostly see is crap posts and /.../.

then stay off the forum you stupid &lt;deleted&gt;. :)

Your the &lt;deleted&gt; &lt;deleted&gt;

The average quality level just plummeted.

I agree but most hurt or dead are attacking troops with armed militia amongst them. it's very easy not to get hurt. Leave the area and don't visit the areas and provoke the troops. This is all happening because they refused to stop holding a city hostage, provoking every day and have done for more than 2 months.

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


One can also go to http://www.freeforums.org/contact.php and write a complaint. Their legal section clearly states that their forums are not to be used for these type of things. While I support the freedom of speech, I do not support terroristic activities which this site is spewing.

i have done both, i urge others to do the same.



On Tele now that hospitals are asking for blood to be donated as they are running out.

Didnt I see lots of good blood being chucked around not so long ago? Who would do such a wasteful thing?

Shouldn't be a problem Robby.......

The other 60 million people in Thailand can pop in and donate.....

But will they????

Does anybody know what the military casualties are for the last 3 days? from what I can gleam it appears to be one injured soldier, I could be wrong and if I am I'm sure someone will let me know.

Anybody, I thought this site was full of experts.

I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

The only way is to hold elections ASAP

Mr. T which country are you in now?

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

where were his parents?

wow I congratulate you too ... 100% brainwashed

It was animatic that suggested the child was killed because he refused to leave the area.


HMMMM funny how we have only seen DEAD CIVILIANS then if they were taking out all those you mention

Misnomer. The ones mentioned are called DEAD TERRORISTS!

terrorists only become civilians once the weapons they were firing at troops are taken away by another member of the mob. You seem to forget these people were not out shopping or taking the kids to the park. They were confronting armed troops during a state of emergency in a zone declared off limits. Blame their deaths on their arrogance and stupidity.


Would you say to him face to face that he is an idiot or are just anotheranonymous hiding behind his keyboard seeding hate?

I would tell him to his face that to wear a color that could be confusing to low-ranked soldiers was probably not the smartest choice to wear in that situation. Why, do you think he didn't make a mistake to wear a black shirt among the 'protestors'?


Are you assuming that the security forces who restore peace and nomalcy are on the same level stupid and idiodic as some warmonger falang at TVF and think black shirt=terrorist?

CRES said they shot only at terrorist in self defence and to protect others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury by armed terrorists.

But actually they are not doing this, they shot just randomly at people doesn't matter if they sport a deadly weapon or not. I guess the T-shirt color of the target don't play a big role in such moments. What would they do if the terrorist disguise themself in neon pink and lime green Hawaiian shirts? These days you cannot trust these pesky terrorist that they will wear only black better is to shot at anybody.

Another t-shirt color would had not protect the journalist nor prevent his wounds.

Whatever, dude. I'm just sayin' that those soldiers are young, this is probably the first time they have fired their weapons at humans, they know the red-shirt guard wear black to distinguish themselves, and in all the excitement and confusion they are likely to be not so choosy about their targets. This in not a video game; those soldiers' lives are at risk and when your anus is puckered, your trigger finger gets twitchy. Some of these reporters don't have enough sense to get out of the rain. Not everyone is as smart as you. The reporter made a dumb mistake, get over it.

Quite true the Reds have created an illegal militia and are using it to try and bring down the government.

This is of course unacceptable. And the level of force they have is beyond the powers of police to control.

That the PTP opposition party is check and jowl with the red leaders, and sharing stages while the most

virulent lies being told. This shows they are utterly compromised and incapable of legitimate governance.

They have shot off both feet up to the knees.

18+ months ago...

Quite true the Yellows have created an illegal militia and are using it to try and bring down the government.

This is of course unacceptable. And the level of force they have is beyond the powers of police to control.

That the Democrat opposition party is check and jowl with the yellow leaders, and sharing stages while the most

virulent lies being told. This shows they are utterly compromised and incapable of legitimate governance.

They have shot off both feet up to the knees.

Just to be clear, how many black shirted gun wielding grenade launching militia mingled within PAD rallies?

How many kidnappings of hospital workers and invasion of hospitals did PAD do?

How many machine gun or arson attacks did PAD commit against red shirt meeting places nationwide?

How many molotov cocktails did the yellows take to their rallies?

You may try to wave the double standards flag all you like, and though I have some distaste with and disagreed at the time with some PAD tactics the reds have been overwhelmingly worse on all fronts.

Does anybody know what the military casualties are for the last 3 days? from what I can gleam it appears to be one injured soldier, I could be wrong and if I am I'm sure someone will let me know.

Anybody, I thought this site was full of experts.

It would just show how one sided this is 1 you think hmm


Some of you people make me sick! :) Ordinary people are dying from the work of snipers, not terrorists. And who would be the employer of snipers????

I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

The only way is to hold elections ASAP

and when they loose?

Or Win

The its the yellow shirts time to take over Bangkok again and the aiport but of course they wont be prosecuted withing 24 hours and jailed like the reds

Complete double standard and exactly part of the problem

or loose and reds out on the streets as they are now. so surely working out a set of rules every one can play by would be a good idea, but reds not accept to talk like civilised democratic people, so crushing is last solution, shame they are so creul to keep children as shields, wonder if they'll accept to let them go as gov new plan to evacuate, i doubt it, probably order them not to and then say their own will and cry about stone heart gov when one gets killed, sickening

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

where were his parents?

wow I congratulate you too ... 100% brainwashed

It was animatic that suggested the child was killed because he refused to leave the area.

I'm not an apologist for animatic... but I think he forgot the prof read his post. It's doesn't sound like the sort of thing he would say.

The murder you are watching is that of Thailand and you are a total fool to think 'elections' will solve it.

So you think the junta should have power until Thaksin dies of old age? - or until the red homelands are smart enough to vote for the correct party?

Elections are the best way yet... every 4 years 'they' get a chance to be booted out of power.

The current govt is a junta, who jackbooted their way into power... and are now trying to find an excuse to stay in charge.

But 'operation save face' must continue. the 'seige' has lasted a whole 2 days now. Enough patience... get shootin'.. yeeehaaww! Waco style!

The elections can't be held whilst this crap continues and the Reds have blown any chance of credibility to rule! Junta? Thaksin who? Waco ? Not here... And this Govt 'jackbooted' its way into power? oh boy - another one ... I suppose you believe in God, Santa Clause and the tooth fairy? :)

here is a report from a spot where unarmed red shirts were shot repeatedly...by Thai soldiers. If it is true that there is only shooting by the military in self defense, then why were these guys shot up? rivetting stuff:


They look like innocent civilian just passing by, don't they?

A tongue in cheek joke I suppose. They where neither unarmed nor passersby. Infact, they are the typical wall-building grunts that enable this mess and the actions of more heavy armed insurgents to act out against the army.

I understand why they get shot at.

They are insurgents holding a strategic location i.e. the Shell petrol station.

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