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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

this guy's way off his rocker and outta touch. not to mention all of his spew had about .5% to do with Thailand, or any understanding that this is not Europe or India. Things run differently Thai style, thats for sure!

Actually, people aren't being killed by the dozens, and its amazing considering their ludicrous behavior. That the casulaty rate is not swelled to the hundreds is a surprise. anywhere else, it would be much worse, IF you wanna make COMPARISONS

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555 × É you that to my channel youtube, I did not, but I Phone, you can now, I was ตจว. We are gathered together ครับ. Ground breaking plan being fully used then. Out when convenient and with the thought that I will contact you. Taken to the most careful I ครับ. This is the most dangerous. They Srivijaya warriors. That network Amat.

Please explain?

Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

Peaceful, unarmed protesters shouldn't have ANY weapons.

Just because it's a weapon that won't kill you instantly, doesn't mean that it isn't a weapon.

If it was just a peaceful, unarmed protest, then there wouldn't need to be soldiers with guns.


7-eleven at Yenakard Road is closed now. And i have one more guest, refugee from the other site of Praram 4 who cannot go home.


Compare and Contrast.

The UK has an election and a long time government is removed.

The New PM quickly forms a government and the old PM quietly and politely steps down.

All happens in one month.

Thailand has an election and the reds win.


Party is disbanded by a puppet court.

New election.

Reds win again.

Court removes the PM for doing a cooking show on TV.

Now after 18 or 19 coups, Thailand says it is shocked by people being upset.

Why on earth would anyone here be surprised?


To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

All of your posts are absolutely ridiculously biased....

I really can not read your crap anymore.....

But please keep on posting........We are in a democracy

And all the tyres start to burn by themself? If I am inocent I would not stay with violent people in a peaceful demonstration. I also would not cut of parts of a city for weeks and hurt business there. An I would not bring my children to any demonstration. If you are still there you show that you agree with what is going on.

First you miss my point. If there are highly trained possibly ex-army terrorists they will be waiting in the encampment where they will have positional advantage and the soldiers will be hampered by women and children. The tyres are not set alight by innocent people but they are little more than yobs - who are very stupid to venture out of the encampment simply to bait the soldiers. There are innocent people there who believe in a 'cause', some maybe happy to be martyrs and they have their children there because if he/she was shot or harmed by a soldier then it would be unacceptable, they have their children to show it is a peaceful demonstration. (Look they havent even taken out LV and Prada they are hardly radical commies). But they are mostly poor northerners who really are quite pleased that the rich are inconvenienced by not being allowed into Gaysorn Plaza. They are sleeping on the streets. Take a look at some of the photos of this crowd - and you can see they are innocent demonstrators. But actually disrupting Bangkok business is part of their cause because they think the money stays in Bangkok and doesnt go up North.

Now you make the point that if you were an innocent demonstrator you would not hang around with trained terrorists intent on causing mayhem but I dont believe even the Government really knows if there are such people there and certainly the crowd does not believe that there are trained terrorists there intent on causing mayhem that may well end up with innocent demonstrators getting shot.


It is not a great photo but dont these look like peaceful demonstrators to you.

Send in 5000 unarmed troops to clear 3500 demonstrators, 90% of which will go quietly if not provoked. It would make the army look heroic, it would make Abhisit look heroic. And if they shoot 3 or 4 unarmed military personnel, then the military can retreat, many of those demonstrators would disband and then the military can come in, in full force. I do not believe those are the type of people who would like to see military who publicly declared they were coming in unarmed shot.


Curfew, no curfew. Ok one more face about. Does this government ever think before announcing an action. I guess they never heard of the expression think twice and act once

Anybody notices the change of tone since he can't hide under the skirts any longer? My goodness, these girls and grannies must have controlled you K Nathawut. :)
Natthawut has called for a ceasefire, saying they are ready to reconcile:INN

half a minute ago via TweetDeck

RT @TAN_Network: Checkpoints setup on Sukhumvit road (Soi Udomsuk) to prevent more red shirts from Paknam coming into the area of clashes

5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

He can stop this by telling his thugs to pull back and stop burning tyres.

He can stop this by telling everyone to go home.

Curfew, no curfew. Ok one more face about. Does this government ever think before announcing an action. I guess they never heard of the expression think twice and act once

Maybe they went to the same school as 'Backflip Kevin Rudd' :)

To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

All of your posts are absolutely ridiculously biased....

I really can not read your crap anymore.....

But please keep on posting........We are in a democracy

Why is it you allow the rightwing to insult like this Thaivisa?

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

Yes and everytime you reply, others read his good post.


Yep up to the 3rd line.....then it doesn't apply...... :D

Curfew, no curfew. Ok one more face about. Does this government ever think before announcing an action. I guess they never heard of the expression think twice and act once

welcome to Thailand, we learn alot about these 'way of working' in last couple of weeks :)

no surprise anymore !

Compare and Contrast.

The UK has an election and a long time government is removed.

The New PM quickly forms a government and the old PM quietly and politely steps down.

All happens in one month.

Thailand has an election and the reds win.


Party is disbanded by a puppet court.

New election.

Reds win again.

Court removes the PM for doing a cooking show on TV.

Now after 18 or 19 coups, Thailand says it is shocked by people being upset.

Why on earth would anyone here be surprised?


I am not surprised, but their tactics are all wrong


All of your posts are absolutely ridiculously biased....

I really can not read your crap anymore.....

But please keep on posting........We are in a democracy

Why is it you allow the rightwing to insult like this Thaivisa?

The answer is in my post

the red leaders need to be going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Methinks a firing squad is more of a likelihood after a short gaol term.

Play the big game the stakes are high.

How many remember, not long ago, All the Red leaders promised they would turn themselves in to authorities on May 15. How many were good on their word? ZERO. Not even Weera who is AWOL. I knew they were lying at the time (they even repeated it subsequent times), and I said so. We add that to the looooooong list of lies which have eminated from Red lips.

Let me enlighten you about these "toy grade" slingshots the reds are using. Here in Isaan these are the weapon of choice when hunting birds. The first time I saw one of these used I was shocked and amazed. These guys can knock a bird out of the top of a tree at 30 meters. When it hits the ground it is dead. They are lethal. The children all have them at an early age. By the time they are adults they don't miss their target.

The reds are using glass marbles as reported on the evening news. Consider being hit in the head or anywhere else with a glass marble traveling at over 120 kph.

Here's another story, happened recently. I was standing around an empty wading pool, 1.5 meters deep. I pointed out a small snake in a pool of water. My Akha friend, my age (50's), was standing no closer than 6 meters from the snake. He took out a simple slingshot from his pocket and in a half second, blasted the snake's head off.

Incidentally, I mention my Akha friend also because he was born and lived his entire life in Thailand, but was never allowed to get an ID card. He can't even go to the nearby local town, because any cop could pull him over, demand to see ID, and fine him 2,000 to 4,000 baht on the spot (no receipt), under threat of going directly to jail.

He's never had a pair of shoes or a new shirt. That's the sort of person who's really disadvantaged in Thailand, but the Reds and elites don't give a hoot about his kind, they're too busy trying to feather their own nests.

The Reds have motorbikes, TV's, relatively free education, paved roads, electricity and the option to better their lives via ingenuity and hard work. That's a whoooooole heck of a lot more than many people have - living in really backward parts of the globe. If Reds want a better shake in life, then they can find good candidates, campaign (or not) and try getting them elected. If their person doesn't get elected, then they can grudgingly accept the outcome, and perhaps work for a result more to their liking next time around. That's democracy, but it's polar opposite of what any Reds are advocating.

Compare and Contrast.

The UK has an election and a long time government is removed.

The New PM quickly forms a government and the old PM quietly and politely steps down.

All happens in one month.

All that happened once the Labour government had served its term. Were there mobs on the streets in the UK creating mayhem 2 years ago demanding immediate elections? No. People waited for elections. Democracy at work.

Thailand has an election and the reds win.


Party is disbanded by a puppet court.

New election.

Reds win again.

Court removes the PM for doing a cooking show on TV.

You can't even get your mistruths in the right chronological order.

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

Yes and everytime you reply, others read his good post.


Or see how ridiculous it is? Anyone living here for any length of time can spot guys like this and know what they are about mr two-face farang slams other farang for hitting the girlie bars while exiting out the back door of the katoey bar - pun intended!


While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

I tend to be politically left. I dreaded all the abuses by Ronald Reagan (who yes was an idiot) and Maggie Thatcher (who while being terror was not an idiot by any means), I do not laugh when people get killed, I sure as heck wasn't happy when the Kent State students or students anywhere get killed. If Rush Limbaugh were here, I would be the first to turn off his diatribe. But I highly applaud the effort to get the blatantly obvious Thaksin movement off the street. If you think the Red Shirts are comparable to Gandhi's India, I suggest you get out a few history books (and while you are at it, read up on Thaksin's censorship of the press, massacre in Tak Bai, payment and control of puu yai baans, and War on Drugs amongst other "democratic" and helping the meek policies. You are right, the opinion of farangs in Thailand aren't worth beans, especially ones spouting false stereotypes and generalizations as these. And by the way, if Adolph were around today, I dont think we'd be hanging out with the girls drinking cold ones.


Things look good for democracy in Thailand with the Reds educating the public and Abhisit motivating them. This alliance between the Reds and Abhisit is bound to speed up the birthing of a democratic movement to replace the aging old guard.

Curfew, no curfew. Ok one more face about. Does this government ever think before announcing an action. I guess they never heard of the expression think twice and act once

Maybe they went to the same school as 'Backflip Kevin Rudd' :)

I thought of an Aus example of the situation here since the coup.

There is an election.

Libs and Nationals form a coalition government.

Later Nationals decide to drop the Libs and form a new government with Labor.

All the Liberal voters come out to protest.

OK. Not likely to happen, but can you imagine an armed uprising in Aus if this was to occur?

Compare and Contrast.

The UK has an election and a long time government is removed.

The New PM quickly forms a government and the old PM quietly and politely steps down.

All happens in one month.

All that happened once the labour government had served its term. Were there mobs on the streets in the UK creating mayhem 2 years ago demanding immediate elections? No. People waited for elections. Democracy at work.

Thailand has an election and the reds win.


Party is disbanded by a puppet court.

New election.

Reds win again.

Court removes the PM for doing a cooking show on TV.

You can't even get your mistruths in the right chronological order.

court removes PM for taking money to do cooking show and for having a nose like a pig and head bigger than a watermelon :)

the red leaders need to be going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Methinks a firing squad is more of a likelihood after a short gaol term.

Play the big game the stakes are high.

How many remember, not long ago, All the Red leaders promised they would turn themselves in to authorities on May 15. How many were good on their word? ZERO. Not even Weera who is AWOL. I knew they were lying at the time (they even repeated it subsequent times), and I said so. We add that to the looooooong list of lies which have eminated from Red lips.

Let me enlighten you about these "toy grade" slingshots the reds are using. Here in Isaan these are the weapon of choice when hunting birds. The first time I saw one of these used I was shocked and amazed. These guys can knock a bird out of the top of a tree at 30 meters. When it hits the ground it is dead. They are lethal. The children all have them at an early age. By the time they are adults they don't miss their target.

The reds are using glass marbles as reported on the evening news. Consider being hit in the head or anywhere else with a glass marble traveling at over 120 kph.

Here's another story, happened recently. I was standing around an empty wading pool, 1.5 meters deep. I pointed out a small snake in a pool of water. My Akha friend, my age (50's), was standing no closer than 6 meters from the snake. He took out a simple slingshot from his pocket and in a half second, blasted the snake's head off.

Incidentally, I mention my Akha friend also because he was born and lived his entire life in Thailand, but was never allowed to get an ID card. He can't even go to the nearby local town, because any cop could pull him over, demand to see ID, and fine him 2,000 to 4,000 baht on the spot (no receipt), under threat of going directly to jail.

He's never had a pair of shoes or a new shirt. That's the sort of person who's really disadvantaged in Thailand, but the Reds and elites don't give a hoot about his kind, they're too busy trying to feather their own nests.

The Reds have motorbikes, TV's, relatively free education, paved roads, electricity and the option to better their lives via ingenuity and hard work. That's a whoooooole heck of a lot more than many people have - living in really backward parts of the globe. If Reds want a better shake in life, then they can find good candidates, campaign (or not) and try getting them elected. If their person doesn't get elected, then they can grudgingly accept the outcome, and perhaps work for a result more to their liking next time around. That's democracy, but it's polar opposite of what any Reds are advocating.

good one! I second that.

Anybody notices the change of tone since he can't hide under the skirts any longer? My goodness, these girls and grannies must have controlled you K Nathawut. :)
Natthawut has called for a ceasefire, saying they are ready to reconcile:INN

half a minute ago via TweetDeck

RT @TAN_Network: Checkpoints setup on Sukhumvit road (Soi Udomsuk) to prevent more red shirts from Paknam coming into the area of clashes

5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

He can stop this by telling his thugs to pull back and stop burning tyres.

He can stop this by telling everyone to go home.

It's not an offer that the Govt should accept.... they need to see this through. The Reds have nothing left to bargain with and are trying to stall. There is nothing good about killing, but this action by the govt has to be followed through with to prevent a repeat of this actions by the Reds or the Yellows. Thailand has been rocking since the tsunami... It has to prove to the world and to Thai people that it can be stable. This Yellow/Red thing has to end. Someone has to win.


Before posting and laying blame on either side, consider the following from the news updates thread

"Odd that army isn't pushing forward to clear Rama IV". /via @markmackinnon
. Also consider many of the similar posts made, including some from the red supporting faction here (one was talking about soldiers clearing an overbridge, but not securing it). Now listen to what the government have been saying about not cracking down on the red camp, but sealing it off. The evidence is all there. The army is generally holding its position away from the main red camp, the more militant reds are coming out to meet, and attack, them. No red spin can be put on it, the facts are there in black and white. The burnings and lootings, the reason for the clashes, the direct cause of the current violence, can all be laid at the feet of the red shirts in their desire to attack the army. It doesn't take a genius to work out that if a ceasefire was really their aim it could be achieved instantly by not going near the soldiers. Unless they're doing the gene pool a favour by eliminating the idiots who think it's fine to wave sticks, throw molotov cocktails and fire marbles, as well as bullets, at heavily armed nervous soldiers, they must have some ulterior motive for these tactics. The big question is what is it? They turned down the chance for early elections and a face saving way out. Why would they do this if democracy was truly their aim? I can see two possibilities. Firstly, maybe they are waiting for the army to take total control of the country, effectively holding a coup, in the hope they attract more suporters to their cause. Or secondly, the man with multiple nationalities is still convinced deep in his twisted square mind that he will be called back as the saviour of the people and come flying in on a white business jet to sort it all out. In either case, he is investing heavily in this push for power prior to the army reshuffle, and more significant events to come. It's a business proposition for him, pure and simple. Speculate to accumulate, and he doesn't care one bit about the lives he's ending and ruining to achieve his goal.
Or see how ridiculous it is? Anyone living here for any length of time can spot guys like this and know what they are about mr two-face farang slams other farang for hitting the girlie bars while exiting out the back door of the katoey bar - pun intended!

If pun intended wouldn't he then be entering back door of katoey bar?

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