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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


I never talk much her as husband do talk for me

But this picture make me mad mad

today I ashamed to be Thai

If this is Issan man

I glad I find Farang, my husband make me dead if I do this

I am Issan Thai and say

soldier please kill all thai man at protest

I not cry for you, but many tears for baby who born your child

you worst man ever I see

Time all good Thai send message to temples and ask Monks to end your live quick quick

Buddha is peace, you are evil and must be gone

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My confidence index about ceasefire has dropped from 6 (out of 10) an hour ago to 3.

half a minute ago via TweetDeck

veen_NT: Not a good move by the lawyer though, methinks. It gives more weight to CRES announcement by Sathit this morning.

Mon May 17 2010 15:10:10 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

RT @cyberbkk: RT @nationnews: Thaksin's lawyer appears to be tweeting about Thai situations under @robertamsterdam

1 minute ago via TweetDeck

- this one has nothing to do with law but with propaganda. Maybe their last case. I read the interview where it can be clearly seen that this law company doesn't even check facts but resort to propaganda. Shame shame shame on this lawyer group. http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/thaitalk/2010/05/15/entry-1
OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


I never talk much her as husband do talk for me

But this picture make me mad mad

today I ashamed to be Thai

If this is Issan man

I glad I find Farang, my husband make me dead if I do this

I am Issan Thai and say

soldier please kill all thai man at protest

I not cry for you, but many tears for baby who born your child

you worst man ever I see

Time all good Thai send message to temples and ask Monks to end your live quick quick

Buddha is peace, you are evil and must be gone

Well spoken :)

It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

BRAVO!!! But mercenaries not mind about who is the guy. As long as they get paid. And western news agencies like blood over truth, even if some of their "reporters" or should we call them "report distorters" get killed.

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

Why do you only see one side so completely? In CIVILISED countries the protestors protest PEACEFULLY or at least do not use grenades and guns on people. If they did that in a civilised country like the States they military or police would immediately take them out with lethal force. YOU KNOW THIS so stop playing.

in civilised country the police is used not the army .

And the police dont bring M16 with live ammmos , sharpshooters

AA guns and APC .

Of course they do. If the terrorists have machine guns they are not going to send in swat armed with machine guns? You are so completely wrong.

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

The water in the khlongs is lethal. A few years ago a well loved pop singer was involved a car accident and his car went into a khlong. Somehow he got a fungal infection of the brain, which even resisted special medication flown in from abroad. He died after about a year.


There is another way out of this without having to go in with guns blazing....

The rains are starting and the army has cut off access to fresh food and clean water. There are thousands of ppl in a small area. So probably thousands of litres of piss and <deleted> everyday.

With the rains, everything will become contaminated. Add heat and humidity.

This is the tropics, cholera and dysentry should start in afew days......

Not very pleasant but better then the alternative....

Agreed. So they win, you think they will be satisfied with a "free and fair" election? This is a revolutionary insurgency looking to completely topple all existing government structures in Thailand.

oh for heaven sake's Jing, get our from behind your monitor and go get to know the reds and what they want.

and if you would actually get to know some you would learn that they want a fair shake. give them a chance to sit at the table, give them some dignity and they will play the game with everybody else. rob them of that dignity by deposing the one thai political leader, thaksin, whom they felt represented their interests and of course they are furious. fury suppressed long enough turns violent: always, everywhere.

remember it doesnt matter what u or i think of thaksin, it matters what they think of him. thaksin was the first political leader who appeared to care for them. that counts in politics, big time!

a free and fair election will bring peace back to this country IF the violence doesnt first go to far.

where that line is i have no idea now, but i bet u all will know if we get there.

lets not.

We've been here before Earthpig.

The whole point is that NOBODY can tell us what the reds actually want?

What do you mean a fair shake?

Do you mean some backhand cash from a corrupt politician?

Or do you mean some chnages in policy?

What about decentralisation efforts a la Jerry?

Seriously, nobody has been able to explain what the "red movement" really wants

I exclude these c--ts on yaba building bonfires with tyres. All they want is the next hit

Aside from that I repeat that this is Thaksin's war and he is ultimately responsible.

indeed, you do repeat your view. and repeat and repeat....

thaksin absolutely shares responsibility for this. but to suggest that he is the only--or even the most important--player is, in my ever so humble opinion, is an unhelpful oversimplification.

there are a huge number of other factors at play here. some of these factors are due to economic factors that affect all rapidly developing societies, others are unique to thailand and some even to buddhism.

true, any leader responsibile for a tak bai or thousands of extra judicial murders is ultimately going to be hated. good riddance to the man.

but this fact should not obscure the truth, and the truth encompasses far more than thaksin, his many sins and indeed as well, his political genius.

You are right, there are many other forces at work and the situation is far more complex than most would care to investigate or know. However, the crux of a lot of the hatred and polarization is due to the fact that a "democracy"/rising of the oppressed revolution or movement being led by Thaksin just becomes an oxymoron to so many. You cannot have at the head of a democracy movement, a man who has censored the media, had people extra-judicially eliminated, and stood for everything that is completely opposite democracy. And his continuous insistence that it is "us poor serfs vs the elite" is just a tremendous joke, as he himself is the epitome of the hi-so elite that the movement is supposedly wanting to eradicate. If the Reds came out openly with this and embraced a leader who really stood for them, they would have a huge amount of support, but of course, then they wouldn't have any money to finance their movement...

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

Why do you only see one side so completely? In CIVILISED countries the protestors protest PEACEFULLY or at least do not use grenades and guns on people. If they did that in a civilised country like the States they military or police would immediately take them out with lethal force. YOU KNOW THIS so stop playing.

in civilised country the police is used not the army .

And the police dont bring M16 with live ammmos , sharpshooters

AA guns and APC .

first of all, in a civilized country the police force is not a corrupt mafia. second, in civilized countries when a riot, natural disaster gets too out of hand for the police to handle, the national guard, army is brought in. ever seen video / photos of riots in the u.s.? or the aftermath of hurricane katrina. get your facts right first, it helps your credibility- us army in new orleans- notice the weapons


earthpig, I cannot fault your statement, I can only say the situation is too complex for brief discussion, I think everyone is having trouble with that.

you are very right.

also your quoted post from earlier is quite good too.

there's LOTS of things to be said about our beloved adopted country.....

Touch, er, touche as the French say.

Ahbisit is a patient and smart young guy. Lord knows "Dubya" would have called in the National Guard and opened fire on day 3.

i agree with what u say about Abhisit, but not what u say about Dubya.

in fact what bush did in iraq is in part what abhisit failed to do here. bush was smart enough to not only surge, but to start talks with sunni chieftains who heretofore had been slitting american throats in alliance with al qaeda. BUSH GAVE HIS INSURGENT ENEMIES AMNESTY.

and that is one key reason why george bush won in iraq. it is the key reason why for all that society's many ills and faults, lack of democracy today is not one of them.

and why abhisit is, at the moment, failing in thailand. but abhisit may still have time to grant amnesty and bring democracy and peace to the land of tears.

if anmensty could help bring peace to barbarian iraq, surely it will work in civilized thailand.


You mean the guy on the motorcycle is returning that rifle or the guy with the grenade launcher by the van is just holding on to is so it doesn't fall in the 'wrong' hands or when did the RTA ever have AK47 rifles. You think very highly of your powers of persuasion. All you have to do is say something and we will believe you and not our lying eyes./sarcasm

A thai taxi driver returns something that he can get a min of 5000.00 baht for

Yes pull the other leg, it has bells on it

There is another way out of this without having to go in with guns blazing....

The rains are starting and the army has cut off access to fresh food and clean water. There are thousands of ppl in a small area. So probably thousands of litres of piss and <deleted> everyday.

With the rains, everything will become contaminated. Add heat and humidity.

This is the tropics, cholera and dysentry should start in afew days......

Not very pleasant but better then the alternative....

Authorities have not entered the area where the illegal violent red mob has seized billions of dollars in private and public property. They have only been trying to surround the area to cut off supplies. Problem is many in the illegal mob have come out to fight them with weapons while setting fires and destroying more personal and private property. Some have also brought out their kids as human shields.

OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


Life is considered cheap by many people in Thailand

right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that’s about 50-100 posts

That's an awful lot of posting. in 6 years I haven't got that many. Personally, I think that anyone that spends a lot of their time posting on internet forums(i.e 5 a day or more) needs some kind of counseling. Not counting Admin. and Mods.

I wonder how long a lot of you posters have been in Thailand and know the value(or lack of) of life. How many really know the way that Thai politics works. I find it depressing to read all these opinions by people who haven't really a clue about any of it.

There is another way out of this without having to go in with guns blazing....

The rains are starting and the army has cut off access to fresh food and clean water. There are thousands of ppl in a small area. So probably thousands of litres of piss and <deleted> everyday.

With the rains, everything will become contaminated. Add heat and humidity.

This is the tropics, cholera and dysentry should start in afew days......

Not very pleasant but better then the alternative....

Actually it's quite difficult for the Army to completely seal off the area. Most of the troops probably don't know the area. If you live downtown you know there are many ways to get to the same place. They need some local Police help to do that and I just don't think the Police can be trusted to do much of anything.

Oh, Jerry, why do you change the side? May 68 in France I was street-fighter with Daniel Cohn-Bendit (now leader of the Green group in the European Parliament) in Paris. You was mediator (when I believe your posting in another topic) for the other side. There was violence of both sides (old toxic teargas from Vietnam with chlorine, CRS troops got crazy, other police troops needed to calms them down---anarchist groups fought back.). The mediations were successful, you did a good job). But your "mediation" here is the work of an old man who lost the sense for reality.

Too many red supporters are old lefts wishing to recapture their youth.

Blinded by the image of a red banner, they end up embracing Thaksin's rotten fish head.

The role of the CP in '68 as now is as perfidious as ever.

I agree, some of them are like that. It is pitiful. Leftist politics in the west has NOTHING to do with the Thaksinista movement here.

Yes, I was a leftist, we fought against vietnam war, against nuclear plants. I know Joschka Fischer (as student a "revoluzzer", later one of the best Foreign Ministers we had in Germany), a Green, but we had a knowing about what we were fighting for. We stop a nuclear plant with wine-growers, they gave us one of the best wine in Germany, we had the best folk singers, we had scientists from the University of

Freiburg, but no weapons. Our weapons were clear facts. The riot police got jealous, we tried to make them drunken with good wine, good music and informations. The area we occupied was the land of the wine-growers, we protected their land against a nuclear plant.

You see the difference?


Take a look at this photo. Do these people look like criminals to you? Taken today.

I was told that the official line from the military is that it doesnt want to get caught up in some battle with these sort of people around. It could go very badly wrong especially if there are 'real trained' agitators in there. I mean it is possible that they might kill a couple of innocent bystanders to incite the crowd. Or maybe these 'real' terrorists are just thugs. If 50 of that crowd get killed then it will not look good.

No but these do people do


as do these people if we can call them that

can't you see. they just want Democracy

Total M A D N E S S

I'm praying for the baby

These two photos need to forwarded to every news organization in the world that is reporting on this madness here. BBC and CNN first.

Ahbisit is a patient and smart young guy. Lord knows "Dubya" would have called in the National Guard and opened fire on day 3.

i agree with what u say about Abhisit, but not what u say about Dubya.

in fact what bush did in iraq is in part what abhisit failed to do here. bush was smart enough to not only surge, but to start talks with sunni chieftains who heretofore had been slitting american throats in alliance with al qaeda. BUSH GAVE HIS INSURGENT ENEMIES AMNESTY.

and that is one key reason why george bush won in iraq. it is the key reason why for all that society's many ills and faults, lack of democracy today is not one of them.

and why abhisit is, at the moment, failing in thailand. but abhisit may still have time to grant amnesty and bring democracy and peace to the land of tears.

if anmensty could help bring peace to barbarian iraq, surely it will work in civilized thailand.

LMAO ... there is a reason we should stay on topic here and not bring Bush or a war that took longer than a WW to win (?) even though the army ran away in the first days of battle and the country being invaded had little in the way of weapons nor any airforce or navy let alone large troops to fight. There are enough morons to talk about here involved with this struggle to bring in "W" who is seen as an incredibly dangerous idiot by most of the world.


Protesters Defy CRES Order to Leave Ratchaprasong by 3 P.M.

Red-shirt protesters at Ratchaprasong have ignored the Center for the Resolution for Emergency Situation (CRES) for them to leave the protest site by 3 P.M.

The protesters are reportedly singing and dancing.

Reports have also indicated that a curfew may be announced tonight to pave the way for a crackdown on the protesters tomorrow.

End of quote

How many times have we read that kind of sentence.......Just a pure guess, without anything to back it up.....

The "breaking news" are more and more unreliable, let alone those tweeter things.

right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that’s about 50-100 posts

That's an awful lot of posting. in 6 years I haven't got that many. Personally, I think that anyone that spends a lot of their time posting on internet forums(i.e 5 a day or more) needs some kind of counseling. Not counting Admin. and Mods.

I wonder how long a lot of you posters have been in Thailand and know the value(or lack of) of life. How many really know the way that Thai politics works. I find it depressing to read all these opinions by people who haven't really a clue about any of it.

I'm home today... I can't go to work.... it's raining outside... my help comes in a tall brown bottle... :):D :D

Cheers, Hummy

The women and children have every oppotunity to get out of the trouble that the armed factions are causing.

They fact that many of them are staying basically means that they support what the armed factions are doing.

If they support them, then they need to live (or unfortunately, possibly die) with the consequences.

I'm assuming your second and third statement do not include the "children" in your first statement. Otherwise, it's a totally irresponsible post. :)

The children staying falls into the hands of the completely irresponsible parents.

Hopefully the army avoids any women and especially children if they have to go in to defeat the armed thugs.

People from Burma call it Burma.

There are Burmese people, no Myanmarians, nor Myanmarites.

Only the government calls it Myanmar.

The people only use that word when they

are talking with soldiers or government personnel,

and don't want to get in trouble.

Thanks for that ... always wondered when I hear the different names and see it shown differently on a map. I had just did a google search too and this might also help understand if correct:

The name "Burma" is derived from the Burmese word "Bamar" (), which in turn is the colloquial form of Myanmar () (or Mranma in old Burmese), both of which historically referred to the majority Burmans (or the Bamar). Depending on the register used the pronunciation would be "Bama" or "Myanmah". The name "Burma" has been in use in English since the time of British colonial rule.

English is an evolving language. Avoid being pedantic. If you need absolute correctness use Latin or Ancient Greek. I'll collect a wager from you if 'youse' ain't the plural of 'you' in 100 years. Payable in real terms.

Onya mate. :):D (Mc Lovin' the smileys)

For absolutely correcteness Pali is better than Latin. It's the same language family. Pali is the language of the Buddha.

Thank you for your correction concerning "absolutely correcteness" lungmi. Here I come aagain Googleness. Now I'm being pedantic.

* previous note to self repeated -Grow up Andrew!

right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that's about 50-100 posts

That's an awful lot of posting. in 6 years I haven't got that many. Personally, I think that anyone that spends a lot of their time posting on internet forums(i.e 5 a day or more) needs some kind of counseling. Not counting Admin. and Mods.

I wonder how long a lot of you posters have been in Thailand and know the value(or lack of) of life. How many really know the way that Thai politics works. I find it depressing to read all these opinions by people who haven't really a clue about any of it.

The Thai's have a fascination with violence and death, there is a magazine that publishes nothing else but pictures of accident and murder victims which is a best seller since ages. The murder rate in Thailand compared to population is higher than the USA. Business conflicts are resolved by hiring hit-men on motorcycles to kill the opposition. Rape and assaults are rampant. According to statistics there are up-country areas in Thailand where every second pickup has a gun stashed under the seat ..... the land of smiles - those fathers placing their children on the rubber barriers show clearly how they respect the life of even their own children.

Welcome to the wild east

I think you will find that there are a lot of opportunists out there in places like Din Daeng and Bon Kai. Typically, people who tend to be anti-establishment, want a bit of excitement and can physically vent their hate of authority will be out there. Mostly late teens early twenties. If you look at the faces of the people in all the clips floating around the vast majority appear to be in that age group. I would also guess that the vast majority of those fighting in the said two places are not from the provinces either.

This is not what i observed in Bon Kai yesterday. i witnessed plenty of people of all ages and both sexes.

look at the videos i posted. look at the bbc video of the guy shot in the leg. lots of middle aged people.

from their point of view, they are defending their homes. they see their neighbors bleeding in the street. they are terrorized to get food for fear of snipers. this is not a function of age or some journalist's need for cheap thrills. these are real people of all ages who are rising up in anger against what they--not i--consider injustice.

if you want to understand these people, you've just got to open your eyes, ears, and minds.

and plse dont let your computer be your only window on the world around you.

Oh, Jerry, why do you change the side? May 68 in France I was street-fighter with Daniel Cohn-Bendit (now leader of the Green group in the European Parliament) in Paris. You was mediator (when I believe your posting in another topic) for the other side. There was violence of both sides (old toxic teargas from Vietnam with chlorine, CRS troops got crazy, other police troops needed to calms them down---anarchist groups fought back.). The mediations were successful, you did a good job). But your "mediation" here is the work of an old man who lost the sense for reality.

Too many red supporters are old lefts wishing to recapture their youth.

Blinded by the image of a red banner, they end up embracing Thaksin's rotten fish head.

The role of the CP in '68 as now is as perfidious as ever.

I agree, some of them are like that. It is pitiful. Leftist politics in the west has NOTHING to do with the Thaksinista movement here.

Yes, I was a leftist, we fought against vietnam war, against nuclear plants. I know Joschka Fischer (as student a "revoluzzer", later one of the best Foreign Ministers we had in Germany), a Green, but we had a knowing about what we were fighting for. We stop a nuclear plant with wine-growers, they gave us one of the best wine in Germany, we had the best folk singers, we had scientists from the University of

Freiburg, but no weapons. Our weapons were clear facts. The riot police got jealous, we tried to make them drunken with good wine, good music and informations. The area we occupied was the land of the wine-growers, we protected their land against a nuclear plant.

You see the difference?

right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that’s about 50-100 posts

That's an awful lot of posting. in 6 years I haven't got that many. Personally, I think that anyone that spends a lot of their time posting on internet forums(i.e 5 a day or more) needs some kind of counseling. Not counting Admin. and Mods.

I wonder how long a lot of you posters have been in Thailand and know the value(or lack of) of life. How many really know the way that Thai politics works. I find it depressing to read all these opinions by people who haven't really a clue about any of it.

I'm home today... I can't go to work.... it's raining outside... my help comes in a tall brown bottle... :):D :D

Cheers, Hummy

:D Sounds like a good idea - forget the whole thing - strange how foreigner seem to get more upset about it than the locals.

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