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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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Din Daeng: Petrol truck bomb next to PPT petrol station....Reds firing rockets at it. Channel 3 ... live u can get it in English!

Why is PPT bringing petrol trucks into the city?

why are reds firing rockets at it? You****

You're talking to a brick wall dude. Some of these red posters are fundamentalists.

It doesn't matter what you ask of them, what picture you show of protesters with weapons or holding up babies to get shot - their mental block kicks in. Either empty excuses follows or just silence.

I was simply asking why PPT is bringing petrol trucks into the city, no need to get all nasty, okay? I didn't say anywhere that I support anyone shooting at the petrol truck. I suggest you calm down and take a deep breath or you might soon start seeing white mice where there are none :)

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Why oh why are they burning those stinking tires? Another petrol trunk bomb in the din daeng area next to the ppt petrol station.
The simple answer is: they're instructed and paid to cause as much mayhem as possible. Doing a rather good job of it, if you ask me.

I do agree that there are some protesters who are trying to incite violence. But we know there are 3500-5000 at their encampment, at least half of which are peaceful protesters I will guess another 1,000 thugs causing mayhem. I guess many of those are being paid to do it.

Now the Thai armed forces employees over 300,000 all of whom are being paid and most of whom are professionally trained. So to me the question is why this is not under control.

Din Daeng: Petrol truck bomb next to PPT petrol station....Reds firing rockets at it. Channel 3 ... live u can get it in English!

Why is PPT bringing petrol trucks into the city?

why are reds firing rockets at it? You****

Is only small bang if this go up.

Relatives of wife in Rayong say Sataheep evacuating. Rumour is that petrol plant going up when army in bangkok move to reds. monitoring thai tv now.

Holy **** !

I was simply asking why PPT is bringing petrol trucks into the city, no need to get all nasty, okay? I didn't say anywhere that I support anyone shooting at the petrol truck. I suggest you calm down and take a deep breath or you might soon start seeing white mice where there are none :)

Please quote the part of my comment where I sounded to you like I wasn't calm.

I suggest you calm down and take a deep breath or you might soon start seeing white mice where there are none :)

...or you might start seeing a white kitty with a red cap. Sorry, just had to add that.

Din Daeng: Petrol truck bomb next to PPT petrol station....Reds firing rockets at it. Channel 3 ... live u can get it in English!

Why is PPT bringing petrol trucks into the city?

why are reds firing rockets at it? You****

Is only small bang if this go up.

Relatives of wife in Rayong say Sataheep evacuating. Rumour is that petrol plant going up when army in bangkok move to reds. monitoring thai tv now.

I wondered when this was going to been the next target.

There are loads of labourers doing nothing down here at the moment coz the development has stopped because of the law. Irrespective of the fact that loads of the workers are probably pro-red anyway.

Despite the prosperity, there is quite a strong red feeling down there. Anyone think to tell anyone that this might happen and hope that the "police" can toggle together some kind of coordinated effort.

Din Daeng: Petrol truck bomb next to PPT petrol station....Reds firing rockets at it. Channel 3 ... live u can get it in English!

Why is PPT bringing petrol trucks into the city?

why are reds firing rockets at it? You****

Is only small bang if this go up.

Relatives of wife in Rayong say Sataheep evacuating. Rumour is that petrol plant going up when army in bangkok move to reds. monitoring thai tv now.

Could you give us the source please? Or was it a kind of "a friend of a relative heard it from his father down at the rice mill"

Why oh why are they burning those stinking tires? Another petrol trunk bomb in the din daeng area next to the ppt petrol station.
The simple answer is: they're instructed and paid to cause as much mayhem as possible. Doing a rather good job of it, if you ask me.

I do agree that there are some protesters who are trying to incite violence. But we know there are 3500-5000 at their encampment, at least half of which are peaceful protesters I will guess another 1,000 thugs causing mayhem. I guess many of those are being paid to do it.

Now the Thai armed forces employees over 300,000 all of whom are being paid and most of whom are professionally trained. So to me the question is why this is not under control.

Simple enough to answer... they don't want to kill a lot of people. Now u may point at the current figure and say, that's a lot... truth it could be hundreds... it may well be that thanks to the Red leadership. The Govt isn't going to back down on this.

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do

Why do you only see one side so completely? In CIVILISED countries the protestors protest PEACEFULLY or at least do not use grenades and guns on people. If they did that in a civilised country like the States they military or police would immediately take them out with lethal force. YOU KNOW THIS so stop playing.

in civilised country the police is used not the army .

And the police dont bring M16 with live ammmos , sharpshooters

AA guns and APC .

Of course they do. If the terrorists have machine guns they are not going to send in swat armed with machine guns? You are so completely wrong.

First they are not terrorists

Second they dont have machine guns .

Third if they had machine guns you would see tens of soldiers killed

Please dont alter the truth . Thank you

PS : Or if they have machine guns they dont use them , which comes to the same

as not having them

From UN definition of terrorism

"In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". "

By this definition the Issan Army occupying central Bangkok are terrorists.



Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.

Don't you just love your friendly Red Shirts ?

One poster pornsasi quotes.

'' Bullets army = Bad.''

''Arson and explosives Red Shirts = Good''

QUOTE (pornsasi @ 2010-05-17 16:52:53)

First they are not terrorists

Second they dont have machine guns .

Third if they had machine guns you would see tens of soldiers killed

Please dont alter the truth . Thank you

PS : Or if they have machine guns they dont use them , which comes to the same

as not having them

Red Shirt Brigade supporters where is your support now, can you will you justify such moves by your heroes ?

no need to get all nasty, okay? I didn't say anywhere that I support anyone shooting at the petrol truck. I suggest you calm down and take a deep breath or you might soon start seeing white mice where there are none :)

its not just little white mice, they're seeing, lil.

its big fat black rats coming to eat alive these apologists for violence.

their consciences are starting to speak to them, and they're getting very testy indeed.


Might I suggest some people to stop the words war. Just because some people support the innocent women and children protesting for what they believe is right, doesn't mean that they also support the mafia groups running around creating violence.

I was simply asking why PPT is bringing petrol trucks into the city, no need to get all nasty, okay? I didn't say anywhere that I support anyone shooting at the petrol truck. I suggest you calm down and take a deep breath or you might soon start seeing white mice where there are none :)

Those with slightly longer memories than a kitty cat will remember the reds trying to set fire to an oil tanker in Songkran 2009 in Bangkok.

The reds have form.


I believe ... if the tanker is closer to empty then you can get a very big explosion. It is the fumes that explode more so than the liquid. So the more fumes you have in that tank as opposed to liquid ... the bigger the boom. Same thing when you see a big fireball if you throw a match on something you poured gas on earlier. However, if you throw the match quickly after pouring you mostly just get a fire burning on whatever you poured the gas onto.

Watching channel 3 now. It seems a petrol tanker has been hijacked at Bon kai.

Could get nasty.

Someone tell them that you need to shoot at it from real close for better effect.

Watching channel 3 now. It seems a petrol tanker has been hijacked at Bon kai.

Could get nasty.

Someone advise them that for maximum result, you need to shoot at it from real close,...

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

Because this is what happens when uncivilized people get control of the water cannons:



Reds Attempt to Blow up Gas Tanker

Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-17

These are peaceful protestors wanting the UN to come in to negotiate a ceasefire. :)

Could you give us the source please? Or was it a kind of "a friend of a relative heard it from his father down at the rice mill"

I wouldn't worry, I am sure they have their contingency plan in order. Oh, I forgot, I am in Thailand.

All of these places should have had increased security for a long time and the security in them is absolutely shocking. I drove around Mapthaput estate the other day late in the evening. There is NO security to be seen anywhere, other than sleeping in the entrances to the various plants.

The mayhem that could be caused would be astonishing.

But of course, hope for the best and plan for the worst, has never been a very strong trait.

The yaams with their truncheons will sort it out if they can look up from the TV and their bowl of somtaam.

Watching channel 3 now. It seems a petrol tanker has been hijacked at Bon kai.

Could get nasty.

Someone advise them that for maximum result, you need to shoot at it from real close,...


Bangkok burning, people dying, Thaksin shopping at Louis Vuitton Paris..

Here's a guy with his priorities all lined up.

Thaksin's just shopping for a hand bag to match the colur of his upcoming cell. :)

Channel 3 just now showing a taxi being driven erratically around the middle of an intersection blocked by razor wire (where?) and then appears to crash into an obstruction at the side of the road. Crowd gathers around the driver's side of the taxi with a lot of frantic activity, possibly trying to extricate the driver.

Saw it. That driver was either drunk or got shot earlier and couldn't break anymore.

if he was drunk, typical of reds in charge of the movement at the moment

Reds Attempt to Blow up Gas Tanker

Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-17

These are peaceful protestors wanting the UN to come in to negotiate a ceasefire. :)

I'm waiting for the forum red apologists to tell us that it is a milk-float.

Reds Attempt to Blow up Gas Tanker

Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-17

These are peaceful protestors wanting the UN to come in to negotiate a ceasefire. :)

I don't think the peaceful protesters did that. The mafia groups running around trying to create chaos, yes.

Bangkok burning, people dying, Thaksin shopping at Louis Vuitton Paris..

Here's a guy with his priorities all lined up.

Think he could've been to the Monaco Grand Prix with his daughter and a large contingent of hi-so Thai's affiliated with the red bull family. Anyway, I thought he was banned from EU states?

Now the Thai armed forces employees over 300,000 all of whom are being paid and most of whom are professionally trained. So to me the question is why this is not under control.

good question. maybe some answers:

1) dont look only at the reds in RatchaP. Look at the uprisings going on in poor neighborhoods all over the city.

we're talking tens of thousands of people who are either directly fighting, camping out in RatchaP, or are playing supporting roles in the uprising neighborhoods.

for example, i saw local in bon kai serving as lookouts for snipers, bringing food and other supplies to local fighters, carrying supplies to Red Central, and some were sleeping for in preparation for fighting the night shift. others were looting and handing supplies over to fighters. and that's what i saw. im sure lots of other things going on.

2) then there new Reds coming in from outside BKK who cannot enter ratchaP but are making life difficult in many other parts of BKK.

3) then there is the army having to keep plenty of reserves because they dont know where the next strike will be, or if one of their units may get cut off.

4) the army is fractured. maybe not all units are reliable and commanders are worried to deploy them? maybe some army units need to be kept on reserve as well in case of trouble with the police.


Ever wonder where the Red-supporting posters on Thai Visa come from (and go to)?

They seem to come in groups, about 3 to 6 join within 2 days of each other, and they post frantically - each post stridently pro-Red, and the posters all use much the same phrasing and arguments, sometimes openly agreeing with each other. Then, after a few days, they seem to disappear. This pattern has happened about 5 times since mid-April.

Here's my theory. Ok, imagine a very rich man who's essentially bankrolling a demonstration in Bangkok (ok, you guessed who it is). He's seized by the idea that he's been cheated out of his power seat, but even more important (to him) that he's been cheated out of bazillions of baht. The power seat facilitated the massing of fortunes, but that's beside the point here.

So, he's got all this money and zeal, and he finds one or more English speakers who don't mind sitting in front of computers for several hours a day. Money for payment is no object. One adept writer could plausibly be sitting in front of two to four computers, with as many usernames, and just keep writing things that favor his employer. He's probably being coached, but that's also beside the point. And it doesn't have to be just Mr. Thaksin who's paying the piper (to play the tune), .....it could be any of his family or others he's close to. Actually, it's probably possible to log in with several names on one computer, I don't know.

You'll also notice, if you're watching this sort of thing, that most of the Red supporting posters currently online here, will probably be done posting in a day or two. Also, none of the suspects alluded to here have any personal info on their profile page.

Just a few thoughts.......

Reds Attempt to Blow up Gas Tanker

Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-17

These are peaceful protesters wanting the UN to come in to negotiate a ceasefire. :)

I don't think the peaceful protesters did that. The mafia groups running around trying to create chaos, yes.

I know I'm going to regret this, but I'm guessing you would describe them as 'fake reds' perchance?

Ye Gods


Edit typo//

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