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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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Like many men women and children that disappears in Thailand, I fear we would never see Khun Veera ever again. I hope I am wrong.

This country is like Chile a few decades ago, where oppositions to the government simply disappears in the middle of the night, and never seen again.

The Government should move all Jounalist's and anyone else that will go out of the rally site now , They will be at risk of being used as human shields when the red leader try and escape no one will be safe as they know the end is coming.

I don't think crackdown is coming anytime soon when you see the below statements from Amnesty, specially with so many International organisation keeping a close eye on the situation ;

AFP: Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

AFP: Thai troops violate law in Bangkok action according to Amnesty

AFP: The London-based rights group said Thai troops were violating the law by firing live ammunition in several areas around Bangkok

AFP: "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds..(1/2)

AFP: ..at unarmed people who pose no threat to the soldiers or to others" said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki (2/2)

AFP: "This is a gross violation of a key human right -- the right to life," he said in a statement.

Oh boy now we have a credible source. In the last nine months Amnesty international's credibility has assumed the same level as PETA and Greenpeace.

A crackdown may be to late if they make the first move and try to escape , And take hostages :)


URGENT UPDATE: After five days, the Thai authorities were able to obtain a picture of sniper who allegedly shot Army Specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known as Seh Daeng.


Wonderful picture. :)

Black humour can indeed relieve stress as we who served in the military and the police well know, the same goes for all involved in the emergency service sectors.

Victor Meldrew you live up to your name gotta be British I am sure.

100% British. If you liked that then this is gonna make your sides hurt. found it on youtube. Enjoy post-105662-1274167938.gif

Thaksin Rap video


AFP: Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

AFP: Thai troops violate law in Bangkok action according to Amnesty

AFP: The London-based rights group said Thai troops were violating the law by firing live ammunition in several areas around Bangkok

AFP: "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds..(1/2)

AFP: ..at unarmed people who pose no threat to the soldiers or to others" said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki (2/2)

AFP: "This is a gross violation of a key human right -- the right to life," he said in a statement.

Let us instil a sense of reality into the current situation


Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

Let's correct it shall we.

Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless Red Shirts of using lethal force against a defenceless public who are not involved nor interested in their violent protest

The London-based rights group said Red Shirt terrorists were violating the law by firing live ammunition and instigating arson attacks and looting in several areas around Bangkok

Amnesty's London-based Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki.

Indeed one has ones finger on the pulse when one is some 9545 KM. away from the troubles.

'Twoud seem as if Amnesty International is but on a nodding acquaintance with the truth concerning Thailand.

I don't know why every organisation be it CNN, BBC, Amnesty is against THAI VISA keyboard warriors....

AFP: Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

AFP: Thai troops violate law in Bangkok action according to Amnesty

AFP: The London-based rights group said Thai troops were violating the law by firing live ammunition in several areas around Bangkok

AFP: "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds..(1/2)

AFP: ..at unarmed people who pose no threat to the soldiers or to others" said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki (2/2)

AFP: "This is a gross violation of a key human right -- the right to life," he said in a statement.

Let us instil a sense of reality into the current situation


Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

Let's correct it shall we.

Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless Red Shirts of using lethal force against a defenceless public who are not involved nor interested in their violent protest

The London-based rights group said Red Shirt terrorists were violating the law by firing live ammunition and instigating arson attacks and looting in several areas around Bangkok

Amnesty's London-based Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki.

Indeed one has ones finger on the pulse when one is some 9545 KM. away from the troubles.

'Twoud seem as if Amnesty International is but on a nodding acquaintance with the truth concerning Thailand.

Lmfao..9545 kms... :)


Contact: Benjamin Zawacki - +66 811 381 912

Thailand fone number it seems...may be he has gone out of his bedroom in the last few days unlike you....[/font]

Like many men women and children that disappears in Thailand, I fear we would never see Khun Veera ever again. I hope I am wrong.

This country is like Chile a few decades ago, where oppositions to the government simply disappears in the middle of the night, and never seen again.

Ahh, I see your point.

All those missing Chileans are billionaires living anonymously in Montenegro, shopping extravagantly. No wonder they don't go home.

On behalf of the two eyed people here in Thailand, I extend an open invitation to Amnesty Int to send a delegate to observe and report from an army frontline position on rama 4, petchburi or rajaprsop.

You can then write a first-hand press release about unarmed protesters without having to rely on that person known as 'source'.

PS. Please bring your own vest.

You had better extend your invitation to Human Rights Watch (do please visit their website) and most of the mainstream international media. Film of the army shooting protesters who did not pose an imminent threat to life has been broadcast into too many living rooms around the world already. Whatever else may have happened that is against UN Principles on the use of force that Thailand signed up to in 1990. The issue of legality is going to be discussed more and more, though I am not naive enough to believe that those responsible will ever be brought to book.

AFP: Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

AFP: Thai troops violate law in Bangkok action according to Amnesty

AFP: The London-based rights group said Thai troops were violating the law by firing live ammunition in several areas around Bangkok

AFP: "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds..(1/2)

AFP: ..at unarmed people who pose no threat to the soldiers or to others" said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki (2/2)

AFP: "This is a gross violation of a key human right -- the right to life," he said in a statement.

Let us instil a sense of reality into the current situation


Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

Let's correct it shall we.

Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless Red Shirts of using lethal force against a defenceless public who are not involved nor interested in their violent protest

The London-based rights group said Red Shirt terrorists were violating the law by firing live ammunition and instigating arson attacks and looting in several areas around Bangkok

Amnesty's London-based Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki.

Indeed one has ones finger on the pulse when one is some 9545 KM. away from the troubles.

'Twoud seem as if Amnesty International is but on a nodding acquaintance with the truth concerning Thailand.

I don't know why every organisation be it CNN, BBC, Amnesty is against THAI VISA keyboard warriors....

It is not every organization my friend. Only those who distort the truth. Can you honestly say from your heart that the reports from CNN and BBC coming out of Bangkok are not biased towrard the red movement? I suppose you have seen them. If not then a reply is not warrented.

In all honesty I do not understand why they do not report both sides of the story here but they simply do not. It is all sympathetic to the red cause.

It is not every organization my friend. Only those who distort the truth. Can you honestly say from your heart that the reports from CNN and BBC coming out of Bangkok are not biased towrard the red movement? I suppose you have seen them. If not then a reply is not warrented.

In all honesty I do not understand why they do not report both sides of the story here but they simply do not. It is all sympathetic to the red cause.

Not sure where he is now but the contact number for him is a Thai mobile. And he is spot on about unarmed people being shot whether he is here or not. As for reports being biased, just because a report is in conflict with what you think is happening does not make it biased, from what I see they seem to be reporting the truth more than th government run propaganda machines in thailand.

It is not every organization my friend. Only those who distort the truth. Can you honestly say from your heart that the reports from CNN and BBC coming out of Bangkok are not biased towrard the red movement? I suppose you have seen them. If not then a reply is not warrented.

In all honesty I do not understand why they do not report both sides of the story here but they simply do not. It is all sympathetic to the red cause.

Not sure where he is now but the contact number for him is a Thai mobile. And he is spot on about unarmed people being shot whether he is here or not. As for reports being biased, just because a report is in conflict with what you think is happening does not make it biased, from what I see they seem to be reporting the truth more than th government run propaganda machines in thailand.

I called him on that mobile number and we had a 5 minute conversation. I posed this question to him as an attorney, which he is: "If an unarmed demonstrator is lighting tires in the middle of the road to create a dense cloud of smoke, the purpose of which is to allow his armed colleagues to approach within M79 firing range unseen, is the unarmed demonstrator innocent?" His answer was "probably no," followed by "but that still doesn't give the army the right to freely fire at civilians."

I asked him if he understood Thai and had listened to the CRES announcements governing use of lethal force, but he said that he is still learning...

I suggested meeting for a beer to continue the conversation, and he said that he would like to, after the dust settles.

Now --- offering amnesty to all those in the rally that have NOT been violent is fine. Making the government round up those that were violent is also fine. (Let them ALL walk out and go home!) Taking the death penalty off the table and the standard 50% sentence for those that preached sedition/insurrection and yes even terrorism IF they turn themselves in today! also fine. Allowing for mitigation. fine! Counting those that funded this mess as the leaders? Mandatory!

well, looks like amnesty is getting some traction even among the TV hardliners. :)

your not quite there yet JD, but your moving in the right direction.

It is not every organization my friend. Only those who distort the truth. Can you honestly say from your heart that the reports from CNN and BBC coming out of Bangkok are not biased towrard the red movement? I suppose you have seen them. If not then a reply is not warrented.

In all honesty I do not understand why they do not report both sides of the story here but they simply do not. It is all sympathetic to the red cause.

Not sure where he is now but the contact number for him is a Thai mobile. And he is spot on about unarmed people being shot whether he is here or not. As for reports being biased, just because a report is in conflict with what you think is happening does not make it biased, from what I see they seem to be reporting the truth more than th government run propaganda machines in thailand.

I called him on that mobile number and we had a 5 minute conversation. I posed this question to him as an attorney, which he is: "If an unarmed demonstrator is lighting tires in the middle of the road to create a dense cloud of smoke, the purpose of which is to allow his armed colleagues to approach within M79 firing range unseen, is the unarmed demonstrator innocent?" His answer was "probably no," followed by "but that still doesn't give the army the right to freely fire at civilians."

I asked him if he understood Thai and had listened to the CRES announcements governing use of lethal force, but he said that he is still learning...

I suggested meeting for a beer to continue the conversation, and he said that he would like to, after the dust settles.

In related news... Barack Obama called me to Fedex some SomTam today... I told him fedex is not picking up parcels these days.. he was disappointed... :)

At ratchaprasong, the #redshirts guards take a female journalist behind the stage. http://tweetphoto.com/22910119 /via @satien_nna

Take a look at this photo. Surely that is not an assault rifle in the red guard's right hand. All reds are peaceful and unarmed.

Must be another photoshop job.

Update: Female Journalist was thought by the protesters to be fake. assaulted her inside temple. #Redshirts Guards help her! /v @satien_nna


URGENT UPDATE: After five days, the Thai authorities were able to obtain a picture of sniper who allegedly shot Army Specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known as Seh Daeng.


Ok that was funny. :)

It is not every organization my friend. Only those who distort the truth. Can you honestly say from your heart that the reports from CNN and BBC coming out of Bangkok are not biased towrard the red movement? I suppose you have seen them. If not then a reply is not warrented.

In all honesty I do not understand why they do not report both sides of the story here but they simply do not. It is all sympathetic to the red cause.

Not sure where he is now but the contact number for him is a Thai mobile. And he is spot on about unarmed people being shot whether he is here or not. As for reports being biased, just because a report is in conflict with what you think is happening does not make it biased, from what I see they seem to be reporting the truth more than th government run propaganda machines in thailand.

Unarmed people are being shot. Correct but we cannot truely say that every one of these people are shot by the army. As proven by nurmous posted videos some of the reds are armed with M16, AK47 assault rifles and hand guns. These people are fired up by daily hate speaches from the red stage. they are now out of control burning and looting. This is simply not reported by CNN and BBC.

And it makes no difference what you, I or anyone on this planet thinks is happening the fact still remains that CNN and BBC are only reporting based on the reds statements and adgenda.


While we are getting every international ngo to justify their grants, can we call to those concerned with the health of the general public with regards to the highly toxic and carcinigentic (sp) smoke being let loose all over the city from the wilful burning of automobile tyres and other objects.

If any of you are also concerned about the environment, please feel free to notify your nearest 'green' lobby. :)

In the last 80 years elections haven't work but you think by giving criminals a free pass that it will and don't even consider that it would continue to encourage people, unhappy because their party isn't in power, to resort to illegal and violent means as a way to get what "they' want.


why are u always so intent on proving that you know little and understand less?

of course several elections have been successful in this country.

unfortunately, so too have coups been successful.

stop the coups, and democracy will work.

While we are getting every international ngo to justify their grants, can we call to those concerned with the health of the general public with regards to the highly toxic and carcinigentic (sp) smoke being let loose all over the city from the wilful burning of automobile tyres and other objects.

If any of you are also concerned about the environment, please feel free to notify your nearest 'green' lobby. :)

Here you go.

+66 2 357 1921 Ext: 120, between 9am – 6pm (+GMT +7) or e-mail us at [email protected], and we’ll get in touch with you.

Thank You!


Chuchai Mongkolvisut

Supporter Services Manager

Greenpeace Southeast Asia, THAILAND

138/1 ,2nd floor, Thong Building, Sutthisan Road, Samsen-nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand

Let's see what the body count is today. Anyone? How many woman and children have been cut down by ruthless Army murderers as they tried to make their way to safety.

None today, none yesterday, none the day before and none in the past months.

you mean the safety behind the thugs throwing petrol bombs

Like many men women and children that disappears in Thailand, I fear we would never see Khun Veera ever again. I hope I am wrong.

Me too.

funny isnt it rucharee. several posters here decry thaksin's use of "extrajudicial killings" (ie murder) of drug dealers. and im one of them.

but when it comes to the murder of sae daeng, and the highly suspicious disappearance of Weera, not a word of alarm from these same people.

i sincerely hope k. abhisit is telling the truth that the gov. is not responsible for the cowardly assasination of sae daeng. whether sae daeng was guilty of crimes is something for a judge, not a sniper, to resolve.

many posters in RatchaPrasong plead: "no double standards". i sincerely hope that Thailand comes to adopt this much of the Red agenda.


"30 activists and protesters will gather under Din Daeng Tollway.will take off clothes to show they do not have weapon" /v @pattweet_NT

And here I am in Isaan. This should be a hoot. Does anyone know what organization these activists belong to? Nudes for peace maybe?

Let's see what the body count is today. Anyone? How many woman and children have been cut down by ruthless Army murderers as they tried to make their way to safety. None!? Oh, dear. <snip>

Does anybody in the world (other than this nut) believe this?

Excuse me while I have my day's puke - courtesy NaiGreg. :)


Women and children have been shot. Some were even killed. This is a FACT. No not discount this.

Yep unlike what the red leaders said

Bullets do not bounce of them

Guess if you stand where bullets are being fired

Logic says

someone is going to get hurt

Every think of the family that stays together goes home together

NOW while you still can

The CRES called on members of the mass media and the people in general to send pictures and video clips of the violence to police, so that wrongdoers could be arrested.

The centre stressed that police and soldiers would not use their weapons against unarmed civilians, but would use them to counter armed attacks by terrorists.

The centre described United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship co-leader Natthawut Saikua as one of the major terrorist figures.

Does anyone have contact details for cres to send images ?

@georgebkk<H1 id=heading></H1>AFP: Amnesty accused army snipers of killing two medics wearing white medical uniforms as well as a 17-year-old boy.

I would really like to know how Amnesty International was able to determine who shot the two medics in the head.

Of course, I would also like to know who did shoot them.

It's OK for gossipers to opinionate on such issues, but AI should not make such accusations without facts.

Has anyone seen any facts on this one or the original statements from AI?



Nuttawut accused


Reds leader Nuttawut Saikua has been behind the terrorist attacks in Bangkok, Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Tuesday.

"It is not possible that Nuttawut, a core leader of red shirts, does not know about the ongoing attacks in Bangkok. Yet he has repeatedly denied his involvement in the attacks," Sansern told reporters.

Sansern said Nuttawut is "a major terrorist leader".

PM's secretary general Korbsak Sabhavasu, a main negotiator, earlier said Nuttawut had offered a ceasefire on the condition that the government withdrew the troops and stopped firing at people.

Nuttawut told Korbsak that if the government agreed to meet his demands, he would remove the red shirts protesters outside the Rajprasong rally site.

Korbsak said his statement clearly showed he is a core leader of the reds and involved in the terrorist attacks in Bangkok.

Sansern told reporters that Korbsak's statement provided proof of his labelling of Nuttawut as a major terrorist leader.


-- The Nation 2010-05-18

Question for all you red apologists. If someone does not work for you and report to you how can you remove them from their present activities?

Open mouth and insert both feet :) . Shoot yourself in both feet, knees and thighs.

"30 activists and protesters will gather under Din Daeng Tollway.will take off clothes to show they do not have weapon" /v @pattweet_NT

And here I am in Isaan. This should be a hoot. Does anyone know what organization these activists belong to? Nudes for peace maybe?

They are No Shirt group ala red, yellow shirt... :)


Funny part in all this discussion is some posters will question all other posters or every organisation in the world while they are the only one's who haven't moved a muscle in their a.s.s since this protest started .... why question other of opinionating when you are doing the same while sitting at cozy confines of your homes and surfing net...

let everybody post their views without dissing them...

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