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Foreign Residents Empty From Bangkok Protest Area

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As part of the operation the military said it would deploy snipers, but army spokesman Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd denied that "protesters" had been intentionally shot.

What are these snipers who not shot intentionally up to?

I'm probably not the first one to have said this, but the real question is what were these snipers unintentionally up to.

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meaning a great time to buy a rajdamri condo right ?

This is not an appropriate comment.People are scared and dying. And that is not just the unlawful protesters nor the military.

Please have a little compassion.

Thank you


Compassion? When the trade towers were hit, the stockbrokers first thoughts were they hoped they had most of their clients money invested in gold.

Compassion is good. I wish everyone had it.

meaning a great time to buy a rajdamri condo right ?

This is not an appropriate comment.People are scared and dying. And that is not just the unlawful protesters nor the military.

Please have a little compassion.

Thank you

I own a Rajadamri condo and I was there last week. It's kind of funny that 95% of the workers in the building are Red-supporters and 80% of the owners and tenants are Red-haters. It kind of sums up the situation in Thailand as a whole.

As part of the operation the military said it would deploy snipers, but army spokesman Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd denied that "protesters" had been intentionally shot.

What are these snipers who not shot intentionally up to?

The role of a sniper is to intentionally shoot people, what a bizarre remark from a 'Colonel' wonder where he studied his military doctrine ?

I think that what we are seeing is that there are non-government snipers at work within the affected areas. Of course, we know that government snipers are taking down legitimate targets under tight rules of engagement. But, there are definitely other parties at work that are trying to discredit the government troops (specifically shooting reds and even women (today). This is not conspiracy theory --- the intent of any 3rd party forces with the reds, or even some core reds, is to see this escalate and to change the sentiment of their base regions so that they 'join the fight.' This would be an effective way to do it, especially if the information being fed to their base regions is biased. I will say this --- there is no professionally-trained sniper that I know that would ever line up innocents and pull trigger on them. You have to be nothing short of a complete murderer to do this and there are obviously a couple (few) on the loose right now. Armed assailants (militants, insurgents, terrorists, whatever...), however, are fair game for government forces. There is no room in any society for militarized civilians and this would have ended in Canada, the US, and most places within Europe, on April 10th, once it became apparent that there were assault rifles, grenades, etc... being used by the protesters. Agree, disagree... I don't care. Just some food for thought on a Sunday night and in response to what people are saying are 'peaceful protesters.'

As part of the operation the military said it would deploy snipers, but army spokesman Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd denied that "protesters" had been intentionally shot.

What are these snipers who not shot intentionally up to?

The role of a sniper is to intentionally shoot people, what a bizarre remark from a 'Colonel' wonder where he studied his military doctrine ?

They are not shooting protesters, the hired guns are another matter, you know the ones with grenades and such.

As part of the operation the military said it would deploy snipers, but army spokesman Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd denied that "protesters" had been intentionally shot.

What are these snipers who not shot intentionally up to?

The role of a sniper is to intentionally shoot people, what a bizarre remark from a 'Colonel' wonder where he studied his military doctrine ?

I think that what we are seeing is that there are non-government snipers at work within the affected areas. Of course, we know that government snipers are taking down legitimate targets under tight rules of engagement. But, there are definitely other parties at work that are trying to discredit the government troops (specifically shooting reds and even women (today). This is not conspiracy theory --- the intent of any 3rd party forces with the reds, or even some core reds, is to see this escalate and to change the sentiment of their base regions so that they 'join the fight.' This would be an effective way to do it, especially if the information being fed to their base regions is biased. I will say this --- there is no professionally-trained sniper that I know that would ever line up innocents and pull trigger on them. You have to be nothing short of a complete murderer to do this and there are obviously a couple (few) on the loose right now. Armed assailants (militants, insurgents, terrorists, whatever...), however, are fair game for government forces. There is no room in any society for militarized civilians and this would have ended in Canada, the US, and most places within Europe, on April 10th, once it became apparent that there were assault rifles, grenades, etc... being used by the protesters. Agree, disagree... I don't care. Just some food for thought on a Sunday night and in response to what people are saying are 'peaceful protesters.'

Well said.


I think that what we are seeing is that there are non-government snipers at work within the affected areas. Of course, we know that government snipers are taking down legitimate targets under tight rules of engagement. But, there are definitely other parties at work that are trying to discredit the government troops (specifically shooting reds and even women (today). This is not conspiracy theory --- the intent of any 3rd party forces with the reds, or even some core reds, is to see this escalate and to change the sentiment of their base regions so that they 'join the fight.' This would be an effective way to do it, especially if the information being fed to their base regions is biased. I will say this --- there is no professionally-trained sniper that I know that would ever line up innocents and pull trigger on them. You have to be nothing short of a complete murderer to do this and there are obviously a couple (few) on the loose right now. Armed assailants (militants, insurgents, terrorists, whatever...), however, are fair game for government forces. There is no room in any society for militarized civilians and this would have ended in Canada, the US, and most places within Europe, on April 10th, once it became apparent that there were assault rifles, grenades, etc... being used by the protesters. Agree, disagree... I don't care. Just some food for thought on a Sunday night and in response to what people are saying are 'peaceful protesters.'




CNN Ireports still available, maybe your IP followed by Thai authorities, but mine is hidden, foreign, while in BKK no problems here

For these that cannot avoid the government filters, the link above points to a CNN website where people can submit their own picture or video. 58 pages of very much the same images & type of comments you can find all over thaivisa... anti-red, pro-red, armed/unarmed, terrorist/peaceful protesters, etc. etc. You can avoid bothering going there, just more of the same.


It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.


31 dead and 250ish injured.

Sounds like the authorities are much more organized than on the 10th.

Although deaths and injuries are certainly not welcomes, at least the vast majority are those coming out of the red fortress to confront lawful authorities and hopefully those not wanting violence and unable to leave know to stay put.

I think it is time for the Thai govenment to take a step back, stop killing your citizens and actually think what damage you have done to Thailand. The government has set Thailand back 50 yrs. The world see's the prime minister as a blood thirsty muderer.

I'm starting to get it. If you put up a sign that says "peaceful demonstration" then it is. or if it say "we are not terrorists" then we're not. If we tell the world, regardless of our actions that the gov't is using war weapons on it's citizens, then it's the gov't to blame regardless of our actions. If we attack the gov't and some of us get hurt, it's the gov't's fault for hurting us because we want our way and should get it because we want it regardless of our actions. Ths could go on and on and on regardless of our actions. Maybe we should drop all the security around all the gov't buildings and offices because the gov't should allow us to have our way regardless of out actions. It's the gov't that has set Thailand back 50 years regardless of our actions. It's the prime minister that the worlds sees as a blood thirsty "muderer" :D (what the hel_l is a muderer?) because we said so regardless of our actions. This is "red" thinking. Fly your flag proudly and say whatever you want regardless of your actions. :D You people seem to need more breathing room, so the gov't should take a step back regardless of your actions. :)


As I read the above comment I felt the behavior was identical to the Reds' hero..Thaksin.

What a load of CRAP.

Why are the Thaksin haters so stupid ?

Thaksin has nothing to do with the current killing of unarmed civilians.

As reported on BBC News it is The ROYAL Thai Army that is killing its own citizens.

Shame on you ROYAL Thai Army. You have the Blood on your hands of unarmed civilians.

A country's Army is usually there to protect its citizens and defend its own country.

The ROYAL Thai Army is murdering its own people.

Why don't you go find a real enemy if you want to kill people.

PS Why didn't the ROYAL Thai Army kill the Yellow Shirt protesters when they occupied the Airport?

PSS. Was talking to a women who said her family was demonstrating for the Red Shirts at 100 baht a day.

They switched sides to demonstrate for the Yellow Shirts at 300 baht a day.

Thaksin is abused for supposedly paying the Red Shirts but ....... Who is paying the Yellow Shirts ??


Was the "bewildered pet baby rabbit" one of those moronic Red Shirt so-called "peaceful", so-called "leaders"? :)

Rabbits blinded by the light of Thaky's ocuntless billions!

Dear Thai Government, The next time you issue a "demonstration permit" for the city of BKK, can you limit the number of demonstraters allowed to the amount the crowd police can handle; assign the area they have to protest at (hopefully not their choice) ; and make sure the demonstration/ rally permit has the amount of HOURS (not months) the rally is to last. If this had been enforced with the "Yellow" and "Red" political gatherings in the past, we wouldn't have had these messes.

Thank you / kup,

Khun Bill

The problem, Bill, is that there is no standing law limiting demonstrations or requiring advance permission but the constitution allows the people the right to peaceful demonstration that doesn't infringe on the rights of others. The Emergency Decree curtailed freedom of assembly but by then it was too late and the government was able to enforce the decree. The police have a lot to answer for by allowing the red shirts to rally at Rajprasong from the beginning and erect a stage there that blocked traffic and clearly infringed on the rights of other citizens to pass by and go about their normal business. This took place virtually in front of National Police Head Quarters, so they can't say they didn't notice it. Now they can't be trusted with any security operations against the red shirts.

Let's be honest, the police shouldn't be trusted with anything greater than cleaning public toilets any more and even then only with their bare hands (and in this sentence "bare hands" is not synonymous with grenade launchers, handguns, automatic rifles, bamboo staves, rockets or slingshots).

hope I won't be harassed with so called flaming policy for some time now.

Dear Thai Government, The next time you issue a "demonstration permit" for the city of BKK, can you limit the number of demonstraters allowed to the amount the crowd police can handle; assign the area they have to protest at (hopefully not their choice) ; and make sure the demonstration/ rally permit has the amount of HOURS (not months) the rally is to last. If this had been enforced with the "Yellow" and "Red" political gatherings in the past, we wouldn't have had these messes.

Thank you / kup,

Khun Bill

The problem, Bill, is that there is no standing law limiting demonstrations or requiring advance permission but the constitution allows the people the right to peaceful demonstration that doesn't infringe on the rights of others. The Emergency Decree curtailed freedom of assembly but by then it was too late and the government was able to enforce the decree. The police have a lot to answer for by allowing the red shirts to rally at Rajprasong from the beginning and erect a stage there that blocked traffic and clearly infringed on the rights of other citizens to pass by and go about their normal business. This took place virtually in front of National Police Head Quarters, so they can't say they didn't notice it. Now they can't be trusted with any security operations against the red shirts.

ha ha ha.... arkady dear....

great obs.... did any farang know....

what red-tomatoes means in reference to thai policemen....? and

what watermellons means in reference to thai soldiers....?

the thai policemen who are redshirt sympathizers are called by thais as.... red tomatoes 'cause they are red inside.... :)

the thai soldiers who are redshirt sympathizers are also called watermellons 'cause they wear green uniform but are red inside.... :D

as i recalled.... as i was switching among satellite channels.... a thai news clip on early sunday nite mentioned that there were some five policemen bodies found with notes attached to their bodies.... stating that these were among the groups of policemen who failed to protect the general public during the last mayhem.... it was a newslady who read from her prepared text.... but i just could not remember the satellite channel.


Although I don't condone the actions of either side of this conflict, International reports are that most of the casualties, so far , have been civilians. Not "Reds" or soldiers.

It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.

The idea of a Millwall fan having anything to say about anything is hopeless.

There are elections scheduled or maybe he didn't notice.

No surprise there.

Second rate all the way chum.

Although I don't condone the actions of either side of this conflict, International reports are that most of the casualties, so far , have been civilians. Not "Reds" or soldiers.

Sadly yes. They are being used as a shield.

Although I don't condone the actions of either side of this conflict, International reports are that most of the casualties, so far , have been civilians. Not "Reds" or soldiers.

What's the difference between a "red" and a civilian?

Is there an official casualties list somewhere?


the reds are asking for UN help to stop the government from hurting them. they,the reds want everything changed for their benifit. they state what they are asking is fo all the people. i beleive there are over 60 million residents in thailand and how many demonstrators are there. maybe the ones demonstrating only want the money promised by taksen if they win. in others comments it has been noted that most of the reds are thugs, druggies and homeless who are working for the money. no democracy needed for them, just the money


There is a need for change in Thailand, Social and economic "constitutional" change to aid the poor in all parts of this Great country.

The Bulk of the red shirt are paid with Thaksin money to take part in the rally, Which is being directed by members of the Elite that hope to return T. S. to power. They are using the poor for cannon fodder, as the Elite has done all over the world.

The Reds were offered what they came for 1. Parliament dissolution 2. Early elections in November, they refuse to go home as having scored their victory over the powers that be.Their aim is to gain power for their financial backer NOW!!!

For this they are now paying the price , for their foolish rejection of the very issues they cited for starting the Demonstrations in the first place.

The sad part is the loss of innocent lives, as they set up their fortified lines in the middle of a civilian inhabited part of Bangkok ( using the Thai Bangkok population as a human shield).

I cry for you Thailand !

There will continue to be such upheaval in the future, if the Governments fails to address the minimum wage, price support on Rice and other crops, Credit cost to farmers and many other issues!

Why not use the money of the Corruption from Thaksin to good use to help the poor!

Peace to you my beloved Thailand !!!

It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.

A little naive. 'Mr Abhisit' doesn't do this because he is switched on and knows the country will be screwed if it lets a mob get its way.

Although I don't condone the actions of either side of this conflict, International reports are that most of the casualties, so far , have been civilians. Not "Reds" or soldiers.

Reds are civilians.

There will continue to be such upheaval in the future, if the Governments fails to address the minimum wage, price support on Rice and other crops, Credit cost to farmers and many other issues!

You forgot education and maturity.

Although I don't condone the actions of either side of this conflict, International reports are that most of the casualties, so far , have been civilians. Not "Reds" or soldiers.

Dumbo - the reds are called civilians because they obviously don't wear a uniform nor red shirts anymore

I think it is time for the Thai govenment to take a step back, stop killing your citizens and actually think what damage you have done to Thailand. The government has set Thailand back 50 yrs. The world see's the prime minister as a blood thirsty muderer.

I'm starting to get it. If you put up a sign that says "peaceful demonstration" then it is. or if it say "we are not terrorists" then we're not. If we tell the world, regardless of our actions that the gov't is using war weapons on it's citizens, then it's the gov't to blame regardless of our actions. If we attack the gov't and some of us get hurt, it's the gov't's fault for hurting us because we want our way and should get it because we want it regardless of our actions. Ths could go on and on and on regardless of our actions. Maybe we should drop all the security around all the gov't buildings and offices because the gov't should allow us to have our way regardless of out actions. It's the gov't that has set Thailand back 50 years regardless of our actions. It's the prime minister that the worlds sees as a blood thirsty "muderer" :D (what the hel_l is a muderer?) because we said so regardless of our actions. This is "red" thinking. Fly your flag proudly and say whatever you want regardless of your actions. :D You people seem to need more breathing room, so the gov't should take a step back regardless of your actions. :)


As I read the above comment I felt the behavior was identical to the Reds' hero..Thaksin.

What a load of CRAP.

Why are the Thaksin haters so stupid ?

Thaksin has nothing to do with the current killing of unarmed civilians.

As reported on BBC News it is The ROYAL Thai Army that is killing its own citizens.

Shame on you ROYAL Thai Army. You have the Blood on your hands of unarmed civilians.

A country's Army is usually there to protect its citizens and defend its own country.

The ROYAL Thai Army is murdering its own people.

Why don't you go find a real enemy if you want to kill people.

PS Why didn't the ROYAL Thai Army kill the Yellow Shirt protesters when they occupied the Airport?

PSS. Was talking to a women who said her family was demonstrating for the Red Shirts at 100 baht a day.

They switched sides to demonstrate for the Yellow Shirts at 300 baht a day.

Thaksin is abused for supposedly paying the Red Shirts but ....... Who is paying the Yellow Shirts ??

I just love the way you say... " As reported on BBC News" :D


When you think about it, 20+ deaths while on the brink of a civil war is quite small. Probably need more of a genocide before the UN glances your way.

Compare this with daily bombs in Iraq/Afghanistan or even the Greece protests, the red shirt protest casualty stats are nothing.

Foreigners? They're just the collateral damage and expendable pawns. The situation needs them to bring attention from the international community when they get shot, the locals need them for their funds. Funny thing being overcharged for their condos, then forced to leave if they fear for their lives. The Thais will probably charge them for any damage to the condos as a result of this Red Olympics. Either way, just 'wham, bam, thank you mam'. That's how it's always been in Thailand. Yet we still love the country.


Plazot11 said:

What a load of CRAP.

Why are the Thaksin haters so stupid ?

Thaksin has nothing to do with the current killing of unarmed civilians.

As reported on BBC News it is The ROYAL Thai Army that is killing its own citizens.

Shame on you ROYAL Thai Army. You have the Blood on your hands of unarmed civilians.

A country's Army is usually there to protect its citizens and defend its own country.

The ROYAL Thai Army is murdering its own people.

Why don't you go find a real enemy if you want to kill people.

PS Why didn't the ROYAL Thai Army kill the Yellow Shirt protesters when they occupied the Airport?

PSS. Was talking to a women who said her family was demonstrating for the Red Shirts at 100 baht a day.

They switched sides to demonstrate for the Yellow Shirts at 300 baht a day.

Thaksin is abused for supposedly paying the Red Shirts but ....... Who is paying the Yellow Shirts ??

I just love the way you say... " As reported on BBC News" :)

My response to this is:

It is easy to know someone who has been completely misled by Thaksin. The truth is that there were elections in late 2007, almost two years after the coup...and Thakins and his Red Shirts got only about 1/3 the vote. The Abhisit government is the duly elected government by coalition of parties duly elected by parliamentarians. After Somchai was found by court unable to be PM, the coalition of Puea Thai lost its control of its coalition of parties and Bhum Jai joined the Democrats. When Newin split from Thaksin...Thaksin lost control. All nonsense from red shirts that this government is from the coup, or that Democrats are part of yellow shirts...is all propaganda from Thaksin's political machine. It is well established that the Red Shirt leaders are being paid huge sums of money. I feel sorry for the good Isan people who have been pushed into this confrontation with the Government. It is Thaksin and the Red Shirt leaders who have blood on their hands. They could have done a peaceful demonstration...but that did not work. So now that want Chaos. It is Thaksin who will be remembered for corruption, abuse of human rights and his funding of the misinformed and greedy red shirt leaders causing great damage to Thailand. One phone call from Thaksin and this whole protest stops within a few hours. No need for UN or foreign involvement. Thaksin is the cause, instigator, funder, and inciter of violent overthrow of this government. His red shirt followers are risking their lives so he can get his money back while he sips wine from his condo in Dubai.


"What a load of CRAP.

Why are the Thaksin haters so stupid ?

Thaksin has nothing to do with the current killing of unarmed civilians.

As reported on BBC News it is The ROYAL Thai Army that is killing its own citizens.

Shame on you ROYAL Thai Army. You have the Blood on your hands of unarmed civilians.

A country's Army is usually there to protect its citizens and defend its own country.

The ROYAL Thai Army is murdering its own people.

Why don't you go find a real enemy if you want to kill people.

PS Why didn't the ROYAL Thai Army kill the Yellow Shirt protesters when they occupied the Airport?

PSS. Was talking to a women who said her family was demonstrating for the Red Shirts at 100 baht a day.

They switched sides to demonstrate for the Yellow Shirts at 300 baht a day.

Thaksin is abused for supposedly paying the Red Shirts but ....... Who is paying the Yellow Shirts ??"

"I just love the way you say... " As reported on BBC News" :)"

Yeah, it was a stupid thing to occupy the airport (trying to attract international attention to the cause, backfiring), but as far as I saw, there wasn't graffiti on national monuments or aggressive car searches upon civilians, insults directly to the monarchy, burning of toxic rubber tires, occupying streets directly affecting the local lively hood and keeping expats hostage within their homes. After all the craziness, can you actually see the forces of the reds running this country even if the current administration were to step down? Even the Planet of the Apes has more civility and order. Can you imagine escorting the re-elected (and pardoned) PM Thaksin with slingshots, home made rockets, and bamboo pungee sticks?

Thai protesters call for UN-mediated talks with government

BANGKOK, May 16, 2010 (AFP) - Thai anti-government protesters called Sunday for UN-mediated talks with the government after several days of violent clashes with troops left 25 people dead and more than 200 wounded.

"We call for the government to stop firing and to withdraw soldiers who are blocking the area around the protest site," said a protest leader, Kokaew Pikulthong. "We call for talks with the UN as mediator."

Previous talks between the two sides failed to reach an agreement.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-16

Published with written approval from AFP.


Finally, someone is more concerned about saving lives than saving face. The Redshirts have realized that it is difficult to develop a mutually agreed upon solution when you are part of the problem. My fingers are crossed in hopes the Thai government will accept this problem solving strategy.

Thai protesters call for UN-mediated talks with government

BANGKOK, May 16, 2010 (AFP) - Thai anti-government protesters called Sunday for UN-mediated talks with the government after several days of violent clashes with troops left 25 people dead and more than 200 wounded.

"We call for the government to stop firing and to withdraw soldiers who are blocking the area around the protest site," said a protest leader, Kokaew Pikulthong. "We call for talks with the UN as mediator."

Previous talks between the two sides failed to reach an agreement.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-16

Published with written approval from AFP.


Finally, someone is more concerned about saving lives than saving face. The Redshirts have realized that it is difficult to develop a mutually agreed upon solution when you are part of the problem. My fingers are crossed in hopes the Thai government will accept this problem solving strategy.

You must also believe in the tooth fairy ?

This is nothing but an attempt at PR so when its over he can say "but I tried for a peaceful end and even asked for the UN ..." nothing but red bullshit. He knows very well the the UN will and can not get involved in a local squabble. They have better and more important things to do in countries where genocide is a daily occurrence.

The reds are going to get their asses whopped today and that is hopefully the end of this anarchy. Whoever is left after 3pm deserves 100% of what they are about to receive.

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