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Monday, Tuesday Extra Holidays For Bangkok

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Is there any notification from Bank of Thailand? Will banks close or not?

Sure closed... go by express boat to Nonthaburi, 40min ride... different province there... from the pier it's 100m to several banks.

The bank accounts were frozen, not the banks. It's all on computer :)

Shame on the Farangs here supporting this red group is all I can say

really guys…. what is wrong with your thinking?

Did you mother forget u to teach you to think properly?

What sort of minds can u have to support this red group.... led by the biggest (by far) Thai rip off artist in the history of Thailand?

Don't you recall when he was leading the country?

You could never ever say anything bad about him or fear for your life…

You must have forgotten he was censoring the whole country including Thai visa.

I am sure that is why the TV owners are not in favor of this group and while I don't agree also with some of their politics either

(I was banned once for saying something not nice about George W Bush)

I am sure they know how so so evil this man really is.

Get a grip on reality… really no joke.... this is embarrassing to hear, coming from supposedly educated folks

Hey boys and girls out there…. This F…… he had the country in a virtual strangle lock.

He had everyone almost ready to bow down to him. No s……. either.

I wrote this in another thread below and I think its appropriate here too

Honestly the smartest thing I have seen the reds do is to burn tires

can u imagine what sort of Gov they will run?

dumber than dumb is what I call this group...

anyone who can support them is supporting very low minded people I am convinced

my dog could do a way better job.... no joke!

Could you please post a photo of your intelligent dog? We're looking for a new four legged intelligent housekeeping dog. Thanks.

is the immigration at Chaeng Wattana open tomorrow?


Cheers mate, you just saved me from wasting another 30 minutes of pissing around on Google trying to find out.

Hello there,

Would anyone know if the Airport is still operational..?! I'm flying in on Wed, Also, would anyone please pass me the Bankok's Italian Embassy website please..?!

Cheers, I much appreciate that..!

Molte Grazie,



Doesn't Gogggle work for you? Embassy

And it comes up as the first choice on Google when typing in Embassy of Italy in Bangkok. I'm now understanding more of why the Euro is having issues now.


Agreed. It's more the way this guy's acting. Pass me my wine. I'm flying in. Would anyone know? Yes. Does he know? No. Guess they should still have their old currency.

Don't want your Pizza man.


Basically everything government-related is closed. That would include Immigration.

I wonder if the army and police will take a 2-days holiday too? Since they're government employees.


So many holidays in Thailand. I can never keep up. Of course, this one is a smart move. Wouldn't be surprised if they add a few more.

Maybe the government should just tell us which days to work?

doest it means than all administrations, like immigration office, will be closed ????

my friend ed visa finish on 18, he is on his eay to bangkok................

some one know somethings ????????? please

Go to Kanchanaburi Immigration... 125 km, 2 hrs on bus, 198 Baht return, southern bus term. get it there. Or Nakhon Pathom, 60km (if there is an Immi? don't know)

Just in reply: Yes there is a new immigration office in Nakhon Pathom Province. It's located in Sampran virtually opposite 'Wat Rai King' (big famous temple by the Chasi river). (Sampran from downtown BKK is around 45 KM's)

How to get there: If coming from BKK ....down Phetkasem and just b4 river bridge there is a turning on the right signposted 'Wat Rai King' and 'Nakhon Pathom immigration'. Go up that road for about 3KM's, Wat Rai King on left and just past the end of the complex on the R/h side is Soi 14. Turn right into that and go around 150 metres and is on left with sign in English.

P.S. Can I have 2 days holiday in NP please Mr. Gov :) ... guess not.

Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement!!!??? Good lord, did you ever hear of funds transfer hiccups or unexpected events like something delaying the sending bank from sending on day/hour-X, a fat finger typo in sending/receiving, electricity outage, earthquake, storm, terrorist attack, riot, or about a zillion other things that could happen "in our in-perfect world where the unexpected happens everyday." I wish this had not happen to you and hope the money shows up in time, but you took a chance/assumed a perfect world and probably lost. A lesson from the school of hard knocks.

P.S. This is probably a good move by the government as it will keep a lot of people away from the protest area which should improve safety for many people and put more pressure on the red shirts to end the protest.

This guy should use the Pattaya Immigration office instead of Bangkok, they don't enforce the rule for one year retirement visas that state you have to have the funds in your account 3 months in advance, they will let you slide if you have the funds in your account one month in advance (if you are renewing and have a previous retirement visa). But this is based on a retirement visa, so I don't know what type of visa this guy is wanting. Also NOTE: you will have to show a rental receipt for a local apartment to prove you live there (but you can rent a guest house room somewhere for 5000 baht and get the receipt, much cheaper that airfare back home). Or I can hook you up with a nice place for 9000 a month 10 minutes from Walking Street and the beach if you like. Hope this helps...

Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

You should write a letter to the editor bemoaning the gut-wrenching inconvenience all this is causing you. :)

'Public holidays' generally means for government entities.

'Bank holidays' means all banks are shut too. Basically I think this depends on what the Bank of Thailand announces and I understand that they are currently in a meeting with the Thai Stock Exchange which I suspect is to make a decision on this. My firm and I believe a lot of private sector companies adopt the policy of giving their workers a day off if it is a 'bank holiday' but not if it is just a 'public holiday'.

Of course some firms may take the view that this is an exceptional situation and just tell everyone to take a holiday (perhaps depending on where they are located and how easy it is for their staff to work from home/make alternative arrangements), others may wait and see what the Bank of Thailand say and follow their approach. Personally I won't be surprised if the Bank of Thailand shortly announces a bank holiday on Monday and possible on Tuesday too.


Ha - looks like I spoke too soon:

MCOT: Bank of Thailand: Banks open Monday, stock market opens until 3.30pm;

Bank of Thailand have not issued holidays for Banks, therefore, Banks remain open on May 17 - 18.

Stock Exchange to open until 3:30pm.

BUT stay tuned, as of 10:52pm Sunday night May 16, I can still hear explosions.

What is the legal effect of this? Many people still have to go to work on public holidays. Is everyone in Bangkok entitled to a holiday for the next couple of days (at least)?

For private company, it will be the company decision but I do guess many companies will close as mine even if I will be going to work.

Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

What an idea to do everything at the last minute, knowing Thai administration, I always keeps at least a couple of days as a security.

doest it means than all administrations, like immigration office, will be closed ????

my friend ed visa finish on 18, he is on his eay to bangkok................

some one know somethings ????????? please

Same as for Lilkitty, knowing the trouble in BKK, he should have handled it earlier. No possiblity to handle the extension somewhere else?

With the current status, it is indeed a good idea to declare the next couple of days as holidays so to limit number of people moving in BKK. This will also helps company declare office closure or else they would "force" employee to come in (even if I guess some will still do so). I just hope the governement will use those extra days to end up the crisis one way or another.

Feel sad of all comments I see here where people are complaining about their personal matter when Thailand is going through a major turn in its learning curve of democracy.

Shame on the Farangs here supporting this red group is all I can say

really guys…. what is wrong with your thinking?

Get a grip on reality… really no joke.... this is embarrassing to hear, coming from supposedly educated folks

Don't assume that "Farang" equals well-educated or smart. Some yes. Many self-proclaimed rescuers of Thai society - no. Their brains don't go much further than beyond the horizon of a bar table and your doggy might actually be smart in comparison... :)

Shame on the Farangs here supporting this red group is all I can say


my dog could do a way better job.... no joke!

As it is a long post, I have cut it, those interested to read it to get to the posts.

Verygoodgirl> I do not understand your post: where did someone supported the Reds here? Complaining about the governement does not mean supporting the reds so be fair in your judgement or you are doing the same as squareface-takki.

Please also think about how such person has been able to manipulate the majority of Thai voters and see History as it already happened (Hitler has been elected following WWI winners bankrupting Germany).

IMHO, the only solution is to ensure voters don't get manipulated. Easy to say but will be a long & hard task for Thailand to graduate as a true democracy.

...Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. ...
Very smart done. Just on the way to the office you might have a puncture and cannot arrive on time. If you calculate to the last minute you have to bear the consequences if something goes wrong, whatever it might be.
Bank of Thailand have not issued holidays for Banks, therefore, Banks remain open on May 17 - 18.

Stock Exchange to open until 3:30pm.

BUT stay tuned, as of 10:52pm Sunday night May 16, I can still hear explosions.

Good to see at least someone has their marbles still in place. Good job banks.


Typically where I live when it's a holiday the BIB have off/take off/ are no where to be found. LOL Will these "holidays" be an exception. Come to think of it they might as well stay home for the little they contribute.

Hello there,

Would anyone know if the Airport is still operational..?! I'm flying in on Wed, Also, would anyone please pass me the Bankok's Italian Embassy website please..?!

Cheers, I much appreciate that..!

Molte Grazie,



Doesn't Gogggle work for you? Embassy

And it comes up as the first choice on Google when typing in Embassy of Italy in Bangkok. I'm now understanding more of why the Euro is having issues now.

LOLOLOLLOOLLLLOOO thanks that LAUGH was great. I see the wisdom in your thinking.

Excellent!! Time to go on a shopping spree ... uhh... nevermind :)

Doesn't count for Nonthaburi... Sh§!#* :D

Yes indeed... we are living in a province! :D

Is there any notification from Bank of Thailand? Will banks close or not?

TMB bank is open in Sathorn, Kasikorn Bank next door to it is closed as an example.

Sounds like a good day to go drinking or perhaps extra time to spend with the Mia noi!!! :D

Golf was good at Unico this morning - 12 Thai guys on the course, the rest Farang LOL :) Perfect...

...Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. ...
Very smart done. Just on the way to the office you might have a puncture and cannot arrive on time. If you calculate to the last minute you have to bear the consequences if something goes wrong, whatever it might be.

Main issue is those trapped inside the Kwai Daeng area cannot get out. Will Immigration allow a waiver of the overstay? Betcha they want more money .... it never ends in Thailand even though the 'visa' charges have now been waived! Thailand the smiling corruption is rife! :)

i've to go to the italian embassy tomorrow ... anyone knows if the public holiday will affect it?

This a joke?

The Italian Embassy uses any excuse imaginable to stop working.

It's not just the Italians. Last year the US Embassy was closed on the Consulate General's &^#$ing birthday which fell on a Tuesday (if I recall correctly)- not exactly a standard national holiday and for me a waste of a morning getting there for nothing plus I had to make the trip again the very next day. I was less than pleased. Happy #$^%ing birthday you lazy 'civil servant'. :)

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