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Thaksin's Vendetta Is Wrecking The Country


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besides that he is not the guy who gives the order to use live bullets to shoot into the crowds,

He gives the order for the crowds to fight the army. Do you think when he does so, he believes that those people will not get injured in some way? Of course not. He knows that injury and death is inevitable. He knows that the army will be forced to react and that the outcome will not be pretty. He does not care. Power and money are his only concerns. He is a disgusting individual and deserves not these feeble attempts from others to shift the blame to the feet of others.

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Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

Thailand, Thailand's lethargy, Thailand's corruption and class separation, The elites desire to have power that was not given to them by the people, all these things have created a monster. Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

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Here is Thaksins mouthpiece address http://www.facebook.com/robert.amsterdam

Suggest we all send our comments to him concerning his master, lap dogs like fuss and attention.

I'm sure this has been posted already, but for anyone who hasn't seen it...

Unlike CNN and BBC, these questions on Al Jazeera successfully go right to the core of the issues concerned, and are not addressed in any way whatsoever by Mr Amsterdam. Calls himself a human rights lawyer?! What a joke!

Edited by rixalex
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Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

Nope. Once again a poster not being duped into believing this is all for some great and noble cause.

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Here is Thaksins mouthpiece address http://www.facebook.com/robert.amsterdam

Suggest we all send our comments to him concerning his master, lap dogs like fuss and attention.

I'm sure this has been posted already, but for anyone who hasn't seen it...

Unlike CNN and BBC, these questions on Al Jazeera successfully go right to the core of the issues concerned, and are not addressed in any way whatsoever by Mr Amsterdam. Calls himself a human rights lawyer?! What a joke!

Al Jazeera is one of the best news outlets in the world if not the best. The BBC and CNN can learn from them.

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Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

Nope. Once again a poster not being duped into believing this is all for some great and noble cause.

I say tomato, you say tomayto.

No duping going on here my friend and I resent the implication. And at no point have I said it is for some noble cause. It is natural progression, Thailand is now going through what many other countries has gone through and hopefully will come out of it stronger, and hopefully the people will be more aware of the propaganda from both sides and stop buying into the garbage.

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No duping going on here my friend and I resent the implication. And at no point have I said it is for some noble cause. It is natural progression, Thailand is now going through what many other countries has gone through and hopefully will come out of it stronger, and hopefully the people will be more aware of the propaganda from both sides and stop buying into the garbage.

In the meantime, feel free to join your red friends in spreading "Democracy and freedom" to Bangkok, in this wonderful "natural progression" of yours.

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Here is Thaksins mouthpiece address http://www.facebook.com/robert.amsterdam

Suggest we all send our comments to him concerning his master, lap dogs like fuss and attention.

I'm sure this has been posted already, but for anyone who hasn't seen it...

Unlike CNN and BBC, these questions on Al Jazeera successfully go right to the core of the issues concerned, and are not addressed in any way whatsoever by Mr Amsterdam. Calls himself a human rights lawyer?! What a joke!

Notice that you cannot leave a posting on his wall to tell him that he is wrong in saying that no Red Shirts have received money from Thaksin. It seems that he is on the run also if you see how many countries he has gone thru.

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Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

Thailand, Thailand's lethargy, Thailand's corruption and class separation, The elites desire to have power that was not given to them by the people, all these things have created a monster. Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

Funny how the red apologists always manage to leave Thaksin out of their 'elitist' accusations.

As for classes, all societies have classes.

Why the reds are a fake is that they have no class demands.

Not a single one.

Not even a teeny-weeny one.

Only amnesty for Thaksin.

That is the only clear demand.

Edited by yoshiwara
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Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

Thailand, Thailand's lethargy, Thailand's corruption and class separation, The elites desire to have power that was not given to them by the people, all these things have created a monster. Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

Are you talking about the world? But other countries are more lucky, they don't have Thaksin.

And don't dream the communist dream. It's just an illusion!

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I think the army broke up the main camp, the leaders turned themselves in and hard-core supporters caused fires and looted at up to 12 locations around Bangkok. Without leadership, the Red movement no longer represents the threat of civil war, if it ever seriously did. The supporters will reduce their activities as the curfew takes effect.

Thaksin's vendetta probably formed during the PAD's anti-Thaksin riots in 2006 when they protested outside government house. After Thaksin won his second re-election by a landslide and then dissolved his government after having a private meeting with the King, the current events were probably set in motion.

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Only amnesty for Thaksin.

That is the only clear demand.

Same for anti-red. Everything they think of will relate to Thaksin.

Even a picture while he shopping is still be an angry issue.

oh man. How blindful they can be.

Well shrek Thaksin shopping for genuine loius V. I am not sure that is right he should be doing that. Abhispit can only buy fakes for a long time, maybe thaks will send him a real one. Would not surprise me to see the democrats change the PM soon, a bit hard to have a pm when the old hague is coming for you.

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Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

Thailand, Thailand's lethargy, Thailand's corruption and class separation, The elites desire to have power that was not given to them by the people, all these things have created a monster. Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

Are you talking about the world? But other countries are more lucky, they don't have Thaksin.

And don't dream the communist dream. It's just an illusion!

You are so right Thailand has 1 Thaksin and 2 thaksin equals. So that is 3 reedy honey mungry %$#@$%# who do not care about life!

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Only amnesty for Thaksin.

That is the only clear demand.

Same for anti-red. Everything they think of will relate to Thaksin.

Even a picture while he shopping is still be an angry issue.

oh man. How blindful they can be.

Well shrek Thaksin shopping for genuine loius V. I am not sure that is right he should be doing that. Abhispit can only buy fakes for a long time, maybe thaks will send him a real one. Would not surprise me to see the democrats change the PM soon, a bit hard to have a pm when the old hague is coming for you.

There will be no Hague trial,and sad to say for you mate this goverment will come out looking pretty good no matter what rhetoric you can come up with

Its over

yeah,they will blow a few banks up and generally try and instill fear to the populace but they will lose,why?

They have no real conviction for anything ,but greed

But its now the end for the reds and anyone who supports them

And if the supporters continue to do so,they are doing nothing less than advocating terrorism and i would hope the goverment treats them according to that distinction

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Only amnesty for Thaksin.

That is the only clear demand.

Same for anti-red. Everything they think of will relate to Thaksin.

Even a picture while he shopping is still be an angry issue.

oh man. How blindful they can be.

Laser focus.

You don't like it.

You want to send up clouds of obfuscation.

Like a burning tyre of misinformation.

PS there is no such word as 'blindful'

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Hi Yeeoww.....

Your statement about the US is a complete fabrication.

You cannot name one respected instance in US history where protester's who were peacefully assembled were subject to being shot at and murdered by the US government. Even in the most emotional protests against the US war in Vietnam, when 100s of thousands came to Washington DC and camped out on the mall, there was virtually no violence.

The problem is Thailand is just the opposite. The people cannot assemble peacefully without being murdered. They cannot voice their opinion without their TV stations being shut down. They cannot speak out against social injustice without fear of arrest. They cannot even peacefully assemble on public fields without fear of arrest.

Anyone who says the US would "crack down" on something like this is completely wrong. In the US, citizens have a birth right to assemble peacefully. They can have their own TV stations, new papers, web sites, full freedom to assemble and to protest and to express themselves. In Thailand, the citizens to not have these basic rights, especially the rural poor.

When read these threads and post, I am truly amazed at misinformation and lies posted here. In the US, what is happening in Thailand would never happen because in the US, when you cast your vote at the polls, the military does not kick out the winner just because the elite do not agree with the results. In the US, there is a working form of democracy and the bulk of the power is with the people. Not in Thailand. The power is in guns and murder of people who protest. You can easily witness this in the streets of Bangkok today.

I challenge you to name one lawful event in US history where protesters were murdered in the streets. There are none.

Misinformation and lies? Really

Ever heard of Kent State?

After you look that up, try looking up The Tak Bai Massacre.

Errr do you happen to remember Tak Bai at all?

After the Tak Bai Massacre, the next day, the Press were all mustered to what they thought was going to be a 'Press Conference'. Instead they were held hostage in a room until they handed over all their Video Footage of the cruelty and the outright coldblooded murder of 92 Peaceful protesters.

And of course there were all those people who had the temerity to criticise Taksin, whilst he was in Office, which you are supposed to be able to do when you have a 'Democracy'. Except with PM Taksin, with his Billions, edffectively gagged them all with expensive Lawsuits for 'defammation'

I suggest you slip down to the hospital soon and get a sheet of Plexi Glass sewn into your abdomen.

So you can see where you are going while you have your head up your arse!

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Yes, follow the money and keep your eye on the ball.

These guys are pissed off because they blew the 100,000 baht gov't collapse bonus.

TS is pissed off because he didn't get his way.

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Thaksins new lawyer: Thaksin is not a man greedy for power.

Taken from the Nation.

Is this guy REAL....

This interview was conducted by Mark MacKinnon, the Asia corresponent for Globe and Mail of Canada.

Depending on how you view the cases he takes on, Canadian lawyer Robert Amsterdam is either a noble defender of democracy, or someone who has an interesting habit of ending up beside the rich and power-hungry as they fall from grace.

Famous for publicly butting heads with the Kremlin while defending jailed Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mr. Amsterdam was recently hired as international counsel to Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand’s fugitive former prime minister. Mr. Thaksin is de facto leader of the Red Shirt protests that have paralyzed much of Bangkok since March in an effort to bring down the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

On Thursday, those protests veered again into violence, which the Thai government blames on Mr. Thaksin.

Mr. Amsterdam’s newest client is arguably his most controversial yet. To some in Thailand, Mr. Thaksin is the country’s legitimate leader, the only politician ever to win back-to-back elections, before being deposed by a 2006 military coup.

But to the Thai government and its supporters, Mr. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and a “terrorist” who is masterminding the sporadically deadly unrest in Bangkok from an unknown location abroad.

Mr. Amsterdam, unsurprisingly, disagrees. He spoke to The Globe and Mail by telephone this week shortly after meeting his client in person at an undisclosed location.

How did you end up as international lawyer for Thaksin Shinawatra?

People make introductions. Thaksin was aware of our work previously and reached out to us through intermediaries. One of the things we have done in recent years … is work with people who have been victimized by the state, either corporations or, in some cases, opposition figures.

You recently spoke with your client. Can you tell me anything about how he is and where he is?

We met just a few days ago. He was in fine form, contrary to the many rumours [circulating in Thailand] that he’s withering. He’s not in any of the locations that he advertises because Thai authorities work very hard on essentially disturbing the rhythms of his activities. The Thai government is not a legitimate government. They recognize that [Mr. Thaksin] is hugely popular in Thailand, so they view him as a threat.

A government that is based out of a military barracks, whose genesis of power is a 2006 military takeover, who is operating on a constitution [introduced in 2007] that does not reflect the people’s will and was adopted during a period of strong military control … this is not a legitimate government. It’s very important that Canadians and others not allow the people with bayonets to use those bayonets to justify their ability to rule. I think it says a lot for the people of Thailand that so many of them have risen to defend the [pre-coup] constitution.

Did Mr. Thaksin make any reference to the Red Shirt protests in Bangkok? How does he view what’s happening there?

He’s grieving over the loss of life – on April 10 [the date of a failed military effort to disperse the protests], dozens were murdered in cold blood – and he’s concerned with finding a way out of this. He believes that only through a fair, independent election, through letting the Thai people go back to their actual democratic institutions, can this be resolved.

Why won’t Mr. Thaksin, if he’s innocent, return to Thailand and take on the corruption charges against him?

He has as much right to level charges against those in power, those who are levelling charges against him. Thailand is not a country that can boast an independent judiciary. That’s not a matter of partisan comment, that’s an accepted fact. Given the discriminatory, selective and, quite frankly, ridiculous nature of the proceedings against him, I don’t think he would be well advised to subject himself to the arbitrary rules of those who don’t respect the 1997 constitution.

Does your client still harbour hope of returning to Thailand and to active Thai politics some day?

In terms of returning to Thailand, it’s clear that it’s his country and it’s fair to say that, obviously, he would want to return. But his concerns about the future of the country trump any political ambitions. He’s not a man who is greedy for power … I think he’s more concerned with getting a normal life back.

You’ve drawn parallels between Mr. Thaksin’s case and some of your other famous clients, including Mikhail Khodorkovsky and former Nigerian cabinet minister Mallam Nasir el-Rufai. Beyond their legal situations, what do they have in common?

As the great Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya [who was murdered in 2006] told me many years ago, it is always, or generally, the most corrupt who use corruption as their tool to attack their enemies. Whether it’s Russia, or Thailand, or Nigeria, we are seeing a more cavalier attitude towards respecting basic norms of international law and governance. That’s a real matter of concern, I think, for all of this.

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