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Thai Troops Violate Law In Bangkok Action: Amnesty

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To the Amnesty and other human right groups, even shooting a terrorist violates the law. Next time you see a armed robber, pat on his shoulder and tell him " please don't rob ", don't be rude, otherwise it's against human right laws. Kudos to Amnesty International

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This guy better go back to shooting school if he want to hurt someone. He is firing at the sky. Paid actors?

No. look carefully and you will see that this is not a gun but a dustbin with firecrackers for effect.

can any photograph in history better symbolize poor people fighting a modern army with absolutely nothing but their bravery?

this is photo deserves the Pulitzer Prize. if the quality is good enough, this is going viral. think what a field day Amnesty is going to have with this one.

due thanks everybody to JCBangkok for his excellent research in bringing this to the attention of the world.

Please consider this point - honestly. All of us have the luxury of sitting on our nice safe sofas studying the video and photo. is it a dustbin, could be. Now, consider the soldier 100 meters away facing the reds. Firecrackers go off, noise, smoke. This jerk stands up and - is it an automatic weapon or dustbin? You have a mili-second to decide. Any LEO or military guys out there ever been in that position? Easy to make the decision? No court would prosecute a soldier returning fire under those circumstances. And what was the guys point in doing that anyway? Simple - to draw fire. As my father used to say, its all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

And as for Pulitzer- the photo of the kid being held above the tire wall has a much better chance.

absolutely pointless attempting to discuss and explain then? that one of the parties involved is an official government bound by international laws and rules and supposedly committed to responsible governance of its people while the other is an unelected gang of hotheads not subject to international laws?


regardless that you clearly support the government side, this article is about them breaking the law using live fire. Are you saying you support the shooting of unarmed protesters ? Whether or not they are a gang of hotheads is personal opinion but considering TV images regularly show protesters using sling shots against army using bullets I think amnesty have a valid point.

Why are so many people on here so one sidely supporting violence and death ? Personally I'd prefer to see the government stop aimlessly calling everyone terrorists and actually try to sort these long standing issues out. Guns just aren't going to do that

You are very misguided when you say the Govt is breaking the law. Far from it. These 'unarmed protestors' are also more heavily armed than shown - take a walk on the wild side and open your eyes! Army was first mobilised armed with rubber bullets and batons and were met by live ammunition, M79's and molotov cocktails as well as marbles from slingshots etc. A retaliation was not even contemplated until the 'whoever', started shooting all and sundry! Then the protestors have been repeatedly warned, given deadlines and now are holding a city to ransom! They have refused to obey any law (they are the ones breaking the law - despite being given the leeway of being allowed to protest 'peacefully' and now they have fueled fires with petrol and tyres, commandeered vehicles, trashed them, burned them, used vehicles as weapons and have now started looting, been caught on camera showing snipers (yes army as well now) and well armed. So perhaps before making such wild statements about unarmed protestors you should at least take an informed assessment. Then perhaps people would recognise intelligence rather than assumptions (the mother of all f**kups). The army and govt has now mobilised to uphold law and order so if you have a problem with that - go join Amnesty International or one of the other lame scam organisations - you would fit in perfectly!

OK, again in big letters. NOT ALL the protestors are armed. SOME of them are. if a nation's army is shooting live rounds indiscriminately into an area where there are SOME UNARMED CIVILIANS PROTESTING PEACEFULLY irrespective of how many other people in there are actually ARMED it breaks international human right's laws. getting it yet?

Steve, where is your logic? If the army is shooting live rounds indiscriminately like what your describe, would it be just thirty odds lives so far for the past five days; don't get me wrong, thirty odds is not a small number and I don't like to see anymore neither; the so called international human right's law is basically misinterpreted and abused here.


here's below is what JC alleged earlier when he introduced his fake evidence purporting to be a gun when in fact it is nothing but a broom handle.

but the AP video i posted above of the same scene at the same time clearly reveals the fraud JC is attempting to perpetrate on the TV community.

its not every day we catch here a troll with his pants down.

Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

Maybe it is just me. Still look like a gun to me. This is just my opinion. You need not agree with me, I understand that.

gentlemen, please consider the situation. in the middle of riots, in a live fire zone,

an apparently cognitively impaired protester aims a broom handle at soldiers a few

hundred meters away. as his comrades set off strings of firecrackers, he pretends

to be firing a machine gun.

from the soldiers point of view, they see a barrel pointing at them, hear a series

of bangs, see flashes. they have a split-second to react.

now consider this....anyone thinking this man is harmless:

i challenge any one of you to stand in a dark alley in any democratic country in

the world, then as a cop of the beat walks by, pull out cigar and point it at

the cop as a friend behind you sets off firecrackers. good luck to your

surviving relatives suing the tobacco companies cause smoking kills.

Abhisit is delusional, and on very thin ice. In his unabating preaching about restoring the rule of law, he has forgotten all about the rules of international law. You don't indiscriminately fire live ammo at unarmed civilians, and you don't declare city streets that are still inhabited by ciivilians as free fire zones.

Unless Abhisit realises the error of his ways, and sits down to talk serious compromise, he could end up joining the ranks of war criminals lined up for trial at the Hague.

If anyone is suffering from delusions, it is you. To be clear, despite AI's comments the actions of the security forces are, as far as can be judged at this stage within the parameters set by the emergency provisions in place. It has already been made clear that there will be investigations of the shootings to endeavour to establish the realities.

You may bleat that such actions will lead to naught, but this is still a country where one does not have to live in fear of the 4 o'clock in the morning knock on the door from the 'authorities'. Thailand has a level of safeguards which protect the citizen. I have lived in places where not only do they not exist, but the Ludovico technique would be welcomed.

This is not to minimise the tragedy of any life cut short, but to suggest that the actions of the last few days compare to say, those on the Mehmed-pasa Sokolovic Bridge is bordering on the obscene.


clockworkorange 2010-05-18 22:14:41 Safeguards should never be taken for granted.

What makes you so sure that the chaos should be put on hold to guarantee your safety? Why do you assume that you have a right to special treatment, simply because you are a foreigner?

I thought it might be preferable to bring the conversation in its entirety here, as opposed to wilful editing of my response, which is, as you may know is against forum rules. Anyway, I stand by my initial reply, and further, to assist you, when I use the term one in this context it means the general populous or more precisely citizens, which of course I am not, though extant safeguards do cover individual within Thailand irrespective of nationality. Your off point inanities aside, ultimately it is, as I noted you are delusional as originally stated.



I was watching another video with spliced together footage of the riots and the reporter indicates it is a broom stick the person is pretending to be a machine gun but this is based on the fact that he had a broom in an earlier clip. Either way, clearly shows what the soldiers are up against and the restraint they are showing as everyone behind this tire barricade could have easily and understandably been opened up on ... do they really think the tires are going to stop an M16 round?

Here is a another screen grab (enlarged) pic of the "broom" handle


Maybe it is just me. Still look like a gun to me. This is just my opinion. You need not agree with me, I understand that.

gentlemen, please consider the situation. in the middle of riots, in a live fire zone,

an apparently cognitively impaired protester aims a broom handle at soldiers a few

hundred meters away. as his comrades set off strings of firecrackers, he pretends

to be firing a machine gun.

from the soldiers point of view, they see a barrel pointing at them, hear a series

of bangs, see flashes. they have a split-second to react.

now consider this....anyone thinking this man is harmless:

i challenge any one of you to stand in a dark alley in any democratic country in

the world, then as a cop of the beat walks by, pull out cigar and point it at

the cop as a friend behind you sets off firecrackers. good luck to your

surviving relatives suing the tobacco companies cause smoking kills.

The sole goal of the reds has been to create such violence and turmoil that the military would have to step in and then they provoke them to the point of getting killed and injured. Then red leaders can call the government out of control and unable to take charge or control. Then they demand immediate house dissolution and the PM resignation and then during the power void they get their folks in power. Please realize the reds have not demanded elections but have just been focused on house dissolution.

Edit: And I would also not condemn any soldiers from lighting up that entire barricade. Even after watching the video from the other side of the barricade numerous times it is not clear what is going on except very aggressive behavior and firing of weapon(s). Can only imagine a soldier who has little time to study such a situation given the lawless violent reds roaming the streets and moving from one fortified spot to another while lighting fires and attacking troops with various weapons.


On the ah-ah video point, in most countries the law states that if an officer believes that a weapon is being discharged at him he has the right of self protection. If subsequently it is found that the weapon was a simulacrum, the officer is not guilty of an offence. Indeed, some jurisdictions have the same penalty for carrying a pseudo-gun as carrying the real thing.

As has been noted it's all very well to look at the images, in the comfort of air-con, but when there's explosions from firecrackers, images distorted by smoke, etc. waving a broom handle is not, shall we say a wise course of action.


for christ's sake would people please begin reading and understanding? it doesn't matter whether or not anyone 'innocent' has been killed. the thai army is shooting live rounds in areas where there are its own unarmed citizens. this is a massive breach of UN human rights laws.

how the hel_l are people not getting this? it's not complicated.

for christs sake- the people are in fire zones- and they are fire zones because the reds have barricaded themselves in- invaded neighborhoods - or do you think these places all had stacks of burning tires and drunken idiots firing guns before the reds got there? If the army wanted to kill unarmed people, thousands would be dead, not less than 100. It is so unfortunate that innocent people have been hit - but blame goes on the reds who brought this on. This is not complicated- no red invasion and takeover of neighborhoods, no shooting into these places.

And please site the UN Human Rights Law that firing in self-defense and defense of public and private property is a breach of.

'not less than 100'. well there you go. human rights laws breached, innocent citizens shot at by their own government. which is the subject of this thread. whatever underhand and foul tactics certain of the redshirts have employed, you do. not. shoot. at. your. own. unarmed. citizens.

this is like talking to a 9 year old child. two wrongs do not make a bloody right.

They are not shooting at unarmed civilians, They are shooting at people who are either : 1. shooting at them - either handguns, rifles, rpg's or less lethal weapons - rockets, fire bombs, sling shots 2. lighting fires (its called arson) 3. looting 4. running checkpoints

What is so hard about this to understand- 1. they are not shooting at unarmed people- unfortunately some unarmed people have been placed in danger and hurt and yes, killed, but because of the redshirts guerilla tactics 2. There are not wrongs on each side - only one, as self defense and defense of public and private property is not wrong.

I totally agree with Netfan. SteveH...you talk like you are so aggrieved and cannot understand that Netfan and others like me, cannot understand that ...you do not shoot at unarmed citizens. Your delusion is that you think this is what is happening. This is not a peaceful mob being shot at by police (like Iran green shirts). This is a group of innocents mixed in with a wild armed violent mob armed with rifles, m79 grenades and pistols....funded by a former despot, who shoot at any officer who tries to disperse them. They have taken over two square miles and caused massive destruction of property, liberty, lives and livelihood. Yes, we all, especially Thais...morn the death of any innocent person. Those in the red shirt movement, who do not want violence, who want peaceful demonstration... have for weeks been asked to leave and separate themselves from the gunmen. Many have left.. only a few thousand are left...either hard core insurrection mobs...or innocent children, grandparents or loved ones of these violent insurrectionists. If the police wanted to just pick off civilians...if that is their order or intent...there would be hundreds killed each day. Rather it is the sad and sorrowful few who have been killed...almost always during or right after the police and army have been attacked. You, SteveH, Amnesty, and the UN...should get your facts straight. I have just spent 3 days in Bangkok and have lived here for 7 yrs. You do not know what is going on at all. Imagine Time square taken over by a violent mob, shooting grenades, rifles and guns at police who try to disperse them and at civilians (Silom, Dusit Thani hotel, etc.) You are missing what is going on here. Your concern for human life is laudible...but it is entirely misplaced. The police and army are simply and clearly NOT shooting randomly at innocent people...that is a complete misunderstanding. Are there isolated incidents where you can say that an armed official shot too soon, that an innocent was hit in error, that shots were fired in fear against incoming fire...and struck innocent people....yes.... but you should be focused on the horor being wrought by the red shirts all in the name of Thaksin...the worst of human rights abusers.


IMO ... Only a paranoid, liar or very ignorant person would claim the military is targeting kids, reporters or medical personnel.

It simply makes no sense given there is absolutely no benefit to them doing this.

I have no idea if these killings were accidental shootings from either the red, military or another party or if these folks were targeted.

But I do know who is using these deaths to promote their cause and that is the red camp. They are the ONLY ones who seem to be gaining traction on these deaths.

Lacking any credible witness or video accounts, the other thing I know is that I will wait for official reports and investigations to be completed before making any decision.

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Winston Churchill

Funny how the army stopped shooting and killing innocent civilians, children, and paramedics after the BBC's and CNN's coverage, eh? And then came Amnesty! The Abhisit government were a bit stupid to assume the world wouldn't be watching. All ready for the international courts when this is over with. Video footage, stills, the works... Abhisit knows all about international law. We don't have to warn him. (He's been educated abroad you know)

Hmmm... "All set up by Thaksin" these Yellows would say. Hmmm... What they're really saying is that a former prime minister commanding the scene (according to them) from miles away via mobile phone and an Internet link is smarter than the ruling government! 555+ Makes you wonder where this muppet coalition came from. Oh! I know! :-)

You engineer a parliamentary seat here, a parliamentary seat there, here a seat, there a seat, everywhere a seat, seat, old McElite, had a nation... exploit, exploit... ei-oh...

So, bye bye Abhisit and look forward to a few years in jail - if you're that fortunate.

"A repressive regime can be kept secret if it's in a cosy tourist destination halfway round the world before the repressed wake up and the truth has a chance to get its cyber pants on."

Mr Someone on the Streets

I've been on the other end of rockets and they are extremely lethal ! Oh yes sweep that aside for a mere broom handle.

gee, BMZ.

if roman candles and broom handles are "extremely lethal" what might be a highly trained army sniper with a modern large caliber high velocity sniper rifle working in concert with an equally highly trained spotter using high magnification binoculars fitted for night vision or thermal imaging scopes?

c'mon admit it.!

your a troll for amnesty international! arent you???

Mis-representing lethal rockets for roman candles is the cheap propaganda has been repeated ad- nauseum here on TV and is expected from your ilk.

This post alone displays your lack of comprehension and lowbrow melodrama.

Have you no imagination ?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  :):D:D

They are not shooting at unarmed civilians, They are shooting at people who are either : 1. shooting at them - either handguns, rifles, rpg's or less lethal weapons - rockets, fire bombs, sling shots 2. lighting fires (its called arson) 3. looting 4. running checkpoints

What is so hard about this to understand- 1. they are not shooting at unarmed people- unfortunately some unarmed people have been placed in danger and hurt and yes, killed, but because of the redshirts guerilla tactics 2. There are not wrongs on each side - only one, as self defense and defense of public and private property is not wrong.

What an incoherent post! Of your 1-4, only "1" couldn't be unarmed civilians, and I'm still not aware of any conclusive proof that protesters are shooting at the army either with handguns, rifles or RPGs.Though some may well be. Most seem to be doing the best they can with broom handles and fire crackers. Which at least shows some bravado and determination, poor buggers. 2-4 in your list doesn't mean armed, and they're all civilians.

Meanwhile I still haven't noticed any anti-reds conceding that a broom handle isn't a deadly weapon.


This guy better go back to shooting school if he want to hurt someone. He is firing at the sky. Paid actors?

No. look carefully and you will see that this is not a gun but a dustbin with firecrackers for effect.

can any photograph in history better symbolize poor people fighting a modern army with absolutely nothing but their bravery?

this is photo deserves the Pulitzer Prize. if the quality is good enough, this is going viral. think what a field day Amnesty is going to have with this one.

due thanks everybody to JCBangkok for his excellent research in bringing this to the attention of the world.

Please consider this point - honestly. All of us have the luxury of sitting on our nice safe sofas studying the video and photo. is it a dustbin, could be. Now, consider the soldier 100 meters away facing the reds. Firecrackers go off, noise, smoke. This jerk stands up and - is it an automatic weapon or dustbin? You have a mili-second to decide. Any LEO or military guys out there ever been in that position? Easy to make the decision? No court would prosecute a soldier returning fire under those circumstances. And what was the guys point in doing that anyway? Simple - to draw fire. As my father used to say, its all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

And as for Pulitzer- the photo of the kid being held above the tire wall has a much better chance.

I think I may have been the first to say this was a really amazing video as it looked like someone standing up and firing a machine gun, maybe we can let JC rest a bit.

But then it's even more amazing. What on earth is the guy doing? For what purpose? They are firing things, possibly grenades, we assume at the Army, the guy jumps up just as the firecrackers are going off, waves the dust bin or whatever rapidly and the drops like a stone in vacuum.

1. Is he trying to make the Army think he is shooting a machine gun (M16s/AK47s etc are also machine guns).

2. The handle is used as a tube to fire something like a roman candle?

3. He is mentally retarded or on ya ba?

4. It is an un-comprehensible Thai action?

5. __________________

I've been on the other end of rockets and they are extremely lethal ! Oh yes sweep that aside for a mere broom handle.

gee, BMZ.

if roman candles and broom handles are "extremely lethal" what might be a highly trained army sniper with a modern large caliber high velocity sniper rifle working in concert with an equally highly trained spotter using high magnification binoculars fitted for night vision or thermal imaging scopes?

c'mon admit it.!

your a troll for amnesty international! arent you???

Mis-representing lethal rockets for roman candles is the cheap propaganda has been repeated ad- nauseum here on TV and is expected from your ilk.

This post alone displays your lack of comprehension and lowbrow melodrama.

Have you no imagination ?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  :):D:D

How about a molotov cocktail?

I would rather take my chances with a bullet than getting hit with one of those and being engulfed in flames and face a possibly long and painful death.

But regardless, I believe the military has not just a right but a duty to deal with those flinging molotov cocktails from a distance rather than trying to get within throwing or slingshot range.

Also a firm believer that rockets, large rocks, knifes, spears and sling shots can be considered deadly weapons and there is no reason for soldiers to put themselves in a position to be killed or injured by coming within range of them either .... especially when folks possessing these weapons have been warned MANY MANY times.

Add vehicles to the list of deadly weapons too when they fail to yield to lawful instructions and are heading towards authorities at high rates of speed.

If your aim was really to help rather than to collect donations thru publicity stunts, you would use whatever influence you think you have to promote an offer of general amnesty to all parties

Wow EP. I have never met anyone that I have never found anything in common with, but I have to say, I think you are 100% wrong in absolutely every opinion you write.

I don't know whether I believe anything that Amnesty International is saying about this event, but I will say one thing:

If it is true, the people responsible need to face justice. There is no excuse for killing people in this case if that is what truly happened. There are other, legal ways to repel non combatants. Accidents could happen of course, but they are claiming this is deliberate. That is a serious crime!

I can't believe you now think that not only should red shirted terrorist thugs be forgiven their despicable crimes, you now also want to forgive the military criminals (assuming this accusation can actually be substantiated.)

Wow! What planet did you grow up on? People are killing people. Arrest and punish those responsible! How would you feel if I came over and whacked your entire family and some moron on the internet said "Grant him amnesty!"

Forget it. You are completely and 100% wrong. Your viewpoint is totally unacceptable to a society of law abiding citizens.


This guy better go back to shooting school if he want to hurt someone. He is firing at the sky. Paid actors?

No. look carefully and you will see that this is not a gun but a dustbin with firecrackers for effect.

can any photograph in history better symbolize poor people fighting a modern army with absolutely nothing but their bravery?

this is photo deserves the Pulitzer Prize. if the quality is good enough, this is going viral. think what a field day Amnesty is going to have with this one.

due thanks everybody to JCBangkok for his excellent research in bringing this to the attention of the world.

Please consider this point - honestly. All of us have the luxury of sitting on our nice safe sofas studying the video and photo. is it a dustbin, could be. Now, consider the soldier 100 meters away facing the reds. Firecrackers go off, noise, smoke. This jerk stands up and - is it an automatic weapon or dustbin? You have a mili-second to decide. Any LEO or military guys out there ever been in that position? Easy to make the decision? No court would prosecute a soldier returning fire under those circumstances. And what was the guys point in doing that anyway? Simple - to draw fire. As my father used to say, its all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

And as for Pulitzer- the photo of the kid being held above the tire wall has a much better chance.

I think I may have been the first to say this was a really amazing video as it looked like someone standing up and firing a machine gun, maybe we can let JC rest a bit.

But then it's even more amazing. What on earth is the guy doing? For what purpose? They are firing things, possibly grenades, we assume at the Army, the guy jumps up just as the firecrackers are going off, waves the dust bin or whatever rapidly and the drops like a stone in vacuum.

1. Is he trying to make the Army think he is shooting a machine gun (M16s/AK47s etc are also machine guns).

2. The handle is used as a tube to fire something like a roman candle?

3. He is mentally retarded or on ya ba?

4. It is an un-comprehensible Thai action?

5. __________________

5. Do you know they interviewed one women in the Red Camp today or yesterday who said she WANTS to die for the Thaksin cause? The more chaos they can cause and the more deaths, the more they can demand the gov't is not only not in control but out of control. They then can call for immediate resignation of the PM and house dissolution. Then they move in and fill the power void with their folks waiting in the wings to bring Thaksin back. Again, they don't care about elections ... they only want House Dissolution and Abhisit to step down.

Anyway, that is my opinion based on what has and is going on.

They are not shooting at unarmed civilians, They are shooting at people who are either : 1. shooting at them - either handguns, rifles, rpg's or less lethal weapons - rockets, fire bombs, sling shots 2. lighting fires (its called arson) 3. looting 4. running checkpoints

What is so hard about this to understand- 1. they are not shooting at unarmed people- unfortunately some unarmed people have been placed in danger and hurt and yes, killed, but because of the redshirts guerilla tactics 2. There are not wrongs on each side - only one, as self defense and defense of public and private property is not wrong.

What an incoherent post! Of your 1-4, only "1" couldn't be unarmed civilians, and I'm still not aware of any conclusive proof that protesters are shooting at the army either with handguns, rifles or RPGs.Though some may well be. Most seem to be doing the best they can with broom handles and fire crackers. Which at least shows some bravado and determination, poor buggers. 2-4 in your list doesn't mean armed, and they're all civilians.

Meanwhile I still haven't noticed any anti-reds conceding that a broom handle isn't a deadly weapon.

Talk about incoherent. :) And as for your last sentence, please respond to the points in posts 302, 305, 307- that on the other side of that broomstick, 100 yards away, with smoke and noise, someone can tell its a broomstick being pointed at them. And what is the point of the guy jumping up and pretending he's shooting? He's either a. retarded or b. intentionally trying to draw fire

How about a molotov cocktail?

I would rather take my chances with a bullet than getting hit with one of those and being engulfed in flames and face a possibly long and painful death.

Okay then JC, in true Harry Hill style... Fight! You have a Molotov cocktail and I have a gun. One bottle and one shot each, okay?

How about a molotov cocktail?

I would rather take my chances with a bullet than getting hit with one of those and being engulfed in flames and face a possibly long and painful death.

Okay then JC, in true Harry Hill style... Fight! You have a Molotov cocktail and I have a gun. One bottle and one shot each, okay?

Well, according to your logic, you cannot use the gun. You just have to let the other guy do whatever he wants, especially if he says he's lighting you on fire or burning down your house in the name of democracy. :)

How about a molotov cocktail?

I would rather take my chances with a bullet than getting hit with one of those and being engulfed in flames and face a possibly long and painful death.

Okay then JC, in true Harry Hill style... Fight! You have a Molotov cocktail and I have a gun. One bottle and one shot each, okay?

......, and the rule is the guy with the gun cannot shoot before the other guy throws the molotov cocktail.

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Yeah he is good....a good opportunist....he can smell the money....he is a legend.....in his own mind....the lady interviewing him hung him out to dry.....waste of money there I think Tacki....link is to his bio http://www.borba.rs/eng/content/view/5542/123/

Yes good posting, the excellent interviewer tags him with every question

..and he exposes himself with every evasion. 


How about a molotov cocktail?

I would rather take my chances with a bullet than getting hit with one of those and being engulfed in flames and face a possibly long and painful death.

Okay then JC, in true Harry Hill style... Fight! You have a Molotov cocktail and I have a gun. One bottle and one shot each, okay?

Didn't say I would prefer to be armed with a molotov cocktail in a battle and nor did I indicate a molotov cocktail was more effective than a gun and in your deleting most of my post you deleted where I clearly indicated a gun is much more effective since the person with the gun doesn't have to get in throwing range of the person armed with a molotov cocktail.

What I did say is I would rather take my chances getting shot with a bullet than being soaked in gasoline and set on fire. (using different words here in hopes of giving you a better understanding of what I previously said)

Well, according to your logic, you cannot use the gun. You just have to let the other guy do whatever he wants, especially if he says he's lighting you on fire or burning down your house in the name of democracy.

Well, I've seen footage of the army shooting paramedics so your "logic" hits you in the face. And JC said he would rather take his chances with a bullet than a Molotov cocktail. He set no rules or parameters. But even if the guy with the Molotov cocktail threw first, I know what I would feel more comfortable with. And I think the army do too - else they'd be sneaking off the Esso and Shell every five minutes.

And the rule is the guy with the gun cannot shoot before the other guy throws the Molotov cocktail.

Hmmm... see above...

And then there’s the question of range. Trying to hit a target 500 metres away with a M-150 bottle and your arm as the power source. These Yellows don’t think it through. I still pity them...

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Yeah he is good....a good opportunist....he can smell the money....he is a legend.....in his own mind....the lady interviewing him hung him out to dry.....waste of money there I think Tacki....link is to his bio http://www.borba.rs/eng/content/view/5542/123/

Yes good posting, the excellent interviewer tags him with every question

..and he exposes himself with every evasion. 

Wow, this guy is the reason you hear all those lawyer jokes like if you had a gun and 2 bullets in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler and a lawyer who would you kill? The lawyer - twice.

An interesting interview with Thaksin's lawyer on Al Jazeera today.

Yeah he is good....a good opportunist....he can smell the money....he is a legend.....in his own mind....the lady interviewing him hung him out to dry.....waste of money there I think Tacki....link is to his bio http://www.borba.rs/eng/content/view/5542/123/

Yes good posting, the excellent interviewer tags him with every question

..and he exposes himself with every evasion. 


If you liked that, then I think you will like the below. It is from last year but it really shows what the Reds are about (still using yellow shirt as excuse even though they have staged probably a dozen more violent protests since the airport). Anyway, the interviewer does an OUTSTANDING JOB

Well, according to your logic, you cannot use the gun. You just have to let the other guy do whatever he wants, especially if he says he's lighting you on fire or burning down your house in the name of democracy.

Well, I've seen footage of the army shooting paramedics so your "logic" hits you in the face. And JC said he would rather take his chances with a bullet than a Molotov cocktail. He set no rules or parameters. But even if the guy with the Molotov cocktail threw first, I know what I would feel more comfortable with. And I think the army do too - else they'd be sneaking off the Esso and Shell every five minutes.

And the rule is the guy with the gun cannot shoot before the other guy throws the Molotov cocktail.

Hmmm... see above...

And then there’s the question of range. Trying to hit a target 500 metres away with a M-150 bottle and your arm as the power source. These Yellows don’t think it through. I still pity them...

Totally evaded the points we both made, whether by choice or it went over your head, I don't know.

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Winston Churchill

100% yes,

and even faster when it has pros telling it

through 100 different outlets at the same time.

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