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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office

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This is the end for the RED.

This is the end for Thaksin.

This is the end for TRT/PPP/PT.

This is the end of Thai democracy fight.

Last to leave, don't forget to turn off the lights.

Dont you mean the beginning for Democracy, now that anarchy has been curtailed.

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All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers,

An attitude like that (on both sides) is what led to all this chaos in the first place. Good will towards the seemingly deafeated enemy is what we need. If the "winners" don't reach out to the "losers" right now and instead prefer to beat on the Reds while they are down, this circle of violence will soon start over. Jail all radical leaders, especially the ones now on the run, push ahead with the yellow's trials as well to signal people that double standards are no longer tolerated, involve the red leaders that have some sense in them in the reconciliation process and treat them as equals in as much as possible.

If even for the moderates the only choices are jail for life or taking the fight underground for Thaksin there wont be any progress. There has to be an open door for anyone (yellwo or red) who honestly wants to make a joined effort for Thailands future without stirring up hate.

That would be my recipe for Thailand's future. The time of the hardliners on both sides is over, unless we want to see this repeated very soon.

They know all this already. There is no interest in making this happen. It's a global issue not a localised Thai problem. They want the poor people to kill each other to cut down on the population. They want a reason to kill them too so they can justify a massive killing spree when it happens.

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers,

An attitude like that (on both sides) is what led to all this chaos in the first place. Good will towards the seemingly deafeated enemy is what we need. If the "winners" don't reach out to the "losers" right now and instead prefer to beat on the Reds while they are down, this circle of violence will soon start over. Jail all radical leaders, especially the ones now on the run, push ahead with the yellow's trials as well to signal people that double standards are no longer tolerated, involve the red leaders that have some sense in them in the reconciliation process and treat them as equals in as much as possible.

If even for the moderates the only choices are jail for life or taking the fight underground for Thaksin there wont be any progress. There has to be an open door for anyone (yellwo or red) who honestly wants to make a joined effort for Thailands future without stirring up hate.

That would be my recipe for Thailand's future. The time of the hardliners on both sides is over, unless we want to see this repeated very soon.

They know all this already. There is no interest in making this happen. It's a global issue not a localised Thai problem. They want the poor people to kill each other to cut down on the population. They want a reason to kill them too so they can justify a massive killing spree when it happens.

Utter garbage...you should seek medical help!

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

Well said!

I been surfing international channels all morning, all the media seem to be very supportive of the very well executed plan toend the anarchy in BKK

Mate,go back to sleep and try again when you wake up

<<<<<<<flame snipped>>>>>

You say they have killed dozen of innocent unarmed protesters,thats a non starter really isnt it as i could mention all the attatcks previously on innocent bangkok civilians who is resposible for their deaths then ?

So Abhisit and Suthep are no longer responsible for their involvment in the deaths over the last few days because........ some other people were killed by someone else previously ?

Since when are armed terrorists and insurgents considered "innocent civilians"? The Thai authorities showed AMAZING patience and restraint. In any other country an armed mob like the Red Shirts would have been met with much greater force. The government should be congratulated on ending this insurrection with minimum casualties.

Need more proof? Newsflash:

TAN: INN: Dindaeng red-shirt protesters announce independence from main gathering and said it will hunt down members of the press



Just looking at one of the red shirt frontmen, i cant bring myself to type the word leaders anymore


You cant make it up

And Jitta,just a thought

Libelious sedition,is a charge you could possibly bring


"continue fighting to advance democracy"

That reminds me of the Peace Movement quote of the 60's/70's during the Vietnam war

Fighting for peace is like f*****g for virginity!!

It's still funny.

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

like the yellow shirt leaders have??

You can somehow compare what the 'yellows' did with what the 'reds' have done so that's interesting in itself. But what is your point about the 'yellow shirt leaders?'

No, you cannot. The damages inflicted by the reds to this country is far more important that what the yellows did

The authorities must be kidding themselves. Did they never went to university? Did they never demonstrate themselves? Protest became in my time most violent when leaders gave up. Certain things never change. I expect an orgy of violence in the next few days. After that they have to wait for the elections in 6 months or 15 months time to get the last laugh themselves.

The present government haven't got a clue. I bet Abhisit wished he called for fresh elections earlier now. But no, the ruling elite pulled his strings so they could live the high life for a bit longer. Instead, Abhisit's got blood on his hands now and he's responsible for starting a civil war. Nice one Mark! You're not the nice guy Thai people saw you as, are you?

BL, he did offer early elections from the beginning before April 10! The whole country of Thailand is clueless, but you mr. bangkoklight clearly understand all. What does it feel like going through life always scratching your head because no one else understands anything?


Inflamatory posts (and their replies) and threats have been removed from view.

Pls. post in a civil manner or you may find your posting permissions removed.

I seriously doubt that this crackdown or arrests will end anything. Central World reportedly on fire. So is Century Park Hotel. Here are some photos of Ubon: http://memock.wordpress.com/ a while ago. Khon Khaen riots in the streets. As well as Chiang Mai. Government building burning in Udon Thani.

Its a good start.

For civil war ?

Something any new prime minister should be proud of .... starting up a civil war.

Way to go Abhisit :)

C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and use your light sabre on the PM. Please let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. This is also a challenge to ALL of you government bashers. Pray tell how you would have taken care of unruly mobs burning your city and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families.

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers,

An attitude like that (on both sides) is what led to all this chaos in the first place. Good will towards the seemingly deafeated enemy is what we need. If the "winners" don't reach out to the "losers" right now and instead prefer to beat on the Reds while they are down, this circle of violence will soon start over. Jail all radical leaders, especially the ones now on the run, push ahead with the yellow's trials as well to signal people that double standards are no longer tolerated, involve the red leaders that have some sense in them in the reconciliation process and treat them as equals in as much as possible.

If even for the moderates the only choices are jail for life or taking the fight underground for Thaksin there wont be any progress. There has to be an open door for anyone (yellwo or red) who honestly wants to make a joined effort for Thailands future without stirring up hate.

That would be my recipe for Thailand's future. The time of the hardliners on both sides is over, unless we want to see this repeated very soon.

You sound like a decent fellow. I can't say the same about me. Maybe it's the heat of the moment, but I'd like to see the Red leaders and the combatants get the book thrown at them. No leniency.

I'm trying to follow this, but all the place-names in use are confusing to me. If someone would post a little glossary of all the names for places and explain which names are really the same as others just a larger or smaller area it would really help me out, and I think others too -- I can't really tell how many different protest sites there are, or were. I gather at least 2, one in the Bangkok business district and one near a Bangkok University, but then someone said something that makes me think there are protests going on outside of Bangkok too.

The names are confusing to me also. I've been to Bkk about 40 times, though never longer than a few days each time. Been all around downtown, but most places look gray and yukky to me, even in the sunniest times. So now they're veiled in black rubber smoke. Much of those tires came from rubber trees grown in Thailand, ironic. Interesting that every used tire dealer in the Bangkok vicinity has denied selling/giving tires to the Reds. Yea sure, buddy, kap.

Look at the photo below. That's the tire sludge that's left over after a hot burn. Where does that go - down the storm sewers in to the Gulf of Thailand? We certainly know the Reds don't give a poop about the environment. They've never mentioned anything to do with environmental issues, so why should they start now? Their whole world is money and how Thaksin can get them get more of the stuff.


Mate,go back to sleep and try again when you wake up

<<<<<<<flame snipped>>>>>

You say they have killed dozen of innocent unarmed protesters,thats a non starter really isnt it as i could mention all the attatcks previously on innocent bangkok civilians who is resposible for their deaths then ?

So Abhisit and Suthep are no longer responsible for their involvment in the deaths over the last few days because........ some other people were killed by someone else previously ?

Great, thanks for your input. :) Go back to sleep. :D

Yes go back to sleep and take your blinkers off as I have more faith in Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch who are pretty scathing about the hard handed military approach which has resulted in so many deaths. If this was happening in China all you government sympathisers would be blaming the communist state and not the majority of innocent protesters putting thier lives on the line for long lasting political security and change. Shame on you!

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.


Friendly reminder to the red horde, it's pillage THEN burn, you idiots started right away with the torching.

Mate,go back to sleep and try again when you wake up

<<<<<<<flame snipped>>>>>

You say they have killed dozen of innocent unarmed protesters,thats a non starter really isnt it as i could mention all the attatcks previously on innocent bangkok civilians who is resposible for their deaths then ?

So Abhisit and Suthep are no longer responsible for their involvment in the deaths over the last few days because........ some other people were killed by someone else previously ?

Since when are armed terrorists and insurgents considered "innocent civilians"?

Oh, so the italian reporter who got killed by the army is now an armed terrorist ?

Now ive heard it all. :)


Abphisit has won for now. But it's not the end yet. He's won by tanks and military back up, not by the peace talk or negotiation. If he is a decent and honest man, he must keep his promise of new election, regardless the predictable outcome that he and his party will lose. MUST RESPECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION. The whole thing is not settled until the majority of Thais' voice are heard and taken very seriously. Abphisit may not turn his back to these rural poor, not any more. Political reform and education to all Thais must be his first priority To prevent another uprising. Red shirts for sure will regroup and be back. They are not done.

The whole world is watching. Abphisit and the army is using the same tactics as being used in Tiennamen Square 20 years ago to disperse and suppress its own people.

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers,

An attitude like that (on both sides) is what led to all this chaos in the first place. Good will towards the seemingly deafeated enemy is what we need. If the "winners" don't reach out to the "losers" right now and instead prefer to beat on the Reds while they are down, this circle of violence will soon start over. Jail all radical leaders, especially the ones now on the run, push ahead with the yellow's trials as well to signal people that double standards are no longer tolerated, involve the red leaders that have some sense in them in the reconciliation process and treat them as equals in as much as possible.

If even for the moderates the only choices are jail for life or taking the fight underground for Thaksin there wont be any progress. There has to be an open door for anyone (yellwo or red) who honestly wants to make a joined effort for Thailands future without stirring up hate.

That would be my recipe for Thailand's future. The time of the hardliners on both sides is over, unless we want to see this repeated very soon.

Excellent post! Thankyou!

SKY: Thai army declares end to operation against protesters, says troops are in control of capital http://bit.ly/902hB1

Have the Thai army got Mr Bean assessing the situation? In control of the capital? LOL! The Reds haven't even started their fight yet. End the operation? Why? Do the army think they've won because they've arrested some key Red leaders? Do they think the Reds only listen to these leaders in custody? They still don't know the Reds are fighting for a cause. How blind can a government and the Yellow movement be?

You so right this is a cause.

The Thaksin cause.

So even when the Red leaders have been arrested and the bank accounts of Thaksin and his cronies have been frozen, you still think they're ONLY fighting for Thaksin? OMG! How blind can these pro government people be?

Thaksin cash has not run out yet ,only bank accounts frozen, still 14 billion baht in cash somewhere. Was withdrawn and carted off in "several vans" just a few days time ago by the aides of Thaksin ex wife aides.

Mate,go back to sleep and try again when you wake up

<<<<<<<flame snipped>>>>>

You say they have killed dozen of innocent unarmed protesters,thats a non starter really isnt it as i could mention all the attatcks previously on innocent bangkok civilians who is resposible for their deaths then ?

So Abhisit and Suthep are no longer responsible for their involvment in the deaths over the last few days because........ some other people were killed by someone else previously ?

Great, thanks for your input. :) Go back to sleep. :D

If you are to quote me,then at least have the balls to show all of my quote as i have done with yours

Is that your form of democracy at work ?

Is there no depth to your convictions,or just no reality

Does anyone know what happened to the Yellow Shirt leaders, after they closed the airport in Dec 2008? I have not heard of any of them serving jail sentences right now (I could be wrong) if so, seems a bit unfair to me that they can close down the airport and get away scott free. Or could be something to do with the fact that their side came into government afterwards, so they escaped punishment?

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Red Shirt leaders

Please compare the damage bill they caused from their direct actions

same as a thief that steel $100 baht against one that steels 1 million baht

Crimes are judged by their seriousness

Does anyone know what happened to the Yellow Shirt leaders, after they closed the airport in Dec 2008? I have not heard of any of them serving jail sentences right now (I could be wrong) if so, seems a bit unfair to me that they can close down the airport and get away scott free. Or could be something to do with the fact that their side came into government afterwards, so they escaped punishment?

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Red Shirt leaders

Yup, its pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain cell to see what is really going on, and the real reason why this pathetic government is holding on to power.

So what you are saying is that you can see what is really going on because you are armed with Half a brain cell?

SKY: Thai army declares end to operation against protesters, says troops are in control of capital http://bit.ly/902hB1

Have the Thai army got Mr Bean assessing the situation? In control of the capital? LOL! The Reds haven't even started their fight yet. End the operation? Why? Do the army think they've won because they've arrested some key Red leaders? Do they think the Reds only listen to these leaders in custody? They still don't know the Reds are fighting for a cause. How blind can a government and the Yellow movement be?

You so right this is a cause.

The Thaksin cause.

So even when the Red leaders have been arrested and the bank accounts of Thaksin and his cronies have been frozen, you still think they're ONLY fighting for Thaksin? OMG! How blind can these pro government people be?

No. Most of us are quite certain that they have been brainwashed by this point to genuinely believe they are fighting for something else. A few months of listening to hate speeches at extreme decibels all day and night will do that to you. Honestly they need to be rounded up and reprogrammed.

However, the reality is they don't really have a "cause" as such. It is simply a bunch of trumped up ideas that have been made popular by a demagogue who appealed to peoples emotions rather than their intellect. Similar to the ways the Nazis turned the Jews into a cause that wasn't really a cause. But the ignorant truly believed the lies.

If the government can stop the misinformation campaign by Thaksin and the red leaders, the "cause" will die a natural death.

There are always inequities in resource distribution in any stable society. The current "cause" is simply a desire by a few evil, wealthy cretins to redistribute those inequities so a few red criminals can be at the top of the food chain as opposed to being left outside the castle walls. That is the only real "cause" that exists.

The poor will still be poor no matter who wins. They are pawns and stooges. They have no true cause worth fighting for. They may have experienced some injustices, but then again we all have. Get rid of the brain washing campaign, and things return to normal.

The red leaders have at least garnered some respect by turning themselves in, 4 days later than their pledge, but it shows they stand by their word, and now face detention without immediate bail trial.

Ummm no ... they don't get respect at all. They probably get a reduced sentence though. If they stood by their word they'd be fighting to the death as they threatened the government with (or promised their followers) just today.

The authorities must be kidding themselves. Did they never went to university? Did they never demonstrate themselves? Protest became in my time most violent when leaders gave up. Certain things never change. I expect an orgy of violence in the next few days. After that they have to wait for the elections in 6 months or 15 months time to get the last laugh themselves.

The present government haven't got a clue. I bet Abhisit wished he called for fresh elections earlier now. But no, the ruling elite pulled his strings so they could live the high life for a bit longer. Instead, Abhisit's got blood on his hands now and he's responsible for starting a civil war. Nice one Mark! You're not the nice guy Thai people saw you as, are you?

BL, he did offer early elections from the beginning before April 10! The whole country of Thailand is clueless, but you mr. bangkoklight clearly understand all. What does it feel like going through life always scratching your head because no one else understands anything?

Well said!

It's not over til the fat lady sings. See what's going on at Udon Thani city hall, the crackdown has unleashed a monster of dissatisfaction which will go underground and the only way to return peace is a change in those in power.

Confrontations where both sides have each other by the neck are excellent opportunities to force both sides into a peace agreement. The reds now seem defeated in this battle but not the overall war and now have no reason to agree to any roadmap or long-term peace overtures. They will simply go away and regroup, learning from this lesson, while the govt itself might never recover in the long term having apparently murdered 50 people.

So, what next? A low level terrorist campaign against the govt that is based more on angst and revenge rather than forcing an election, therefore becoming unsolveable, an 'unseen' enemy which you can't negotiate with, and eventually an election which hands power to an equally terrible lot without either side doing anything to resolve the underlying problems and finding common agreement on rules for clean political engagement.

The PT are going to virtually bring parliamentary sessions to a standstill with their stubborn insistence that the govt take responsibility, meanwhile the investigation and charge against the instigators in this will not be able to proceed so long as it's queueing up behind the prosecution of 'yellow leaders'.

Good old Thailand, don't find solutions, just fight and find lose-lose options.

Well written, the movement going underground is what bothers me also

Mate,go back to sleep and try again when you wake up

<<<<<<<flame snipped>>>>>

You say they have killed dozen of innocent unarmed protesters,thats a non starter really isnt it as i could mention all the attatcks previously on innocent bangkok civilians who is resposible for their deaths then ?

So Abhisit and Suthep are no longer responsible for their involvment in the deaths over the last few days because........ some other people were killed by someone else previously ?

Great, thanks for your input. :) Go back to sleep. :D

If you are to quote me,then at least have the balls to show all of my quote as i have done with yours

Is that your form of democracy at work ?

Is there no depth to your convictions,or just no reality

Why must I requote flames and garbage ?

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