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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office

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"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

Only the pm was disqualified for the cooking show not the political party

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Yeah, right. PAD occupied the new airport for a week or so, shut down the flight, travellers all stranded. I didn't see any tank and army troops moved in to disperse them. Beside, they got former PM Samak out of job by accusing him of having his own TV cooking show. His successor was also kicked out due to some kind of fraud in the election. So outrageous with these pathetic accusation. PAD leaders never had to be on trial of breaking the law. They got what they wanted then propped up Abphisit to be new PM and to become a puppet of the army. How can you call this fair election? Evrytime the majority elected somebody that the elite and PAD don't like, they always come up with the new allegation and the new law that these elected people have somehow broken the election law.

Assume for the sake of argument that this version of events is correct.

It would have justified the (failed) attempt to have a peaceful 'million man' march at Phan Fa bridge. It could even have justified a protest at Siam Square insofar as it didn't interfere with ordinary people's lifes and jobs. I don't see how anyone can argue it justifies what actually has happened over the last five weeks or so - if you call this 'protest' I suggest you buy a new dictionary. Protest was what Gandhi did.

This is an armed rebellion not against the government, but against the state. Attacking journalists and media, burning Ch3, the Thai Stock Exchange, 7-11s, Central World and so on has NOTHING to do with justice or democracy. Just tyranny and fascism.

There's barely a 'neutral' Thai left that has any time for the reds now. Enjoy your day engaged in arson, the country with or without Abhisit will demand your eradication, and the proof of this is the army hardliners will start to appear out of the political closet and they will not be either so gentle or so fair as the current coalition.

I forgot to add, say bye-bye to Thaksin now. He will not emerge out of this with his flimsy and oh-so transparent denials. The proof is already out there, and even Montenegro - who specifically told him to stay out of Thai politics - may not be able to shelter him in what comes out in the next few days.


the ongoing looting wholesale arson a nd hunting for press reporters is exactly the state that Thaksin wanted and indeed had when he was in power.

The press were hunted in a slightly more refined fashion.

People were openly murdered and companies were press ganged into paying ''commissions'' for all government contracts.

Thaksin made fortune from the airport construction commission fees as the poor quality materials and shoddy work continue to show us even now.

The mob rule scenario would have been Thaksins ideal weapon.

Abphisit has won for now. But it's not the end yet. He's won by tanks and military back up, not by the peace talk or negotiation. If he is a decent and honest man, he must keep his promise of new election, regardless the predictable outcome that he and his party will lose. MUST RESPECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION. The whole thing is not settled until the majority of Thais' voice are heard and taken very seriously. Abphisit may not turn his back to these rural poor, not any more. Political reform and education to all Thais must be his first priority To prevent another uprising. Red shirts for sure will regroup and be back. They are not done.

The whole world is watching. Abphisit and the army is using the same tactics as being used in Tiennamen Square 20 years ago to disperse and suppress its own people.

What do you mean "RESPECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION"? Wasn't the government that is in there now democratically elected?? the reds didn't seem to have a problem with disrespecting this outcome!!!

Don't u remember back in 2008 when PAD stormed and shut down the airport. they broke the law and no one was jailed. After that the late PM Samak was ousted due to the allegation of his TV cooking show. His successor and his party was later dissolved and banned for 5 years from politic. Who else left in the parliament? Of course the minority parties had to form coalition by arm twisting. Of course, they are elected MP but didn't have majority to form the government and how Aphisit got his job, not by the outright majority. He and his party (also having high court on their side) got rid of all parties who were supported by the rural majority.

So I don't see that Abphisit government was elected DEMOCRATICALLY. They used dirty tactics to rid of their opponents.

Shame on this government, Thailand is back to middle age !

No ----Shame on Taksin but I agree with you on Thailand going back to the stone age. At least the red leaders can relax in the comfort of their new 10 mil. baht + houses bought for by Taksin & his cronies & of course the bonus hit of a smurfy New SUV to go there & back. While the reds get charged for the anarchy they caused. Like always the corrupt most likely will get a free meal ticket out of trouble & pay for their sins. Where is the help for the poor now. Never was an issue. It is all about the almighty Baht Dollar Pound Euro or whatever laundered money from ill gotten gains to pay for this debacle. I think it would have been much easier for Takki to send the money spent on donations directly to the poor , but that was not at all what he had in mind.

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

Only the pm was disqualified for the cooking show not the political party

Yes, the party was disbanded for vote-buying.

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

The problem with your interpretation is that the Red Shirt movement is NOT about class struggle. Sure, they might try to paint it that way, but that's only a smokescreen. The Red Shirt movement is really about a clever politician who figured out how easy it is to buy rural votes and manipulate uneducated rural voters to support his self-serving interests. If these red shirt riots are really "class warfare" then sorry to say, but the poor Red Shirts have thus far hurt only themselves. This unrest in Bangkok and beyond won't have any impact on the bottom line of the rich, but scaring away tourists and shutting down parts of Bangkok putting thousands of workers out of work certainly does hurt the lower and middle classes. Most of the workers in the hotels and malls that have been shut down for the last two months are from rural Thailand. They come to work in Bangkok to send money home to their families. How does putting them out of work advance the red 'class struggle'?

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

Only the pm was disqualified for the cooking show not the political party

There's a lot of misunderstanding about this, too. In fact, he was constitutionally able to be re-elected the following day, but his "party" chose Thaksin's brother-in-law instead. Any guesses why?

Yeah, right. PAD occupied the new airport for a week or so, shut down the flight, travellers all stranded. I didn't see any tank and army troops moved in to disperse them. Beside, they got former PM Samak out of job by accusing him of having his own TV cooking show. His successor was also kicked out due to some kind of fraud in the election. So outrageous with these pathetic accusation. PAD leaders never had to be on trial of breaking the law. They got what they wanted then propped up Abphisit to be new PM and to become a puppet of the army. How can you call this fair election? Evrytime the majority elected somebody that the elite and PAD don't like, they always come up with the new allegation and the new law that these elected people have somehow broken the election law.

Assume for the sake of argument that this version of events is correct.

It would have justified the (failed) attempt to have a peaceful 'million man' march at Phan Fa bridge. It could even have justified a protest at Siam Square insofar as it didn't interfere with ordinary people's lifes and jobs. I don't see how anyone can argue it justifies what actually has happened over the last five weeks or so - if you call this 'protest' I suggest you buy a new dictionary. Protest was what Gandhi did.

This is an armed rebellion not against the government, but against the state. Attacking journalists and media, burning Ch3, the Thai Stock Exchange, 7-11s, Central World and so on has NOTHING to do with justice or democracy. Just tyranny and fascism.

There's barely a 'neutral' Thai left that has any time for the reds now. Enjoy your day engaged in arson, the country with or without Abhisit will demand your eradication, and the proof of this is the army hardliners will start to appear out of the political closet and they will not be either so gentle or so fair as the current coalition.

Spoken like one of our expert keyboard warriors: "There's barely a 'neutral' Thai left that has any time for the reds now. Enjoy your day engaged in arson, the country with or without Abhisit will demand your eradication, and the proof of this is the army hardliners will start to appear out of the political closet and they will not be either so gentle or so fair as the current coalition."

Don't get out much with real Thais do you?

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

You will not get a reply as all these red shirt supporters do is criticize but have no solutions. Also if Ahbisit steps down now then exactly who should become the new PM and what are his new policies for getting Thailand back on track.....c'mon Red shirt supporters lets here you !!

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

This is far from over.

If this was a real movement for poor people that were suffering under tyranny, I would support it for sure. But this? A fake revolution created by paid leaders and demonstrators, just to save an ousted corrupt criminal? NEVER IN MY LIFE!

well said and spot on. thailand does not have a cast system! all thais are free to geto ut of bed and go to school, study and apply what they learn to amke a better life for themsleves, get bank loans, take risk and do what they want to improve their life. Thailand is not a communist country where distribution of wealth is norm. many countries have a wide gap between the haves and have nots including developed countries such as the usa.


So good, some of the Red Shirt leaders have turned themselves in. At least that's what we've heard on latest news report, though even such reports are suspect sometimes.

. . . . . . Still, here are some names I didn't see listed:

Lt.Col Wipoj Aponrat

Supon Attaway (main Red attorney)

Kwanchai Praipana (hot head, a tad less ballistic than Seh Daeng)

Payap Pangate (stormed hospital)


Aree Krainara (chief of Red security)


Weera (he ran off in a huff, but does that excuse him?)


The ongoing looting wholesale arson and hunting for press reporters is exactly the state that Thaksin wanted and indeed had when he was in power.

The press were hunted in a slightly more refined fashion.

People were openly murdered and companies were press ganged into paying ''commissions'' for all government contracts.

Thaksin made fortune from the airport construction commission fees as the poor quality materials and shoddy work continue to show us even now.

The mob rule scenario would have been Thaksins ideal weapon and we would have been enslaved, the ideals expressed about a fairer society carried about as much weight and was worth as much as a buffalo's fart.

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

This is far from over.

Wow. Do you STILL think this protest (well actually, not protest anymore - just mayhem) is about the poor?

Have the reds put forward ANY solutions to fix problems for the poor?

Did the reds accept Abhisit road map that included help for the poor?

Many posters on here are not anti-poor. They are anti-thug, and therefore anti-red.


While Thaksin's thugs run amok burning the city his loony supporters (voluntary and PR) raid these forums.

Shame on you all.

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.


may i ask you, how long do you live here already?

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Red thugs running away give fire to a lot of buildings and shops.

What a sad finale.

Why Abhisit just didn't use the APC ad the iron fist a couple of months ago? He could save a lot of life and a huge amount of money in damage and expenses. (and international image of Thailand....)

Yes, but because it is a parliamentary democracy and NOT a "military Dictatorship" it's not entirely up to him

to make such decisions, there has to be a majority supporting a "iron fisted clamp down" doesn't go down well in any

democracy.... that's why...


Maybe its the US that needs some of this rioting as a recent report put them in the top three countries in the world for greatest disparity in wealth between rich and poor.

Pretty sad how the land of the free has become the land of the hoodwinked.

... The poor will still be poor no matter who wins. They are pawns and stooges. They have no true cause worth fighting for. They may have experienced some injustices, but then again we all have. Get rid of the brain washing campaign, and things return to normal.

Do you know the biggest brainwashing campaign ever? We're not allowed to talk about it here, so don't ask. :-)

You can talk about that tw@t Thaksin all you want.

It was always about him.... now its just turned into civil disobedience and civil disorder by a few hundred retards.

I just hope that all this tv and video footage is used as evidence to arrest these scum bags, and they get put away for a good few years!! Give them time to think about their loser leader Thaksin <_<

Are you confused Jackn? I just said we're not allowed to talk about the biggest brainwashing campaign ever. And I was arguing against the belief that the Reds have only been brainwashed. So why would I talk about Thaksin more? You know what's going on, right?

And you mean the video footage of Abhisit's army being used to prosecute Abhisit? I'm sure it will be used.

... The poor will still be poor no matter who wins. They are pawns and stooges. They have no true cause worth fighting for. They may have experienced some injustices, but then again we all have. Get rid of the brain washing campaign, and things return to normal.

Do you know the biggest brainwashing campaign ever? We're not allowed to talk about it here, so don't ask. :-)

You're allowed to talk about Taksin and his brainwashed mobs on this forum. Thank goodness the vast majority of Thai's know better than to fall for his self serving propaganda.

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers, I just wish they take the IP address of every red sympathizer farang and deport him! red farangs OUT OF THAILAND NOW !

Now that's what I call democracy!

OK Loud Mouth, Please feel free to get my IP address and you can come take care of me yourself. You are a loud mouthed nobody. Sorry you have missed out on chasing your bar girls for the last few weeks and sitting around and getting sloppy drunk. But you obviously have no idea what is happening in Thailand and have no mind to even try to understand it.

You are a brown stain on the Farang community. Do us all a favor and and go stick you nose back in the bottle.

Lotta love and class in this room. I can feel it.

WOW... This is the 4th time (!!!) challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth and not ONE taker. C'mon SgtPeppers & Bkklight... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.
I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

So, you think it's over?

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

No you wouldn't when your party cannot campaign in many parts of Issan and the North due to intimidation and violence.

The red shirts have got to learn to listen to others and let others speak, they're still in the kindergarten class of Political Science and Democracy.

The problem with your interpretation is that the Red Shirt movement is NOT about class struggle. Sure, they might try to paint it that way, but that's only a smokescreen. The Red Shirt movement is really about a clever politician who figured out how easy it is to buy rural votes and manipulate uneducated rural voters to support his self-serving interests. If these red shirt riots are really "class warfare" then sorry to say, but the poor Red Shirts have thus far hurt only themselves. This unrest in Bangkok and beyond won't have any impact on the bottom line of the rich, but scaring away tourists and shutting down parts of Bangkok putting thousands of workers out of work certainly does hurt the lower and middle classes. Most of the workers in the hotels and malls that have been shut down for the last two months are from rural Thailand. They come to work in Bangkok to send money home to their families. How does putting them out of work advance the red 'class struggle'?

Well said

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers, I just wish they take the IP address of every red sympathizer farang and deport him! red farangs OUT OF THAILAND NOW !

Now that's what I call democracy!

OK Loud Mouth, Please feel free to get my IP address and you can come take care of me yourself. You are a loud mouthed nobody. Sorry you have missed out on chasing your bar girls for the last few weeks and sitting around and getting sloppy drunk. But you obviously have no idea what is happening in Thailand and have no mind to even try to understand it.

You are a brown stain on the Farang community. Do us all a favor and and go stick you nose back in the bottle.

Its pretty funny when someone tells farang red shirt supporter off they always start the bar girl talk and drink talk and always start to insult others.

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

This is far from over.

Wow. Do you STILL think this protest (well actually, not protest anymore - just mayhem) is about the poor?

Have the reds put forward ANY solutions to fix problems for the poor?

Did the reds accept Abhisit road map that included help for the poor?

Many posters on here are not anti-poor. They are anti-thug, and therefore anti-red.

If it were really about the poor, you'd think poor people from all over Thailand would be joining in.

I've recently learned that Southern Thais aren't particularly fond of the Red Shirts or their dear leader. In fact, my wife was getting the hairy eyeball treatment from a bunch of folks while on a trip down south. So it seems, because our 3-y/o son was dressed in a red outfit. Then, according to my wife, when I walked up they eased up and smiled, apparently realizing a farang was his daddy and he was just wearing a red outfit.

Our Southern friend informed us that they "don't take kindly" to Red Shirts down South.

Now why might that be?

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


if you think thailand has no rigid class system then you don't know the real thailand. educational opportunity is certainly not available for all. not all children are allowed to go to school because of family commitments or having no id. income disparity is wider here than the usa. 200 baht a day if you're lucky for a worker, western equivalent salary for the owners. what are the comparable figures in the stataes, maccaroni?

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