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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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Now we've got sgtpeppers as the nearly lone voice trying to come up with soppy excuses for the Reds. Why are we not hearing from the score of other Red apologists, who come along for a day or two, in groups of 2 or 3, and post many pro-Red posts, and then disappear? Where is Red Sunset, Pornsasi, theitalian, lilkitty and others? Methinks many of those posters are two or three people using various usernames. Will sgtpeppers disappear in a day, as is the pattern, and then, in a couple days, we'll get the same lines from a new name not heard from before?

The point here is why don't any of the pro-read members keep posting - why do they post for just a couple days and then desist? Perhaps they see the foolishness of their ideas, when they're set straight by anti-red posters who, btw, stay consistent on T.visa, and are not constantly changing their identity as Red supporters seem to do.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I`m just wondering how Abhisit is going to look after this,as his handling of all this has been pretty inept if indeed he was in control, He has something in common with Thaksin as they are both on amnesty internationals human rights list.

Come on, Abhisit was never in control - even less the police - the army was always in complete control of the government if not the protesters. Abhisit wasn't even an advisor - just a figurehead.

Many people think the same as you, Abhisit is just a figure head and this government and previous Prime Ministers and governments are just there for appearence sake. Which brings me to the point of why has he who cannot be mentioned been so silent throughout this crisis? He who cannot be metioned who loves the counrty and the people has not said one word, zip zero, nothing, is prepared to watch people die and the capital city burn. This seems very strange to me. Most other people who can be mentioned, who hold similar positions from other countries would have made some statement on the conflict to try to bring about a peaceful resolution.

To the Mods. Sorry if this sails to close to the wind. I have tried to be a bit vague, not sure if I have been vague enough. But this is something that people have been talking about for sometime and and don't understand, both Thai and Farang.

Because maybe something worse is coming. There's no mediation to be done here, only extermination.

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Many people think the same as you, Abhisit is just a figure head and this government and previous Prime Ministers and governments are just there for appearence sake. Which brings me to the point of why has he who cannot be mentioned been so silent throughout this crisis? He who cannot be metioned who loves the counrty and the people has not said one word, zip zero, nothing, is prepared to watch people die and the capital city burn. This seems very strange to me. Most other people who can be mentioned, who hold similar positions from other countries would have made some statement on the conflict to try to bring about a peaceful resolution.

To the Mods. Sorry if this sails to close to the wind. I have tried to be a bit vague, not sure if I have been vague enough. But this is something that people have been talking about for sometime and and don't understand, both Thai and Farang.

Maybe he thinks the Thai people need to grow up and sort out their own problems.

That was the thoughts of the army too. This needs to be sorted out politically.

It wasn't until grenades were being thrown that the authorities started getting serious.

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I think BKK will rebuild. The area we are going to see the most change is in Issan I suspect Farangs will become much less welcome there as they are automatically seen as being part of the privileged class. I am not trying to start a flame war as the Issaan region was always my favorite part of Thailand and I hoped to one day retire there. I just see this class division getting much wider and negative feelings changing Thailand for the foreseeable future.

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He also mentioned that the troops on the street were from Myanmar and Cambodia.

I kept my mouth shut and left him to it.

MY gf told me the same, when she left our neighborhood 2 days ago passing the military checkpoint, the soldiers did not spoke any thai, they were from Cambodia she said...

Sigh... :)

It is very sad that you actually repeated this.

My GF said it was on Thai TV that many "protesters" captured today where Cambodian.

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Just watched a video of a 7/11 being robbed.

It's not red supporters that are causing a lot of issues around Bangkok. It's just criminals taking advantage of the mayhem.

The reds have no real support in Bangkok. The ones causing problems now are just common criminals.

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Oak, is that you again - ...posting on a mostly farang forum?

With heroes like that, who needs enemies? Would you want a Red shirt as a next door neighbor? Answer truthfully now.

Here's a public relations coup for the government to consider:

Use Thaksin's confiscated billion plus to pay for the damages his thugs have committed.

What do you think?

Fully agree, and mentioned that same concept earlier. However, why limit it to just Thaksin's money? Granted, Thaksin is the one biggest paymaster, but he's not the only one who bankrolled the destructive mobs. Thankfully, the government is taking a close look at where money has been getting channeled lately. For whomever is shown to be paying for the protests, those people / entities should pay the commensurate amount for damages. That includes the buildings and items which are burning as I write this. There will be a gargantuan bill for all the loses - in property, possessions, lives/injuries, government properties/deaths/emergency services, employment/businesses, and immense losses to tourist revenue. The gov't should figure out who on their list contributed what % to the rallies, and deduct that same % for expenses which resulted.

If you contributed 5% of payments (for the rally), you're liable for 5% of damages, simple. Reap what you sow.

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Hopefully the remainder of the rioting scum are taken of the streets tonight !

Long live Thailand and the King !

Dont forget Molotov Coctail, M79 Grenade Launchers, and RPG's, ABhisit did the right thing-there was no negotiating with these thugs, we tried that already.

And YES: Long live the King of Thailand and the People who give this place the Beauty and Peace it deserves.

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What a shame....these animals didn't get a tenth of what they deserve.

How dare you call these people "animals". So what did they deserve?

Your type were burning wiches at the stake 800 years ago in the name of God.

You cannot accuse the entire body of protestors of arson just because a few bad eggs decided to start fires.

The army were using their directive to shoot on sight looters and arsonists as an excuse to kill innocent people. It is not a difficult task to clear 5,000 unarmed protestors with live amunition and tanks. This was no victory.

A few bad eggs my ass. How about the red shirts burning buildings down in provinces in the North and Northeast. It's a bit more than a few bad eggs. Secondly, if you attack an officer of the law or a military officer in any country in the world, you are going to get fired at. Doesn't matter what kind of weapon you have. The crime here isn't that the army fired at protesters but that the protesters attacked the military.

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They had plenty of time to plan for phase 2 in the event of dispersal of the protest and this is what we are now seeing. These are not isolated incidents of red shirts burning and looting because they are broken hearted and didn't want to go home yet. It is a concerted urban sabotage strategy led by a different set of leaders who were not recruited for their demogogue skills like the expendable ones now being arrested and may be organized in cells that don't know each other, as in the Deep South. The intention is to ignite a national uprising and try to get mutinies happening in the army and get the army fighting itself. It is all carefully planned out based on the Maoist manual.

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

I guess you must be a red shirt supporter, probably living somewhere in Esan listening to all the crap regurgitated by PTV. Was the government to do nothing? They gave the red shirts plenty of warnings and enough rope to hang themselves with. Thaksin has a hel_l of a lot to answer for. I hope that the government issue an Interpol arrest warrant on treason charges and bring him back to face a firing squad, but start shooting him in the ankles first and then all the way up to his squarehead. Total meglomaniac and probably insane. Doesn't give a dam_n about anyone else but himself. Absolute prick.

you just summed mr t up perfectly. total meglomaniac and probably insane!

im in issan and his populist policies have had a positive effect on healthcare and schools... but i feel because of this many rural poor are brainwashed into thinking the sun shines out of his arse.

although now im sure they will change to thinking the reds are bad...tonight the wife says people have changed abit thinking the reds are just too crazy.

also did thaksin recently say the guerilla word?

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He also mentioned that the troops on the street were from Myanmar and Cambodia.

I kept my mouth shut and left him to it.

MY gf told me the same, when she left our neighborhood 2 days ago passing the military checkpoint, the soldiers did not spoke any thai, they were from Cambodia she said...

Sigh... :)

It is very sad that you actually repeated this.

My GF said it was on Thai TV that many "protesters" captured today where Cambodian.

Who knows the truth? But this seems to be a common rumour coming from both sides over recent days.

The protestors are Cambodian, the military is using Cambodians/Burmese etc etc.

Seems to me like a form of communal denial from all sides that Thai is fighting Thai. Because we can't have that can we?

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

And what would have been the outcome of no crackdown?

So you must think it's over now? A victory for Abhisit?

"No crackdown" would have been his best option. He's now started a civil war....just wait and see. What you saw today was nothing more than a strategic withdrawal.

So what would have the opposition done if the boot was on the other foot. Thrown flowers into the street?

The RED will now go underground. I fear that Bangkokian will now know what it is like to live in the 3 Southern states.

Edited by Rucharee
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Throwing flowers in the street would have been a better option. It's seems you pro-government supporters think this is the final victory.

There is no victory in a fight like this, but at least in a few days i would be able to sleep soundly without the fear of an m79 granade launcher landing on my roof.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

Let the law of Karma do its job!

Already has mate.

propping up ruling elite with 19 coups and deposing 3 pms in 4 years has just bited the elite in its butt.

those talk about thaksin just show again not know thailand much and only worry that bars not open again.

thaksin been away 4 year or you not know this?

you not know that he not on CRES?

you not know he not in army?

you not know anything!

Devekula say smart thing tonight about gov offer. they want what gov offer, but want it from man they elect, and they not elect mark.

just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

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A theory I've been pondering:

People talk about Issanites as if they only started getting decent standards of living when Thaksin became PM. Issan people already had ok standards even before Thaksin. Most had TV's, ok houses, fridges, motorbikes, nearly free education for their kids, colleges, hospitals, paved roads. ....all that prior to Thaksin, and a whole lot more than disadvantaged people in many other countries, and a lot higher standard of living than the average hill tribe village in Thailand.

Ok, then add to the mix, the large influx of rich farang who marry Issan ladies, many of whom go to reside in the NE. Then add the many TV soap operas where rich Thais are shown in their opulance (and temper tantrums). Those and other influences may induce Issanaites to thinking of being higher up the social ladder. Perhaps another factor is the fact that many of Issan's young daughters become breadwinners for their families - by going to work at skin bars in the southern tourist destinations. Humiliating on a subtle level, unless the girl brings home a generous farang who goes constantly to the ATM.

All mentioned above, plus the avalanche of violent movies/videos, could lead to the psychology of what's happening now in Bkk. Of course the biggest influence is Mr. T with his promises of everyone getting more money (and debt forgiveness) if they bring him back, but we already knew that.

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Throwing flowers in the street would have been a better option. It's seems you pro-government supporters think this is the final victory.

There is no victory in a fight like this, but at least in a few days i would be able to sleep soundly without the fear of an m79 granade launcher landing on my roof.

I hope you are right. I fear this is the end of the beginning. Let's hope it is not.

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How many farang business's are going to pack up and leave in the near future?

I don't know but my apartment building is nearly empty. A lot of farangs left this afternoon after the martial law announcement and they had suitcases and kids in tow.

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They had plenty of time to plan for phase 2 in the event of dispersal of the protest and this is what we are now seeing. These are not isolated incidents of red shirts burning and looting because they are broken hearted and didn't want to go home yet. It is a concerted urban sabotage strategy led by a different set of leaders who were not recruited for their demogogue skills like the expendable ones now being arrested and may be organized in cells that don't know each other, as in the Deep South. The intention is to ignite a national uprising and try to get mutinies happening in the army and get the army fighting itself. It is all carefully planned out based on the Maoist manual.

scary but so true.

everybody on here think poor dark skin people just buffalo to be sent home on bus to isaan.

just light touch paper today with this stupid killing this morning.

also lose more money today with this problem than for last 4 years of problem and riot. we all know now that it is war

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

Let the law of Karma do its job!

Already has mate.

propping up ruling elite with 19 coups and deposing 3 pms in 4 years has just bited the elite in its butt.

those talk about thaksin just show again not know thailand much and only worry that bars not open again.

thaksin been away 4 year or you not know this?

you not know that he not on CRES?

you not know he not in army?

you not know anything!

Devekula say smart thing tonight about gov offer. they want what gov offer, but want it from man they elect, and they not elect mark.

just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

The thing you don't seem to understand is that this group they say they elected has been caught cheating repeatedly. It seems to be their core principle. Are they capable of winning an election without resorting to cheating? I don't think they are and what's more I don't think that they think they can do it either. So they cheat and will continue to cheat.

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MY mother always said You can judge a person by the kind of people they hang around with... Well, look at who the Red leaders seems to "hang around with"...

mmm.... dunno about this. My mates would look really shifty and dumb if it was true. Coming to think about it................

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How many farang business's are going to pack up and leave in the near future?

I don't know but my apartment building is nearly empty. A lot of farangs left this afternoon after the martial law announcement and they had suitcases and kids in tow.

I think you mean curfew announcement. No martial law announcement. :)

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Time to set aside the blame game and prey for peace..........

On the contrary, it should never be forgotten what the red shirts have done to the country. Shame on them and their tyrant leader Thaksin.

Thank you Abhisit for finally taking strong action. I just wish that this had been done a month ago. better later than never though.

Agreed, it's time to enshrine the hel_l casued by the terrorist Thaksin for all future generations to remember.

Sadly, the Thais now have their own World Trade Center. Symbolically, it used to be called that.

I have been trying to open this image of the central world tower in the daily news listing page 7. It is the only image that does not work, I get an error message, has anyone else tried?? It's an astounding image.


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Already has mate.

propping up ruling elite with 19 coups and deposing 3 pms in 4 years has just bited the elite in its butt.

those talk about thaksin just show again not know thailand much and only worry that bars not open again.

thaksin been away 4 year or you not know this?

you not know that he not on CRES?

you not know he not in army?

you not know anything!

Devekula say smart thing tonight about gov offer. they want what gov offer, but want it from man they elect, and they not elect mark.

just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

So does the curfew apply to you as well? I mean is living under a bridge these days considered being indoors??? Hmmm not sure, be safe out there..

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My GF said it was on Thai TV that many "protesters" captured today where Cambodian.

It would be interesting to get evidence of this either way. Yesterday I saw a red shirt woman interviewed on Thai TV saying they had been told the army had dressed up Khmer mercenaries in Thai army uniforms because Thai soldiers refused to shoot Thais which effectively scared them into not leaving the rally site for fear of being shot on sight by the barbarians. The Australian National University's red shirt and ant-monarchist website, New Mandala, had a clip with a Thai soldier shouting something they claimed was in Khmer. I played it back many times and it wasn't any discernible language. I think it was most likely Thai played backwards. Anyway the Thai officer corps seems to have enough trouble disciplining their own Thai conscripts and I can't imagine they would dare recruit Cambodians, although there are certainly many Khmer speaking Thai conscripts from Surin, Burin and Si Saket. Probably the worst thing you can accuse some one of being in Cambodia is a Thai mercenary or paid protestor.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

Let the law of Karma do its job!

Already has mate.

propping up ruling elite with 19 coups and deposing 3 pms in 4 years has just bited the elite in its butt.

those talk about thaksin just show again not know thailand much and only worry that bars not open again.

thaksin been away 4 year or you not know this?

you not know that he not on CRES?

you not know he not in army?

you not know anything!

Devekula say smart thing tonight about gov offer. they want what gov offer, but want it from man they elect, and they not elect mark.

just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

Very very true words about the farangs in Bangkok

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just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

Thaksin is not elite, yeah :) If you don't understand your own country's laws and that you have a democratically elected government that's your problem.

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1/How do the red supporters justify the burning of buildings?

How can they...just animals doing what animals do.

2/Is the burning of TV3 and threatning to burn the Bangkok Post the rede idea of freedom of the press?

The Reds see destroying as their right. They have no care about anyone else. Selfish, Greedy, Animals.

3/How many woman and children were killed today by "a murderous Govt and Army that targets woman and children?"

2 or 3. They knew the chances, and decided to take them. The govt. was extremly concerned for them and gave them a couple dozen warnings and chances to get out of harm's way. You can see footage of the Reds putting babies on top of the barricades to use as shields. Disgusting.

4/How do you explain the paper circulated by the red leaders that showed soldiers killed by terrorists in the south in 2007v and labled as those shot by the Army for refusing to go against the reds?

Typical Red Shirt propaganda.

5/ The fire brigade were shot at to prevent them putting out one of the fires, do you think this is a good thing?

Horrible and awful. Think how you would feel if you or your friend or relative owned a shop or owned that building. disgusting!

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MY mother always said You can judge a person by the kind of people they hang around with... Well, look at who the Red leaders seems to "hang around with"...

mmm.... dunno about this. My mates would look really shifty and dumb if it was true. Coming to think about it................

Why do you think i dont go to a thaivisa, food and drinkypoos get together to discuss bloody karma and buddism

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