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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought.

Apparently all this looting and arson and criminal activity is all justified... according to Red Shirt Giles, the fugitive who writes from the comfort of his home in the UK :


Thailand: The Anger of the People Is Justified

by Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set on fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that government buildings, banks, the stock exchange, luxury shopping malls, and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified .

Monthly Review Magazine

May 19, 2010

Very bad RED chief number 2.

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Its interesting that one of the dead was reported as having been hit with shrapnel and was dragged to the temple by a journalist, who was also fired upon. I don't believe the Army has been using grenades in this action but we know that the "black shirts" are both using renades, and using them on journalists and civilians. I hope they unravel who is responsible and may all RIP.

Does shrapnel only come from grenades now? this army is great isn't it, now their bullets deny the laws of physics, they don't even produce shrapnel when hitting objects, only grenades can do that :) also how do you know the survivors have not said anything? do you really think the censored press will be allowed to say they were killed by military? you even answer your own point by saying the journalist was 'also' fired upon. If you don't believe the army used grenades that is fine, but don't assume only grenades cause shrapnel.

the fact is, as much as you don't like it, unarmed people have been shot and killed by the army, including foreign journalists. I know you will spout the usual nonsense that they deserve it etc, but they don't, if you are unarmed you don't deserve to be shot and killed. hopefully abhisit and suthep have to answer for these murders of civilians.

read this lanna, it might help you


or is everyone a liar or apologist if they don't buy into your rhetoric?

If what that article says is true, then I'm sorry for doubting whoever posted this story earlier. There's absolutely no excuse for this type of careless firing from the army and I hope someone is held accountable soon. RIP to those that died in the temple.

That said, there's absolutely no excuse for red shirt protesters to set fire to and destroy commercial and private property vital to the infrastructure of this city, either. People's lives are at stake, and many lives will be changed forever on both sides. The sooner BOTH sides acknowledge that this whole thing was a dumbshit idea from the get-go, the sooner we all can move on.

Agreed, but the usual Thai mentality of not thinking about consequences is very much in play here from both sides. Did the government honestly think there would be no repercussions, where they so arrogant to think they could kill unarmed people (don't buy into the nonsense that because others were armed it was ok to kill unarmed people posing no immediate threat) without any repercussions? And now the people setting the fires will have to pay for their actions.

but this being Thailand what is the betting that it will all be allowed to just filter away, nobody will be prosecuted, the dems will be disbanded before anything gets to court and the whole merry-go-round will start again. Thailand, one step forward two steps back all the time, andthis is because they are too stubborn to accept outside help, worried about loss of face asking for help while not realising the massive loss of face the country has just suffered. The constant use of the word terrorism is an embarrassment, civil disobedience at best but use the word terrorist enough and people might believe the deaths of unarmed people was justified.

The reason the dems did not win the election is clear to see, they don't have the ability to govern as this whole fiasco has shown, stumbled from one problem to another only to exacerbate it when the claim to have solved it. yesterday they said they had control, next minute the city is on fire, always too keen to make it look they have control and 10 minutes later that blows up in their faces.

In this matter both sides are equally to blame, but the use of armed soldiers firing randomly at unarmed civilians is a disgrace, the shooting of armed civilians is fair enough, and we still have the government saying they abided by international standards, I think they saw some tin pot african dictatorships and thought 'oh they are international, lets adopt their standards'. This government are jokers, the people giving them the orders are jokers, all because they lost some face, unbelievable.

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Agreed, but the usual Thai mentality of not thinking about consequences is very much in play here from both sides. Did the government honestly think there would be no repercussions, where they so arrogant to think they could kill unarmed people (don't buy into the nonsense that because others were armed it was ok to kill unarmed people posing no immediate threat) without any repercussions? And now the people setting the fires will have to pay for their actions.

but this being Thailand what is the betting that it will all be allowed to just filter away, nobody will be prosecuted, the dems will be disbanded before anything gets to court and the whole merry-go-round will start again. Thailand, one step forward two steps back all the time, andthis is because they are too stubborn to accept outside help, worried about loss of face asking for help while not realising the massive loss of face the country has just suffered. The constant use of the word terrorism is an embarrassment, civil disobedience at best but use the word terrorist enough and people might believe the deaths of unarmed people was justified.

The reason the dems did not win the election is clear to see, they don't have the ability to govern as this whole fiasco has shown, stumbled from one problem to another only to exacerbate it when the claim to have solved it. yesterday they said they had control, next minute the city is on fire, always too keen to make it look they have control and 10 minutes later that blows up in their faces.

In this matter both sides are equally to blame, but the use of armed soldiers firing randomly at unarmed civilians is a disgrace, the shooting of armed civilians is fair enough, and we still have the government saying they abided by international standards, I think they saw some tin pot african dictatorships and thought 'oh they are international, lets adopt their standards'. This government are jokers, the people giving them the orders are jokers, all because they lost some face, unbelievable.

Hmmm... going by your response, you obviously don't understand the meaning of "BOTH SIDES" are to blame.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought.

Apparently all this looting and arson and criminal activity is all justified... according to Red Shirt Giles, the fugitive who writes from the comfort of his home in the UK :


Thailand: The Anger of the People Is Justified

by Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set on fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that government buildings, banks, the stock exchange, luxury shopping malls, and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified .

Monthly Review Magazine

May 19, 2010

another westernised Thai asshol_e using the privalege of free speech we offer imigrants that should be banned from Uk

He can't. His mother was English and as such, he is British citizen. That's why he can live freely in the UK and write this nonsense. By the way, he and his twin brother are, along with Weng, committed communists despite the fall of communism. Beats me why they cannot see the failure and bankruptcy of their beliefs. They are well educated people but deluded with their idealism. Seems to be a decidedly British trait.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought.

Apparently all this looting and arson and criminal activity is all justified... according to Red Shirt Giles, the fugitive who writes from the comfort of his home in the UK :


Thailand: The Anger of the People Is Justified

by Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set on fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that government buildings, banks, the stock exchange, luxury shopping malls, and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified .

Monthly Review Magazine

May 19, 2010

Very bad RED chief number 2.

Just another radical immigrant scumbag thats been allowed to live in the UK.

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You are all entitled to you views but really people, the city is burning and empty of all business.

The government killed over a dozn people in the temple-women and children.

It is going to get worse.

You were calling for war?

Well now you have it and the city is being destroyed.

The army should have NEVER moved on the people like this.

It was stupid.

You like the results so far?

Wait until it burns for weeks.

Call in the UN.


Robert, the Reds did get their way. (Have you been watching the news for a couple week or just a couple days? PM Abhisit bowed down and offered a road map and moved up elections to Nov. 14. The RED leaders turned it down. The protesters were asked to move. They refused. The army showed up to move the protesters back, the RED thugs came out and started shooting. Then this became urban warfare. The army was not in the encampment shooting before yesterday, they were on the streets outside the demonstraters encampment. Water cannons and tear gas could not be used on individual thugs that were spread through out the perimenter of the encampment. End of story. In your country the military would have been in within two days , not three months.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

I would say that most expats, including myself, have nothing against the majority of red shirts. If you have ever been to the north east and talked to the average person there, they will tell you that they never watch the normal Thai TV channels as they are full of lies. They only watch PTV, Thaksin's TV channel which has, over the last few years totally distorted the truth and they have in fact been brainwashed. I know because I have family in Khon Kaen and they and their friends have told me this.

Most of the expats on this forum only have a hatred for Thaksin and his close cronies for the way he has caused so much damage to the country, not for the sake of the people he claims to be representing, but purely for his own ends. Nuttawut has admitted to receiving 100 million baht from Thaksin to create and maintain the protest and if he got this much money, you can bet that all the others got the same amount too. Additionally, even sources in the Puea Thai Party have admitted that the negotiations with the government could go nowhere because of the conditions laid down by Thaksin for ending the protest were unacceptable to the government. He demanded that he get all his money back, is given a total amnesty for all his past crimes and the return of his passports and property as well as being allowed to stand in the next general election as the leader of the Puea Thai Party. He could not care less that his supporters were dying on his behalf in the streets of Bangkok.

You can bet that Thaksin will pay for the legal costs of the defence of the red shirt leaders and will use every trick in the book to get them off and don't be surprised if he manages to do it, despite all the evidence, videos of speeches etc, that they are guilty of inciting rebellion. Just take a look at U-Tube for the evidence. One particular clip can be seen at:

This is where Arisman is inciting people to bring glass bottles to Bangkok to be filled with petrol so that they can be used as petrol bombs and for setting places alight.

I could go on and give you more examples but the above will give you some idea. Hopefully you will understand that most of us, who have been here for quite some time do not hate the average redshirt but in fact sympathise with their situation. Rather the hatred that many of us feel is directed towards Thaksin personally and his close coterie.

Couldnt agree more....good post rogera.

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Agreed, but the usual Thai mentality of not thinking about consequences is very much in play here from both sides. Did the government honestly think there would be no repercussions, where they so arrogant to think they could kill unarmed people (don't buy into the nonsense that because others were armed it was ok to kill unarmed people posing no immediate threat) without any repercussions? And now the people setting the fires will have to pay for their actions.

but this being Thailand what is the betting that it will all be allowed to just filter away, nobody will be prosecuted, the dems will be disbanded before anything gets to court and the whole merry-go-round will start again. Thailand, one step forward two steps back all the time, andthis is because they are too stubborn to accept outside help, worried about loss of face asking for help while not realising the massive loss of face the country has just suffered. The constant use of the word terrorism is an embarrassment, civil disobedience at best but use the word terrorist enough and people might believe the deaths of unarmed people was justified.

The reason the dems did not win the election is clear to see, they don't have the ability to govern as this whole fiasco has shown, stumbled from one problem to another only to exacerbate it when the claim to have solved it. yesterday they said they had control, next minute the city is on fire, always too keen to make it look they have control and 10 minutes later that blows up in their faces.

In this matter both sides are equally to blame, but the use of armed soldiers firing randomly at unarmed civilians is a disgrace, the shooting of armed civilians is fair enough, and we still have the government saying they abided by international standards, I think they saw some tin pot african dictatorships and thought 'oh they are international, lets adopt their standards'. This government are jokers, the people giving them the orders are jokers, all because they lost some face, unbelievable.

"randomly at unarmed civilians"

If there is a group of people, some with guns and grenades, and some with sling shots, what is the army supposed to do?

Shots are coming towards the army. They shoot back. They hit people around armed red shirts. Were the ones that got hit armed and threw their arms away?

The red shirts that were shot were fighting the army with sling shots, guns and grenades. Others got hit by schrapnel, richochets off buildings and structures, maybe from either side. The red shirts are to blame for fighting with guns and grenades, giving the army no choice but to shoot back at them.

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Agreed, but the usual Thai mentality of not thinking about consequences is very much in play here from both sides. Did the government honestly think there would be no repercussions, where they so arrogant to think they could kill unarmed people (don't buy into the nonsense that because others were armed it was ok to kill unarmed people posing no immediate threat) without any repercussions? And now the people setting the fires will have to pay for their actions.

but this being Thailand what is the betting that it will all be allowed to just filter away, nobody will be prosecuted, the dems will be disbanded before anything gets to court and the whole merry-go-round will start again. Thailand, one step forward two steps back all the time, andthis is because they are too stubborn to accept outside help, worried about loss of face asking for help while not realising the massive loss of face the country has just suffered. The constant use of the word terrorism is an embarrassment, civil disobedience at best but use the word terrorist enough and people might believe the deaths of unarmed people was justified.

The reason the dems did not win the election is clear to see, they don't have the ability to govern as this whole fiasco has shown, stumbled from one problem to another only to exacerbate it when the claim to have solved it. yesterday they said they had control, next minute the city is on fire, always too keen to make it look they have control and 10 minutes later that blows up in their faces.

In this matter both sides are equally to blame, but the use of armed soldiers firing randomly at unarmed civilians is a disgrace, the shooting of armed civilians is fair enough, and we still have the government saying they abided by international standards, I think they saw some tin pot african dictatorships and thought 'oh they are international, lets adopt their standards'. This government are jokers, the people giving them the orders are jokers, all because they lost some face, unbelievable.

"randomly at unarmed civilians"

If there is a group of people, some with guns and grenades, and some with sling shots, what is the army supposed to do?

Shots are coming towards the army. They shoot back. They hit people around armed red shirts. Were the ones that got hit armed and threw their arms away?

The red shirts that were shot were fighting the army with sling shots, guns and grenades. Others got hit by schrapnel, richochets off buildings and structures, maybe from either side. The red shirts are to blame for fighting with guns and grenades, giving the army no choice but to shoot back at them.

Not only that, but this part: "This government are jokers, the people giving them the orders are jokers, all because they lost some face, unbelievable."

How did the government lose face?

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

Let the law of Karma do its job!

Already has mate.

propping up ruling elite with 19 coups and deposing 3 pms in 4 years has just bited the elite in its butt.

those talk about thaksin just show again not know thailand much and only worry that bars not open again.

thaksin been away 4 year or you not know this?

you not know that he not on CRES?

you not know he not in army?

you not know anything!

Devekula say smart thing tonight about gov offer. they want what gov offer, but want it from man they elect, and they not elect mark.

just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

Me think Viking wrong. Me not hi so falang me think anyone not follow rules or legal process to hold a protest wrong. Me think its red shirt now get bited in butt because who will vote for party that burn property and destroy mass transit for ordinary people Bangkok?

I guess the reds strategy now is to aim their weapons at their own feet eh? What a bunch of idiots when you look at what they could have had - elections in November without the loss of lives over the past few days OR this? Yeah good luck getting any kind of support from the rest of Thailand or the world now. Losers! Return Thaksin the terrorist to Thailand now so he can face the music along with his puppets!!!

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All the phone boxes here have had their glass smashed - all along Sukhumvit near soi 62. The taxi motocy said it was "tahan sua daeng" responsible around 11pm last night, and that they'd also shot through a nearby 7-11.

Anybody else reporting anything similar?

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Over the next few days I expect that the number of major incidents will taper off -- IF the paymasters' funds have been cut off and there are no more daily disbursements of cash and amphetamines. There will still be random, minor incidents by testosterone-fueled teenagers bent on impressing their friends.

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I just watched this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELNZFcYbYsM

Redshirt leader Nuttawut is saying there: "Set this country on fire. Yes, set this country on fire. I will be responsible for that"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And his MiB obeyed.

Please do not tell me that this burning of Bangkok, this terrible burning of Thailand was NOT ordered by the redshirt leaders. Just watch the video and listen to him ordering it!

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought.

Apparently all this looting and arson and criminal activity is all justified... according to Red Shirt Giles, the fugitive who writes from the comfort of his home in the UK :


Thailand: The Anger of the People Is Justified

by Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set on fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that government buildings, banks, the stock exchange, luxury shopping malls, and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified .

Monthly Review Magazine

May 19, 2010

another westernised Thai asshol_e using the privilege of free speech we offer immigrants that should be banned from Uk

and yet another Red that is on the run from the law of his home country

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Klong Toey MRT Station

Kasikorn Soi Ngamduplee, Siam City Bank, Siam Centre

Central World

Siam Square/Siam Theatre

Diamond Condominium (Behind CW)

Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok Bank, Tesco Rama IV

Ch.3/Maleenont Building Rama IV

Thai SET

Tesco OnNut

Century Park Hotel

7-Eleven shop, Din Daeng

Manhattan Plaza (Plenchit BTS)

Bkk Bank, Asoke

Krueng Thai Bank, Asoke

Bkk Bank, Phrakanog

Bkk Bank, Victory Monument

Metropolitan Electricity office Klong Toei

Govt Savings Bank in Dindaeng

20 Telephone booths in Din Daeng

Office of Narcotics Control Board at Dindaeng

Office Building Din Daeng ( 12 year old )

Chang Mai Construction Company

BKK Bank, Chiang Mai

Khon Kaen City Hall

Udorn Thani City Hall

Ubon Ratchananee City Hall

Nonthaburi City Hall

Mukdaharn City Hall

Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall

IT Seer Rangsit

Seacon Square

Lad Prao Big C

Center One Mall Victory Monument

7/11, Victory Monument

Kasikorn Bank, Victory Monument

Government Saving Bank (Mitr-maitree Road)

Bkk Bank, Hua Lumpong

7/11 Lang Suan... not gone up in smoke, but looted beyond recognition, as many, many other shops all over.

yeah, but come on be reasonable...they did it peacefully!!

I remember seeing Nattawut/Jutaporn? on video calling for more reds to join the 'peaceful protest' and adding that they need not bring petrol as they had more than enough to burn Bangkok to the ground 'peacefully'.

But maybe it was a 'fake' red leader on a 'fake' video??

Actually Korat City Hall was not subject to any attack last night. I have eye witness testamony.

I wonder how many other "exagerations" are on this list...

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Klong Toey MRT Station

Kasikorn Soi Ngamduplee, Siam City Bank, Siam Centre

Central World

Siam Square/Siam Theatre

Diamond Condominium (Behind CW)

Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok Bank, Tesco Rama IV

Ch.3/Maleenont Building Rama IV

Thai SET

Tesco OnNut

Century Park Hotel

7-Eleven shop, Din Daeng

Manhattan Plaza (Plenchit BTS)

Bkk Bank, Asoke

Krueng Thai Bank, Asoke

Bkk Bank, Phrakanog

Bkk Bank, Victory Monument

Metropolitan Electricity office Klong Toei

Govt Savings Bank in Dindaeng

20 Telephone booths in Din Daeng

Office of Narcotics Control Board at Dindaeng

Office Building Din Daeng ( 12 year old )

Chang Mai Construction Company

BKK Bank, Chiang Mai

Khon Kaen City Hall

Udorn Thani City Hall

Ubon Ratchananee City Hall

Nonthaburi City Hall

Mukdaharn City Hall

Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall

IT Seer Rangsit

Seacon Square

Lad Prao Big C

Center One Mall Victory Monument

7/11, Victory Monument

Kasikorn Bank, Victory Monument

Government Saving Bank (Mitr-maitree Road)

Bkk Bank, Hua Lumpong

7/11 Lang Suan... not gone up in smoke, but looted beyond recognition, as many, many other shops all over.

yeah, but come on be reasonable...they did it peacefully!!

I remember seeing Nattawut/Jutaporn? on video calling for more reds to join the 'peaceful protest' and adding that they need not bring petrol as they had more than enough to burn Bangkok to the ground 'peacefully'.

But maybe it was a 'fake' red leader on a 'fake' video??

Actually Korat City Hall was not subject to any attack last night. I have eye witness testamony.

I wonder how many other "exagerations" are on this list...

You don't know hot to spell exaggerations, nor do you understand quotation marks.

But please point out any mistakes on the list. That is why it was posted.

Can anyone confirm the level of damage to Seacon Square, IT Seer Mall Rangsit, Tesco Rama IV, and Big C Lad Prao?

Also, add QS MRT to the list.

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Here is a photo from twitter showing black shirt clothing found at the Pratunam temple after the army had cleared it out. Obviously the black shirts changed their clothing and mixed with the red shirts taking refuge there.


Also, there is an article in one of today's Thai newspapers that states that the news journalists were targeted by the black shirts under orders from Thaksin in order to force the UN to intervene. It is also reported in the same newspaper that some of the black shirts were imported from a neighbouring country by a senior Thai Rak Thai former minister with the help of a retired senior army officer. This would tie in with the comments by someone on this forum who said that his GF had told him that she heard some of them speak Cambodian rather than Thai. Makes you wonder how far these people will go to satisfy the demands of a meglomaniac.

There is another article in the Asia Times Online at


which spells out the strategy used by the red shirts to overthrow the government. Since these comments come from a former Thai Rak Thai minister, there must be a high degree of truth in these allegations and adds credibility to the charge that Thaksin is a terrorist.

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I am no guru of politics or Thailand. I have been in Thailand for just two months. I live miles away from any activities or goings on. Sometime down the track all this may have an effect on me, but currently not.

I don't know the full story of everything, but I was told that the Red Shirts were promising to give money to all the protesters at the end of the protest. I was skeptical about this because I had feelings it would not end orderly.

I feel sorry for all those protesters who were promised lots of baht to sit in and demonstrate against the Govt, now they have either been killed or scattered, some wouldn't have ID cards because they had to give them in to receive their money at the end. If they left early they got nothing either. The only winners are NOONE!!!

This is a beautiful place to live, the people are beautiful and so friendly but no one will come here for a long time because of this craziness. All it has hurt is the people and the tourism. When will the Land of Smiles be able to smile again???

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In other news; Last nite at about 10:30-10:45PM, I went out on my soi after curfew to scope out Sukhumvit. Now my soi is a dead end, with no thru access at the other end, so unless you need to be on it, rarely if ever does it get any errant traffic.

I was standing in the shadows just inside the mouth of the soi smoking a cigarette, when a group of 4 or 5 moto-cy taxi guys pulled into the soi with their headlights off.

Three of the motos had a person riding pillion, all were wearing those colored moto-taxi vests (these were orange and navy blue), and strangely enough ALL were wearing full face helmets. When they turned around and came past me I caught the strong smell of petrol. Then they proceeded to park just inside the mouth of the soi almost directly across from where I was standing. I also noticed some of the pillion riders holding plastic bags with what looked like several M-150 bottles inside. They were obviously amped up, chatting amongst themselves but they hadn’t seen me.

My mobile doesn't have a flash, so you have to turn on the light, which I did, and then pointing it at them; I tried to take a pic or two. OMMFG! I have rarely see punk/thugs come unglued faster! They were yelling, motioning, gesturing, etc, but I just stood there with the mobile light on them. All they did was finally gun their moto's and fled back out onto the Sukhumvit into the nite. (Too bad they were too far away and the camera wasn’t on nite-mode, as the pix didn’t come out at all.)

In hindsight; it could have been, and probably was quite a touchy situation. I was foolish to try to take a pic of what was obviously miscreants trying to stir up trouble or muck rake, as I could have wound up hurt or worse.

Now I wish, when the rolls of razor wire were stacked by my soi, I'd nicked a few rolls to block off the street. While I stood there before going home I did see several police moto's go by, so it looked like they were making their presence known too.

I think those guys were just trouble makers moving soi by soi to avoid checkpoints or detection, but who knows really.

Maybe tonite I'll stay in. ..

To answer some other posters queries about why some of the instigators of violence allegedly spoke Khmer.

MANY people from Issan can and do speak Khmer, Thai, Thai-Lao, and Lao. it is not uncommon when people from those places want to exclude bangkokian thais from their conversations that they would switch to a dialect or language less widely understood. I know several people from both Buriram, Mukdahan, and Surin who can speak Khmer quite proficiently. I doubt seriously that there were paid foreign combatants in this debacle. It's just too cheap to hire 'local' (read; native) help.

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I am no guru of politics or Thailand. I have been in Thailand for just two months. I live miles away from any activities or goings on. Sometime down the track all this may have an effect on me, but currently not.

I don't know the full story of everything, but I was told that the Red Shirts were promising to give money to all the protesters at the end of the protest. I was skeptical about this because I had feelings it would not end orderly.

I feel sorry for all those protesters who were promised lots of baht to sit in and demonstrate against the Govt, now they have either been killed or scattered, some wouldn't have ID cards because they had to give them in to receive their money at the end. If they left early they got nothing either. The only winners are NOONE!!!

This is a beautiful place to live, the people are beautiful and so friendly but no one will come here for a long time because of this craziness. All it has hurt is the people and the tourism. When will the Land of Smiles be able to smile again???

It's hurt much more than tourism. As for the protesters not getting their promised baht - som nam na! There has to be a certain amount of responsibility placed on everyone involved if they lost their ID cards and didn't get paid too bad. if you want to feel sorry for someone it' would be better directed at the thousands who have now lost their jobs working at Central World or the small business owners that will have to close shop now with all the business they have lost over the past couple months.

On a positive side welcome to LOS and agree that it is a beautiful place to live even if it is crazy and doesn't make sense most of the time. People will always come to Thailand just not as many for awhile thanks to the red terrorists.

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Help track this <deleted>-wit foreigner down NOW!! This video made me want to vomit.

That’s about the last thing we need right about now (anti-foreign sentiments) with feelings about what’s happened running so high.

With all the members on this board someone, somewhere should know him, or be able to tell the authorities where to track his sorry ass down. (Notice the many tatts on his left forearm.)

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Help track this <deleted>-wit foreigner down NOW!! This video made me want to vomit.

That’s about the last thing we need right about now (anti-foreign sentiments) with feelings about what’s happened running so high.

With all the members on this board someone, somewhere should know him, or be able to tell the authorities where to track his sorry ass down. (Notice the many tatts on his left forearm.)

Here's a screen capture shot of the offending guy:


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Fighting for others' rights in a country where he has none.

agree. what a moron! and what's with the "WE" crap? I just showed the clip to one of my co-workers (Thai) and never seen him so pissed! This clown is an embarassment to us all and really hope someone knows who he is and he gets sent back to whatever hole he crawled out of and black listed from ever returning. Human trash!!!

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

im sure the soldiers lying on the floor with limbs blown off by grenades are relieved the reds were only being destructive

expat8 has got to be a SAD LITTLE man eh? I would agree that no Thais care about him.

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Reports from local media of goods found on protestors going home Local channel, Channel 7, has shown footage of red shirt protestors returning home on buses to their respective provinces. However, some luxury goods have been found on several protestors at check points along the way.

Luxury items worth in excess of 10,000 THB have been found by police at check points outside Bangkok.

During the past few days, and at the height of the tensions, protesters were seen looting department stores in scenes of 'smash and grab' tactics. One of the department stores raided was Gaysorn Plaza, not far from the former red shirt strong-hold.

7-11 convenience stores have also been the target of vandalism and looting.


-- The Nation 2010-05-20


Let's hope those found with expensive luxury items will be apprehended and brought to justice and..... oh, how silly of me. I just remembered this is Thailand. Red shirts protesters caught red-handed with stolen goods only need to squeak out any old excuse, and watermelon Thai cops will grin, pat 'em on the back, and let them go.

Now, if it was a farang caught dropping a spent cig butt on the ground, or pulled over for driving 50 Km/hr in a 60km/hr zone, then there would be an instant demand for 2,000 baht.

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My response to a mindless post. BTW; my answers are in BOLD and in (parentheses) :D

I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum? (No, on the contrary, there are more than enough newbie members/posters who have a mindless foreign sock-puppet red-apologist viewpoint, but thanx for askin' :) )

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. (limited emotions, does that equate to limited facts used in their posting penchants as well?) The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. (I have yet to read anyone calling for a massacre, a crack down on the illegal protestors who are trying their best to now burn the city to the ground YES, but an all out massacre, I think you've mispoke) The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? (Oh that's right I forgot the mindless red-rabble are the peaceful ones. Of course we won't mention ALL the M79 grenade attacks, the fire bombs, and bomb making stuff found after they were evicted from their bamboo/rubber tire tree fort at Rachaprasong) One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.(Killed by a bullet, it is just as possible he was killed by a red shooter)

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? (This is an engrish language forum ABOUT the glorious "Land 'O Thais", where else should foreigners talk about things which impact their daily lives in thailand, the frickin' Brazil forum? The thai government doesn't care about you. (Nor you either my posting pal) If you leave, they could care less. (do let us know when you go) Another farang will replace you. (wife left you for someone else did she?) The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. (yours gone already, huh?) You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.(No one is making the claim the thais care one bit about foreigners here)

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here (of course you are obviously a pillar of society and your behavior is not being questioned as it is beyond reproach) and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.(By all means, feel free to leave, and please for the sake of energy conservation, turn out the light when you leave)

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You don't know hot to spell exaggerations, nor do you understand quotation marks.

Pot, this is Kettle speaking. YOU ARE INDEED BLACK!! :) at least I have trouble spelling words with 13 letters. You sir, are struggling with just three. :D

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Sure, the Reds have been armed with sticks and stones and some home made weapons, but it's hardly what people normally mean by "armed", when you're facing the military. If they were truly armed in the real sense of the word there would have been soldiers killed...or is this twisted thinking bud?

And please, if you care to reply, lay off the insults so we can keep this a civil debate.

Come on Tropo...you normally have great posts. Way too many pics of reds/blacks with guns. M79's are hardly home made weapons. Maybe all the civilian deaths THIS week were civilian...but that was not the case in the past, as you well know. And what about that army guy who had his arm blown off...as reported here...I am pretty sure that was not friendly fire.

Luckily, weapons are relatively hard to come by in Thailand. Hopefully, all this nonsense comes to an end. Such a disgrace.

Hard to come by? Last month if a mob walked near a group of Police/Army conscripts, they would regularly hand over their weapons and run away. Not to mention the mysterous disappearance of various army supplies from depots. Was there any attempt to investigate the losses?

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