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Bangkok Protests Spread To Thailand's Northeast


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No, I think more have decided to give their opinions due to recent events. They are what some call the silent uncounted.

True. But how many do not post or continue to post due to the constant derision from other members?

Perhaps some of the more "educated and intelligent" (in their minds at least) members could apply their talents to being informative and helpful with their posts in lieu of their constant sniping.

Just a thought guys/gals. :)

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Any problem in Surin or Buriram??

Perhaps Khmer people have a bit more shall we say smarts.

Yes , they hate BKK/Thailand for ages´ all ready and dont fukcing care much! :)

Currently in Surin. Wife just got a phone call from sister to say all petrol stations are closing down as well as all banks.

Any one else got more information?

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Burning down a beautiful historical building in their own province???? These people (Reds) are looking more and more irresponsible to even be able to vote rationally in a democratic election...

Rationality is not a requirement when casting one's vote.  So, what exactly is it you are trying to tell us then... :)

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Does anyone know if the subways are running today or tomorrow?

Uh yes. All subways and skytrains in the NE Provinces will be operating as normal from 4pm today onward, especially the KMUE (Korat-Mukdahan Underground Express). :)

Did you think of trying perhaps a BKK forum for a more credible and appropriate answer? :D

Edited by toptuan
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Disaffected, uneducated, unemployable, lazy 'Baan Nork', oiled up on Lao Khao, and angry because the pipeline of handouts has dried up decide to burn their own homeland.

They would have been better off all along, following the Sufficiency Economy model, adopting some modern farming techniques, and investing those handouts in that, instead of spending the money on new pickups and motorcycles they can't pay for, and basically complaining all the time about their lot in life and blaming the invisible "elite".

Ironically, Abhisit has recently helped them all greatly, with farmer debt relief, by instituting free education and moving towards a social welfare society which he has publically advocated on numerous occasions.

Unfortunately, all of that takes time and effort, and therefore doesn't feed into the impatient Baan Nork's sense of entitlement, and need for instant gratification via handouts, without work.

During his 5 years in power, Thaksin created a monster, by giving these country folk easy money. The country is now reaping the "reward" for his largesse funded by tax-payers' money (largely Bangkok tax-payers, ironically).

If there is such a thing as karma, one hopes that Thaksin gets his just desserts for causing all of this.

That is my observation too. Well written.

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I don't give a shit if they want to destroy their own home just stay away from mine

if you are living in Thailand, you should care about what is gone on. or go away

It took you three and a half years to come up with that gem of wisdom? Most threads we get someone telling us as a farang our opinion doesn't matter!

Well Ozzie smeg, havent you realised that your or any flang opinion is of no interest to any thai in thailand, you are just visitor - kaek which is a nicer word than flang - and if you dont like it the F O

that has and always will be the attitude no matter how long you live here, you can still be thrown out at a moments notice - or a powerful politico's whim.

I remember a moderately well educated thai girl i knew in bkk 5 years ago who turned to me on Sukhumvit Soi 11 and with a hard face one day and said out of the blue "just remember falang you are standing on my land"

It sent a shiver through me because of the veiled venom in her tone (which had up till then been charming and I had not incited her in anyway and indeed considered her some sort of friend. She must have been brooding on something and uncharacteristically blurted her thoughts aloud.

I never spoke to her again.

Its easy to forget that you are not even the size of a pimple on the Elephant's bum and btw the government doesnt care much about tourism, its only 6% of GDP. It could all shut down tomorrow and the SET would barely flinch

Course the Reds might get upset as there are no more flangs to fleece and no work for their sisters.

20 years ago I spoke with a well educated country cousin (ex vietnam) who had settled in bkk after the war and lived on an army disability pension in a comfortably modest way. He kept himself tidy and studious and he impressed me (then) with his local knowledge - i was just a newbie. I asked him one day after he told me than that he'd been living in Thailand for 20 years and showed me his coveted Blue resident book. "So how much do you think you know now about thai ways". He was frank enough to say "less that 10%" and quickly dropped the subject as it obviously upset him.

His wise words stuck with me ever since

Today we have the concept of "need-to-know" and that 10% i suggest should be taken up with grounds rules for personal survival and what ever else you think you should know is not worth knowing anyway. There's ample evidence on this board alone to support this view

BTW isn't it amazing that the high court can issue a warrant for arrest on a serious charge of terrorism and two hours later, mysteriously withdraw the warrant?????

Do you need to know this? do you care? - Why? for what? - not your business Flang? You no like, you piss off (Pai laeow)

That about sums it up as does Mai pen rai

So stick all this hot air (gas) back in the bag where it belongs (and the sun dont shine btw)

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Can't say I'm surprised by this latest development. How long before it's all out war?

How many people are protesting for the reds?

100,000 on their best day (when it WAS peaceful).

10,000 on most days after April 10 (after people saw the 'black shirts' and grenades used by the reds)

3,000 on their last day.

100's causing havoc around Bangkok.

100's causing havoc in the provinces of the red strong holds.

Of a country of 65,000,000 people, these are all VERY small numbers.

Now it is just lawless thugs causing havoc.

The one thing most of you have forgotton is that the so called demonstrators were being paid to do this how many of these scum wreaking havoc would have been there if no money was offered .Most of them came because they get more money than staying in there villages.

They only think about today never tomorrow .If they were genuine why destroy our own country (incidentially I am thai).The facts are corrution is rife the Police in general only about one thing and I have first hand experience of it.

All of you who are out there agreeing that the entire red shirt movement was bankrolled:

Have any of you bothered to run the numbers? I understand that Thaksin HAS that kind of money, but I can't hardly believe that he would PART with that kind of money.

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Can't say I'm surprised by this latest development. How long before it's all out war?

How many people are protesting for the reds?

100,000 on their best day (when it WAS peaceful).

10,000 on most days after April 10 (after people saw the 'black shirts' and grenades used by the reds)

3,000 on their last day.

100's causing havoc around Bangkok.

100's causing havoc in the provinces of the red strong holds.

Of a country of 65,000,000 people, these are all VERY small numbers.

Now it is just lawless thugs causing havoc.

The one thing most of you have forgotton is that the so called demonstrators were being paid to do this how many of these scum wreaking havoc would have been there if no money was offered .Most of them came because they get more money than staying in there villages.

They only think about today never tomorrow .If they were genuine why destroy our own country (incidentially I am thai).The facts are corrution is rife the Police in general only about one thing and I have first hand experience of it.

Well said Nipada! I wish you could convince the know it all Red Apologists on here.

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Disaffected, uneducated, unemployable, lazy 'Baan Nork', oiled up on Lao Khao, and angry because the pipeline of handouts has dried up decide to burn their own homeland.

They would have been better off all along, following the Sufficiency Economy model, adopting some modern farming techniques, and investing those handouts in that, instead of spending the money on new pickups and motorcycles they can't pay for, and basically complaining all the time about their lot in life and blaming the invisible "elite".

Ironically, Abhisit has recently helped them all greatly, with farmer debt relief, by instituting free education and moving towards a social welfare society which he has publically advocated on numerous occasions.

Unfortunately, all of that takes time and effort, and therefore doesn't feed into the impatient Baan Nork's sense of entitlement, and need for instant gratification via handouts, without work.

During his 5 years in power, Thaksin created a monster, by giving these country folk easy money. The country is now reaping the "reward" for his largesse funded by tax-payers' money (largely Bangkok tax-payers, ironically).

If there is such a thing as karma, one hopes that Thaksin gets his just desserts for causing all of this.

That is my observation too. Well written.

Give some people a ruin and they'll turn it into a palace; give others a palace and they'll turn it into a ruin, and then complain about their lot.

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From sleepy Mukdahan!! Main Provincial gov’t building touched yesterday two shot dead, no police around anywhere today army rolled in over night & have taken control of the town

Tonight all have been told by the army don’t break the curfew or else ? 7/11’s closing at 8pm

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Does anyone have a list of these provinces under curfew?

They are listed on the story on TV on the Curfew. It appears that all provinces in Isaan are under curfew. Many government buildings are being burned by Red Shirts in all the major cities in Isaan.

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Better they burn their own city and resources than those of other cities.

Ever consider that Bangkok has been taking most of their share of the resources for years....?

Considering that filing a tax return and paying taxes is something that many northern Thai people have no concept of, I wonder who you think has been paying taxes to support the infrastructure of the northern areas?

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Might be a blessing in disguise. Let the up country folk feel a little of the pain we have had in BKK for almost 2 months, and it might open their eyes in the next election.... Then again....

I don't think they care. To them all of the beautiful 20th & 21st century buildings that house agencies of the federal government are signs of the "elites" that they seem to hate so much. Perhaps they think these buildings were built for the elitiest foreigners. To them the rest of Thailand has no significance. It is only a place for their daughters & sons & husbands who get tired of raising their families escape to - mainly Bangkok, Pattaya & Phuket. Thaksin is their God and without him they have no hope. All they want is another government handout. But, eventually when they burn down all the government buildings, they may have to take a bus to Bkk for a handout. All they care about is drinking and gambling - one of the reasons they are as poor as they are. I have been all over Isaan many times and I have seen all of this.

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Rhetorical question: Can anyone tell me why the Red Shirts would want to destroy places where so many of them work and make their money? I am just so sick and tired of this fighting between the Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts. I have no doubt that most of the Thai people feel the same way and are completely sick of both sides.

One word. "Ignorance."

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Any problem in Surin or Buriram??

Perhaps Khmer people have a bit more shall we say smarts.

I really did enjoy World Trade Center, the trouble must stop ASAP regardless of the cost.

subjugated for years as you don't know.

If Newin say jump and burn, they jump and burn, if Newin say sit down, write email, they do that.

Nobody (surprise anybody now know this) do anything unless Newin say in this mafia heartland. Read about the vote that got Abhisit the Puppet Minister job? Thought not, best not google it or it will upset you.

Nice to see people back in Isaan away from the corrupting polluted fetid air of Bangkok with it's sex slave industry as its main draw. say a lot about many people who live there and pattaya. "I live here for the beach" they say..... right :)

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Can't say I'm surprised by this latest development. How long before it's all out war?

How many people are protesting for the reds?

100,000 on their best day (when it WAS peaceful).

10,000 on most days after April 10 (after people saw the 'black shirts' and grenades used by the reds)

3,000 on their last day.

100's causing havoc around Bangkok.

100's causing havoc in the provinces of the red strong holds.

Of a country of 65,000,000 people, these are all VERY small numbers.

Now it is just lawless thugs causing havoc.

The one thing most of you have forgotton is that the so called demonstrators were being paid to do this how many of these scum wreaking havoc would have been there if no money was offered .Most of them came because they get more money than staying in there villages.

They only think about today never tomorrow .If they were genuine why destroy our own country (incidentially I am thai).The facts are corrution is rife the Police in general only about one thing and I have first hand experience of it.

All of you who are out there agreeing that the entire red shirt movement was bankrolled:

Have any of you bothered to run the numbers? I understand that Thaksin HAS that kind of money, but I can't hardly believe that he would PART with that kind of money.

There is a difference between a "promise to pay" and to "actually pay". I bet all debts are now off. Do they even have proof of being in Bangkok and more importantly, do they have any written and signed Agreement to be paid. I say they are out of luck.

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May I suggest that factual information about trouble in the provinces stay at the earlier thread here, and this thread be reserved for opinions and comments of a less objective nature?

Spreading the factual up-dates over many threads makes it so hard to keep up with the situation in the provinces. Please?

Do you own this thread? You can skip over those remarks you don't like or you consider off subject. I do it all the time. All of these threads ARE tied together because you have Red Shirts from the North and Northeast wreaking havoc all over Bkk and the north & northeast of Thailand. These are ignorant thugs who care about nothing. Those who take up for these people are condoning the violence. Period.

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Any problem in Surin or Buriram??

Perhaps Khmer people have a bit more shall we say smarts.

I really did enjoy World Trade Center, the trouble must stop ASAP regardless of the cost.

subjugated for years as you don't know.

If Newin say jump and burn, they jump and burn, if Newin say sit down, write email, they do that.

Nobody (surprise anybody now know this) do anything unless Newin say in this mafia heartland. Read about the vote that got Abhisit the Puppet Minister job? Thought not, best not google it or it will upset you.

Viking. Haven't you realized? No one's listening to you. You lost. Go home. Shhhhhh

Nice to see people back in Isaan away from the corrupting polluted fetid air of Bangkok with it's sex slave industry as its main draw. say a lot about many people who live there and pattaya. "I live here for the beach" they say..... right :)

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Any problem in Surin or Buriram??

Perhaps Khmer people have a bit more shall we say smarts.

I really did enjoy World Trade Center, the trouble must stop ASAP regardless of the cost.

subjugated for years as you don't know.

If Newin say jump and burn, they jump and burn, if Newin say sit down, write email, they do that.

Nobody (surprise anybody now know this) do anything unless Newin say in this mafia heartland. Read about the vote that got Abhisit the Puppet Minister job? Thought not, best not google it or it will upset you.

Nice to see people back in Isaan away from the corrupting polluted fetid air of Bangkok with it's sex slave industry as its main draw. say a lot about many people who live there and pattaya. "I live here for the beach" they say..... right :)

Viking. Haven't you realized? No one's listening to you. You lost. Go home. Shhhhhh

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I am very annoyed at some schools where I am in Issan have closed for the week because the teachers want to go to Ubon to destroy. Can you make sense of that? No thoughts for the future generations. Hop on the bandwagon and hope to be paid at the end of the day. All those teachers who have taken the next few days off should be fired my the MOE and never be hired again.

I have been teaching my village kids all day and will do so tommorow.. and the funny thing is that they all want to learn

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I am very annoyed at some schools where I am in Issan have closed for the week because the teachers want to go to Ubon to destroy. Can you make sense of that? No thoughts for the future generations. Hop on the bandwagon and hope to be paid at the end of the day. All those teachers who have taken the next few days off should be fired my the MOE and never be hired again.

I have been teaching my village kids all day and will do so tommorow.. and the funny thing is that they all want to learn

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Disaffected, uneducated, unemployable, lazy 'Baan Nork', oiled up on Lao Khao, and angry because the pipeline of handouts has dried up decide to burn their own homeland.

They would have been better off all along, following the Sufficiency Economy model, adopting some modern farming techniques, and investing those handouts in that, instead of spending the money on new pickups and motorcycles they can't pay for, and basically complaining all the time about their lot in life and blaming the invisible "elite".

Ironically, Abhisit has recently helped them all greatly, with farmer debt relief, by instituting free education and moving towards a social welfare society which he has publically advocated on numerous occasions.

Unfortunately, all of that takes time and effort, and therefore doesn't feed into the impatient Baan Nork's sense of entitlement, and need for instant gratification via handouts, without work.

During his 5 years in power, Thaksin created a monster, by giving these country folk easy money. The country is now reaping the "reward" for his largesse funded by tax-payers' money (largely Bangkok tax-payers, ironically).

If there is such a thing as karma, one hopes that Thaksin gets his just desserts for causing all of this.

Another good post - seems the forum is getting thinking members at last LOL :)

Put in better English than the way my Thai wife of 30 years has been saying for years about the people of Isaan. BTW she would be considered an elite by these people as she earned a degree @ Chulalongkorn and earned a master's degree in the U.S. where we lived for 30 years until retiring here in Phuket in Aug. 2009. Her family was not wealthy. Her mother sold all the gold & jewels handed down from generation to generation to pay for the university education of four children. Her own brother lives in Maha Sarakham & we have visted many times through the years. All I saw - and this was from the school teachers, principals, superintendents, etc. - was drinking and gambling. Her own brother's wife's two sisters husbands who were always drunk & gambling away their wages finally left for Bkk and never came back to leave my brother-in-law to help raise their children. Many, many people in Isaan have their hands out & don't want to work never knowing that the government subsidises their rice & other farm products. That the Isaan economy is in the red & can only survive by subsidies that come from the "elite" that they hate so much in Bangkok.

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Any problem in Surin or Buriram??

Perhaps Khmer people have a bit more shall we say smarts.

I really did enjoy World Trade Center, the trouble must stop ASAP regardless of the cost.

subjugated for years as you don't know.

If Newin say jump and burn, they jump and burn, if Newin say sit down, write email, they do that.

Nobody (surprise anybody now know this) do anything unless Newin say in this mafia heartland. Read about the vote that got Abhisit the Puppet Minister job? Thought not, best not google it or it will upset you.

Nice to see people back in Isaan away from the corrupting polluted fetid air of Bangkok with it's sex slave industry as its main draw. say a lot about many people who live there and pattaya. "I live here for the beach" they say..... right :P

Sorry, nobody in the part of Surin where my family lives (Sikhoraphum, and mostly of Cambodian origin) cares about Newin or almost anything else except making a living and sending their children to school. Welcome to my ignore list - more bandwidth saved.

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I am very annoyed at some schools where I am in Issan have closed for the week because the teachers want to go to Ubon to destroy. Can you make sense of that? No thoughts for the future generations. Hop on the bandwagon and hope to be paid at the end of the day. All those teachers who have taken the next few days off should be fired my the MOE and never be hired again.

I have been teaching my village kids all day and will do so tommorow.. and the funny thing is that they all want to learn

Yes..but since you are restricted to certain rules from the Thai Goverment on what you may learn them, what's the use if you can't tell the truth huh? :)

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