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Thaivisa Launches Youtube Beta Channel With Exclusive Content


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Great Idea.. but today is a very sad day for me.. I lost my best friend today.. He was only 6 years old.

Too bad about your pal, been there done that and mine was about that age to when I lost her....Wanted to post a pic but couldn't find it on this computer..

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he seems to be talking to kids not adults and very simple language which I guess is good as most readers here English is NOT their first language

I thought he is talking American, isnt he? Maybe a Translation into Irish would be a good Idea, just to be sure to be ....... :)

But I am sure it would be a hit if played at the Pattaya Expat Meetings.

What could you show us next:

how to rent a Jet Ski in Thailand without getting scammed

Where do I find the Seat Number in a Thai Bus?

How to enter a Lift Thai Style

Eating Bugs and Hoppers the correct way

and the all time hit, how to do your Business in a Thai Style Toilet

Edited by CHdiver
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I guess it is OK for the ones who need this, I mean these are basic things anyone with a little bit of common sense can come up with imho.

It is absolutely beyond me why everybody seems to be so dependent on embassies, warden messages, town hall meetings, or whatever for just the most basic warnings or advice.

Don't go near if...

Stock up on some food when you are close to...

A curfew means....

Have this at hand...

Have that at hand...

Make sure your cell phone is charged just in case the electricity goes...

And so on.. and so on.

Nanny state extension comes to mind.

As for the vid itself, make it less patronising and don't play tell sell.


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this was great. thanks!

i would add (i'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned it or not) that we CAN leave our homes during the curfew if we have an emergency (and need to go to the hospital, for example). just be certain to carry your passport with you and any travel documents you may have (if you are here on holiday and are leaving next week for example, bring a copy of your airline tickets or flight confirmation).

That's correct and not necessarily just for emergencies they (the Thai government spokesmen) stated clearly on TV yesterday on CNN that foreigners are excluded from the curfew except that you should carry your passports and travel documents with you for identification purposes if requested..

Like others noted I too felt like a fourth grader in his tone and presentation though as well..

I have been reading forums on thaivisa quite a bit lately and alot of times am finding that the original posts from TV only tell half the story or give wrong information. TV appears to be a popular souce for foreigners in thailand, so probably the best suggestion TV could take on board would be to make sure they are giving us the correct information.

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This is my first post on Thaivisa, a website that is constantly running on my computer to keep me up to date with all the news here in Thailand. I just wanted to add that the video is great.......clear information in simple English and although it may be common knowledge to some, there are quite a lot of people who really don't understand simple things like the extent of a "state of emergency" and a "curfew".

Thaivisa, keep up the good work.

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Pretty well done -- but I've never understood those who prefer all their info via video --- the state of emerency stuff was slightly useful but could have been covered in a few sentences of text --- you remember, text? That SEARCHABLE, grepable, copy-and-pastable medium? It took civilization 10,000 to develop writing --- hate to see that great invention fade away.

I know video is great for conveying atmosphere and visuals but I lament its proiferation in scenarios where text would serve better --- like this one.

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This is our first crawling step to do a YouTube channel.

Please post your ideas of what you want to see on Thaivisa YouTube channel in the future.


Greg & The Thaivisa Youtube Channel Team

email: tv [at] thaivisa.com


-- thaivisa.com 2010-05-20


Channel Farang is born.

Good idea. I've noticed a few changes for the better in the last few days. Thanks for the best news service for the farang community.


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Nice work, but why Mr Lamafear is telling the curfew is between 9pm to 5am when i am sure i read somewhere, probably on the Nation or that innominable other newspaper, that it was between 8pm to 6am....am i missing something or what?

Yes, it (curfew) now (today) is 9:00pm-5:00am.

Yes, it (curfew) was (yesterday) 8:00pm-6:00am.

Yes, it (curfew) will (tomorrow)be... well, we'll just have to wait and see.


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nice idea!

Greg is good, but could be even better if there was a bit less acting.

But anyway, good initiative and I hope you will keep it up.

Possible topics for the future could include:

- how to stop a cab

- how to use a bath bus

- how to negociate with a thai and reach an agreement where all are happy

- how to use BTS/MRT

- how to buy and use a thai prepaid SIM card and which type is convenient for short time visitors

- basic do's and don't do's

- etc.

hahaha All your friends who come here will want to know what a BATH bus is, bloody hel_l they will say have a bath during the trip from Soi 6 to Soi 13/4 and have a beer in Classroom One with my friends.

:D :D :)

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This is my first post on Thaivisa, a website that is constantly running on my computer to keep me up to date with all the news here in Thailand.

Ok, stupid question and totally off subject. If this is the poster's first post to Thaivisa, why does it says he (assuming it is a "he") has already made five posts?

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Appreciate the effort, and for most it is probably good, However don't forget about those of us that don't have broadband. I will always enjoy the written words more.

Plus I'm here more for the comments than the info. Silly posters crack me up!

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This is my first post on Thaivisa, a website that is constantly running on my computer to keep me up to date with all the news here in Thailand.

Ok, stupid question and totally off subject. If this is the poster's first post to Thaivisa, why does it says he (assuming it is a "he") has already made five posts?

Because he made four after this one and the post counter increased.

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Interesting format. Although I sorta felt like a 5th grader being talked to by my sex education teacher about the perils of STDs. :) I don't mean that in a bad way. Just an observation.

I think it holds promise. Good idea! :D

brilliant, oh your so diplomatic in a kinky kind of way... the clip reminded me of my driving instructer telling me to stop at red lights!

Edited by bez
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This is my first post on Thaivisa, a website that is constantly running on my computer to keep me up to date with all the news here in Thailand.

Ok, stupid question and totally off subject. If this is the poster's first post to Thaivisa, why does it says he (assuming it is a "he") has already made five posts?

Because you only see the up to date post count and he made four other after the one you are looking at.

PS not a stupid question BTW

Edited by RKASA
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Interesting format. Although I sorta felt like a 5th grader being talked to by my sex education teacher about the perils of STDs. :) I don't mean that in a bad way. Just an observation.

I think it holds promise. Good idea! :D

I also felt the same way, this is a constructive critic of course, just don't try to over explain yourself and it will look more relaxed, but nicely done otherwise could be an interesting project.

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This is our first crawling step to do a YouTube channel.

Please post your ideas of what you want to see on Thaivisa YouTube channel in the future.


Greg & The Thaivisa Youtube Channel Team

email: tv [at] thaivisa.com


-- thaivisa.com 2010-05-20


very good-------------easy to understand. no ideas yet

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Interesting format. Although I sorta felt like a 5th grader being talked to by my sex education teacher about the perils of STDs. :) I don't mean that in a bad way. Just an observation.

I think it holds promise. Good idea! :D

brilliant, oh your so diplomatic in a kinky kind of way... the clip reminded me of my driving instructer telling me to stop at red lights!

At least I understand his well spoken English and the Pantomime helps too, really. Thanks and keep the work up.

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Not a bad effort and basically useful, although I agree with most of the (constructive ) comments. Thai Visa's "read only" news updates over the Red Shirt situation have been outstanding and it has been a joy to be able to follow what is going on without all the (mainly crass) comments from the same old 'posters' who seem to have nothing better to do with their time. Perhaps you could make the YouTube videos, read/view only as well?! My only other observation would be not to overdo it; keep the vids for important issues, otherwise you'll lose your audience.

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This is my first post on Thaivisa, a website that is constantly running on my computer to keep me up to date with all the news here in Thailand.

Ok, stupid question and totally off subject. If this is the poster's first post to Thaivisa, why does it says he (assuming it is a "he") has already made five posts?

You assumed right (I am a he!)and only after I posted "my first" posting, I noticed I have already 5 post........maybe I did post years ago and have completely forgotten! Is there any way to check?

By the way, I did not make any post after the one today, in question.

Edited by sctharan
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