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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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Here is the deleted video plus additional footage and commentary from western journalist who witnessed him. (Sorry if already posted..I read through most pages and didn't see it here yet.)


It didn't take a DSM-IV diagnosis to tell he was emotionally disturbed.

Right! Officer Krupke

You're really a square

This boy don't need a judge

He needs an analyst's care

It's just his neurosis

That oughta be curbed

He's psychologically disturbed


I'm disturbed


We're disturbed, we're disturbed

We're the most disturbed

Like we're psychologically disturbed

--"Gee, Officer Krupke" from West Side Story

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Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

Every statement in this thread is a political statement, and can be construed as being political involvement. As for those that condemn him for expressing his opinion (assinine arsonist threat aside), which is really what his showing up at the rally was, should perhaps try out the ball gag on themselves before trying to put it on others.

You should not let your mouth write checks you ass cant cash. Maybe a few years in a Thai jail would give him a new look on life

Good one Tracer. In the States we have a similar saying; "Don't let your alligator mouth overload your humingbird a$$"

as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British....

Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

you criticize the man's spelling and then you write "assume your not" or "showing there dislike"? :)

I said that because of the anti English feeling of his blog, you've taken it a little bit out of context... I see what your saying though haha

People here are being too tough on this guy. Yes, he's a fool, but to his credit he understand that fact and is penitent.

"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper..."

Let it go guys.

He ain't penitent. His only regret now is that the fun's over. He's also lying that he "lost his temper." He was involved for quite some time, pictured and filmed in various locations. All he "understands" now is that he's in deep doo-doo and is preparing his cowardly "defense."

We're not going to let it go.

Truer words have never been spoken.

the red shirts may be gone, but that doesnt change the primal need for certain TV posters to beat something up. ever so conveniently along comes this caricature of a pattaya brit twit.

"there by the grace of god..." right boys?

enjoy yourselves!

Right! Officer Krupke

You're really a square

This boy don't need a judge

He needs an analyst's care

It's just his neurosis

That oughta be curbed

He's psychologically disturbed


I'm disturbed


We're disturbed, we're disturbed

We're the most disturbed

Like we're psychologically disturbed

--"Gee, Officer Krupke" from West Side Story

<deleted> is this fool blabbering on about?

Actually 2 people died at Central World. So, if he was involved, it's manslaughter, not just arson.

In most jurisdictions, death caused in the committing of a felony is classified as murder, not manslaughter.

Sorry Murder has to be premeditaded

Death not intended is manslaughter

William Blackstone (citing Edward Coke), in his Commentaries on the Laws of England set out the common law definition of murder as

“ when a person, of sound memory and discretion, unlawfully killeth any reasonable creature in being and under the king's peace, with malice aforethought, either express or implied.[3] ” The first few elements are relatively straightforward; however, the concept of "malice aforethought" is a complex one that does not necessarily mean premeditation. The following states of mind are recognized as constituting the various forms of "malice aforethought":

  • Intent to kill,
  • Intent to inflict grievous bodily harm short of death,
  • Reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life (sometimes described as an "abandoned and malignant heart"), or
  • Intent to commit a dangerous felony (the "felony-murder" doctrine).

'nuff said?

I can't believe you are all getting your knickers in a twist over one person, who didnt actually do anything. It's not as if there aren't enough Thai idiots causing people distress on a daily basis.

Get over it.

He said he didnt do it. After the rant he obviously spewed in the vicinity of a camera, do you take his denial of involvement in the actual deed, as gospel? Many raise issue with farang in red or yellow cloth amongst either group. A more profound question would be, what is a farang doing in Red security black clothes?!?! That pushes the envelop right off the table, one might think.

But he's not even reading this. He's not getitng any abuse. You are all just spouting off hate filled 'and quite bizarre' comments. You all sound like a lynch mob far worse than anything in Bangkok. What ever happened to remaining level headed and civilized. It's just an idiot who was obviously missing some purpose in his life. And for the record there are at least 12 comments on this post alone saying that foreigners shouldnt get involved in Thai politics.

The fact that you are all dictating what the Thai judiciary should do when you are all foreigners is amusing to say the least though. Almost makes up for the embarrasing comments people are writing. I would be far more ashamed of Thai people reading these comments than of one man's actions.

Well seeing as he wanted to be filmed, it could well be he reads all this. And manybe at least one person he knows will read this and let him know what people are saying about him. I still don't get your reasoning; if someone does something bad, of course people will comment; when Gordon Brown slipped up with the Bigot comment, forums all over the UK were in full swing; did Brown read it? No because people wanted to discuss it. That's what a Forum is for.

This person has EMBARRASSED us farang and put us in a bad light; so yes, of course people are going to be annoyed on this forum. What did you expect? If people are not outraged, he will think he is some sort of 'legend' back home or with his mates. The lynching thing is over the top, yes I agree; but everyone here has every right to show their disgust at this man. Why have a Forum otherwise?

Re your last comments, bar the odd one; I think most Thais will be happy that we condemn this man and his actions.

He hasnt embarrassed me because I dont behave like that and his behaviour isnt associated with the general population of the country I am from and certainly not with my friends family or associates. How can he embarrass you if you have absolutely nothing to do with him and may even not be from the same country????

If some uneducated thai person decides that because one single white person acted like this the other 2 billion must be like it thats his problem not mine. Embarrassed indeed. You should be more embarrassed with writing something like that than the effect one man you have never met will have on you.

Why have the forum? Well primarily to discuss Thai visas, but that has branched out into other aspects of Thai life. Thats why, not to show their disgust at a man. If you want to do that try the Thaidisgust.com forum.


I'm torn...part of me REALLY hopes I see him on the street in BKK one day. But the other part would rather him locked up in a Thai jail for a few years and deported back to England.

'nuff said?

not quite.

we're not in a common law jurisdiction here.

could you imagine quoting thai law in, say, australia?

another example of the colonial mentality.


I think maybe some folk need to calm down a little. Yes, clearly he's an idiot and an embarrassment to himself. But the only thing's he's known to actually have done is to walk down the street, shout a little, throw a stick on the ground, shoot his mouth off and then later repeat rumours he's heard. Sure, if it's discovered that he played an active role or was involved in actually planning arson attacks, then it'd be more understandable for people to start shouting for jail sentences, but some of the responses to this have been a little over-the-top.

I'm not defending the guy, he's exactly the kind of Brit abroad I can't stand, but a wee bit of perspective isn't a bad thing.

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

A bit of anti Britishness coming out there from you, where are you from, as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British. What has Britains financial state got to do with this idiot (Bankrupt country)? Most British people are in general good people. Although there does seem to be a small section that come to Thailand to get away with things that they wouldn't be able to do in England, this hasn't nothing to do with Colonialism, just stupidity. I hope he gets what he deserves for getting involved with things that he shouldn't be, surely its common sense to not get involved. Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

Another uneducated Brit.

I think maybe some folk need to calm down a little. Yes, clearly he's an idiot and an embarrassment. But the only thing's he's known to actually have done is to walk down the street, shout a little, throw a stick on the ground, shoot his mouth off and then later repeat rumours he's heard. Sure, if it's discovered that he played an active role or was involved in actually planning arson attacks, then people get start shouting for jail sentences etc, but some of the responses to this have been a little over-the-top. I'm not defending the guy, he's exactly the kind of Brit abroad I can't stand, but a wee bit of perspective isn't a bad thing.

Spot on but it won't sit well with the TV lynch mob.

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

A bit of anti Britishness coming out there from you, where are you from, as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British. What has Britains financial state got to do with this idiot (Bankrupt country)? Most British people are in general good people. Although there does seem to be a small section that come to Thailand to get away with things that they wouldn't be able to do in England, this hasn't nothing to do with Colonialism, just stupidity. I hope he gets what he deserves for getting involved with things that he shouldn't be, surely its common sense to not get involved. Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

Another uneducated Brit.

Another bigot


what is there to say that hasn't been said? Please. Don't forget that the military wannabe 'Australian' who appeared on stage with the Reds was actually an Irish Immigrant. I thought he was the ultimate embarrassment in this sad sorry affair. But this DH takes the cake. I reckon if you looked up 'Moron' in the dictionary there would be a picture of this idiot next to it.

This bloke is the reason I wouldn't even contermplate living in a place like pattaya anymore. i even gave up visiting the joint a few years ago. He and his ilk singlehandedly ruined it.

I think it is pretty evident in the video that he was privvy to, and part of, what was about to take place, that is, the premeditated destruction and looting of CW. His excuse is just that, an excuse.

I hope the Thais make an example of him and throw the bloody book at him. The Brits need a high powered Spokesperson to roundly, publicly, condemn the actions of this criminal. Alot of Ordinary Thais I associate with aren't too happy about the Biased Western media as it is.

I think maybe some folk need to calm down a little. Yes, clearly he's an idiot and an embarrassment. But the only thing's he's known to actually have done is to walk down the street, shout a little, throw a stick on the ground, shoot his mouth off and then later repeat rumours he's heard. Sure, if it's discovered that he played an active role or was involved in actually planning arson attacks, then people get start shouting for jail sentences etc, but some of the responses to this have been a little over-the-top. I'm not defending the guy, he's exactly the kind of Brit abroad I can't stand, but a wee bit of perspective isn't a bad thing.

No! You're wrong! Kill him! Kill him!! KILL HIM!!!!! He's the most interesting thing in my life this week! Hang him! Kill him! Kill all Brits!!! Aggggh the hate!!!

No, no, no must remember in Thailand now. Save face, save face. Jai dee. Jai dee. Deep breaths...

Ahhhhhhhhh thats better. No, no it isn't. KILL HIM!!!!

the only difference between his red shirt type hate threatening violence, we hate them rant

and some of the kill them all, send back to the rice fields, they got no rights etc etc we hate them, strong violent force is the only answer, type hate violence rants on this forum by posters,

is he did it at the former red shirt site in front of a video camera, knowing probaly it will end up on you tube for the whole world to see him and could come back on him like it has,,

but ppl on here do from the comfort of their armchair, behind their pc screen,,,where their invisable to everyone, so can shout their mouth off and scream and insult without no fear that it will come back on them apart from getting suspended or banned from the forum but can always come back under a different alias and carrty on where they left off,,their probaly the ones who wouldnt say boo to a goose in the real world

so i know which one has more bulls!

You're right, I sold my herd! If you were actually referring to testicles, it is a shame that people with the mentality of this person of the cretin are allowed to breed - it only perpetuates the problem. But he was a red, so the apologists must stick up for him.

He said that he would be disappointed if sent to prison. I hope that he is severely disappointed. I also hope that a civil suit is successful and they take every brass razoo that he possesses - unless of course he has more than $31 million, which I very much doubt.

he didnt murder anyone!!

he just translated the sort of stuff they'd been ranting on the red stage in thai..

when you listen to some music a lot or speeches enuf your gonna wanna sing and speak it yourself for extra effect and enjoyment...

i know this is violent and hate rant but as i said its just the same sort of stuff posters on here spew out..

but its alright for them but not for him because his hate/violent rant was filmed and is spreading from youtube all over the inter-net...

and its a different type of red to abuse and insult and say he deserves to go to jail and rot..

Nowhere in his rant does he claim to be offering a translation. It is quite obvious that he is expressing his own perverted views and desires, and the act that he promotes was carried out. That indicts him as inciting arson (a felony) and quite possibly conspiracy to commit said arson (another felony). Another poster has claimed that 2 people were killed in the commission of the arson, which will result in felony-murder charges for anybody charged with the arson, and could also be attached to inciting, and definitely to conspiracy.

Being feeble-minded enough to be influenced by hate speech would only be a defence if he could prove that he could not tell the difference between right and wrong, a defence already demolished by his apology. Under the influence of drugs is not a defence, and will lead to extra charges.

In which part of the world would similar charges not lead to incarceration?

No sarcasm in that voice at all. Pumped up on steroids? I don't think so. Southern accent by the sounds of it too.

quote from the video, : 'We're gonna smash the ***** Central Plaza to ****. 'We're gonna steal everything out of it and burn the ***** down. Trust me, get pictures of that ****

The fact he is English does not mean we are all the same as he.

What bothers me is he was wearing black. Of all the colours he could wear he wears black and that is the colour of the Red Guards. Makes you wonder what he was involved in. He knew about the intended attack on Central therefore he must have been trusted with that information by the reds themselves, so had he 'proved himself to them in some way?

Speculation? Yes. But I would have thought it valid speculation.

Get rid of him quick via the Hilton. What an idiot.

I saw this dumb a** hole on BBC World last week, right on the front line at Sala Daeng during a confrontation with army, again in 'Black Guard' garb, again 'hopped up', again talking inane bullsh*t about a "class war." So he's probably been a front-line 'soldier' for the terrorists since the start. Almost certainly part of the April 10th shooting at army/ supporters by the 'Black Shirts.' Possibly the attacks on civilians at Sala Daeng too.   :D

By the look of him too, wouldn't be surprised if he is former British army. Any chance he was an army sniper??! ... that would be an interesting little fact to find out!!  :)

He's clearly as dumb as a bag of spanners, coming out in the UK press and admitting it was him! Anyone with a fragment of intelligence would be lying very very low now. Thankfully, he's not got any of that!  :D

Even on youtube, it's him - apparently under the handle SAIGONDISCO - saying;

'Right thats me in the video and lets get one thing straight I DID NOT BURN DOWN THE fuc_kIN MALL. and all you little peasants name calling me here would do it to my face. come to pattaya and see how big you all are.'

Wow! Great bravado!  He may well find a few farangs taking up his 'offer'!

Interestingly, the tale of this douche provides us with a few things;

1.  Evidence of what was clear - the arson attacks were premeditated, specifically targetted and well planned. By extension, as evidenced by the level of catastrophic damage to Central World, clearly the place was 'rigged' to burn fast (and surely explosives were planted there in advance and detonated at the 'proper time'.)

2.  Evidence that certain so-called "Red Shirt guards" knew of this planned arson (of course many would, as they would have been the guys to rig the place!) ... and by extension that senior parties in the Terrorist leadership not only knew of the planned destruction but authorised it.

3.   Evidence that the so-called "Red Shirt guards" and rioters were plied with Yaa-Baa (the 'steroids' this douche refers to) and other drugs (plus, of course, sangsom and other cheap hooch) to minimise their fear and maximise their violence.

4.   Evidence - if anyone needed it - that the Red Shirt leadership's aim all along was violence and destruction.

5.  An interesting question .... Why is he referring to people who rightly castigate him as "peasants"? Rather than being a term of derision, weren't 'peasants' what these Reds were claiming to fight for?! Is this a hint that the Red Shirt upper echelons - not saying this dick was upper echelon, but being a 'Black Shirt' he would have considered himself at a much higher level of importance than the sheeple -  really despised the peasants all along?!!

6.  An interesting question .... Since this idiot can scarcely speak proper English, it's more than probable he knows about two words of Thai. Therefore, who was giving him his instructions in English? The only Reds I've heard speak decent English were that Dr. Weng nutcase and the PR guy used by the leadership.

The British Embassy need to get their Police Reps chasing this moron down and,  before deporting his ass to Britland to face charges there, meeting a few Thai coppers to answer a few important questions (aside from obvious questions regarding the Wednesday/Thursday arson attacks/ looting and his role therein) ...  questions like; Who was really in charge of the 'Black Shirts'? Who authorised the 'Black Shirt' April 10th activity and who exactly were they targetting that night? Who paid you? Who gave you drugs? ... yada yada yada) :D

And they'd better move soon! ... This douche's 'pals' in the 'Black Shirts'  certainly won't be very happy with his blathering right now! Wouldn't be surprised if someone was instructed to go "shut him up" before he gets nabbed by the cops and gets asked some serious  questions!  :D

Or maybe from his local pub "Dog <deleted>" :)

Come on Mr. Savage... by opening my TV profile you will know exactly who I am and where I am living -I have nothing to hide-...

And please bring your Chelsea Headhunters c#nts with you... we gonna have a party tonight! :D

I don't get what you mean really, are you having a party and inviting him and his friends ?

Or are you saying that you would take care of him and his friends in a confrontation ?

You have identified yourself too.... :D

as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British....

Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

you criticize the man's spelling and then you write "assume your not" or "showing there dislike"? :D

hahaha what a goof!!! he mocks somebody then does that disasterous spelling goof! DUH! :D:):D


Why have we now got the idea he is ex British Army, I am ex Army and would not like to be categorized in the same breath as this knobhead.

Are all hooligans British or English? - No

Are all Brits who cause trouble ex Armed Forces? - No

Please stop categorizing us.

I said that because of the anti English feeling of his blog...

just imagine the reaction if this demented soul had been an american....

Well, I'm I’m gobsmacked ol' man!

Carry on, cheerio, keep your chins up, 'ave a pint.

Takin' the pee-pee are we? Good lad.

My chum Percival Wormsly III would have had a good go at this hooligan if he wernt pissin his pants down the pub.

[earthpig, all of us who were stationed at Bragg know where your old swamp is! no need to google it.]

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