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Emergency Decree And Curfew


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As is known, the protest activities of the red shirts took place in the central business district of Bangkok and people within the area were heavily affected (including their businesses and jobs) the other areas of Bangkok however, (although concerned) went on with their normal life, and so of course was life in the rest of the country, when the reds were eventually pushed out of their strong hold in Bangkok it was generally thought (both in Thailand and abroad) that this would be the end of the matter)

Yet, the new action taken by the government (emergency decree and curfew) has dramatised the matter further since unlike before it now affects the whole of the country, Banks are closed, ATM machines are now empty and are not being refilled (I experienced that) people with credit cards (that incl.me) can carry on buying essential goods, but those without c/cards will have serious problems and one is surprised that the banks allowed this to happen, they should have demanded protection (if indeed needed) from local police / army in order to carry on providing their essential service.

The current state of affairs "emergency decree, curfew, the closure of schools, shops, banks, ATM's etc " affects now (unlike before) the whole of the country and it is surprising that those action were taken, the arrested (and unarrested leaders of the "Red's") must be delighted that their initial 'district' activities in Bangkok are now affecting the whole of the country, as a result of which matters are now more dramatised and give a more negative political image of Thailand

The cancellation of the emergency decree and curfew (but keeping shadowed supervision alive) would be regarded as positive.

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As is normal in abnormal situations there are rushed decisions taken & not fully thought through. For example a limited number of attacks on bank branches & ATMs seems to have led to the decision to halt all banking activities nationwide, without having taken into account any of the resultant effects on people's ability to conduct the necessities of life. For example in a largely cash economy the everyday need to buy food or to pay bills, or even my need to obtain currency for a trip to Korea starting tonight has been hampered severely, and there is no apparent way that one can contact anyone for clarification or help.

This brings up the subject of communications. People can cope with disruption if they are given cogent reasons why something has occurred, what measures are being taken & who they can contact for clarification& guidance. This has been singularly poorly dealt with this week. Information about the curfew has been badly crafted leading to confusion and even deliberate misinformation, which in turn will lead to unwitting incidents of transgression. There appears to be no contact point to which one can go for guidance that is 'official' and which can assist those who do not want to be in breach of regulations. For example where do I go to determine how my partner can take me to the airport at 11 pm tonight & return home without being in breach of the curfew and at risk of being arrested?

Crises are a part of contemporary life and will continue to be so. Those in authority who are taking decisions that impact on the lives of ordinary and supportive people need to have sufficient respect for such citizens and use communication in a much more effective way. Failure to do this will result in antagonism. The current administration has a challenge in ensuring that it's actions are understood by those with a disposition to support them, otherwise this reservoir of goodwill will be rapidly dissipated.

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Are you both for real???????

Would you want to go to work if you were at risk of being shot or blown up? I very much doubt it ! If you would your more stupid than your comments and questions are !

As far as going to the airport this evening goes, have you or your partner tried asking a police officer? Your airline? Phoning the airport?

If not, might be an ideal way to proceed rather than being defeated before starting.

These are indeed unusual and difficult times but complaining and having a 100% negative defeatist attitude wont help you get anything done and posting them on forums like this just helps to darken the mood and increase the worry for everyone else.

Another idea for the airport may be to just go early, don't get caught in any curfew and don't put your partner at risk !! Simple really when you think about it but, that's just advice that has been generally issued anyway.

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"Yet, the new action taken by the government (emergency decree and curfew) has dramatised the matter further since unlike before it now affects the whole of the country"

It affected the whole country before but not in some of the details. It could be better if the whole country realized the effects and was forced to adjust. It is a national issue.

"give a more negative political image of Thailand"

Thailand deserves the negative political image it gets and then some. If people could face that fact, there might be opportunity for improvement.

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They are not shooting people for being out during the curfew nor are they arresting them. They are looking for groups conglomerating and they are putting out patrols to protect the public and property.

Last night some of the shops, restaurants and stalls did not even begin to close until after 9:00. The military showed up at 10:00 and everyone went home.

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Some temporary measures are necessary to get things under control. From what I have heard, some "protesters" threatened to march on the Night Bazaar lat night, but did not go through with it. These rules may inconvenience us, but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run.

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