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Order Restored In Bangkok And Provinces: PM Abhisit


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The sensible thing would be to take on board the sensible red demands and work on them while at the same time following the money trail and bringing court cases against those who committed crimes without any poltical interference either to worsen or lessen things and no exceptions should be made for those super elite caught up in the tangled web of funding. Seperate the red demands from the slef interested and violent leaders and shadowy elite backers which after all should also satisfy a demand for equality in society

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

Every "decent" Thai, eh?

I presume those that don't think like you are not "decent", so you're not going to include them in your report?

Oh wait, now I read the rest of your post, this is hilarious :)

5/10 for trolling. Could be done much better.

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I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

After all that's happened, how can you say this? Their resignation is what the protesters demanded in the first place. After all they did against their own country and countrymen, should they now get what they wanted?

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So lift the curfew so I can go out and get a beer.

Nothing stopping you going out for 'early doors' is there?! :) I'm off for one myself, just hope the celebration isn't premature...

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

:) Three posts, you obviously have a broad church of thai friends!.......I lived in the country for 9 years up till Dec last, I did not experience your rather narrow view of thai people and I am referring to my Isaan Famiy in Roi Et, my 'elite' friends in academia in the Buddhist University in Chiangmai where I taught for 4 years, thai street vendors in my soi, teachers, doctors and nurses at BNH, and I speak fluent thai which I would say is not very common amongst arm chair warriors in their condos and houses. Having said that, there are fundamental problems that needs be addressed by the current government, but like Atticus in To Kill A Mocking Bird, farangs will never get inside the skin of the thai people, we will always be outsiders. Give peace and reconciliation a chance, but maybe your kicks come from disunity and violence, sadly. :D Dukkha

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I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

Why should PM Abhisit give in the demands of these Red Shirt & Puea Thai Party thugs? There is not one person in Thai politics that can lead as well as the current PM. Noticed that the farang Red Shirt sympathisers (Thaksin's cheering section) wanted to mention that the more than 2,000 women & children in the Red Shirt camps got out without any deaths. The Red Shirt sympathisers (some are just anarchists & love things like the riots) want to give the three Red Shirt terrorist leaders credit for ending the violence. Yet, the night before the army moved in at dawn, someone in the military tipped the Reds off which allowed many of Seh Daeng's black shirt terrorist mercenaries, some cowardly Red Shirt leaders (remember, "we will fight for the death for democracy" yeah, right!) and other thugs escaped and were able to continue the violence by looting, bombing, burning down more than 30 businesses. The Reds (who "care" about the plight of the poor) were able to put thousands of the poorest working people out of a job. The burning of Central alone put more than 1,000 people out of work. Yep. The Reds were working for the "poor." Everyone in the world now knows they were working for the sociopath, ego-maniac, criminal Thaksin Shinawatra. A man who soon will have no country except Fiji which will accept him. Even the French don't want him around. And, when the French don't want someone with money in their country, well, that means nothing but a Communist country will take him. Maybe he can join his Chinese Communist Comrades in Beijing. What about his other Chinese friend and business partner, the dictator Lee in Singapore?

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You should get out more.

What will all the lovers of this administration say when Thailand does eventually hold elections and the Reds sweep to power (which is inevitable) and charge Abhisit with murder (which they inevitably will).

I suppose we'll see the airport shut down with Yellow shirted protesters until the government is declared illegitimate and either the army assumes control of Thailand or they hand it back to the Democrats.

Thailand a democracy?

Only if the Democrats win

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

And who ordered the protesters to do what they did? They have lost all credibility and sympathy for their illegal and very dangerous actions. Even the supposed non-violent ones must take some blame. The PM offered a big compromise and they still did not disperse ... if not for them the violence/killings and destruction would not have happened. These "innocents" may have not pulled the trigger ar thrown a bomb, but they supported the ones who did. When their leaders told them it was over and to go home, many went crazy with anger and violence ... like a child with a temper tantrum. They have shamed their country and king and themselves.

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I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

from what I am hearing on the streets of Lopburi, I think you are wrong. Most Thai's I talk to admire him for standing his ground, and are totally amazed he didn't bring in the Army and level every red shirt in sight. If he gets some kind of National movement going to rebuild, right the wrongs and actually do some good for the lower salary and farm people, he will be a hero. I am with him all the way, in spirit that is.

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

Government officials in many Western countries have been interviewed since the Reds commenced trying to burn Bangkok to the ground and not one blames the present government. When the U.S. Ambassador to Thailand was asked if he thought Thaksin Shinawatra was behind the Red Shirts. He answered, "Yes I do. 200%. All the pro-Red Shirt bias, half-truths & lies put out by CNN & the BBC were corrected by their reporters toward the end of these riots, admitting for the first time that the Red Shirts were armed and in fact firing live ammunition, possessing Ak47S, M74 grenades & launchers, all supplied by Seh Daeng, stolen from the Thai Army. As the Reds arrested begin to squeal like pigs on who their financiers are in order to get lighter prison sentences, the whole world will know the whole story. As the huge stockpile of weapons that were recovered from the Red camp are shown to the whole work all will know they were terrorists working for Thaksin. You Red sympathisers will soon find that all that believe what you say are a buncy of brainwashed, uneducated peasants who will never be anything in their lives but followers, for sale the highest bidder, people like Thaksin.

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I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

HAH! Some fools never give up... in this case, a fish brain.
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The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

You have a point, and everybody knows that the society is very unequal. And not only but here.

It is a simple fact of life.

And this government is not responsible for it.

I doubt very much that, as you state, "that might be the end of the present elite". It has been tried in other countries. Just to see new "elites" emerging!

But "a little bit of fairness" (?) could be, can be tried. By all parties, if one wants to see some results.

Unfortunately, as it is the case everywhere else too, "fairness" is never enough...and you will always see "whatever their colour" rise again...

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Order may be restored but there are still criminals roaming around taking advantage of the fact that there are few people on the streets, making it ideal for muggings, rip offs etc in all those side sois, a very good reason to keep the curfew on for the time being. Some of the sois around din dang are not completely safe so beware.

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You should get out more.

What will all the lovers of this administration say when Thailand does eventually hold elections and the Reds sweep to power (which is inevitable) and charge Abhisit with murder (which they inevitably will).

I suppose we'll see the airport shut down with Yellow shirted protesters until the government is declared illegitimate and either the army assumes control of Thailand or they hand it back to the Democrats.

Thailand a democracy?

Only if the Democrats win

At the last election, the PPP didn't get a majority. At many by-elections to replace banned MPs, they lost even more seats.

The reds annoyed a lot of people around the country with their violent, armed protests, including storming a hospital and killing innocent by-standers, so there are a number of areas where the reds got less than 50% of the vote that they might lose might lose in the next election.

The Democrats won't win a majority in the next election, but they will still most likely lead the next coalition government.

Edited by whybother
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after hunting people with zooms like hunting wild boars ! which reunification comes after that !!! amazing , only in thailand :)

Come on.... these people got what they deserved. Most people here will never forgive the red for what they have been doing to the country. many people up here in Isaan feel ashame to have these creatures calling themsleves Thais.


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The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

socialist drivel. every country is unequal.

the only thing that allowed the reds to rise up is a lazy and corrupt police force that didnt stop them earlier on.

Americans are scared sh!tless of the police, which prevents the insanity that happened here. Get a force of 240lbs 6'5" giants like my brother here, who is SWAT in the US, and see how many people think its ok to vandalize and terrorize a city.

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The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

I'm trying to think of a single country where a handful of elite don't rule the country. And I am an American. Please show me a country where there are actual equal rights for all, and I would gladly move there. :)

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

Were you there???

I was wednesday on Petchaburi road, they were shooting from the sidestreets with M16's to the army, trew handgrenades into 7/11 and family market after looting them.

This is no government press, this is the truth.

P.S. was never more scared in my life then wednesday afternoon/night

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Some of you MUST have a hel_l of a headache by now.....beating your head against some mad buggers wall.......

Sure, the reds represent (theoretcially) the less-fortunate sector of Thai society....and there are issues that need to be addressed....But at no point during this protest was it about those issues. To pretend otherwise is delusional. The only proof left behind of the Red's intent is a few billion baht worth of damage to public proeprty and the unemployement of the very people they proposed to protect.

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.
I don't know what you are drinking but it must be strong. I have not met 1 Thai who supports this man, I have been to Udon, Korat, Khon Kaen and Non Kai in the last 12 months and have not met this SINGLE Thai you talk about. I can say I've met hundreds and not met a supporter of the present government. Maybe this 1 you met was hiding. :)
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I love to try the drugs that Abhisit is on. It must be great stuff. The only thing Abhisit is capable of is reading prepared statements made by his boss Suthep. During the crisis we have not sen him one time on TV answering reporters questions. Too difficult, too dangerous. He and Suthep are Ernie and Bert of Sesame street.

Thailand has never had a more intelligent PM in its history and probably never will. Men with his education usually go into private business where they can quickly become millionaires. It is good for Thailand to have a man as PM who has never been a member of the Thai military, therefore did not come up through a system of corruption. One of the reasons we watched the police stand by as the Reds expanded their barricades each day, was b/c the police have always been some of the most corrupt in the world and PM Abhisit has been trying to clean up corruption in the police department. That is why when videos and Television pictures of the Reds & their supporters burning all government buildings in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Konkaen, Udon Thani (thaksin strongholds), etc. we saw the police officers just standing and watching and some were actually doing something - directing traffic, to keep some moving while the mobs continued to throw fire bombs at the already burning buildings. Until the police forces are cleaned up in Thailand the country can never have real law & order. I suppose you would like to see another policeman (like Thaksin) or a military general as PM. That has been the problem with Thailand's government in the past and it will continue if we do not have civilian PM. In Bangkok it was easy to see that the police department was still loyal to Thaksin.

Four of the five Maoist Tactics used to overthrow government's were successful or at least partially successful. Only the fifth, "win over the army" failed. Two of the UDD (Red Shirt) leaders are former members of the Communist Party of Thailand - Weng Tochirakan & Seksan Prasertkun - and were trained to use the Maoist tactics.

They are: (1). Divide your enemies; (2). Form a united front; (3) Use provocative violence; (4) Secure loyalty of people inside the ruling regime, and (5) win over the army. These are tactics that Thaksin knows well. They were used by such butches as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Lenin, Castro, Kim Il Sung, and many more of the world's foremost killers.

Propaganda should be blunt, simple, and repeated incessantly to be effective. We had hours of fiery revolutionary speeches from the stage from the Red leaders every evening for two months. Many of the peasant protestors were easily manipulated and many, if not most were brainwashed by these charlatan Red leaders. Always remember, red is the color of Communism and at least two of the Red leaders were members of the Thai Communist Party.

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Interesting he used the phrase "We belong to the same house", reflects Khun Pongpat's speech at the awards the other day. Just for once a good piece of positioning advice. Not sure terrorism charges against K. Thaksin are wise, since many countries are loath to extradite for a capital case, might be better to go for a lesser charge [penalty] of conspiracy.


good point -basically the extraditing country does not want to be seen as the 'villain' in such cases for 'allowing' the case to proceed/

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I think all the forums on here have been taken over by PAD farangs who are so threatened by the Thai poor people. White, male, hairy, big belly and no brains springs to mind!

Not keen on people having a different point of view than yours? It's called democracy, which is just the thing your Red Warriors were protesting for.

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