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Order Restored In Bangkok And Provinces: PM Abhisit

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Seeing the video news clips is quite sad.

A Thai friend has just come back to Australia with reports of 50 to 100 million baht payments each for the top red shirt leaders.

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I stand by my original comment when this all started weeks ago.... You can go on forever about the details but in the end it's just two groups of corrupt self serving leaders trying to wrestle the money and power away from each other, neither are working for the good of the masses. Pretty much the same deal in every country, always has been and probably always will be.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You should get out more.

What will all the lovers of this administration say when Thailand does eventually hold elections and the Reds sweep to power (which is inevitable) and charge Abhisit with murder (which they inevitably will).

Even if the reds were to manage a win, they cannot charge Abhisit with a crime such as you mention, because they then must also charge Thaksin and Purachai and Chaovalit et al, with the same crime for the various far more massive massacres that took place under their stewardship of the country. If they failed to do so, then there would an even greater backlash from the non-reds, and what we have witnessed this week would be little more than a beach party compared to what would follow.

Be careful what you wish for, and pray not to live in "interesting times" (old Chinese proverb and curse)


I think all the forums on here have been taken over by PAD farangs who are so threatened by the Thai poor people. White, male, hairy, big belly and no brains springs to mind!

More rubbish from xenophobic trash. Are you upset the redshirts stopped at attacking the free press, burning and arson (someone died in the Central World fire it seems) and didn't progress to the widespread lynching of anyone deemed to be not in agreement?

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

I'm trying to think of a single country where a handful of elite don't rule the country. And I am an American. Please show me a country where there are actual equal rights for all, and I would gladly move there. :)

North Korea. Everybody has the same nothing.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.
I don't know what you are drinking but it must be strong. I have not met 1 Thai who supports this man, I have been to Udon, Korat, Khon Kaen and Non Kai in the last 12 months and have not met this SINGLE Thai you talk about. I can say I've met hundreds and not met a supporter of the present government. Maybe this 1 you met was hiding. :)

Was that your visa run to Laos?

In Isaan heartlands I reckon it's about 50/50 split.

Many appreciate the actions taken by Abhisit:-

Free education

Guaranteed income for farmers

Getting loans away from loan sharks and into governmenmt banks with fair interest rates.

etc etc

Those that do not support this man probably can't read or have been bribed.

Well done PM Abhisit!

You have earned a lot of respect with your patience and perseverance in dealing with this situation.

I second that comment

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

Same in England, Same in France, same in most western countries. America too.

The problem in Thailand is that anyone whos been to university and works in an office considers themselves to be part of the elite... of course they are not

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.
I don't know what you are drinking but it must be strong. I have not met 1 Thai who supports this man, I have been to Udon, Korat, Khon Kaen and Non Kai in the last 12 months and have not met this SINGLE Thai you talk about. I can say I've met hundreds and not met a supporter of the present government. Maybe this 1 you met was hiding. :)

you need to get outside the beer bar, mate.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

You better change the way you find your friends then


All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand which at times seemed an almost impossible outcome.

With hindsight the method and tactics of controlling this bloody Anarchy was the correct way,delivered with extreme patience.

Let us now hope that the people of Thailand will recognise the strength of this man, and his leadership qualities, and

give him their full backing in restoring a broken Country to a normal workable solution,beneficial to all people.

no doubt there will be extreme difficulties on the long road ahead.

Good Luck to him it certainly will not be an easy task.

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

:) Get real man ! Our family in Oz were decidedly middle class. So what ? We managed to pull ourselves up with both parents working and us kids doing odd jobs weekends or being a runner for the milkman before school. Accept the position you were born into, nothing will change that, but just to stage revolution because others are smarter than you, shows you to be a lazy whiner !

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

Yes agree mainly with that as I am a centre left politically motivated person. I believe that people matter not money and that the Reds MUST drop k Thaksin like the dead weight he is. He represents all I loathe in this right wing world, he uses people for his own ends and is a proven crook and coward. So come on lets get going, those decent but sometimes misguided Red supporters should now positively work to form a Socialist/Liberal party of the centre left for the ordinary and majority of Thai people and stand their honourable candidates fairly and squarely at a future and I hope honestly run and monitored election here maybe later this year early next. We need some calm and healing though before any election is called and I believe Abhist the honest man who can do this if we all just listen to him. This is the only way forward for Thailand. an honest non corrupt election (no this does not have to be just a dream) certainly within 12 months maximum. Having said all that about supporting a more centre left Government here and indeed anywhere, I have a huge respect for Abhist, he comes across as a great leader who has shown restraint and humility and intelligence and who I believe genuinely wants to heal the rifts within Thailand. We must all help in in that endeavour and move this country I love forward to a new and fairer beginning. The loss of life has been very sad (with a few exceptions!) but only one man is wholly responsible for all of that and he will pay eventually, yes that evil wicked fugitive K Thaksin, I will spit on his grave as I am sure the majority of Thai people will too.

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

socialist drivel. every country is unequal.

the only thing that allowed the reds to rise up is a lazy and corrupt police force that didnt stop them earlier on.

Americans are scared sh!tless of the police, which prevents the insanity that happened here. Get a force of 240lbs 6'5" giants like my brother here, who is SWAT in the US, and see how many people think its ok to vandalize and terrorize a city.

AGREED. "every country is unequal" - YES. no society can be equal. we can work harder to close in the gap between the rich and the poor but still it'll NEVER be equal. lucky people in this country can actually protest against the government. some countries like china or north korea, you will get shot a second you raise a molotov cocktail up in the air.

so LISTEN, "violence won't make equality happen." look around, the reds themselves aren't equal. that's why thaksin, the reds spiritual leader, was shopping in paris when they were suffering on the streets.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

I probably know as many Thais who supported Abhisit before these disturbances as supported the Red shirt movement. The loss of support for Abhisit has been astonishing, and was fuelled by the sight of soldiers using civilians for target practice.

Thaksin is a figurehead, the red shirt movement would have existed with or without him.

It is Abhisit who has been damaged by this episode. Things never should have come to this. He is, after all, the Prime Minister and any politician who is forced to resort to the military in order to maintain civil order has failed in his job. In fairness, looking at Thailand's history, I don't think this country is governable.

Thaksin, Samak, Abhisit..... NEXT.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

You obviously don't know many Thais!!

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

Yes the salient point being that Toxin and his ilk are indeed at the top echelons of said wealthy elite. He indeed pocketed plenty of the people's (poor and otherwise) money and gave no heed to education or helping the rural masses learn to fish. Instead he gave them a few loaves and fishes and claimed to be their messiah. I was quite surprised they didn't have copious quantities of coolaide at the ready there in Ratchaprasong...

All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand

His refusal to call elections and his decision to bring troops into central Bangkok to confront peaceful demonstrators caused the many needless deaths and pushed Thailand into a crisis, one from which it may never recover.

We cannot blame him alone though, we must look to his deputy Suthep for his part in this and to those shadowy characters manipulating events behind the scenes.

Really? I don't think any supports the PM's actions at all. The PM's and his yellow followers are not Buddhist at all but are killers of Freedom. If this Junta government stays power they will need to change the name of the country to something other than Thailand because it will not be a free country.

And if the peaceful Red's keep burning schools within their own provinces (three NE schools as reported in the Nation just now) the country will never be educated enough to be free.

I suppose in your orbit, burning schools down is a nice quant Buddhist activity?

Really? I don't think any supports the PM's actions at all. The PM's and his yellow followers are not Buddhist at all but are killers of Freedom. If this Junta government stays power they will need to change the name of the country to something other than Thailand because it will not be a free country.


did you see those monks being arrested 2day???

All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand

His refusal to call elections and his decision to bring troops into central Bangkok to confront peaceful demonstrators caused the many needless deaths and pushed Thailand into a crisis, one from which it may never recover.

We cannot blame him alone though, we must look to his deputy Suthep for his part in this and to those shadowy characters manipulating events behind the scenes.

Apart from the elections he proposed on November 14th? Didn't fit in with everyone's (someone's) plans, did it?

All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand

His refusal to call elections and his decision to bring troops into central Bangkok to confront peaceful demonstrators caused the many needless deaths and pushed Thailand into a crisis, one from which it may never recover.

We cannot blame him alone though, we must look to his deputy Suthep for his part in this and to those shadowy characters manipulating events behind the scenes.

no no no no no. abhisit tossed the road map. it was the reds leaders who kept coming up with excuses not to cooperate. truth is they lost control over the reds' hardliners. i'm sure the majority of the reds 'meant' well, but in the end all we saw was those hardcore reds torching buildings down, shooting back at the soldiers.

by the way the reds have (or had) too many leaders. when a group has many people in charge, things are bound to go wrong.

All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand

His refusal to call elections and his decision to bring troops into central Bangkok to confront peaceful demonstrators caused the many needless deaths and pushed Thailand into a crisis, one from which it may never recover.

We cannot blame him alone though, we must look to his deputy Suthep for his part in this and to those shadowy characters manipulating events behind the scenes.

Do you live in Bangkok?

Really? I don't think any supports the PM's actions at all. The PM's and his yellow followers are not Buddhist at all but are killers of Freedom. If this Junta government stays power they will need to change the name of the country to something other than Thailand because it will not be a free country.

Nice..another newbie uninformed post!

I think all the forums on here have been taken over by PAD farangs who are so threatened by the Thai poor people. White, male, hairy, big belly and no brains springs to mind!

:D :D :D :D :D:)

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

It is normal for the blind to think the others must be blind too. Look at the latest US statement and you will know how well the world is informed about who is really the problem. Look at the last statement from France and you will know who the world really supports. Time to take off your read eye band and look at reality.

I think all the forums on here have been taken over by PAD farangs who are so threatened by the Thai poor people. White, male, hairy, big belly and no brains springs to mind!

:D :D :D :D :D:)

having no brain is eventually less dangerous than having a sick brain.

Aside that, based on your description, you don't seem to know many farangs.

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